
論文指導 リサーチプロポーザルに向けて(2)
read text #1:
read text #2:
based on text #1 and text #2, write an essay.
what is the claim?
There are multiple claims made across both texts #1 and #2, as they cover a range of topics. Here are some potential claims that can be extracted from each text:
と言ってくる。このあたりどうだろうか。いわゆるEnglish 101の授業だと、いろんなことが言いたいというのは良くないことで言いたいことを絞りなさい、と教師は指導する。だがいろんな事を 書いたって、最初はいいではないか?というのが前回説明したfree writing の最初の教えだ。いろんなことを書いた文章をもとにエッセイを書いてくれとたのむと、トッピックが多すぎてclaim が作れない、といってくる。これに対応をしてもらおう。
what is a research question?
A research question is a clear and concise inquiry that a researcher aims to answer through their research. It is typically a specific question that guides the research process and helps the researcher to focus on a particular topic or issue. The research question should be well-defined, relevant, and feasible to answer through research methods. It is a fundamental component of a research study, as it shapes the design, methodology, and analysis of the research. The research question should align with the research aims and objectives and contribute to advancing knowledge in the field.
what are the research questions?
There are no explicitly stated research questions in either of the texts. However, there are some implied research questions that could be inferred based on the content of the texts:
いまのエッセイではリサーチクエスチョンを明確に立てられないといってきた。だがこれでいいのである。この感じでの執筆者とChatGPTとの対話の作り方を博士論文プロポーザルを書く人は覚えてほしい。自分は何をして、ChatGPT は何をしてくれるかだ。
could be inferred based on the content of the texts:
つまりChatGPTがinfer してくれる、という。infer とは推測をする、という意味で、ChatGPTに聞いてみた。
とこたえてきた。で、claim とresearch question は何かを聞く。
What is a claim on the essay?
The claim of the essay is 以下省略。
what are the research questions?
There are no explicit research questions stated in the essay. However, some potential implicit research questions that could be inferred from the text are:
What is 省略
How can 省略
How can 省略
What are the key elements of 省略
What is the role of 省略
How can 省略
答えは省略したが、How とWhatの質問を書いているエッセイに問いかけていく。
そして、ここで明らかにしたclaim とresearch questionsを考えて、すでに読んだエッセイをもとに新しいエッセイを書いてくれ、と頼む。
then write a new essay including the claim and research questions based on the essay you read
The use of technology in education has significantly impacted
my topic is not technology in education, but(以下省略)
My interest is not in startups, but about rebranding in large incumbent corporations. Please rewrite based on this.
さて、 大体できたので、次の質問をする。
write the rationale for this paper
rationale は論文執筆における専門用語である。ChatGPTに意味を聞いてみよう。
what is rationale in the academic paper?
In an academic paper, the rationale refers to the underlying reasoning or justification for conducting a particular study or research project. It provides a clear explanation of why the research is necessary, important, or relevant, and outlines the context, background, and theoretical basis for the study. The rationale helps readers understand the significance of the research question and the potential contributions the study can make to the existing body of knowledge. It also demonstrates the researcher's understanding of the field and the gaps or issues that the research aims to address. Writing a strong rationale is an essential part of an academic paper, as it sets the foundation for the research and establishes the need for the study.
translate into Japanese
The rationale for this paper is to explore the critical role of (省略)であるが、300語ほどでしっかりとこの論文のrationale を含んだ文章を書いてくる。
で大体中身と主張とリサーチクエスチョンとrationale がそろったので、会社の研究所の紀要に論文として提出したいのだが、と相談する。
I need to write an essay on this for the research institute in my company. Please write a long essay based on the above.
In today's highly competitive business environment, 以下省略。
My concern is that 省略。
Can you please rewrite based on this information?
