サタンとマグナム・オパス (Satan And The Magnum Opus)


Satan And The Magnum Opus(フォーラムより)

投稿 by Mageson666 » Wed Aug 22, 2018


「山羊座は、ワークの最初から最後までを包括していた。山羊座は一年の最初のサインであり、山羊座から山羊座への移動は、偉大な仕事を成し遂げることが出来る、錬金術的に象徴的な一年を包括するものであった。」 [1]



〈 ↓ 笹島焼 マカラ文角鉢 江戸時代 19世紀 〉





サタンは霊的な錬金術の神であり、彼の祝日であるユールは、肉体という粗雑な物質が、天の純粋な光であるスピリチュアルボディに変容されるプロセス全体を、サタンが支配していることに関連しています。ヒンドゥー教や、西洋の錬金術のテキストが述べているように。敵は、上昇した人間の種族を、決して支配することが出来ないことを知っています。彼らは常に、オカルト支配のプログラムである聖書の中で、この事実について自分たちに警告をしています。これがこの知識を除去することが、常に敵のプログラムの最優先事項である理由です。 サタンは、人類がこの知識を持って上昇することを望んでいます。

[1]  「The Complete Idiots' Guide To Alchemy」Dennis William Hauck 
  「The Alchemical Body, White」


翻訳元:Satan And The Magnum Opus


Satan And The Magnum Opus
Post by Mageson666 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:57 am

Satan And The Magnum Opus

Capricorn which relates to Yule the most important spiritual celebration in the ancient world such as Saturnalia:

"Capricorn encompassed the entire work from beginning to end. Capricorn is the first sign of the year, and movement from Capricorn to Capricorn encompassed the one symbolic alchemical year in which the Great Work could be accomplished."[1]

The birth of the sun is at this point at Yule when we enter into the light part of the year. Saturn rules this sign. Saturn is the first and last planet on the rung of alchemical transformation of the soul. The last and highest octave of Saturn is when the physical body ruled by Saturn is transformed into the spiritual body the Light Body with the finishing of the Magnum Opus. The Goat the symbol of earth and the Fish rules the symbol of spirit. The Goatfish the symbol of Capricorn the sign of Enki in Sumeria and Shiva, the same God in Hinduism where Capricorn is called the Makara. Is the symbol of the union of spiritual and material body into the Light Body and physical immortality.

Enki, Satan is a water God, the waters of life in Sumeria and as Shiva also rules the sacred waters in Hinduism and the serpent. This is because in ancient Alchemy the heating up of the body with Agni [the secret inner fire in alchemy the serpent energy] releases the sacred waters that create the earth the symbol of the new body. The new immortal and celestial Light Body in Hindu Alchemy. All the Alchemical operations are down to the interaction of water and fire and the related elements they rule that of air and earth.

Satan's full title in Sanskrit is SaTaNaMa the highest name of God which rules the five elements which are key to alchemical transformation of the soul into the Light Body. Shiva is the union of both Agni and Soma in Hinduism which rules all five elements.

Satan is the God of spiritual alchemy and His holiday of Yule is related to the fact Satan rules over the entire process of the transmutation of the gross matter of the physical body to the celestial, spiritual body of pure light. As the Hindu and Western Alchemical texts state. The enemy knows they can never rule over a race of ascended Humans. They constantly warn their own about this fact in their program of occult control the Bible. This is why the removal of this knowledge is always the first priority of the enemy programs. Satan wants humanity to have this knowledge and ascend.

The Complete Idiots' Guide To Alchemy, Hauck [1]
The Alchemical Body, White
