小説の場面をGPTに書かせる試み 10/100





#!pip install --upgrade openai
#!pip install langchain  --ignore-installed PyYAML
#!pip install tiktoken
#!pip install python-dotenv
import openai
import json
import tiktoken
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import AIMessage
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage
from langchain.schema import SystemMessage
from langchain import PromptTemplate
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
# OPENAI_API_KEY = "Replace here with your API key"

# if you saved your API key in .env file, you can use the following code.
OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
def is_valid_json(input_string):
    if input_string == None or input_string == "":
      return False

        return True
        return False

def gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list = [], user_content_list = [], assistant_content_list = [], max_tokens = None):
    print(f"gpt_response_from_lists start. TIME: {datetime.datetime.now()}")

    messages = [] 
    concatenated_messages = "" # this text is used to estimate the total tokens

    for system_content in system_content_list:
      messages.append(SystemMessage(content = system_content))
      concatenated_messages += system_content

    list_length = max(len(assistant_content_list), len(user_content_list))

    for i in range(0, list_length):

      if i < len(user_content_list):
        messages.append(HumanMessage(content = user_content_list[i]))
        concatenated_messages += user_content_list[i]

      if i < len(assistant_content_list):
        messages.append(AIMessage(content = assistant_content_list[i]))
        concatenated_messages += assistant_content_list[i]

    encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model('gpt-3.5-turbo')
    encoded_text = encoding.encode(concatenated_messages)
    len_encoded_text = len(encoded_text)

    tokens_per_text = 3
    tokens_per_name = 1

    name_count = len(system_content_list) + len(assistant_content_list) + len(user_content_list)
    total_tokens = name_count * tokens_per_name + len_encoded_text * tokens_per_text

    model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo" 

    if total_tokens > 4096:
      model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"

    print(f"estimated total tokens: {total_tokens}, model name: {model_name}")

    chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY)

    if max_tokens != None:
      chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY, max_tokens=max_tokens)

      response = chat(messages)
    except Exception as e:
      print(f"error in gpt_response_from_lists: {e}. I'll retry with gpt-3.5-turbo-16k")
      model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
      chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY) if max_tokens == None else ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY, max_tokens=max_tokens)
      response = chat(messages)

    print(f"response= {response}")
    print(f"gpt_response_from_lists done TIME: {datetime.datetime.now()}")

    return response
class Action_Object:
    def __init__(self, action = "", who_took_action = "Anonymous", consequence = "Undetermined", score = 0.0):
        self.action = action
        self.who_took_action = who_took_action
        self.consequence = consequence
        self.score = score
    def __str__(self):
        return str({"action": self.action, "who_took_action": self.who_took_action, "consequence": self.consequence})
class Non_Character_Actant:
    name = ""
    appearance = ""

    def __init__(self, name = "", appearance = ""):
        self.name = name
        self.appearance = appearance
    def __str__(self):
        return self.name
global_log = dict()

class Character:
    initial_system_content_template = """
    I am trying to write a story. You will assist by playing the role of a character in this story.
    I will provide information about the character you are to portray as follows. From then on, please respond in character.
    From this point forward, if the name "{name}" appears, it refers to you.

    Your Name: {name}
    {name}'s Personality: {personality}
    {name}'s Goal: {goal}
    {name}'s Current Need: {current_need}
    {name}'s Appearance: {appearance}
    What have happened in this story: {log_summary}
    How you think the circumstances of the scene are: {world_model}

    initial_system_content = ""
    current_need = ""
    name = ""
    personality = ""
    log = dict()
    log_summary = ""
    log_summary_pointer = 0
    place = ""
    appearance = ""
    world_model = ""
    def __init__(self, name = "", personality = "" , goal = "", current_need = "", log = [], place = "", world_model = "", appearance = ""):
        self.name = name
        self.personality = personality
        self.goal = goal
        self.current_need = current_need
        self.place = place
        self.appearance = appearance
        self.world_model = world_model
        for i in range(len(log)):
            self.log[i] = log[i]


