Instrument Pilot Oral Exam Guide(4)
Chapter4 Arrival
A. Approach Control
What is a STAR?
A Standard Terminal Arrival Route(STAR) is an ATC-coded IFR arrival route established for use by arriving IFR aircraft destined for certain aircrafts.
Its purpose is to simplify clearance delivery procedures and facilitate transition between en route and instrument approach procedures.
Reference the Terminal Procedure Publication (TPP) for the availability of STARs.
If ATC issues your flight a STAR, must you accept it?
You are not required to accept a STAR, but if you do, you must in possession of at least the approved chart. RNAV STARs must be retrievable by the procedure name from aircraft database and conform to charted procedure. Pilots should notify ATC if they do not wish to use a STAR by placing "NO STAR" in the remarks section of the flight plan, or by the less desirable method of verbally stating the same to ATC.
What is an RNAV STAR?
STARs designated RNAV serve the same purpose as conventional STARs, but are only used by aircraft equipped with FMS or GPS. An RNAV STAR or STAR transition typically includes flyby waypoints, with fly-over waypoints used only when operationally required. These waypoints may be assigned crossing and speed to optimize the descent and deceleration profiles.
What does the notation "RNAV1" on an RNAV STAR indicate?
RNAV 1 terminal procedures require that the aircraft's track keeping accuracy remain bound by +1 NM for 95 percent of the total flight time. All pilots are expected to maintain route centerlines, as depicted by onboard lateral indication indicators and/or flight guidance during all RNAV operations unless authorized to deviate by ATC or under emergency conditions. All public RNAV STARs are RNAV1.
What does "descend via" authorize you to do when navigating on a STAR or RNAV STAR procedure?
Clearance to "descend via" authorizes pilots to:
a. Descend at pilot's discretion to meet published restrictions and laterally navigate on a STAR.
b. Cleared to a waypoint depicted on a STAR, to descend from a previously assigned altitude at pilot's discretion to depicted at that waypoint.
c. Once established on the depicted arrival, to descend and to meet all published or assigned altitude and/or speed restrictions.
What is a Terminal Arrival Area (TAA) ?
A terminal arrival area is a published or assigned track by which aircraft are transitioning from the en route structure to the terminal area. A terminal arrival area consists of a designated volume of airspace designed to allow aircraft to enter a protected area with obstruction clearance and signal reception guaranteed where the initial approach course is intercepted.
How can a pilot determine which area of a TAA the aircraft will enter?
The pilot can determine which area of TAA they will enter by selecting the IF/IAF to determine the magnetic bearing TO the center IF/IAF. That bearing should then be compared with the published bearings that define the lateral boundaries of the TAA areas.
Will all RNAV (GPS) approaches have a TAA?
No; The TAA will not be found on all RNAV procedures, particularly in areas of heavy concentration of air traffic. When the TAA is published, it replaces the MSA for that approach procedure.
How are fly-over and fly-by waypoints used in a GPS approach procedure?
Fly-by waypoints are used when an aircraft should begin a turn to the next course prior to reaching the waypoint separating the two route segments.
This is known as turn anticipation and is compensated for in the airspace and terrain clearances. Approach waypoints, except for the MAWP and the missed approach holding waypoint (MAHWP), are normally fly-by waypoints.
Fly-over waypoints are used when the aircraft must fly over the point prior to starting a turn. New approach charts depict fly-over waypoints as a circled waypoint symbol. Overly approach charts and some early stand-alone GPS approach charts may not reflect this convention.
When being radar-vectored for an approach, at what point may you start a descent from last assigned altitude to a lower altitude if "cleared for the approach"?
Upon receipt of an approach clearance while on an unpublished route or being radar vectored, a pilot will comply with the minimum altitude for IFR and maintain the last assigned altitude until established on a segment of a published route or IAP, at which time published altitudes apply.
Define the terms:
Initial approach segment
Intermediate approach segment
Final approach segment
Missed approach segment
An instrument approach procedure may have as many as four separate segments depending upon how the approach procedure is structured.
The initial approach segment is that segment between initial approach fix and the intermediate fix, or the point where the aircraft is established on the intermediate course or final approach course.
The intermediate approach segment is between the intermediate fix or point and the final approach fix.
The final approach segment is between the final approach fix or point and the runway, airport, or missed approach point,
The missed approach segment is between the missed approach point or point of arrival at decision height, and the missed approach fix at the prescribed altitude.
What are standard IFR separation minimums?
When radar is employed in separation of aircraft at the same altitude, a minimum of 3 miles separation is provided between aircraft operating within 40 miles of the radar antenna site, and 5 miles between aircraft operating beyond 40 miles from the antenna site. These minima may be increased or decreased in certain specific situations.
What is Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA)?
MVA is the lowest MSL altitude at which an IFR aircraft will be vectored by a radar controller, except as otherwise authorized for radar approaches, departures, and missed approaches.
The altitude meets IFR obstacle clearance criteria. It may be lower than the published MEA along an airway or J-route segment. It may be used for radar vectoring only upon the controller's determination that adequate radar return is received from the aircraft being controlled. Charts depicting minimum vectoring altitude are normally available only to the controllers and not to the pilot.
Your approach chart indicates a MSA circle in the plan view. What is an MSA and when would you see it?
A minimum safe altitude circle depicts altitudes on approach charts that provide at least 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance within a 25-mile radius of the navigation facility, waypoint, or airport reference point upon which the MSA is predicated. MSAs are for emergency use only and don't necessarily assure acceptable navigation signal coverage.
For RNAV approaches, the MSA is based on either the runway waypoint (RWY WP) , the MAWP for straight-in approaches, or airport waypoint (APT WP) for circling only approaches.
What are feeder routes?
