BBC英語ニュースmemo | トランプ米前大統領、NATO加盟国攻撃をロシアに「促す」……在任中の発言に批判 軍事費負担めぐり
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ bloc | 国家間の圏(域)、政治家(団体)の緩やかな連合
英英辞書だとこんな感じ: "a group of countries or people that have similar goals and work together to achieve them." ブロックは元々は政治的な意味合いが強い言葉。
The Republican said he had told allies he would "encourage" Russia to attack any Nato member that failed to meet the alliance's target of 2% of their GDP.
Members of Nato commit to defend any nation in the bloc that gets attacked.
■ issue a rebuke | 非難する、叱責する
He said the leader had asked if the US would come to his country's aid in that scenario, which prompted him to issue a rebuke.
"I said: 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?'... 'No I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them to do whatever they want. You gotta pay.'"
これに対して自分は、「払ってない? ちゃんと払ってない? だったらうちはおたくを守らない。むしろ、(ロシアに)好きにするよう促す。払わないとだめだ」と答えたのだと、前大統領は聴衆に話した。
■ defence expenditure | 防衛費
At over 3.9% of its annual GDP, Poland spends even more than the US. Romania, Hungary, Finland and the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia range between 2.3 and 2.7% for defence expenditure.