
#162 整序英作文の演習①

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(1), (2)

Vitamin C(1)【 role / on / us / keeping / in / an / plays / important 】(1語不要)healthy. Most mammals produce it in their livers, so they never suffer from a lack of it. Curiously, however, some mammals, such as humans and apes, cannot do so. What happens when you lack this important vitamin? You might see black-and-blue marks on your skin. Your teeth could suffer, too: the pink area around them might become soft and bleed easily.  These are(2)【 eat / of / of / good / a / to / just / lot / fruit / fresh / plenty / reasons / couple 】(1語不要).

2005年度 センター試験 追試験 の英文より作成

(3), (4), (5)

The word "drug" means anything that, even in small amounts, produces changes in the body, the mind, or both. This definition, however, does not clearly(3)【 food / what / separate / we / drugs / as / think / usually 】(2語不足). The difference between a drug and a poison is also unclear. All drugs become poisons in large amounts, and many poisons are useful drugs in carefully controlled amounts. Is alcohol, for instance, a food, a drug, or a poison?(4)【 be / of / the / any / it / three / can 】, (5)【 use / how / we / are / on / depending 】(1語不要)it.

2003年度 センター試験 追試験 の英文より作成

(6), (7), (8), (9) 

Green tea has a long history in Japan and strong ties with Japanese culture. Because of this, one might think that green tea comes from(6)【 plant / which / to / unique / a 】(1語不要)Japan. However, all tea,(7)【 or / color / matter / no / its / what / whatever 】(1語不要)taste, comes from the same plant. Then(8)【 and / in / causes / taste / what / the / does / differences 】(1語不要)color? They are, in fact, the result of different(9)【 and / tea / ways / of / growing / it / the / treating / from 】(1語不要)after it is picked.

1997年 センター試験 本試験 の英文より作成

