
Collector's Den Anniversary Showdown 2025: Testing Grounds

For those of you who have read my previous articles you'll know that I have plans to organize future tournaments and this is in a sense a test tournament. Before getting into the main event let's talk about events taking place before this tournament - in 2024 I started getting more involved as a professor judging and organizing Pokemon TCG events. I'll discuss the more recent events I've helped with at the Collectors Den. 


Setting up prior to Prerelease

This was the Prerelease for the Scarlet and Violet Stellar Crown set. This would be my first Prerelease I worked at. I have played at Prerelease but never helped run it. Pretty easy to work these events. 

Hits from their initial opening (1 of 4)
Hits from initial opening (2 of 4)
Hits from initial opening (3 of 4)
Hits from initial opening (4 of 4)

Now let's get to playing the event. 

Playing between rounds (1 of 4)
Playing between rounds (2 of 4)
Playing between rounds (3 of 4)
Playing between rounds (4 of 4)

Plenty of players had fun learning and playing the cards from the newest set at the time and the BDIF of the Stellar Crown Prerelease format showed itself pretty quick in top cut. 

Top 4 playing it out
Congratulations to Mario David Garcia Nuñes for going undefeated with 4-0
Mario's winning deck list. Bouffalant and Crabominable build crushed. 

This deck seems to just have all the best staple cards for this format. The Kofu engine with Fan Rotom and Bouf. Seems to cover all of his bases. Very smart build. 


The next day we ran a small League Challenge.

David VS Richard 
Blanca VS Her Partner Mario 
Lucas Bratton (Who just competed at 2024 Worlds) VS Oliver (Beginner Trainer)
James Bratton won this League Challenge 
His deck list using Raging Bolt

This aggressive Raging Bolt deck swept this league challenge. The Pokemon Catchers here are brutal. 

These tournaments (as well as the other events I've attended and help run) were valuable for helping me become more prepared as a tournament organizer. Now that you have seen some of the previous events I helped at let's get to the main event. 

The Collectors Den Anniversary Showdown 

This event is meant to celebrate one year of this league being around and for this event we decided to run this event like a Prerelease like format so all ages of players can have a chance in the event. 

Setting up for the event. 

For this event we also got event exclusive playmats made. This was my first time ordering custom playmats and learned a lot in the process. We used the artist Bonggely and his art is just so clean. 

For the Double Rainbow Cup in 2024 they used the same artist and I fell in love with his art at first sight. 

Art commissioned from Bonggely 

Bonggelys X ⬆️

This event was a prerelease format event using a Stellar Crown Build and Battle Kit with 4 Obsidian Flame packs. I was concerned using 2 different set packs could create issue but honestly I think this creates more unique variety ONLY BECAUSE we used a house rule where you are allowed to trade with others within each others packs. Allowing trades makes this format function a lot better as more deck varieties can still be created and makes decks more consistent overall I feel. 

Rainbow Strike 🌈

This is easily the best Prerelease format deck I've ever made. Most I have made in the past did not feel fluid like this deck did. Also getting crazy luck with pulling 4 EX Pokemon. I only did one test hand and got gas. This was signs to come. 

Cards-in-the-deck breakdown:

I only didn't use Falinks (one of- they be that way sometimes out of 4 games) and the Toadscruel line and that kinda hurt my draws at times but thought it had cohesion with Joltik and Toxitricity. Having a 5th Kofu (which in Prerelease format is just crazy good. All Kofu builds need like 5-6 Kofu and then they just runs the game after that. 

Joltik was a first turn active during my second AND fourth game as a one of. That's hilarious but worked very much in my favor. The energy acceleration could overtake Kofu decks early on and they can't one shot Galvantua Ex.

Getting Bonsly was crazy. A free retreat free attacker that causes Confusion? Absolutely. Such a good card but a risky card for Prerelease format. Since 4 prizes are used it's a high risk high reward thing here because of its low HP. 

The Dashbun line was interesting. Having the basic sit on board throughout the game waiting for the right moment to use it. 

The trainers were pretty dry for my pull. All other trainers I got were just dead cards. I also used past experience to know that you should slightly heavy on energies. You can run out quick as top decking is how you're getting most of your cards (other than Kofu for me).