すると、次のように答える。 おまかせ、という感じだ。
Certainly, here's a revised essay that focuses on the importance of 以下省略。ここまでで、語数は475単語。これをブラッシュアップしていきたい。
please elaborate and specify the essay you just wrote.
elaborateとspecify は論文添削のときの専門用語で、指導教員は赤鉛筆で博士課程の学生の原稿に手を入れるときに使う。elaborate は話の筋がとおっていないときに指導する言葉。specify は主張に対して事例が不足しているときに指導する言葉である。
Certainly. The essay I just wrote focuses on the role of
explain the primary data and the secondary data in academic research.
In academic research, primary data and secondary data are two types of data that researchers use to answer research questions and test hypotheses.
Primary data refers to data that researchers collect directly from their research participants or sources, using methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, experiments, or observations. The primary data is original and has not been analyzed or interpreted before. The researcher has control over the data collection process, which enables them to tailor the questions and methods to their research questions and goals.
The advantages of using primary data include that it is specific to the researcher's research question, more accurate, and up-to-date. Moreover, primary data is unique and has not been analyzed or interpreted before, which reduces the likelihood of biased or flawed data.
On the other hand, secondary data refers to data that has already been collected and processed for other purposes. Researchers use secondary data to support or complement their primary data findings, or in cases where primary data collection is not feasible or practical. Sources of secondary data can include academic articles, books, reports, government publications, statistical databases, and historical records.
The advantages of using secondary data include lower costs, easier access, and time savings, as the data has already been collected and organized by others. Additionally, secondary data can provide a broader context for the research topic, offering a valuable comparison point for primary data findings. However, the limitations of secondary data include potential issues with relevance, quality, and accuracy, since the data was not collected specifically for the researcher's study.
In conclusion, both primary and secondary data play crucial roles in academic research. While primary data offers unique, original, and tailored information for the research question, secondary data provides valuable context, support, and comparisons. Researchers often use a combination of both types of data to strengthen their studies and gain a more comprehensive understanding of their research topic. Understanding the differences between primary and secondary data is essential for conducting robust academic research and writing a strong research paper.
please find the references and put them into the adequate places in the text and create a bibliography of the reference and write it after conclusion.
explain the meaning of specification in the context of academic writing.
In the context of academic writing, specification refers to providing detailed and specific information about a particular concept, theory, method, or data. It involves defining and describing the key features, characteristics, or elements of the subject matter under study. Specifications can include information such as definitions, measurements, procedures, and limitations.
For example, in a research paper on a particular scientific experiment, the specification section would provide details about the materials used, the methods employed, the measurements taken, and the limitations of the study. This information helps readers to understand the study's scope and reliability, and it also allows other researchers to replicate the study and build upon its findings.
Overall, specifications play a critical role in academic writing, as they help to ensure that the information presented is accurate, comprehensive, and replicable. By providing clear and specific details about the subject matter, specifications enable readers to understand the research methodology and results, and they also help to establish the credibility and validity of the study.
学術文書の文脈において、「 specification」は、特定の概念、理論、方法、またはデータに関する詳細で具体的な情報を提供することを指します。これには、研究対象の主要な特徴、特性、または要素を定義し、説明することが含まれます。 specificationには、定義、測定、手順、制限などの情報が含まれることがあります。
例えば、特定の科学実験に関する研究論文では、 specificationセクションでは、使用された材料、採用された方法、行われた測定、および研究の制限に関する詳細が提供されます。この情報は、読者が研究の範囲と信頼性を理解するのに役立ち、また他の研究者が研究を再現し、その結果に基づいて構築することを可能にします。
全体として、 specificationは学術文書において重要な役割を果たします。これは、提示された情報が正確で包括的で再現可能であることを確保するのに役立ちます。対象物に関する明確で具体的な詳細を提供することで、 specificationは、読者が研究方法と結果を理解することを可能にし、また研究の信頼性と妥当性を確立するのに役立ちます
とある。でいまChatGPTで書いているエッセイにおいてspecification に欠けているところを聞いてみた。
can you find any sentence which requires more specification?
