デヴィッドアイク is right!!! 太田龍 was right!! 山岡茂三(「共鳴実験」してます。「毎日夜21時ジャスト」、みんなで変えよう~みんなの「愛」で) 2021年12月25日 21:22 歌詞Mary Whitehouse spouts 'bout this and that and all the ins and outs[David Icke is right]. Does he need to give his life to prove that he is right?Do you understand what it's like to be a laughing stock in life?Do you understand what it's like or who you are?Eccentric billionaire, he doesn't care, he'll give it all awayThen there's the mother, like the woman inButterflies, who ties herself up and diesWe won't wait or hesitate to criticiseAnd never in a million billion yearsWill we understand their mindsDo you understand what it's like to give away your life?And do you understand what it's like to be a lost cause?Like a butterfly, we've a very short lifeLighted cigarettes will burn out in timeLike a rainforest, but not metaphoricIn fact, like a piss in the AtlanticLike a bowl of flies, we've a very short life #音楽 #動画 #コロナ #ギター #ワクチン #風の時代 #水瓶座の時代 #パンク #オミクロン株 #太田龍 #デヴィッドアイク ひとつよろしくお願いいたします サポート