The Kofu engine is just so good. I'll discuss that more later. 

The Toxtricity I only used once but when I did I had almost every different type available on the bench. I was able to get every type on my bench so it was able to one shot Crabominables. 

Prior to start (1 of 3)
Prior to start (2 of 3) with special guest appearance from Alex Rafala from the Baltimore Regionals 2024 report
Prior to set up (3 of 3)

Let's get to my run 

Round 1 - Wyatt

Wyatt is one of the regulars of the Collectors Den and is a local level player. Wyatt has an interesting build with a Pancham start and a scary Stuntisk on bench. The turn one Pokemon was gas. Bonsly AND Joltik. We are cookin. Dashbun Ex I used as an attacker this game as anything 250 and 260 HP threshold is very much an uphill battle for Bouffalant and Crabominables. Veluza being able to cut through Curly Wall really shifts games in my favor. 


Round 2 - Steve 

Is a new player that just started about a month ago but already is showing plenty of promise as a player. He was unable to get more basics for the early turns after I KO 2 baby Crabominables, a scary Reversal Energy and Big Charm on Bouffalant appears. This seemed like a very fragile state as I was low on energies but Veluza saved the day here was able to take this game for us. 


Round 3 - Oliver

Oliver is one of the best Junior players that has been around the league since the beginning. Sadly I have no photos for this game as this game ended very quick. Like 2 or 3 minutes. Oliver just straight bricked against me. I played everything like normal and he just had to sit there. 


Round 4 - Richard

Richard is one of the co-owners of the collectors Den and we are the 2 undefeated so I offered a tie since we were guaranteed for top cut. He said "Nah I got this game". My man just said "So do not not spare me". Heard loud and clear. He is playing Bouffalant Ledian. I am not afraid and got a crazy good first turn hand against this deck. Joltik and 2 Veluza. Perfection. Richard is wiffing on energies after I KO the first Bouffalant. After he dealt damage with Ledian on my Veluza, I switch and Toxtricy brings the heat dealing 170 damage for 2 energies. Dashbun and another Veluza was ready to go after that. 


So we did have an error after this. After seeing out top 8 we found out 1 player was put in top 8 by mistake. Richard dropped off top cut as he owns the store and doesn't usually play top cut. He dropped and we put who we thought was 9th into that slot but that was 10th. Due to this slight error I also just dropped as I wanted other people to make top cut more than the person that organized the event. 


Alexa R vs Avery
Wyatt vs Dylan 
Oliver vs JR
Alex W vs Jay

Avery vs Alex R (Left), JR vs Oliver (Right)

Joey vs Alex W

I will not Alex W deck was crazy. One Eiscus ex with Areazero Underdepths with 8 Drifllon and Driffblim to maximize the ONE psychic energy attack for massive damage. 

Wyatt vs Dylan

2 Bouffalant decks going head to head. 

Avery vs Alex R

Ledian vs the Kofu decks are a rough match up. 

Top 4

Avery vs Dylan 
Joey vs Oliver 

Didn't get any photos of Dylan vs Avery because their set ended quick. Alex W and Oliver are brother and sister. After Joey defeated Alex he comes over to Oliver for Top 4 and goes "I beat your sister and now I'll be at you". Oliver won the set. 


Wyatt vs Oliver 

This game went 2-0 with Avery just steamrolling past Olovers Ledians and Bouffalants. This was a bad match up for Oliver. He had been playing pretty smart this event and event watching him play I have seen so much growth from him as a player. Avery's deck just went for massive consistency and to just one shot everything. 

Avery Stackhouse took down the whole event getting a medal and winner playmat. 

Also getting prize packs and the Jason Klaczynski signed Victory Medal card. 

Avery posing with dad. 

So glad so many juniors were able to make top cut and glad everyone had a fun time. We will be back again next year. We will also have Avery choose some of the Pokemon of choice and he will also be a character on the playmat. 

Me with our bracket white board at the end of the day. 

2024 was a massive year of growth for me as a player, judge and organizer. This year I'll be more focused on the RCCS but this year game me a ton of knowledge and experience to help prepare me for the RCCS. Thank you to all that came out and gave me or us a chance. Thank you. We will be back next year. 
