ヨハネの黙示録と666についての解説 (Revelation And 666 Explained)


Revelation And 666 Explained(「カバラを暴露する」より)

by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666




ユダヤ人は、新約聖書がゴイムの原稿であることを理由に、嫌いなふりをしています。しかし、誰がこれらを書いたのでしょうか?これらを書き、これらの著作物を作ったのはユダヤ人でした。しかし、黙示録は本質的には、ユダヤ人が信じている「ティクン・ハ・オラム(Tikkun Ha-Olam)」、また「大浄化(Great Cleaning)」や「大粛清(Great Purge)」、「世界の矯正(world refrection)」であり、この惑星である地球上から、全てのゴイムを一掃することと関係しています。これを新約聖書として渡すのは、ゴイムが疑問を抱かないようにする為に必要なことなのです。考えてみて下さい、あなたが洗脳しようと努めている敵に、精神文明の真の教義を与えることは出来ません。

「存在のより暗くて邪悪な要素」、サタンと神々、つまり、シトラ・アクラに対するユダヤ人の「魂」の究極の最終支配、それが「ティクン・ハ・オラム(Tikkun Ha-Olam)」の最終目的です。シトラ・アクラには、下に現れるもの(ゴイムの国々、つまり白人とその他全ての異邦人)と上に現れるもの(我々の異教徒の神々)があります。ユダヤ人が「メシアのプロセス」と呼ぶものを促進するためには、上と下の両方と戦う必要があります。

これは物理的な領域では、ユダヤ人が白人国家を一掃し、個々の国家と人種を無効にし、ユダヤ人のためのゴイム農園として地球を支配する、彼らの終局の指導者の出現として解釈されます。 それはユダヤ人が究極のパワーを得ることです。これが彼らの「約束された世界」です。ユダヤ教の聖書の最後の本である「預言書」では、この目的が最終的に達成されることが語られています。




預言書の中の「獣」という言葉に注目すると、それは「テリオン」を意味します。これは実際には、野生動物を意味する言葉ですが、偉大な野生動物、非常に強力であり、巨大な力を持つ動物です。これはユダヤ人の汚名で、異教徒の神であるサタンのことです。つまり、サタンは自分の子孫に「印」をつけて、自分の子孫であることを示すのです。ユダヤ人はこれを「獣の印」、別名「ゴイムの家畜の印」と言う軽蔑的な名前で呼んでいます。ユダヤ人は異邦人をどのように呼ぶのか... 駄獣、家畜、ゴイムです。この印の本当の意味は、「真のユダヤ人」と対照的な異教徒です。以上の事から浮かび上がるのは、サタンは、ユダヤ人が気に入らない何かで人々に印をつけ、ユダヤ人は汚らわしい名前によって冒涜するということです。

サタンが世界を引き継ぐ時、人類の頂点に立つ全ての人に、666が印として与えられます。実際にはΧΞΣで、聖書により禁じられた科学であるギリシャ数秘術で666と訳されています。666が実際に意味するのは、よく知られているようにソーラーパワーですが、この数は完璧さとダイアモンドボディの数であり、それはレインボーボディへの変容です。これは、聖杯と不死の数字です。「売買(buying and selling)」というのは、魂のマイナス極とプラス極のエネルギーの移動に関係しています。これは、この時点で、魂に不完全なものは、もう存在しないことを示しています。それは完全に消し去られます。









さて、これらのことは、全て多くのレベルで反映されているので、上記は寓話的でもあります。物質的なレベルでの上記の消滅は、非ユダヤ人の民族、国家、主権の消滅に相当します。ユダヤ人は、メシアの時代には、イスラエルの12部族が、基本的に世界の他の部族に取って代わると言っています。これは冗談ではなく、ラビはこのことをよく知っています。「ティクン・ハ・オラム(Tikkun Ha Olam)」、つまり「世界の是正(Rectification of the World)」は絶滅を扱うものです。


これを知っていて下さい... ユダヤ人の目的は、あなたを絶滅させることです。それは自身で認めていることであり、誰もそれを彼らに負わせることはしないし、そんな大胆なことはしないでしょう。しかし卑怯なユダヤ人は、これを実行する大胆さを持っていましたし、それだけでなく、預言として異教徒の前でそれを披露しました。ヒトラーが述べているように、嘘が大きく、とんでもないものであればあるほど、それを信じる人が出てきます。ユダヤ人の嘘はとんでもないので、人々はそれを信じますが、だからと言ってそれらは真実ではありません。


by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

翻訳元:Revelation And 666 Explained  フォーラム


Many of you are familiar with this so called "Prophetic" book named the Revelation. This book is just the strongest subliminal of the bible, the climax of all other subliminals. As such this book has gained much attention and speculation from people who cannot understand it's meaning and assume it's the 'word of god'.

