
福島第1原子力発電所の処理水 海洋放出について(英語メモ)



今回、英語でメモを作る際に処理水のことをなんと書こうか迷って、わたしは'Treated water'と記載していますが、海外のインターネット記事では'contaminated water'や'wastewater' などの記載で、汚染水との区別もあまりされておらず、誤解が大きいように感じます。
さらにFinancial Timesの記事(reference *5)では、

The government considered several alternatives, including evaporating the water into the atmosphere or injecting it into underground reservoirs.


Environmentalists said Japan had ignored the option of storing the water indefinitely and had chosen the cheapest approach of dumping it in the ocean.

'ignore' …「他の選択肢を無視して、安上がりな方法を選んだ」というような書き方をされています。

1. What has been decided?

1-1. Outline
The Japanese government has announced to release treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean.
1-2. Method
- Diluting treated water more than 100 times (*1)
- The radiation dose per litre will be less than 1,500 becquerels ( = 1/7 of the international specification) (*1)
- WHO regulates the radiation dose level per litre as max. 10,000 becquerel for drinking water (*1)
- ‘Japan’s chosen water disposal method is both technically feasible and in line with international practice.’ (*2)
1-3. Timing
- Aiming to start in 2 years
- It will continue for 30 years (*3)
1-4. Volume (*4)


2. Supplementary Information

2-1. What is treated water?
‘Multi-nuclide Removal Facility (ALPS) is introduced to improve the treatment capacity of contaminated water. It was difficult for the existing treatment facilities to remove radioactive materials except Cesium; however, Multi-nuclide Removal Facility can remove most of the radioactive materials except Tritium’. (*5)


2-2. What is Tritium
- ‘A radioactive isotope of hydrogen and the lightest element in the periodic table’. (*5)
- ‘It is very difficult to remove tritiated water from water, as it has the same properties as water.’ (*6)
- ‘Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, the time needed for half of the initial radioactivity to decay.’ (*7)
- ‘Tritium exists naturally and is found in rain water, sea water, tap water, and inside of human body as a form of tritiated water. Tritium is ingested into the human body via drinking water and excreted from the body, and then circulates in nature as the water does. It has not been confirmed to be accumulated in humans or specific organisms.’ (*6)
- ‘Radiation can be dangerous to health but everybody is exposed to a certain amount of background radiation, with higher doses when taking a long-distance flight or receiving an X-ray.’ (*7)

3. Why do they need to release it to the ocean?

3-1. Purpose
To decommission nuclear plants, significant spaces are required to dispose of radioactive materials left in the plants.
Currently, there are more than 1,061 tanks (as of Mar 2021) for wastewater and they might hinder the decommissioning process.
Releasing wastewater to the ocean and use the tanks’ space is necessary.

3-2. Other options
Injection into the strata, storing underground, emission to the air etc (*1)
However, government and project teams concluded that diluting and releasing to the ocean is the most feasible, cheap and short time solution. (*1, *7)

4. Reaction from local communities

- Concern about damaging reputation (especially the National Federation of Fisheries co-operatives) (*8)
- TEPCO makes a statement to compensate the damage caused by this (*9)

5. Reaction from other countries (*3, *5)

- China “serious concern” about the plan, calling the decision “extremely irresponsible”.
- South Korea expressed its “strong regret”
- the US cautiously endorsed

6. Reference

*1) ‘What does releasing treated water mean? (処理水の海洋放出とは)’ By Nikkei news paper (JP)
*2) ‘IAEA Ready to Support Japan on Fukushima Water Disposal, Director General Grossi Says’ by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
*3) ‘The radiotion dose will be below international regulation (放射線量、国際基準以下に 処理水、海水で100倍以上に希釈 説明不足で迷走招く)’by Nikkei news paper (JP)
*4) ‘ALPS Treated Water Q&A’ by METI
*5) ‘Japan to release contaminated Fukushima plant water into Pacific’ by Financial Times
*6) ‘Response to the damage caused by negative reputation’ by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) (JP)
*7) ‘Contaminated Water Treatment’ by TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings)
*8) ‘Focus on getting understanding from local communities (処理水の海洋放出は地元の理解重視で)’ By Nikkei news paper (JP)
*9) ‘TEPCO – releasing treated water is subject to IAEA’s confirmation (東電、処理水の海洋放出 IAEAの確認前提に)’ By Nikkei news paper (JP)

7. Website relevant to the topics

- Portal site for decommissioning, contaminated water and treated water (廃炉・汚染水・処理水対策ポータルサイト) by METI (JP)
- Fukushima Today by METI
- Decommissioning Plan of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power by TEPCO




ぱりしゅわ 2021年4月17日 14:54 (GMT)
