英検1級スピーチ原稿メモ集① 67個中33個
1 Should Japan make more efforts to achieve gender equality?
1. There is a big gap in salaries. Women get 30% fewer salaries than men. This is because women tend to work part-time. It is difficult for them to find a full-time position.
2. Most men don’t take paternity leave. The percentage of men who take paternity leave is about 5 % while 80% of female workers take it. This reflects the stereotype that people have about gender roles.
2 Is agriculture becoming too industrialized?
1. The advancement is necessary to cope with food shortage. The world population will be 10 billion by 2050. Demand for food production will continue to increase.
2. Industrialized agriculture helps decrease the burden on farmers. Due to the introduction of farming machinery, farming became much easier. Also, genetic engineering technology allows farmers to grow crops that are stronger to severe weather conditions.
3 Advertising has a negative influence on society.
1 It can boost the economy. Advertising urges people to buy the product. Without advertisements, people will spend less money.
2 It can create job opportunities. Producing advertisements requires a lot of experts such as graphic designers, models, photographers and promoters.
4 Is accepting immigrants a solution to an aging society issue?
In short term, it could be a solution, but I don’t believe that it would be beneficial for us in the long run.
1 Standard salary will decrease and it will undermine the economy. People will become poorer and the birthrate will decline, which worsens the aging problems.
2 Quality of education will deteriorate. There will be more language barriers. Teaching will be more difficult. As a result, productivity will fall with less competent workers in the labor market.
5 Can technology solve the issue of global warming?
It is true that technological advancement is essential for solving global warming problems. However, I don’t think it can solve the problem completely.
1 It is also necessary to raise people’s awareness about the matter. Human activities like driving cars contribute largely to global warming. Even with advanced technology, if people’s attitude toward the environment doesn’t change, things will never improve.
2 Human activities are not the only cause of global warming. In earth’s history, there were repetitive cycles of warming and cooling. We cannot prevent global warming completely.
6 Should the government provide funding to young people who start their own businesses?
1 Having more entrepreneurs is good for the countries’ economies. Especially, now, many people lost their job because of the Covid-19 pandemic. If starting a business can be their option, they will have more chances to earn money. As a result, it will boost the economy.
2 Starting a business often costs a lot of money. So, ordinary young people don’t think of venturing business. They think it is too risky. However, if there is financial support, it’ll be a much easier option. With that money, they can rent an office, hire staff and purchase office supplies.
7 Is reducing poverty the best way to tackle crime?
1 Poverty is one of the root causes of crimes. People in dire poverty tend to commit a crime to live. If they have financial support, they can have more stable lives and there will be no reason to commit a crime.
2 People can get better education. People cannot go to school because of poverty. If poverty is eliminated, people will be more educated. Educated people know better than committing a crime. They are prudent enough to think twice before doing something bad.
8 Should more be done to rehabilitate criminals?
1 Criminals need to learn how to control their emotions. For example, they need to be given chances to get mental health counseling. Many criminals commit crimes impulsively.
2 They need to get more ready to work outside the prison. For example, they can get ready by acquiring work-related skills, and how to write a resume. If they can get a more stable job, they will be less likely to commit a crime again.
9 Should capital punishment be abolished?
1 It can be a deterrence against serious crimes. Even criminals think twice before committing crimes. They may commit theft but try not to commit murder because they don’t want to be subject to capital punishment.
2 Existence of capital punishment can alleviate victims’ family’s mental distress. They cannot stand if the criminal enjoys their life in prison. Criminals may not apologize to them. The saying, “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” applies here. Death can only be compensated by death.
10 Do nuclear weapons make the world less secure?
1 They can be deterrence against serious wars. No world war has happened after world war Ⅱ. Powerful countries like the U.S. and Russia have nuclear weapons, which gives a threat to other countries.
2 Technology that is used in the weapon can be utilized to enrich people’s lives. If there is an advance in nuclear weapons, it may have a good effect on the development of nuclear power.
11 Should there be any regulations on alcohol?
1 Alcohol is an addictive substance. Many people suffer from alcohol addiction and it ruins a person’s life. Some people even lose their jobs because of alcohol addiction, They are facing financial problems.
2 Because of alcohol, the number of fatal car accidents increases. The rate of fatal accidents is much higher when people are drunk. There should be stricter regulations on alcohol to save lives.
12 Should job promotion be based on employees’ performance rather than their age?
1 If employees will be promoted based on their performances, it would be a great motivation for them to work harder. Under the seniority system, younger employees find that they get less salary than older employees even if they work harder. They will think it is unfair.
2 Younger generations are often better at technologies and are more creative than older generations. Old people sometimes lack creativity and don’t want changes to happen. Companies should evaluate young people’s ability to have innovative ideas if they want to take initiative in the business.
13 Agree or disagree : Changing jobs is beneficial for workers.
1 Changing jobs gives workers chances to acquire different kinds of skills and responsibilities. Thus, it enhances their abilities and they could have career development.
