#164 整序英作文の演習③ 4 Passオンライン英語 2022年9月21日 11:58 Passオンライン英語|定期テスト対策からTOEIC対策まで 英検1次試験、2次試験、英作文添削、英語コーチングなら「Passオンライン英語」におまかせください。東大卒、英検1級取得の pass-online-english.hp.peraichi.com ※ この記事の問題の解答は、Passオンライン英語のウェブページで公開しています。ウェブページにアクセスし、一番下からダウンロードしてね。東大や早稲田の理工を意識した、長文中での整序英作文の問題を作りました。解くには文法・語法の知識だけでなく、読解力も必要です。(20), (21), (22)When English-speaking people talk about "hot" food, are they saying the food is spicy like curry, or are they talking about its temperature, as in "hot" coffee? These two different meanings of "hot" may seem confusing to Japanese students, but(20)【 a / in / of / as / matter / fact 】(1語不要), the word is the right one for describing(21)【 how / the / spice / way / responds / body / the / to 】(1語不要)and heat. A simple explanation would go something like this: when we eat or drink,(22)【 rise / nerves / in the mouth / spicy / to / same / chemicals / both / and / in the food / a / react / to / in / the 】temperature. The English expression, therefore, reflects this fact about the human body.2004年 センター試験 本試験 の英文より作成(23), (24), (25), (26), (27)Western clothes have buttons on the right for men. This is(23)【 convenient / majority / the / men / because / most / of 】(1語不要)are right-handed. (24)【 it / them / the / of / for / hand / to / easier / right / use / is 】(1語不要)when buttoning up. Why, then, do women's clothes have buttons on the left,(25)【 most / women / of / though / even 】(1語不要)are also right-handed? Is this a kind of discrimination? In fact,(26)【 reason / for / buttons / are / why / women's / there / a / is 】(1語不要)on that side. In the past, buttons were quite expensive and only very rich people could afford them. Women in such wealthy families(27)【 them / who / had / in / dressed / servants 】(1語不要). Therefore, to make it easier for the servants, buttons were put on the left.2004年 センター試験 追試験 の英文より作成(28), (29), (30)The color purple(28)【 often / has / regarded 】(2語不足)a symbol of wealth and power, but(29)【 have / did / it / used to / the / not / produce / dye / which 】(1語不要)an elegant beginning. An ancient people living along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea first discovered how to make the dye from Murex snails*, small sea animals with hard shells. Unlike other snails, Murex snails gives off(30)【 comes / it / color / a strong-smelling liquid / that / into / to / when / changes 】(1語不要) contact with air and light. From this liquid the people produced the purple dye. If we visit the places where the dye was produced, we might still be able to see the shells of Murex snails. Let us hope we cannot smell them.Murex snail:アクキガイ2001年 センター試験 本試験 の英文より作成 ダウンロード copy いいなと思ったら応援しよう! よろしければサポートお願いします。お礼にリクエストいただいたテーマに沿って記事をお書きします。 チップで応援する #英語 #英語学習 #英語勉強 #Passオンライン英語 #整序英作文 4