    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    def check_if_is_same_actant(self, actant_1, actant_2):
        if str(actant_1) == str(actant_2):
            return True
        return False

    def summarize_log(self):
        if len(self.log) == 0:
            self.log_summary = ""

        log_to_be_summarized = ""
        for i in range(self.log_summary_pointer, len(self.log)):
            log_to_be_summarized += self.log[i] + "¥n"

        self.log_summary_pointer = len(self.log) 

        system_content = f"""
        You are given a summary of the events that have occurred in the story so far, called 'log_summary', and the most recent events of the story, called 'log_to_be_summarized'.
        Please update the 'log_summary' by incorporating the information from 'log_to_be_summarized'.

        user_content = f"""
        log_summary: {self.log_summary}
        log_to_be_summarized: {log_to_be_summarized}

        response = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list= [self.initial_system_content ,system_content], user_content_list=[user_content], assistant_content_list=[])
        self.log_summary = response.content
        print(f"""{self.name} updated log_summary to:

        return response

    def create_world_model(self, actants, overwrite = False):
        world_model = ""

        system_content = """
        You will be given information about a character, object, or concept that exists in the same scene as you.
        You are to discern what kind of entity it is for you.
        Please refrain from including the name as a factor in your judgment.
        If the existence entered is yourself or is imperceptible to you, make no judgments about that existence and output 0 length string.

        Input format:
        [name]: This represents the name of the entity.
        [appearance]: This represents the appearance of the entity.
        [is_character]: This signifies whether the entity is a character or not in a Boolean form, True or False.

        Output format:
        [{name}'s personality]: This represents the personality of the entity. Output this information only if the input [is_character] is True.
        [{name}'s goal]: This represents the goal of the entity. Output this information only if the input [is_character] is True.
        [{name}'s current_need]: This represents the current needs of the entity. Output this information only if the input [is_character] is True.
        [{name}'s affect to your goal]: This represents how the entity affects your goal.
        [{name}'s affect to your current_need]: This represents how the entity affects your current needs.
        [How {name} thinks who you are and how you are]: This represents how the entity perceives you. Output this information only if the input [is_character] is True.

        user_content_example_1 = """
        example input

        [appearance]:His ominous grey skin is etched with valleys carved by swollen muscles. He growls at everyone, glaring with a sharp gaze.

        assistant_content_example_1 = """
        [Satan's personality]: He is a very angry person.
        [Satan's goal]: I can't tell waht his goal is, but he seems to be trying to do something bad.
        [Satan's current_need]: He seems to be trying to do something bad.
        [Satan's affect to your goal]: I assume he is not going to help me achieve my goal, at least.
        [Satan's affect to your current_need]: I assume he is not going to help me satisfy my current need, at least.
        [How Satan thinks who you are and how you are]: Satan thinks you are a very weak person, at least weaker than him.

        user_content_example_2 = """
        example input

        [name]:Guardian Angel
        [appearance]: She is floating slightly above the ground. She has a halo above her head. She is wearing a white robe. She is smiling at everyone. She said, "I am here to help you. When you achieved your goal, the God will be pleased."

        assistant_content_example_2 = """
        [Guardian Angel's personality]: She is a very kind person.
        [Guardian Angel's goal]: To obey God's will.
        [Guardian Angel's current_need]: Her current need is to help me.
        [Guardian Angel's affect to your goal]: I believe she provides immense support in achieving my goals.
        [Guardian Angel's affect to your current_need]: I believe she provides immense support in fulfilling my current needs.
        [How Guardian Angel thinks who you are and how you are]: She believes I am a messenger of God.

        user_content_example_3 = """
        example input

        [name]: knife
        [appearance]: It is a sharp knife.
        [is_character]: False

        assistant_content_example_3 = """
        [knife's affect to your goal]: It's merely a tool and doesn't have a significant impact on my goal itself.
        [knife's affect to your current_need]: If I use the knife properly, I can cut something. However, if used improperly, it could harm others. Moreover, if it falls into someone else's hands, there's a chance I could get hurt.

        user_content_example_4 = """
        example input

        [name]: Dragon Balls
        [appearance]: There are seven Dragon Balls. They are orange and have stars on them. It is said that if you collect all of them, you can realize any wish.
        [is_character]: False

        assistant_content_example_4 = """
        [Dragon Balls's affect to your goal]: My goal will be achieved with these Dragon Balls.
        [Dragon Balls's affect to your current_need]: Without satisfying my current need, I can achieve my goal with these Dragon Balls, so I don't need to satisfy my current need anymore.