In the essay I wrote earlier, a sentence that could benefit from more specification is:
This sentence could be more specific in explaining 省略
Some possible ways to specify this sentence could be:
とspecification が必要なところを指摘してきて、次のように言う。
By providing more specific examples or details, the sentence can become more precise and informative.
will you make a list of references?
Sure, here is a list of references used in the essay:
全部で30冊くらいの文献をあげてきた。この研究は大組織の問題も論じているので、センゲの研究もだが、それに影響を与えたDavid Bohmについてもきいてみた。
do you know David Bohm?
Yes, David Bohm was an American theoretical physicist who made important contributions in the fields of quantum mechanics and philosophy of science. He is particularly known for his work on the interpretation of quantum mechanics and his concept of "implicate order." He also made contributions to the study of plasma physics and the theory of relativity. Bohm is regarded as one of the most important theoretical physicists of the 20th century.
do you know his book wholeness and the implicate order?
Yes, David Bohm's book "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" is a well-known work in the field of quantum physics and philosophy.
I want to bring the discussion about Bohm's "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" into the above essay. What do you think?
Incorporating Bohm's "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" into the essay can add a new dimension to the discussion of 省略。
In his book, Bohm argues that reality is not a collection of separate objects but an interconnected whole, where everything is fundamentally related to everything else. This interconnectedness can be seen in the implicate order, which refers to the hidden order of the universe that underlies the manifest world of our sensory experience.
In the context of 省略, this idea of interconnectedness can be applied to the various elements of a 省略。
Furthermore, Bohm's ideas on the implicate order can also highlight the importance of considering the larger context of a 省略.
In conclusion, incorporating Bohm's "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" into the discussion of 省略.
combine and rewrite this essay and the previous essay you wrote about Bohm :
what kind of primary data do you recommend?
The type of primary data you collect for your research will depend on your research question and the research design you choose. Generally, primary data can be collected through various methods such as interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, and focus groups. Each method has its strengths and limitations, so it's essential to choose the method that is best suited to your research question and objectives.
If your research question is focused on understanding 以下略。
will you make a list of references?
Certainly! Here is a list of references for the essay:
how about after 2020?
I'm sorry, I cannot provide a list of references after my knowledge cutoff of 2021. My training only includes information up to that point, and I am not aware of any new publications or developments in the field beyond that date.
will you make a bibliography based on the lists you gave and write it according to the alphabetical order?
Certainly! Here is the bibliography, arranged in alphabetical order:
can you rewrite your essay by putting the reference into the adequate place in the text, and write a bibliography and place it after the conclusion?
Sure, I can do that for you. Here is the rewritten essay with references and a bibliography:
please make a list of academic journals that might be relevant.
Sure, here are some academic journals
how many words the PhD proposal request?
There is no strict word count for a PhD proposal, as the length can vary depending on the specific requirements of the institution or program you are applying to. However, most PhD proposals range from 1,500 to 3,000 words.
データの詳細な検討とリテラチャーレビューがなくて1000語弱なので、量としてはこれを 方法論やプライマリーデータの説明で拡大すればプロポーザルになる。
It's important to follow the guidelines provided by your target institution or consult with your potential supervisor for specific requirements.
A well-structured PhD proposal should typically include the following elements:
a clear research question or problem statement,
the rationale for the study,
a literature review,
the proposed research methodology,
a timeline for the research, and
a preliminary bibliography.
Remember to write concisely, focusing on the key elements of your research, and demonstrating your understanding of the field and the potential contribution your study can make.
というわけだ。研究したいことがあって、それについてだらだらと書くことができれば、ここで展開したプロンプトエンジニアリングに従えば博士論文プロポーザルに向かうことができる。アイデアや思いつきをどんどん free writing で書けば、本格的な研究をおこなうための入り口に立つことが出来る。そのあたりを自由に書いてみた。是非自分が自由にかいたエッセイをたっぷりとChatGPTに読んでもらって、ここまでプロンプトエンジニアリングの実例を示したようなやりかたで質疑応答をしながら博士論文プロポーザルのドラフトを仕上げてもらいたい。