A feeder route is a route depicted on the IAP charts to designate courses for aircraft to proceed from the enroute structure to the IAF. When a feeder route is designated, the chart provides the course or bearing to be flown, the distance, and the minimum altitude. Enroute airway obstacle clearance criteria apply to feeder routes, providing 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance (2,000 feet in mountainous area)
Is the ATC clearance "cleared tor the visual," a VFR clearance or an IFR clearance? What requirements must be met in order to accept such clearance?
A visual approach is conducted on an IFR flight plan and authorizes a pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. The pilot must have either the airport or the preceding identified traffic in sight. This approach must be authorized and controlled by the appropriate air traffic control facility. Reported weather at the airport must have a ceiling at or above 1,000 feet and visibility 3 miles or greater.
Visual approaches are an IFR procedure conducted under IFR in visual meteorological conditions. Cloud clearance requirement of 14 CFR §91.155 are not applicable.
Describe the term "contact approach."
An approach in which an aircraft on an IFR flight plan, having an air traffic control authorization, operating clear of clouds with 1 mile flight visibility and reasonable expectation of continuing to the destination airport in those condition, may deviate from the instrument approach procedure and proceed to the destination airport by reference to the surface. This approach will be only authorized when requested by the pilot and the reported ground visibility at the destination airport is at least 1 statute mile.
When is a procedure turn not required?
A procedure turn is not required when:
Straight-in approach- ATC specifies in approach clearance "Cleared straight-in (type) Approach.”
Holding pattern replaces the procedure turn, the holding pattern must be followed.
Arc- when flying a DME arc.
Radar vectored to final approach course.
Procedure turn barb is absent in the plan view or the "NoPT" symbol is depicted on the initial segment being used.
Timed approach- when conducting a timed approach from a holding fix.
Tear drop procedure turn is depicted and a course reversal is required, this type turn must be executed.
note: If a pilot is uncertain whether the ATC clearance intends for procedure turn to be conducted or to allow for a straight-in approach, the pilot must immediately request clarification from ATC. (14 CFR §91.123)
What are standard procedure turn limitation?
a. Turn on the depicted side.
b. Adhere to depicted minimum altitudes.
c. Complete the maneuver within the distance specified in the profile view.
d. Maneuver at a maximum speed not greater than 200knots (IAS).
What procedure is followed when a holding pattern is specified in lieu of a procedure turn?
A holding pattern, in lieu of a procedure turn, may be specified for course reversal in some procedures: the holding pattern is established over an intermediate fix or final approach fix. The holding pattern distance or time specified in the profile view must be observed. Maximum holding airspeed limitation apply, as set forth for all holding patterns. The holding pattern maneuver is completed when the aircraft is established on the inbound course after executing the appropriate entry. If cleared for the approach prior to returning to the holding fix, and the aircraft is at the prescribed altitude, additional circuits of the holding pattern are not necessary nor expected by ATC. If pilots elect to make additional circuits to lose altitude or to become better established on course, it is their responsibility to so advise ATC upon receipt of their approach clearance.
B. Precision Approach
What is a precision approach (PA)?
A precision approach (PA) is an instrument approach that is based on a navigation system that provides course and glidepath deviation information meeting the precision standards of ICAO Annex 10. For example, PAR, ILS, and GLS are precision approaches.
What are the basic components of a standard ILS?
Guidance information localizer, glide slope
Range information marker beacon, DME
Visual information approach lights, touchdown and centerline lights,
runway lights
Describe both visual and aural indications that a pilot would receive when crossing the outer, middle, and inner markers of a standard ILS?
Outer Marker Middle Marker
blue light amber light
dull tone medium tone
slow speed medium speed
------ -.-.-.
What is the distances from the landing threshold of the outer, middle and inner markers?
Outer marker 4 to 7 miles from thresholds
Middle marker 3,500 feet from threshold
Inner marker between middle marker and threshold
When is the inner marker used?
Ordinarily, there are two marker beacons associated with an ILS, the outer marker (OM) and middle marker (MM). Locations with a category Ⅱ ILS also have an inner marker (IM).
While flying a 3° glide slope, which condition should the pilot expect concerning airspeed, pitch attitude and altitude when encountering a windshear situation where a tailwind shear to a calm or head wind?
Pitch attitude Increase
Required thrust Reduced, then increased
Vertical speed Decreases, then increases
Airspeed Increases, then decreases
Reaction Reduce power initially, then increase
While flying a 3° glide slope, which condition should the pilot expect concerning airspeed, pitch attitude and altitude when encountering a windshear situation where a headwind shear to a calm or tail wind?
Pitch attitude Decrease
Required thrust Increased, then reduced
Vertical speed Increases
Airspeed Decreases, then increases
Reaction Increase power, then decrease in power
Where is the localizer/transmitter antenna installation located in relation to the runway?
The antenna is located at the far end of the approach runway.
Where in the glide slope antenna located and what is its normal usable range?
The glide slope transmitter is located between 750 feet and 1,250 feet from the approach end of the runway (down the runway), and offset 250 feet to 650 feet from it. The glide slope is normally usable to a distance of 10NM.
What range does a standard localizer have?
The localizer signal provides course guidance throughout the descent path to the runway threshold from a distance of 18 NM from the antenna site.
What is the angular width of a localizer signal?
The localizer signal is adjusted to provide an angular width of between 3° to 6°, as necessary to provide a linear width of 700 feet at the runway approach threshold.
What is the normal glide slope angle for a standard ILS?
The glide path projection angle is normally 3 degree above horizontal so that it intersects the MM at about 200 feet and the OM at about 1,400 feet above the runway elevation.
What is the sensitivity of a CDI tuned to a localizer signal compared with a CDI tuned to a VOR?
Full left or full right deflection occurs at approximately 2.5° from the centerline of a localizer course, which is 4 times greater than when tuned to a VOR, where full-scale deflection equals 10° from the centerline.
