しかし、この資産基準はこれまで一度もインフレ調整されたことがないと、Electronic Payments Coalitionは指摘している。銀行とカード・ネットワークが加盟する同団体によると、2011年のドル換算で、現在の資産上限は77億ドルに該当すると指摘。
Banks are hitting back at retailers over which side is being harmed by inflation — part of their long-running fight about the future of interchange fees.
Under the Durbin amendment, which was part of the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, banks and credit unions with less than $10 billion of assets are exempt from a cap on debit-card interchange fees.
But that asset threshold has never been adjusted for inflation, the Electronic Payments Coalition noted this week. Based on 2011 dollars, the current cutoff is now $7.7 billion, according to the group, whose members include both banks and card networks.