Unlike many dumb Gentiles who consider that the "Pagan" religions were somehow "Different" and try to individualize them, even when it's so evident they are the same blueprint all over and over again, expressing the Pagan, or as admitted by top Rabbis...Satanic Soul...

The jews don't have such qualms, they put us all in the same category and as one force, as Satanic, as they know, we always were the same forces wearing different masks throughout the eras. And indeed we never tried to hide it either, we are boasting about it and the good things we have done for mankind.

Jews pretend they don't like the New Testament as these are Goyim manuscripts. But guess who wrote these, jews wrote these and created these writings. But the Revelation is essentially what the jews believe as the Tikkun Ha-Olam, or the "Great Cleansing" or the "Great Purge" and world rectification, which has to do with the wiping out of all the Goyim from the face of the planet. Handing this as the New Testament is necessary so the Goyim will not start questions, you cannot really give them the true teachings of your culture, since they are your enemies and you seek to brainwash them.

The ultimate final rule of the Jewish "Soul" over the "darker and evil elements of existence", Satan and the Gods, or in other words, the Sitra Archa. Which is the final objective of the Tikkun Ha-Olam. The Sitra Archa has a manifestation below (The Goyim Nations aka White people and all other Gentiles) and the a manifestation above (Our Pagan Gods). Both need to be fought above and below to facilitate what the jews call as the 'messianic process'.

This in the physical realm the jews translate as the wiping out of the White Nations, the nullifications of the individual Nations and Races, and the emergence of some ultimate leader of theirs that will rule the earth as a goyim plantation for the jews, giving them ultimate power. This is their 'promised world'. The Revelation, the last book of the jewish bible, talks of this objective being coming to finalization.

Now why the jews don't accept this is because it's "prophecy". Christian prophecy is not prophetic at all, as none of these beings have any such experiences, and it deals with implanting things in the subjects brain, and not true prophetic ability. So the jews are pretty clear here, don't smoke the shit you sell to the goyim. Leave it to be snorted by the goyim instead and be jewish. This is because the jews understand it's just nonsense and it's not worthwhile of any attention.

However when you look at Hollywood and the promotion of Rabbi Yeshua or Jesus Christ, in every script, you understand, the upholding of this lie for the Goyim is of fundamental importance. If the goyim needs to believe that the jews are evil and they hate christ, so be it - no sacrifice is too great to maintain the goyim trapped in the hoax of rabbi christ. The jews have suffered to keep this spell and meme going and to present themselves as the so called enemies of a juxtapose their own race created. To play every goyim trapped in the middle. In the end, as Marcus Eli Ravage admits, this sacrifice was very worth it.

Many people read the english texts (Which have been corrupted to hide words) in the bible. English people tend to forget there are other languages in which these texts are written. Compared to which the English bible is just a fairytale. This is especially true in regards to the new testament. Which in Greek has a different meaning. The Old Testament is in hebrew and part of being a rabbi is analysis and knowledge of the hidden messages of such, which can be understood by knowledge of ancient hebrew.

If you pay attention to the Beast word in revelation, it means Therion. Which is actually the word for Wild Animal, but a great wild animal, a very powerful one, a mega-powerful animal. Which is actually a jewish slur for Satan, the God of the Goyim. So Satan marks his own people with a "mark", to mark them as his own. The jews call this the degoratory name of the "Mark of the Beast" aka the Mark of the Goyim Cattle. How do the jews call the Gentiles...The beasts of the burden, the cattle and the Goyim. What does this mark really mean, the Goyim in contrast to the 'true jews'. What remains out of the above is that Satan marks people with something the jews don't like, and the jews blaspheme with a disgusting name.