Define the term "decision altitude"(DA) ?
A specified altitude (MSL) on an instrument approach procedure (ILS, GLS, vertically guided RNAV) at which the pilot must decide whether to continue the approach or initiate immediate missed approach if the pilot doesn't see the required visual references.
When flying an instrument approach procedure, when can the pilot descend below MDA or DA/DH?
No pilot may operate an aircraft below the authorized MDA or continue an approach below the authorized DA/DH unless:
a. The aircraft is continuously in the position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers.
b. The flight visibility is not less than the visibility prescribed in the standard instrument approach procedure being used.
c. When at least one of the following visual reference for the intended runway is distinctly visible and identifiable to the pilot:
・The approach light system, (except that the pilot may not descend below 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation using the ALS as a reference unless the red terminating bars or red side row bars are also distinctly visible and identifiable)
・The threshold
・The threshold markings
・The threshold lights
・the touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings
・The touchdown zone lights
・The runway and runway markings
・The runway lights
What are the legal substitutions for an inoperative outer marker?
Compass locator; precision approach radar (PAR) or airport surveillance radar (ASR); DME, VOR, or NDB fixes authorized in the standard instrument approach procedure; or a suitable RNAV system in conjunction with a fix identified in the standard instrument approach procedure.
What are PAR and ASR approaches?
A PAR approach is a type of radar approach in which a controller provides highly accurate navigational guidance in azimuth and elevation to the pilot (precision approach) . An ASR approach is a type of radar approach in which a controller provides navigational guidance in azimuth only (nonprecision approach).
What is a "no-gyro" approach?
A "no-gyro" approach is radar approach/vector provided in case of a malfunctioning gyro-compass or directional gyro. Instead of providing the pilot with heading to be flown, the controller observes the radar track and issues control instructions "Turn right/left" or "Stop turn." as appropriate.
What rate of turn is recommended during execution of "no-gyro" approach procedure?
On a no-gyro approach, all turns should be standard rate until on final; then one-half standard rate on final approach.
Are the minimums for an ASR approach expressed as DA or MDA?
MDA: Guidance in elevation is not possible but the pilot will be advised when to commence descent to minimum descent altitude or, if appropriate, to an intermediate step-down fix minimum crossing altitude and subsequently to the prescribed MDA.
What is the definition of TDZE?
Touchdown zone elevation (TDZE) is the highest elevation in the first 3,000 feet of the landing surface. TDZE is indicated on the instrument approach procedure chart when straight-in landing minimums are authorized.
C. Nonprecision Approach
What is the definition of the term "nonprecision approach"?
A nonprecision approach (NPA) is an instrument approach based on a navigation system that provides course deviation information but no glidepath deviation information such as VOR,NDB and LNAV.
Name the types of nonprecision approach prcedures available.
The types of nonprecision approach available are: LNAV, VOR, NDB, LOC, ASR, LDA and SDF.
Define MDA?
The minimum Descent Altitude is the lowest altitude, expressed in feet above MSL, to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering, in execution of a standard instrument approach procedure where no electric glide slope is provided.
What is the definition of a "stabilized" approach?
The airplane must be stabilized by 1,000 feet above airport elevation in IMC and by 500 feet above airport elevation during straight-in approaches in VMC. The FAA considers an approach to touchdown stabilized when the airport meets all of the following criteria, with only minor deviations:
a. Glide Path- on the correct flight path, normally 3 degree to runway TDZ, obstructions permitting.
b. Heading- tracking extended centerline to runway with only minor heading/pitch changes to correct for wind, turbulence and maintain alignment. Bank angle should not exceed 15 degree on final.
c. Airspeed- maintain constant airspeed within +10/−5 KIAS of the recommended landing airspeed.
d. Configuration- in the correct landing configuration (flap as required, landing gear extended, and airplane is in trim.
e. Rate od Descent- is constant and no greater than 500 fpm; if a descent greater than 500 fpm is required due to approach considerations, it may be reduced prior to 300 feet AGL and well before the landing flare and touchdown phase.
f. Power Setting- is appropriate for the airplane configuration and not below the minimum power for approach.
g. Checklists/Briefings- all briefings and checklists(except the landing checklist) completed prior to initiating the approach.
Define VDP.
Visual Descent Point- a VDP is a defined point on the final approach course of a nonprecision straight-in procedures from which normal descent from the MDA to runway touchdown point may be commenced, provided the approach threshold of that runway, or approach lights clearly visible to the pilot. Pilots not equipped to receive the VDP should fly the approach procedure as though no VDP has been provided. On an approach chart, a VDP is identified in the profile view by a "V".
While flying the final segment of a non-precision approach with a VDP, a pilot breaks out of clouds prior to the VDP and has the required visibility and necessary visual reference available to begin the descent. Does the pilot have to wait until the VDP is reached before descending below the MDA?
The pilot should not descent below the MDA prior to reaching the VDP and acquiring the necessary visual references.
Note: By delaying your descent until crossing the VDP, you mitigate the risk of hitting an unseen obstacle or experiencing an optical illusion during your descent from MDA. ( rain or wind-screen, at night/featureless terrain illusion etc.).
If no VDP is provided on an IAP, how can you complete your own VDP?
HAT/300=VDP (in NM from threshold); or
10% of HAT=seconds to subtract from the time to MAP
What is a "VDA"?
The vertical descent angle (VDA) found on non-precision approach chart provides the pilot with information required to establish a stabilized approach descent from the FAF or stepdown fix to the TCH. Pilots can use the published angle and estimated or actual ground speed to find the target rate of descent using the rate of descent table in the back of the TPP.
