Zimzalabim- Red Velvet
Hoo hahaha
Are you ready for this?
암거나 거나 거나 쫓다 지치지 마
Don't get tired of chasing everything
늘 바라 바라 바라봤자 꿈이 아냐
always expecting, but it's a dream
널 꺼내 꺼내 꺼내 진짜 니 맘을 봐
take you out and look at my true heart
뭘 원해 원해 원해 Tell me
What do you want?
신나는 하룰 만들어 볼까?
Will I make a happy day?
네모난 지구 위로
On the squared earth
걱정은 모두 던져
Throw every worries
Nananana nanananana higher
입술에 피어나는
Blooming on the lip
주문에 너를 맡겨
entrust you to the bewitchment
[예/All] Nananana nanananana (Ha!)
[아/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[아/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
[아/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[아/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
[슬/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[슬/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
[슬/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[슬/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
어머 어머 어머 활짝 웃는 널 봐
Wow, you realized you were laughing happyliy
너무 너무 너무 깜짝 놀라진 마
Don't be so surprised
그게 바로 너야
That's exactly you
주문을 외는 순간 누구든 행복해져
Everyone could be happy at the moment you spell the eithchment
Nananana nanananana higher
틀에 박힌 세상 속에서
In the world they are trying to fit into the mold
길들여진 넌 매일 마냥 덤덤
You are tamed and working quietry
날 따라 해봐 뭐 더 필요해?
Try to follow me Do you need more?
Hey girls! (A-ha!) You ready? (Oh yeah!)
너 몰래 자취를 감춘 꿈을 찾아서
Looking for a dream that disappear without you knew it
달려 볼까 함께해 줘 Boys
Don't we run together?
장난스러운 목소리로
With your mischievous voice
마음껏 외쳐 모두 잊고
Scream as you like forget everything
[조/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[조/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
[조/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[조/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
[웬/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[웬/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
[웬/All] Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
[웬/All] Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
별빛 가득한 눈을 봐
Look at the snow with full of starlight
(누구보다 빛나 보석처럼 반짝)
Shine brighter than anyone else like jewery
Oh 멀리서 헤매진 마
Don't move around far away
(눈부시게 빛나 웃어 봐 더 활짝)
Shine bright, smile wider
꿈은 니 안에 있는 걸
Dreams are what's in you
Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
Zimzalabim zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim zim-zim
Nanananana nananana
Nanananana nananana
Nanananana nananana
Nanananana nananana
쫓다 지치: be tired of chasing
쫓다: follow
지치다: be tired
바라보다: expect, hope
꺼내다: take out
신나다: become happy
네모나다: squared
던지다: throw
맡기다: entrust
놀라다: be surprised
박히다: be hammered, be inserted
길들여진: tame
따라: follow
장난스럽다: mischievous
가득하다: full
헤매다: move around