When Satan takes over the world, the 666 is given to Humanity as a mark, for everyone on top of humanity. Actually its ΧΞΣ, which is erm, translated in Greek Numerology, a forbidden science according to the bible, to 666. What the 666 really means however is the Solar Power and as it's well known this number is a number of perfection and the diamond body, and it's transformation to the rainbow body. This is the number of the grail and immortality. The thing about 'buying and selling' has to do with the transferring of energies on the negative and positive pole on the soul. This shows that at this point nothing imperfect exists in the soul anymore. It is blotted out.

The beast arises with 7 heads and 10 horns. It arises from the Seas, which is the typical ascendance of the Serpent, it rises from the seas. And it has 7 heads with crowns, the Chakras, and the 10 horns are basically the apexes of these chakras including the two sets which are apexes, the shoulders, the hips, and the temple chakras (2 in 1), numbering 10.

The beast is the Soul of the "Goyim" or the "Therion". Which is the Gentile Soul. However it's not the soul only that has power, but it the power is given by the "Dragon". Which is Satan and the Serpent, and without which, the Soul is powerless. After Satan shows up, the whole world bends a knee, but this is except of a thing, it's also an occultistic thing. This means that every part of the Soul is brought to perfection, and what is impure, is destroyed. Which is the point of the Magnum Opus.

After this a second beast comes out which is the second one, and this also gains power from the Dragon. But this beast has power over the material, which is symbolic of the ascension while one is still alive. And physical immortality. As thus it makes humans worship it akin to a king.

What this story really is about for those who know how to read this, is about the war of two types of Souls, namely, the Satanic one and the Jewish one, for domination of the planet and the world, heavens and earth.

Jews whine that the guys who have this 666 will openly oppose the jewish agenda and fight with them. And they cry in this book that one day they will replace all of them, the lamb will replace the ram, the 10 crowns will be replaced by the saints, the leader of it all (Satan) will be replaced by Rabbi Jesus who even tries to steal Satan's title as the Morning Star, while the "Whore" that keeps the Cup of "Fornication" (aka immortality) for the "Goyim" to drink, she will be destroyed too. And they also say they desire to take the world for their own. So all in all we have a wet dream as always.

People like the Romans, the jew considered them 666. The word Latinos which means Latin, and it meant back then Romans (Whites) is actually a word that also adds up to 666 same as many other words. Earlier Romans were at war with the jewish cultists of christianity.

So they wrote on these books to complain that these goddamn guys had a thing about them and that was the problem, they were 666. Napoleon and others such as Wilhelm II of Prussia, and of course, Hitler, were all called the Anti-Christs, in the case of Wilhelm his name adds up to 666 literally. Because they were up there spiritually, and because they were 666 (Satanic Souls) and Gentiles, non-jews, who have had power. To the jews this is evil for the Goyim to self-govern themselves.

So their admitted objective is to overthrow the spiritual system, the Demons, and all that we stand about, and replace it with themselves. As such the bizarre mentions in the Revelation about how "Angels will replace the Demons", "Jesus will replace Satan", and the "Saints will replace the Kings" etc, or that the "Lamb will replace the Dragon". This is in particular self evident. The Demons, the Kings, the Dragon etc, are all symbols for the Gentile Soul. While all the other crap are symbols of jewish creation.

Now the above is also allegorical as all of these things are reflected in many levels. The extinction of the above, in the material level, equals to the extinction of races, states and principalities of the non-jews. The jews say that the 12 tribes of Israel will replace basically the other tribes of the world in the Messianic Era. This is not some sort of joke, the rabbis know this all too well. Tikkun Ha Olam or "Rectification of the World" deals with extermination.

The astral assaults they carry on humanity manifest in wars, race mixing, and other such perils which destroy their enemies, such as hunger, impoverishment etc. These are backed up by physical actions from those physical orders that believe in these "Messianic Dreams" and carry on the objective to enslave and destroy the Gentiles.

Know this...The objective of the jews is to wipe you out. It's self admitted, nobody pinned it to them, and nobody would have the audacity to do so. The coward jews had the audacity to do this, and not only this, but expose it in the face of the goyim as prophecy. As Hitler stated, the biggest the lies and the more outrageous, the more likely they are to find people to believe them. The lies of the jews are outrageous, and people believe them, but that doesn't make them true.

In the same way, it will never make them victorious, as it never made them TRUE...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
