

03 Elements of Authenticity

オーセンティシティであることは、3 つの基本要素から成り立つと言える。

これは複雑な概念を単純に一般化したものですが、食品マーケティングを考える場合、この 3 つの要素は役に立つ入門書となる。

クラフト (Craft)

歴史 (History)

Oregon Fruit Beer: SIMPLE

シンプルさ (Simplicity)


Authenticity can be described as having three basic elements.
This is a simple generalization of a complicated concept, but when considering food marketing, these three elements provide a useful introduction.
The word ‘craft’ suggests art, such as something handmade. It is not mass-produced. When seeing craft we get a sense of the person who made it, and the careful attention to the making.
Authenticity has an element of history, of something developed over time. It is earned. And with history there is a sense of tradition that is observed.
Something that is authentic is usually simple and natural. In its composition and expression there doesn’t need to be a lot of adornment or fanfare.
These elements can help us identify authentic food and authentic dining experiences. We can witness craft applied in the making of pastry, or a café owner carefully preparing a single cup of coffee. There are farms held by the same family over generations, adding a sense of history to the vegetables or fruit produced. History is also evident in a restaurant where a dish is prepared using the same recipe from a hundred years before. Consumers seek food experiences off the beaten path, prepared and presented with simplicity.
The Japan Beer Times, Autumn 2022.
Grammar Highlight
「A」suggests「B」 or 「A」is associated with「B」
「A」は「B」 を連想させる (れんそう)
      Ex. Green is associated with grass.
成り立つ   なりたつ   consist of
複雑な   ふくざつ   complex
概念   がいねん   concept
一般化   いっぱんか   generalization
芸術   げいじゅつ   arts
連想   れんそう   association
丁寧に   ていねい   careful; polite
発展   はってん   growth; development
獲得   かくとく   earn; acquire
感覚   かんかく   sense
構成   こうせい   composition
鳴り物入り   なりものいり.  fanfare
識別    しきべつ   identify; discern
技   わざ    technique; art
淹れている   いれるている  make
所有   しょゆう   one’s possessions
加わる   くわわる   adding to
人里離れた   ひとざとはなれた   remote; off the beaten path
調理   ちょうり   food preparation
提供   ていきょう   present; offer