Explain how you will use the published VDA or nonprecision approach chart to fly stabilized descent to the MDA?
a. Determine the published descent angle on the approach chart.(e.g.,3.1 degrees)
b. Determine your estimated or actual ground speed(i.e.,90 knots GS)
c. Locate the Rate of Climb/Descent Table (inside the back cover of TPP)
d. The table indicates that a VDA of 3.1 degrees equals to a descent rate of 329 ft/NM.
e. 329 ft/NM converts to a descent rate of 494 fpm at 90 knots ground speed. To fly the VDA, at the FAF or stepdown fix, descend at the required descend rate and maintain your airspeed/ground speed.
Does the VDA guarantee an obstacle protection below the MDA?
A VDA does not guarantee obstacle protection below the MDA in the visual segment. The presence of VDA does not change any non-precision approach requirements. Pilots must be aware that the published VDA is for advisory information only and not to be considered instrument procedure derived vertical guidance. The VDA solely offers an aid to help pilots establish a continuous, stabilized descent during final approach.
Will standard instrument approach procedures always have final approach fix (FAF) ?
No. When a FAF is designated, such as on an approach that incorporates an on-airport VOR or NDB, a final approach point is designated and is typically where the procedure turn intersects the final approach course inbound.
If no FAF is published, where does the final approach segment begin on a nonprecision approach?
The final approach segment begins where the procedure turn intersects the final approach course inbound.
Certain conditions are required for an instrument approach procedure to have ”straight-in" minimums published. What are they?
Straight-in minimums are shown on the IAP when the final approach course is within 30 degrees of the runway alignment (15 degrees for GPS IAPs) and normal descent can be made from the IFR altitude shown on the IAP to the runway surface.
What is a stepdown fix?
A stepdown fix permits additional descent within a segment of an instrument approach procedure by identifying a point at which a controlling has been safely overflown.
What does a VASI system provide?
A VASI system provides visual descent guidance during an approach to a runway.; safe obstruction clearance within ±10° of extended runway centerline up to 4 NM from the runway threshold. Two-bar VASI installations normally provide a 3° visual glide path.
What are the major differences between SDF and LDA approaches?
In an SDF approach procedure, the SDF course may or may not be aligned with the runway; usable off-course indications are limited to 35° either side of course centerline. The SDF signal emitted is fixed at either 6°or 12°.
The LDA compares in utility and accuracy to a localizer, but it is not a part of complete ILS. The LDA course width is 3° and 6° and thus provides a more precise approach course than an SDF installation. Some LDA course is not aligned with the runway, but straight-in minimums may be published where the angle between the runway centerline and the LDA course does not exceed 30°. If this angle exceed 30°, only circling minimums are published.
What criteria determines whether or not you may attempt an approach?
No regulation states that you cannot attempt an approach, if operating under Part91 regulations. But if you reach MDA or DA/DH and decide to descend to land, flight visibility must be at least equal to that published.
What regulations require use of specified procedures by all pilots approaching for landing under IFR?
Specified procedures are required by 14 CFR Part 97.
What self-announced radio calls should you make when conducting an instrument approach to an airport without a control tower?
a. Initial call within 5-10 minutes of the aircraft's arrival at the IAF with aircraft location and approach intention.
b. Departing the IAF, stating the approach that is being initiated.
c. Procedure turn (or equivalent) inbound.
d. FAF inbound, stating intended landing runway and maneuvering direction if circling.
e. Short final, giving traffic on the surface notification of imminent landing.
D. RNAV (GPS) Approaches
Describe the following lines of minima found on area navigation RNAV (GPS) instrument approach chart.
a. LNAV- Lateral Navigation only; non-precision approach; requires TSO-C129 (non-WAAS) or C145/C146 (WAAS) equipment. Minimums shown as MDA.
b. LP- Localizer Performance; non-precision approach; requires TSO C145/C146 (WAAS) equipment; minimums shown as MDA.
c. LNAV/VNAV- Lateral Nav/Vertical Nav; APV approach: requires approach approved Baro-VNAV or TSO-C145/C146 equipment; minimums are shown as DA.
d. LPV- Localizer performance with vertical guidance; APV approach; requires TSO-C145/C146 (WAAS) equipment ; minimums are shown as DA.
e. GLS- GBAS landing system; U.S. version of GBAS is Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS); provides lateral and vertical guidance; requires an aircraft GBAS receiver; relatively new category of approach. Most RNAV (GPS) approach charts have had the GLS minima line replaced by a WAAS LPV line of minima.
What are "APV" approaches, and give some examples of this type of approaches.
An instrument approach based on a navigation system that is not required to meet precision approach standards of ICAO Annex 10 but provides course and glidepath deviation information.
Examples are: Baro-VNAV, LDA, with glidepath, LNAV/VNAV and LPV approaches.
What is indicated when a letter suffix is added to the approach title (i.e., RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 13C) ?
When two or more straight-in approaches with the same type of guidance exist for a runway, a letter suffix is added to the title of the approach so that it can be more easily identified. These approach charts start with the letter Z and continue in reverse alphabetical order.
Will there be significant differences when two straight-in approaches cwith the same type of guidance exist for a runway- i.e., RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 13C and RNAV (GPS) Y RWY 13C?
Yes; The approach procedure labeled Z will have lower landing minimums than Y (some older charts may not reflect this). Although both of these approaches can be flown with GPS to the same runway, they can be significantly different- e.g., one may be a "SPECIAL AIRCRAFT & AIRCREW AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED (SSAAAR) ; one can have circling minimums and the other no circling minimums; the minimums are different; and the missed approaches may not be the same.
What is a LPV approach?
Localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) is a type of approach with vertical guidance (APV) that takes advantages of the high accuracy guidance and increased integrity provided by WAAS. This WAAS-generated angular guidance allows the use of the same TERPS approach criteria used for ILS approaches. LPV minima may have a decision altitude (DA) as low as 200 feet height above touchdown with visibility minimums as low as 1/2 mile, when the terrain and airport infrastructure support the lowest minima.
