Yokohama Open - Building a Better Fossil Box

Hello welcome to my report of the Yokohama Open. I had a fun time with one. One serious blunder but overall I feel better about Fossil Box. First let's get into what I ran in this event.

The main thing I've been trying to to fix with Fossil Box is Turn 1 and 2. Most lists use a basic Pokemon with an ability or utility ability like Jirachi, Mawile or Mysterious Fossils. All of these are ok but the deck needs something better and I believe I found it. Your basic of choice should be focused on one thing. Getting out of the active spot and I found two good options. They need to fit two conditions
1-Must be free retreat from the first turn
2-Must be a basic pokemon

My basic of choice is Tentacool as we can stall with Paralysis if need be and it can evolve into my little sauce Tentacruel. Tentacruel also being free retreat and doesn't have to rely on an ability.

I'm not a fan of Long Tentacle confusing but other than that this one is great. You can Double Rainbow and use Long Tentacle or Toxic with no draw backs.

The other option I debated was Latios Ex. I love this card but felt it was too risky putting this on board first turn of the game and Ex's in the Tcgone meta get targeted hard but I had thoughts of making fossils a more delta focused deck like adding the delta Aerodactyl and 4 Delta Rainbow energies. I would like to see the delta build match ups. I may try a heavy Water build of Fossil Box in the future too but I think Tentacool is the better option.
Next is the Energies. Overall the ratios work well but the only issue was Electric weak decks I had a harder time getting Delta Kanutops ready. I may swap a fighting energy for an Electric Energy or another Magneton. Such a good card in this deck.

Next the trainer line. These numbers are near perfect. We are almost there.
Let's get into the run.
Round 1: Ashley Richards - Flygon (5-3) Loss….. technically

I was 4 minutes late to the round so started with a Loss. Looking at Ashley's Decklist I think they would have had this game. Flygon is one of Fossil Boxes worst match ups. Oh well. Life be that way sometimes.
Round 2: Iquomie - The Water Rats (4-4) Loss

Ok so this was the only game I bricked. So I had all the Pokemon in hand but no supporter, no items, no stadium nothing so I had 2 Tentacool Paralyze for a turn or two and then the game and was over. I've never had that happen before with Fossil Box. It is expected to happen of course but this was the only game I had that happen. Sad as I was excited to see how this match up would go.
Round 3: Chazzzzzzzzzzz - (4-4) Loss

Ok let's get to the first real game. This game was very close. They had a slight edge at the beginning by getting a quick turn 2 Blastoise. My strategy was getting Cursed Stone with Delta Kabutops. That'll make it so I can one shot the Blastoise. I know I have to take down 2 Blastoise at least and assess from there. Chaz played the board smart too by only playing one Blastoise on board at a time so Pull Down doesn't help much in the prize race unless Pull Down gets you multiples prizes. Sadly I didn't see Delta Kabutops early enough so the early game was using the other Fossil to take down the first Blastoise. Kabutop's Extra Claws kept me in the game here. The game came down to 10 hp. My last turn my Delta Kabutops brings Blastoise Ex to 10 hp. Chaz has 1 prize cards remaining to my two prizes and that was my last shot. Both my Cursed Stones were discarded so I had no way of dealing more damage. Very close game.
Round 4: AsterSupernova (0-4 drop) Win

So for one of my first games against Gardie I was glad to see I was able to survive this one. The Gardie match up to me feels 50/50 depending on who is piloting the deck. I am curious to see how Erikreed would play the match up. The non-ex Gardie is a good card for the Fossil Box matchup since it can snipe the bench. Also Regirock ex is so annoying but with the low HP it is manageable to takedown in 2 hits.
Round 5: Evan Rice - Flygon (3-5) Win

My jaw dropped seeing that I was able to win this game. First off glad to see Evan playing. I know them more as a 2010 player but this was a fun match. Looks like a Delzoun engine for Flygon here. The Pull Down Omastar again helped. I used a couple turns to stall out Flygon by Pulling Down Vibrava two or three turns in a row to stall so I can get my energies son board. It's kinda rude to say to them in chat "Hey Flygon wins this no problem" and then to subsequently win. That was kinda rude.
Round 6: jasmineambrose (3-4-1) Loss

Another really close game. Jasmine played this game well. I believe I was behind a turn on my evolutions because they sniped an Omanyte at one point and I think that one sealed the fate as I had no other way to one shot Gardie Ex and they manual evolved so Pull Down didn't matter here. Also Scizor Ex is kinda tough for Fossil Box since it can't be two shot in most cases. Omastar seems to be the focus on the Gardie matchup. Hitting weakness and devolving stage 2 Pokemon is pretty good.
Round 7: Jonathan "JP" Paranada (2-6) Win

Ok Delta Dragonite. I have never played this match but I know a turn one Dragonite with Double Rainbow or Boost energy Deafen could be brutal. Luckily that wasn't the case here. The damage output of Dragonite Ex was just really low so it was easy to overtake this match. Needing 4 energies for Dragon Roar is a lot.
Round 8: Andreas T (3-5) Win

Fossil Box usually stomps Swampert decks. Early on they couldn't find a Water Energy and my Curse Stones stayed on the board long enough for my favorite play of the day. After Macargo, Swampert Ex and Metagross all had the Cursed Stone damage I brought out Omastar and used Pull Down going from 5 prizes remaining to 2 prizes remaining. Glad to make that one work. This Omastar is so good.
A little disappointed in my run but I know it can be improved a little more but not much more. I may research some other ways to build Fossil Box but I think this is almost as good as it can be. See you at the next tournament. Enjoy