
【Matsudo was both my home & inspiration】LONGSTAY Program 2015 + Comeback 2019|Vasco Mourao

PARADISE AIR got a message in the 2019 yearbook from Vasco Mourao, a Portuguese artist who has spent time at PARADISE AIR through two programs;
LONGSTAY Program 2015
SHORTSTAY Program 2019
Thank you again Vasco for your feedback!

Artist Profile

Back in Paradise

Past Experience

During the LONGSTAY Program 2015 it was the first time I’ve created an artwork based in a city while living in it. Matsudo was both my home & inspiration for 3 months.
It was such a pivotal moment in my artistic practice that since then I keep exploring this process in other cities around the world.

And 3 years later (!!!) I had the opportunity to return to Japan by myself and asked the PARADISE AIR team if I could stay again in Matsudo.
I was eager to once more explore, draw and live in a Japanese urban setting.
To create a series of artworks that speak directly from my daily experience of a specific place.

Second Time

Coming back to Matsudo was truly great.
Being my second time, it was easy for me to find my way and work independently, knowing that the PARADISE AIR team was one text message away if anything came up.
So all I had to do was to concentrate, set up a nice work routine and draw.

Equally important is that now I have in Matsudo a group of friends and fellow artists that I enjoy being with, some favorite places to eat or drink and know the city well enough to have a pleasant everyday life.
All of this makes me feel part of the community, making my second stay in PARADISE AIR even more special.


I really consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to return and maintain my relationship with PARADISE AIR and Matsudo.
For my line of work, the Japanese urban landscape is infinitely inspiring, so the opportunity to go back to Matsudo was a precious thing.

At the end of my stay, I exhibited my work at the Almost Perfect Gallery in Tokyo.
That wouldn't be possible without the PARADISE AIR support for my stay in Matsudo.

PARADISE AIR was already a special place for me personally and my artistic career but now it feels like a second home and that is just amazing!

Can I go back again? 🙂

Thank you all,
Vasco Mourao

(Photo by Hajime Kato, 2015)

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