How can you determine if your aircraft is equipped to fly a LPV approach procedure?
GPS/WAAS operation must be conducted in accordance with the FAA-approved aircraft flight manual (AFM) and flight manual supplements. Flight manual supplements will state the level of approach procedure that the receiver supports. IFR-approved WAAS receiver support all GPS only operations as long as lateral capability at the appropriate level is functional.
What does the acronym "LP" indicate in the minimums section of an RNAV (GPS) approach chart?
LP is the acronym for localizer performance. Approaches to the LP lines of minima take advantage of the improved accuracy of WAAS to provide approaches with lateral and angular guidance. Angular guidance does not refer to a glideslope angle but rather to increase lateral sensitivity as the aircraft gets closer to the runway, similar to localizer approaches. LP minimums are only published if terrain, obstructions, or some other reason prevents publishing a vertically guided procedure. LP line of minima are minimum descent altitudes (MDAs). Also, LP is not fail-down mode for an LPV. LP and LPV are independent.
After selecting the approach procedure at your destination airport, what method will the GPS receiver use to select the appropriate minimums for the approach?
When an approach procedure is selected and active, the receiver will notify the pilot of the most accurate level of service supported by the combination of the WAAS signal, the receiver, and the selected approach, using the naming conventions on the minima lines of the selected approach procedure. For example, if an approach is published with LPV minima and the receiver is only certified for LNAV/VNAV, the equipment would indicate "LNAV/VNAV available," even though the WAAS signal would support LPV.
What is the significance of temperature limitations published on an approach procedure chart?
A minimum and maximum temperature limitation is published on procedures which authorize Baro-VNAV operation. These temperature present the airport temperature above or below which Baro-VNAV is not authorized to LNAV/VNAV minimums.
Note: Temperature limitation do not apply to flying the LNAV/VNAV line of minima using approach certified WAAS receivers when LPV or LNAV/VNAV are annunciated to be available.
What is the WAAS Channel Number/Approach ID found on upper left corner of an approach procedure chart used for?
The WAAS Channel Number is an optional equipment capability that allows the use of a 5-digit number to select a specific final approach segment without using menu method.
What are the possible reasons your GPS receiver would fail to sequence from the "Armed" to the "Approach" mode prior to the final approach waypoint (FAWP)?
The receiver performs a RAIM prediction by 2 NM prior to the FAWP to ensure that RAIM is available at the FAWP as a condition for entering the approach mode. Failure to sequence may be an indication of the detection of a satellite anomaly, failure to arm the receiver (if required), or other problems which preclude completing the approach. The pilot should always ensure that the receiver has sequenced from "Armed" to "Approach" prior to the FAWP (normally occurs 2 NM prior to the FAWP).
If the GPS receiver does not sequence from "Armed" to "Approach" mode or a RAIM failure/status annunciation occur prior to the FAWP, what procedure should the pilot follow?
If RAIM failure/status annunciation occur prior to the final approach waypoint (FAWP), the approach should not be completed since GPS may no longer provide the required accuracy. The pilot should not descent to minimum descent altitude (MDA), but should not proceed to the missed approach waypoint (MAWP) via the FAWP, perform the missed approach, and contact ATC as soon as practical.
If a RAIM failure occurs after the FAWP, will the receiver provide a status annunciation to the pilot?
The receiver is allowed to continue operating without an annunciation for up to 5 minutes to allow completion of the approach (see receiver operating manual). If the RAIM flag/status annunciation does appear after the FAWP, the missed approach should be executed immediately.
What is the significance of the presence of a gray shaded line from the MDA to the runway in the profile view of a RNAV (GPS) approach?
It is an indication that the visual segment below the MDA is clear of obstructions on the 34:1 slope. Absence of the gray shaded area indicates the 34:1 OCS is not free from obstructions.
What is indicated when a GPS receiver provides the annunciation "LNAV+V"?
Advisory vertical guidance is being provided. Depending on the manufacturer, some GPS receiver will provide advisory vertical guidance when associated with LP or LNAV lines of minima. The system creates an artificial advisory glide path to assist the pilot in flying a constant descent to the MDA. Barometric altimeter information remains the primary altitude reference for complying with any altitude restrictions.
How will rising terrain be depicted in the plan view of an IAP chart?
Terrain will be depicted with contour lines in shades of brown in the plan view portion of all IAPs at airports that meet the following criteria:
・If the terrain within the plan view exceeds 4,000 feet above the airport elevation, or
・If the terrain within a 6.0 nautical mile radius of the airport reference point (ARP) rises to at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation.
What is a computer navigation fix (CNF)?
A point used for the purpose of defining the navigation track for an airborne computer system (i.e., GPS or FMS) is called a computer navigation fix (CNF). CNFs include unnamed DME fixes, beginning and ending points of DME arcs and sensor final approach fix (FAFs) on some GPS overly approaches. The CNF five letter will be enclosed in parenthesis ーe,g., "(CFBCD)"
What is the significance of the "negative W" symbol placed on some RNAV (GPS) approach charts?
When the approach chart is annotated with the w symbol, site specific WAAS UNRELIABLE NOTAMs or Air Traffic advisories are not provided for outages in WAAS LNAV/VNAV and LPV vertical service. Vertical outages may occur daily at these locations due to being close to the edge of WAAS system coverage. Use LNAV or circling minima for flight planning at these locations, whether as a destination or alternate. For flight operation at these locations, when the WAAS avionics indicate that LNAV/VNAV or LPV service is available, the vertical guidance may be used to complete the approach using displayed level of service. If an outage occurs during the procedure, reversion to LNAV minima may be required.
If a discrepancy exists between the information provided by a GPS navigation database and the information published on an approach chart, which one takes precedence?
If significant differences arise between the approach chart and the GPS avionics' application of the navigation database, the published approach chart, supplemented NOTAMs, holds precedence.
