CCIE R&S ver5 対策問題集からの抜粋 #5 [Layer3 Technologies - EIGRP]
海外の提携校がCCIE RS ver5 当時に提供していた、試験対策問題集からの抜粋の続編です。
現在は、現行のEnterprise Infrastructureを提供しております。
[Layer 3 Technologies - EIGRP in AS45678]
次の要件に従って、シドニーオフィス(BGP AS45678)でIPv4のEIGRPを設定してください :
router eigrp AS45678
address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 45678
af-interface Ethernet0/1
authentication mode hmac-sha-256 ccie
af-interface Ethernet0/2
authentication mode hmac-sha-256 ccie
topology base
interface range E0/0-1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 55
router eigrp AS45678
address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 45678
af-interface vlan 55
authentication mode hmac-sha-256 ccie
topology base
interface range E0/0-1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 66
router eigrp AS45678
address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 45678
af-interface vlan 66
authentication mode hmac-sha-256 ccie
topology base
#router eigrp AS45678
#address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 45678
#af-interface Ethernet0/1
#authentication mode hmac-sha-256 ccie
#af-interface Ethernet0/2
#authentication mode hmac-sha-256 ccie
#topology base
If HMAC-SHA-256 authentication is configured in an EIGRP network, EIGRP packets will be authenticated using HMAC-SHA-256 message authentication codes. The HMAC algorithm takes as input the data to be authenticated (that is,the EIGRP packet) and a shared secret key that is known to both the sender and the receiver; the algorithm gives a 256-bit hash output that is used for authentication.
If the hash value provided by the sender matches the hash value calculated by the receiver, the packet is accepted by the receiver; otherwise, the packet is discarded.
Typically, the shared secret key is configured to be identical between the sender and the receiver.To protect against packet replay attacks because of a spoofed source address, the shared secret key for a packet is defined as the concatenation of the user-configured shared secret (identical across all devices participating in the authenticated domain) with the IPv4 or IPv6 address (which is unique for each device) from which the packet is sent.
[EIGRP/SAF HMAC-SHA-256 Authentication]:
[show command verification example]
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