2 Workers can experience various working conditions. They should be given chances to compare work environments. If someone works for a so-called black company, the person cannot realize that the working condition is bad there. These kinds of companies are now prevalent, so in order to avoid being overexploited, they should change jobs.
14 Agree or disagree : Science is more important than art.
1 Art can help people relieve their stress. For example, playing a musical instrument or drawing a picture helps people forget about their busy day. With art, people can forget about their worries and their mental state will be more stable.
2 Art can enhance people’s creativity. If there isn’t any art, people will become less creative and cannot think of new ideas. Thus, people cannot develop technology without art. For example, children learn to be creative by playing Origami, the art of folding paper.
15 Will financial inequality be inevitable in the future?
1 As countries’ economies grow, there is always competition. Some people will become losers of that competition and they become poor. That cannot be avoided. Competition is essential for the economy to grow, which will lead to a larger financial gap among people.
2 People cannot evade the vicious cycle of poverty. Poor parents cannot send their children to school and then their children cannot get better-paying jobs because of a lack of skills. On the other hand, rich people invest a lot of money in their children’s education.
The gap will become much bigger.
16 Can the consumption of meat be ethically justified?
1 Even in a natural environment, animals struggle to survive. They eat other animals to live. Humans are not exceptional. We eat animals to survive.
2 Meat is an essential source of nutrients. We can take protein, some kind of vitamin and iron. Some people say that we can take some nutrients by eating vegetables but the quality is different.
17 Should factory farming be banned?
1 Livestock raised in factories is often given antibiotics to prevent diseases. So, they are not natural. Artificial substances will affect human health. Also, the use of antibiotics increases the risk of pandemics. Some bacteria will be resistant to these antibiotics.
2 It is inhumane. Animals are confined into a small space and robbed of freedom. Parts of their bodies are cut off so that people can make it easier to raise them. For example, the top of the beaks of chickens is often cut. It is just cruel.
18 Are the threats to society posed by the Internet being taken seriously enough?
1 People upload their photographs without thinking of the risk. The photographs may be used by criminals without permission. People should be more aware of the issue of privacy.
2 Children are not taught enough about the risks of using the internet. Every year, young children are involved in crimes because of the use of the Internet. For example, on SNS, young girls are being targeted by criminals. Child molesters try to find children who seem to be easily deceived.
19 Is world peace an achievable goal in the modern world?
1 Powerful countries such as US and Russia don’t really consider other countries. They seem to be seeking only their benefit. For example, there is a treaty with which the UN is trying to ban the use of nuclear weapons but US didn’t join.
2 We are all suffering from different social problems around the world. There are too many problems to tackle, such as poverty, famine natural disasters and terrorism. These are all the root causes of conflict. Politically and economically, and in terms of religion, we do always have conflict.
20 Do the advantages of ecotourism outweigh the disadvantages?
1 Ecotourism actually gives damage to the environment. It is reported that garbage is left after tourists visit the area. It directly harms the environment. Also, hotels are built to accommodate the tourists. This affects the habitats of animals.
2 There is a possibility that alien species are brought to the area. For example, tourists may bring alien insects or plant seeds without noticing them. It will lead to the destruction of ecosystem.
21 Will societies with low birth rates face a crisis in the future?
1 If the birthrate decreases, society will face an economic recession. This is because there will be fewer workers, who support the country’s economy. Also, innovations will be more difficult to happen with fewer younger workers.
2 The percentage of elderly people will increase, and it means a heavy burden will be posed on younger generations. They will even have to work overtime regularly because of labor shortages. As a result, some workers will be less healthy.
(3 Welfare system will collapse. Without a financial source, the pension system will not work anymore in the future. )
22 Should advertising for harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco be more heavily restricted?
1 Children are highly impressionable and susceptible to this advertising. Advertisements can instill them a positive image of these substances. If they think that alcohol or tobacco is attractive, they will try it before they get matured.
2 These substances have a negative effect on people’s health and safety. Facial car accidents more frequently when the driver is drunk. Also, a smoking habit is one of the main causes of cancer.
Citizens can benefit from a stricter restriction on advertising for these things.
23 Is maintaining public safety more important than respecting citizens’ privacy?
1 By limiting the privacy of some people, the government or law enforcement can prevent crimes. For example, if they are allowed to censor information on the Internet, they can find groups planning to commit a crime.
2 Abilities to access the internet anonymously should be limited more strictly. If people can hide their identity online, it is beneficial for criminals. It will reduce privacy but people’s lives will be safer.
24 Should there be restrictions to freedom of speech in some cases?
1 Speech that directly harms other people should be restricted. For example, many people commit suicide because they received slander online. Words can be just as harmful as violence.
2 The government should not allow people to spread racist ideas in public places. It will spread hate against certain groups of people. This will lead to inhumane events like genocide.
