My Second Stambler: What a dumpster fire
This was one of the wildest tournaments I've played in in a while. I'll dive into my run. I was trash. This Stambler my goal was just to come in with Torkoal. That's it. Next time I'll try to go for the win if there is another ones of these. Here's the deck list.

I've been testing Torkoal in Camler and been trying with and without the Power Tree and playing with the energy ratios and with or without Heal Energy. I think with this deck you usually want Stantler or Numel as first turn active and not any of the others but play testing prior this deck was doing pretty well against Bombtar, Flygon, and maybe even the dreaded Fortress deck.

Noteable figures like Tord and Chuck did not play today and at one point Pooka may have played or may not have. Not sure if this was real or just trolling though.
Lets get to the games
For some reason I got two round one byes in a row. If this happens again I'll complain
R2- Evie Griffiths-Watson
Bombcatty with Electric Magneton

They just bricked and I had a good start. Nothing more complicated here. Also Cess Crystal shut them down for most of the game.
R3- Jason Klaczynski
Classic Camler

I had a bad start with little Torkoal active and was just Magma Burning at first and Jason's Numel was Kidling but we hit a stalemate pretty quick. We both stopped attacking into each other to avoid taking the first prize. I was not able to find a Numel or Unown with Cursed Stone. Jason got two Numels on board and a Camerupt came quick after. Jason was also able to Push Away 2 of my POW so that really hurt. Jason next turn was going to Push Away a THIRD POW so I took the first KO with Torkoal on Stantler. I knew early on unless I can somehow make a comeback he is just too far ahead for me. He was able to overwhelm my board quick. I tried late game to Wob my POWs back in deck but it was too little too late. I learned I need more energies. 14 or 15 will work with a mill option. 13 doesn't work. Also Fan Club here makes sense here. This game also makes me think to put a Swoop Teleporter in the deck to help with situations like this or to quickly get a Camerupt out even without Numel on board. I know I likely misplayed at a few spots here not knowing how to navigate the mirror but got good information about it.
R4- Que
Delta Tyrannitar

The 4 Windstorms was kinda killer here. That card won them the match up here. If Cess was able to stick for parts of this game this game would have swung the other way but having all the Windstorms makes total sense especially for Pigeot decks.
R5- Pedro Carrasco

Early game was a simple back and forth. Mid game heads of two Scoop Ups just swung it in their favor to just run me over. Late game 2v2 prizes I had no Camerupts or Numels and Admin just hurt. Should have played more behind.

R6- Roshisan15

Seems like a pretty consistent deck. I like that. This is a game of playing from behind. I think I just misplayed this unique match up.
R7- Dropped by accident whoops
I honestly forgot at the beginning they said seven rounds not six so I walked away and didn't play 😭 I'm here to get in as many games as possible even if I'm doing bad so that was a bummer on my part
Not a good run at all but still always love seeing the deck concepts. One notable moment from the event was Hopkins vs Erik Reed as this may be one of if not the most grindy RSPK matchup. Ratlock vs Ratlock. The horror.

To summarize TCGone had some maintenance going on and caused a reset on the server and made their game incomplete and the tournament can't proceed with another Ratlock mirror. It'll take too long. Sadly because ties carry no weight they had to just flip a coin.
Congrats to all that won. Glad to see Ratlock got top 8 and Que getting Top 4 with that list is no surprise at all to me. See y'all at the next one.