When flying an RNAV (GPS) approach, most FMS require the pilot to choose whether to "load" or "load and activate" an instrument approach procedure. Explain the difference.
Loading an approach add its component to the end of flight plan, but does not make them activate. Activating an approach will cause the FMS to immediately give course guidance to the initial approach fix or closest fix outside the final fix, depending on the unit's programming.
E. Circling Approaches
What are circle-to-land approaches?
A circle-to-land approach is not technically an approach, but a maneuver initiated by a pilot to align the aircraft with the runway for landing when a straight-in landing from an instrument approach is not possible or desirable. At tower-controlled airports, this maneuver is made only after ATC authorization has been obtained and pilot has established required visual reference to the airport.
What is indicated when an approach procedure title (e.g., VOR-A) is followed only a letter (no runway designation)?
The type of approach followed by a letter identifies approaches that do not have straight-in landing minimums. The first approach of this type created at the airport is labeled with letter A, and the lettering continues in alphabetical order (e.g., "VOR-A" or "LDA-B").
Why do certain airports have only circling minimums published?
When either the normal rate of descent the runway alignment factor of 30 degrees (15 degrees for GPS IAPs) is exceeded, a straight in minimum is not published and a circling minimum applies.
Can a pilot make a straight-in landing if using an approach procedure having only circling minimums?
Yes; the fact that a straight-in minimum is not published does not preclude pilots from landing straight-in, if they have the active runway in sight and have sufficient time to make a normal approach to landing. Under such conditions and ATC has cleared them for landing on that runway, pilots are not expected to circle, even though only circling minimums are published.
If cleared for a "straight-in VOR-DME 34 approach," can a pilot circle to land, if needed?
Yes. A "straight-in approach" is an instrument approach wherein final approach begun without first having executed a procedure turn. Such an approach is not necessarily completed with a straight-in landing or made to straight-in minimums.
When can you begin your descent to the runway during a circling approach?
Three conditions are required before descent from the MDA can occur:
a. The aircraft is continuously in a position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers.
b. The flight visibility is not less than the visibility prescribed in the standard instrument approach being used.
c. At least one of the specific visual references for the intended runway is distinctly visible and identifiable to the pilot.
While circling to land, you lose visual contact with the runway environment. At the time visual contact is lost, your approximates position is a base leg at the circling MDA. What procedure should be followed?
If visual reference is lost while circling to land from an approach, the pilot should make an initial climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue the turn until established on the missed approach course. Since the circling maneuver may be accomplished in more than one direction, different pattern will be required to become established on the prescribed missed approach course, depending on the aircraft position at the time visual reference is lost. Adherence to the procedure will ensure that an aircraft will remain within the circle and missed approach obstacle clearance areas.
What obstacle clearance are you guaranteed during a circling approach maneuver?
In all circling approaches, the circling minimums provides 300 feet of obstacle clearance within the circling approach area. The size of this area depends on the category in which the aircraft operates.
Category A 1.3-mile radius
Category B 1.5-mile radius
Category C 1.7-mile radius
Category D 2.3-mile radius
Category E 4.5-mile radius
What is the significance of the presence of a "negative C" symbol on the circling line of minima?
Circling approach protected areas developed after late 2012 use radius distance dependent on aircraft approach category and the altitude of the circling MDA which accounts for true airspeed increase with altitude. The approaches using expanded circling approach area can be identified by the presence of the "negative C" symbol on circling line of minima.
Note: the increase in size of the circling protected area is particularly beneficial for pilots of CAT C and CAT D turbine-powered, transport category aircraft in that it provides greater lateral obstacle clearance and additional maneuvering room to properly align and stabilize for final approach and landing.
How can a pilot determine the approach category minimums applicable to a particular aircraft?
Minimums are specified for various aircraft approach categories based on a speed of Vref ,if specified, or if Vref is not specified, 1.3 Vs0 at the maximum certified landing weight.
What are the different aircraft approach categories?
Category A Speed less than 91 knots
Category B Speed 91 knots or more but less than 121 knots
Category C Speed 121 knots or more but less than 141 knots
Category D Speed 141 knots or more but less than 166 knots
Category E Speed 166 knots or more
An aircraft operating under 14 CFR Part 91 has a 1.3 times Vs0 speed of 100 KIAS, making Category B minimums applicable. If it becomes necessary to circle at a speed in excess of this category, what minimums should be used?
A pilot must use the minima corresponding to the category determined during certification, or higher. If it is necessary to operate at a speed in excess of the upper limit of the speed range for an aircraft's category, the minimums for the higher category must be used.
F. Missed Approaches
When must a pilot execute a missed approach?
A missed approach must be executed when one of the following conditions occurs;
a. Arrival at the missed approach point and runway environment is not yet in sight;
b. Arrival at DA on the glide slope with the runway not yet in sight;
c. Anytime a pilot determines a safe landing is not possible;
d. When circling-to-land visual contact is lost; or
e. When instructed by ATC.
On a nonprecision approach procedure, how is the Missed Approach Point (MAP) determined?
In nonprecision approach procedures, the pilot determines the MAPT by timing from FAF when the approach aid is well away from the airport, by a fix or NAVAID when the navigation facility is located on the field, or by waypoints as defined by GPS or VOR/DME RNAV.
If no final approach fix is depicted, how is the MAP determined?
The MAP is at the airport (NAVAID on airport).
Where is the MAP on a precision approach?
For the ILS, the MAP is at the decision altitude/ decision height (DA/DH).
Under what conditions are missed approach procedures published on an approach chart not followed?
They are not followed when ATC has assigned alternate missed approach instructions.
If, during the execution of an instrument approach procedure, you determine missed approach is necessary due to full-scale needle deflection, what action is recommended?