25 Agree or disagree: Gene-edited babies are ethically acceptable.
Genetically modified plants and animals are already common. It is time to try it on human beings.
1 People can become healthier. They will become stronger to viruses or will be less likely to suffer from fatal diseases like cancer. They don’t have to worry about their health anymore and enjoy their life more.
2 Productivity of the country will increase. People will be more intelligent and will be more likely to develop new technologies.
I think the only ethical problem is whether to accept a fully cloned person or not. Editing genes partly is nothing problematic.
26 Will the gap between men and women inevitably increase in today’s globalized world?
The gap is decreasing now because we can make a comparison with other countries’ cases
1. The gap is decreasing at offices. More women are engaged in managerial positions and counties and companies are encouraging it. The gap in salary between women and men is decreasing, too.
2. More people are aware of that issue now and they are trying to change their thought about gender roles. In the past, housework was considered to be women’s work, but now more men realize that they should care about housework more. The same thing can be said about childrearing.
27 Will telework become the new normal in the future?
There are some advantages to telework.
1. It releases the stress of workers. For example, workers don’t have to commute on a crowded train and they don’t have to wear suits. Wearing suits on a hot day is very uncomfortable. But if they work at home, they can wear casual clothes and feel relaxed. Thus, workers will become more creative and productive.
2. Telework can help companies reduce operating costs. For example, they can cut costs for transportation fees and the rent for the office. The average annual transportation fee per person is about 180 thousand yen. If a company has 100 employees and cuts their transportation fee, it can increase their profit greatly.
28 Agree or disagree : It is too late to prevent climate change.
There are already some preventive measures that many countries are taking. They are collaborating with each other.
1. Tree planting is being implemented worldwide. Forest areas are expanding in China, India and Vietnam. Trees absorb CO2, which can prevent global warming.
2. The world is becoming less independent of fossil fuels. Some countries including the UK and Germany have decided to ban the usage of coal. Also, power industries are shifting toward clean energy such as hydropower, solar, wind and geothermal power. The trend will continue and it will contribute to the elimination of carbon emission.
29 Agree or disagree : Japan’s population decline will cause a national crisis.
1. Japan is facing a labor shortage and it will become more serious in the future. The lack of manpower makes it difficult for companies to make innovations. Japan will be less competitive globally and the country will become poorer.
2. Social welfare systems like the pension system will collapse because no one will support elderly people. Also, nursing care will not work well as the number of caregivers will decrease. There will be many elderly people who cannot receive proper care.
※The inverted pyramid age structure will have a detrimental effect on society.
30 Does mass media impact society in a positive way?
1. The mass media news is always biased. They tend to broadcast what is favorable to the sponsors. For example, last August, there was a terrible landslide in Shizuoka prefecture, and the cause of it is said to be the construction of solar power panels. However, mass media didn’t broadcast about it because it may disturb their sponsors. Mass media try to manipulate public opinions.
2. Mass media exaggerates negative news. They do so to draw public attention and make a profit. For example, about the marriage of Princess Mako, the media focused too much on the negative side of her fiancée. She and her family must have been hurt by that coverage.
3. Also, mass media promotes violence and immorality. TV programs are showing violence and immorality and it greatly influences the children because they are vulnerable.
31Agree or disagree : the digital divide is problematic in Japanese society.
1. People who don’t have access to the Internet have to make extra effort to do things.
For example, this year, people had to make a reservation for vaccination and most people did it online. However, elderly people who cannot use the internet had to call the city office and had to wait for long like a whole day because the line was too busy. It was very inconvenient for them.
2. Online chat services are now very common. So, if people cannot use these services, they may be socially isolated. These days, many gatherings are held online. People who cannot attend online meetings will be shut out from the community.
32 Agree or disagree: Japanese people lost their sense of religion.
Although some people argue that Japanese people don’t have a religious belief, I think Japanese people still have their sense of religion.
1 Most people go to shrines before and after important occasions such as entrance examination and having a baby. They pray for their safety or success and buy some lucky charms. This shows that people somehow believe in Shintoism.
2 Japanese people’s behavior is greatly affected by Confucianism.
People are taught to respect their seniors and to be modest rather than too confident.
At schools, there is a common subject called morals and a lot of mottoes taught in the subject come from Confucianism.
33 Should advertisements for younger generations be regulated?
1 Younger generation is susceptible to advertisements. They may easily believe the advertisement. If they see a persuasive advertisement which promotes a toy, they will be obsessed with the idea of buying one and won’t listen to their parents.
2 Advertisements for children should be free from any violent and immoral things. It is true that all advertisements should not include these things but they should be regulated more strictly if it is aimed at children. This is because children cannot make a good judgment by themselves. They are still developing so they don’t have critical thinking abilities. An adult knows that advertisements sometimes include some exaggerations but children just believe what they see or hear.