What I experienced at a restaurant (#2)
Today is Cafe.
It was my first time visiting this café.
They had great and interesting foods.
The service at this café was brilliant.
When a customer comes, they have to pick up an entrance ticket with a number, and if the hall staff calls this number, they guide you to a seat.
The dishes get served quite quickly, and if they cant prepare the food right away, they will tell you beforehand, “it would take 〇〇minutes.”
To prevent COVID-19 to spread all the hall staff are wearing a mask.
And also, when the customer leaves, they wipe both the table and seats.
The only thing I didn’t like was the table being a bit sticky.
The foods were great.
I drank coffee and ate a pancake.
By looking at the menu, you can say that the owner is fastidious.
There was also a menu for vegans and gluten-free.
The view was beautiful.
Right next to the café is a train station, so it's easy to access this café.
There were seats and tables to eat outside and inside.
There was also a beautiful drawing on the wall.
There were many women. I believe it was because all the hall staffs were young women.
Other than the women’s laughing, there was nothing that would distract you.
Every customer was around 20s ~ 40s.
Nutrition Facts
They didn’t know the nutrition fact.
The hall staff asked the kitchen staff for me, but they told us it would take a couple of minutes to find out the nutrition facts.
Our service, “WhaFood,” is a service that displays the nutrition facts and allergy information of the dishes served in a restaurant and also translates the menu from Japanese to English (vice versa). I have uploaded the information on the service on a note on August 28th. If you are interested, please read the note.
Please share this account with your friends, family members, your coworkers.
I have minimal experience with note, so if you could give me any advice or options, I would be grateful if you could teach me.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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