Protected obstacle clearance areas for missed approach are predicated on the assumption that the missed approach is initiated at the decision altitude /height (DA/DH) or at missed approach point., and not lower than minimum descent altitude (MDA). Reasonable buffers are provided for normal maneuvers. However, no consideration is given to an abnormally early turn. Therefore when early missed approach is executed, pilots should (unless otherwise instructed by ATC) fly the IAP as specified on the approach plate to the missed approach point at or above the MDA or DA/H, before executing a turning maneuver.
What action should a pilot take in the event bulked (rejected) landing occurs at the position other than the published missed approach point?
The pilot should contact ATC as soon as possible to obtain an amended clearance. If unable to contact ATC for any reason, the pilot should attempt to re-intercept a published segment of the missed approach and comply with route and altitude instructions. If unable to contact ATC, and in the pilot's judgment it is no longer appropriate to fly the published missed approach procedure, then the pilot should consider either maintaining visual conditions if practicable and reattempt a landing, or a circle-climb over the airport. Contact ATC when able to do so.
What are several factors a pilot should consider (prior to the approach) when assessing options available if it become necessary to execute a missed approach from beyond the MAP or below the MDA or DA/DH?
The pilot should consider factors such as the aircraft's geographical location with respect to the prescribed missed approach point, direction of flight, and/or minimum turning altitudes in the prescribed missed approach procedure. The pilot must also consider aircraft performance, visual climb restrictions, charted obstacles. availability of a published obstacle departure procedure, takeoff visual climb requirements as expressed by nonstandard takeoff minima, other traffic expected to be in the vicinity, or other factors not specifically expressed by the approach procedure.
What is a low approach?
A low approach (sometimes referred to as a low pass) is the go-around maneuver following an approach. Instead of landing or making a touch and go, a pilot may wish to go-around (low approach) in order to expedite a particular operation (a series of practice instrument approaches is an example). Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, the low approach should be made straight ahead, with no turns or climb made until the pilot has made a thorough visual check for other aircraft in the area.
What does the phrase "Cleared for the Option" mean?
The "Cleared for the Option" procedure will permit an instructor, flight examiner or pilot the option to make a touch-and-go, low approach, missed approach, stop-and-go, or full stop landing. The pilot should make a request for this procedure passing the final approach fix inbound on an instrument approach.
G. Landing Procedures
Is it legal to land a civil aircraft if the actual visibility is below the minimums published on the approach chart?
No, 14 CFR Part91 states that no pilot operating an aircraft, except a military aircraft of the U.S., may land that aircraft when the flight visibility is less than the visibility prescribed in the standard instrument approach procedure being used.
When landing at an airport with an operating control tower following an IFR flight, must a pilot call FSS to close the flight plan?
No, if operating on IFR flight plan to an airport with a functioning control tower, the flight plan will automatically be closed upon landing.
You are operating on an IFR flight plan into an airport without an operating control tower, and have forgotten to close your flight plan after landing. Discuss the effect this will have on ATC?
The airspace surrounding that airport cannot be released for use by other IFR aircraft until the status of your flight have been determined.
If the visibility provided by ATC is less than that prescribed for the approach, can a pilot legally continue an approach and land?
According to 14 CFR Part91, no pilot may land when the flight visibility is less than the visibility prescribed in the standard IAP being used. ATC will provide the pilot with the current visibility reports appropriate the runway in use. This may be in the form of prevailing visibility, runway visual value (RVV), or runway visual range (RVR). However, only the pilot can determine if the flight visibility meets the landing requirements indicated on the approach chart. If the flight visibility meets the minimum prescribed for the approach, then the approach may be continued to a landing. If the flight visibility is less than that prescribed for the approach, then the pilot must execute a missed approach, regardless of the reported visibility.
H. Instrument Approach Procedure Charts: General
All questions in this section reference government AeroNav charts.
When the approach procedure title contains more than one navigational system separated by a slash (e.g., VOR/DME RWY 31), what does this indicate?
It indicates that more than one type of equipment must be used to execute the final approach.
When the approach procedure title contains more than one navigational system separated by the word ”or" (e.g., VOR or GPS RWY 15), what does this indicate?
It indicates that either type of equipment may be used to execute the final approach (e.g., VOR or GPS RWY 15).
With no FAF available, when would final descent to the published MDA be started?
For non-precision approaches, a final descent is initiated and the final segment begins at either the FAF or the final approach point (FAP). When no FAF is depicted, the final approach point is the point at which the aircraft is established inbound on the final approach course.
What significance does a black triangle with a white "A" appearing in the Notes section of an approach chart, have to pilot?
It indicates that nonstandard IFR alternate minimums exist for the airport. If an "NA" appears after the "A," alternate minimums are not authorized. This information is found in the beginning of the TPP. Approved terminal weather observation and reporting facilities, or a general area weather report, must be available before an airport may serve as an alternate.
What is the significance of the term "radar required" found on some approach charts?
A term displayed on charts and approach plates and included in FDC NOTAMs to alert pilots that segments of either an instrument approach procedure or a route are not navigable because of either the absence or unusability of a NAVAID. The pilot can expect to be provided radar navigational guidance while transiting segments labeled with this term.
I. Instrument Approach Procedure Charts: Plan View
What are the MSAs for this approach?
2,200 feet 180° through 270°
3,600 feet 270°through 360°
2,800 feet 360°through180°
On which facility is the MSA centered, and what does it provide?
The MSA is centered on the MUFIN LOM; the altitude shown provides at least 1,000 feet of clearance above the highest navigational course obstacle within the defined sector up to a distance of 25 NM from the facility. Navigational course guidance is not assured at the MSA.
What is the IAF for this procedure?
What significance does the bold arrow extending from Bowie VOR have?
It represents a feeder route or flyable route utilized when transitioning from the enroute structure to the initial approach fix.
