#150 多義語の演習11(名詞編)
※ この記事の問題の解答は、Passオンライン英語のウェブページで公開しています。ウェブページにアクセスし、一番下からダウンロードしてね。
(1)~(10)の(a), (b)の空所の中にはそれぞれ原形が同じ英単語が入る。空所を埋めなさい。
(a) He is on night(d ), tonight.
(b) I want to do some (d )-free shopping.
(a) Paying taxes is a citizen’s(o ).
(b) I don’t have any(o )to him.
(a) You did that. You have to take(r )for it.
(b) He has a strong sense of(r ).
(a) This medicine will take(e )at once.
(b) When will this rule go into(e )?
(a) John gave(t )that Sue was with him at home all day.
(b) This is my(t )of love to you.
(a) He is doing it for(f ).
(b) Stop making(f )of your brother.
(a) He is(h )and soul into the project.
(b) He is kind at(h ).
(a) This is very important. Please keep it in(m ).
(b) The guy was blowing his(m )at that time.
(a) Do you have the August(i )of the New Yorker?
(b) Japan’s education is at(i ).
(a) We are (l )-abiding citizens.
(b) My father-in-(l ) died three years ago.
・英単語の使い方事典 名詞・形容詞編