When intercepting the localizer from procedure turn inbound, what will be the relative bearing on the ADF indicator as the localizer needle begins to center?
Assuming 45° intercept angle, the relative bearing will be 315°.
What are the frequencies for the locator outer marker and middle marker beacon?
The locator frequency is 365kHz. All marker beacons transmit on a frequency of 75MHz.
Explain the difference between a "Note" such as RADAR REQUIRED or DME REQIRED being charted in the plan view of an approach procedure, and a note being charted in the "Notes" box of the pilot briefing portion of the approach chart.
When radar or other equipment is required for procedure entry from the enroute environment, note will be charted in the plan view of the approach procedure chart.
When radar and other equipment is required on portions of the procedure outside the final approach segment, including the missed approach, a note will be charted in the notes box of the pilot briefing portion of the approach chart.
Note are not charted when VOR is required outside the final approach segment. Pilots should ensure that the aircraft is equipped to receive the required NAVAID(s) in order to execute the approach, including the missed approach.
Where does the final approach segment begin for the ILS 16 approach?
On all precision approaches, the final approach segment begins when the glide slope segment is intercepted at glide slope altitude. For nonprecision approaches such as the straight-in LOC 16 approach, the final approach segment begins at the Maltese cross which is the MUFIN LOM.
J. Instrument Approach Procedure Charts: Profile
Within what distance from the MUFIN LOM must the procedure turn executed?
The procedure turn must be executed within 10NM.
If a procedure turn is required, what would be the minimum altitude while flying this segment?
The minimum altitude for the initial approach segment and while executing the procedure turn is 2,400 feet MSL.
To what altitude may a pilot descend after the procedure turn?
When established inbound after the procedure turn, the pilot may descend to 2,000 MSL.
What does the number "1992" located at the outer marker indicate?
1992 indicates the altitude of the glide slope at the outer marker.
What is the glide slope angle for this approach?
The glide slope angle is 3°.
What is the altitude at which the electronic glide slope crosses the threshold of runway 16?
Threshold crossing height (TCH) is 57 feet.
If the glide slope become inoperative, could you continue this approach if established on the localizer at the time of the malfunction? Why?
Yes, provided ATC is notified and approves a localizer-only approach. Since the procedure indicates a localizer-only minimum, a localizer-only approach can be authorized. The minimum is now an MDA and the approach is now a nonprecision procedure with MAP being a time or DME point.
If you discovered your marker beacon receiver was inoperative, what are authorized substitutes for the MUFIN outer marker?
Substitutes for the outer marker are:
a. The compass locator (365 kHz)
b. 5.3 DME I-FTW
c. Maverick VORTAC (TTT) radial 269
What DME distance is indicated in the profile view for the MUFIN LOM and the runway threshold?
The MUFIN LOM is 5.3 NM, and the runway threshold is 1.5 NM from the localizer antenna site.
Where is the MAP for the precision and nonprecision approach in this procedure?
a. For the precision approach procedure, the MAP is upon reaching the DA(H) of 910 feet MSL on the glide slope.
b. For the nonprecision procedure, the MAP is:
・1.5 DME from IFTW; or
・Time from MUFIN.
K. Instrument Approach Procedure Charts: Minimums
What is the minimum visibility for a Category A full ILS 16 approach?
Minimum visibility is 1/2 mile or RVR of 2,400 feet. RVR of 1,800 feet is authorized with the use of FD or AP or HUD to DA.
If the approach light system became inoperative, how would you determine the minimum visibility for a Category A full ILS 16 approach?
To determine the landing minimums, consult the "Inoperative Components or Visual Aids Table" found in the U.S., Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP) for a complete description of the effect of inoperative components on approach minimums.
Convert the following RVR values to meteorological visibility.
RVR(feet) statute miles
1,600 1/4
2,400 1/2
3,200 5/8
4,000 3/4
4,500 7/8
5,000 1
6,000 1-1/4
Are takeoff minimums standard or nonstandard for Ft. Worth Meacham Field?
Nonstandard; takeoff minimums are not standard and/or departure procedures are published as indicated by the triangle with a "T" printed in the notes area. IFR Takeoff Minimums and (Obstacle) Departure Procedure Section, Section L, of the Terminal Procedure Publications (TPPs) should be consulted.
For localizer approach 16, what are the minimums for a Category A airplane if a circling maneuver is desired?
The circling MDA is 1,260 MSL; the visibility requirement increases to 1 mile for the circling maneuver.
What significance do the numbers in parentheses (200-1/2) have?
Any minimums found in parentheses are not applicable to civil pilots. These minimums are directed at military pilots who should refer to appropriate regulations.
When established at the MDA on the final approach course inbound for the straight-in LOC 16 approach, is the MDA expressed as Height Above Touchdown (HAT) or Height Above Airport (HAA) ?
The MDA of 530 feet for a straight-in landing always represents height above touchdown (HAT) since the approach is for a specific runway. MDAs for circling approaches will always represent height above airport (HAA) since a specific will not be used for landing.
If the current weather reports indicate ceiling 100 overcast and visibility 1/2 mile, can a pilot legally make an approach to ILS 16, and can he land?
Under 14 CFR Part 91, the approach may be attempted regardless of the ceiling and visibility. At the DA (DH) the pilot must have the runway environment in sight and have the prescribed visibility to land. If these conditions are met, the approach may be continued to a landing.
L. Instrument Approach Procedure Charts: Aerodrome
What types of lighting are available for runway 16?
HIRLー High-intensity runway lighting
MALSR- Medium-intensity approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights; denoted by circled A5 on the approach to runway 16.
What is the touchdown zone elevation for runway 16?
The TDZE is 710 MSL.
What is the bearing and distance of the MAP from the FAF?
The MAP is 164°, 3.8NM from FAF for the localizer approach, and approximately the same distance for the full ILS approach.