        user_content_example_5 = f"""
        example input. This is the example of the case name is different from the appearance information.
        [name]: Dr. Jekyll
        [appearance]: He introduced himself as Mr. Hyde. He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldn't find any deformity in his appearance. He said "I am maniac of to see someone else collapse. I am going to make you collapse."
        [is_character]: True

        assistant_content_example_5 = """
        [Mr. Hyde's personality]: He is a very evil person.
        [Mr. Hyde's goal]: He wants to see someone else collapse.
        [Mr. Hyde's current_need]: He wants to make me collapse.
        [Mr. Hyde's affect to your goal]: If I collapse, I can't achieve my goal.
        [Mr. Hyde's affect to your current_need]: To satisfy my current need, it is better to avoid him.
        [How Mr. Hyde thinks who you are and how you are]: He thinks I am a average person, who is easy to make collapse.

        user_content_example_6 = f"""
        example input. This is the example of the case you can't see the entity. In the case like this, you return 0 length string.

        [name]: Hidden Door
        [appearance]: There is a door in the wall. It is hidden by the wall, so {self.name} can't see it.
        [is_character]: False

        assistant_content_example_6 = """

        user_content = """
        this is an actual input, not an example.

        [name]: {name}
        [appearance]: {appearance}
        [is_character]: {is_character}

        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["name", "appearance", "is_character"], template=user_content)
        world_model = ""

        for actant in actants:
            name = actant.name
            appearance = actant.appearance
            is_character = type(actant) == Character

            if self.check_if_is_same_actant(self, actant):

            user_content = prompt_template.format(name=name, appearance=appearance, is_character=is_character)
            system_content_list = [self.initial_system_content,
            user_content_list = [user_content_example_1,
            assistant_content_list = [assistant_content_example_1,

            world_model += gpt_response_from_lists(
                system_content_list = system_content,
                user_content_list = user_content_list,
                assistant_content_list = assistant_content_list).content + "\n"

        if overwrite:
            self.world_model = world_model

        return world_model

    def update_world_model(self, action_object, old_world_model, world_model_delta):
        action_object = self.cleanse_action_thought(action_object)

        action = action_object.action
        who_took_action = action_object.who_took_action
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        sysetem_content = """
        The world model represents how you perceive the surrounding world.
        Recent events may alter the old_world_model you previously held.
        You are to update the old_world_model based on the given variety of information.
        Depending on the nature of the event, parts of the old_world_model might be deleted.
        Similarly, new information may be added to the old_world_model based on the event.
        It's also possible that parts or the entirety of the old_world_model remains unchanged based on the event.

        Input format:
        [action]: This represents the action that occurred most recently.
        [who_took_action]: This represents the person who initiated the most recent action.
        [consequence]: This represents the outcome of the most recent action.
        [old_world_model]: This represents the world model prior to the occurrence of the most recent action.

        user_content_example_1 = """
        example input

        [action]: Bad Guy robbed Dragon Balls from you.
        [who_took_action]: Bad Guy
        [consequence]: You lost Dragon Balls.
        [old_world_model]: [Dragon Balls's affect to your goal]: My goal will be achieved with these Dragon Balls.
                            [Dragon Balls's affect to your current_need]: Without satisfying my current need, I can achieve my goal with these Dragon Balls, so I don't need to satisfy my current need anymore.
                            [Bad Guy's personality]: He is a very evil person, but he is not so strong.
                            [Bad Guy's goal]: I don't know his goal, but he is a very evil person, so I think his goal is to do something evil.
                            [Bad Guy's current_need]: He wants to do something evil.
                            [Bad Guy's affect to your goal]: If he does something evil, I can't achieve my goal. So said, he is not so strong, so he won't be a big obstacle to achieve my goal.
                            [How Bad Guy thinks who you are and how you are]: He envies me because I have Dragon Balls.

        assistant_content_example_1 = """
        [Dragon Balls's affect to your goal]: Now these Dragon Balls are in the bad guy's hand. He would be the worst obstacle to achieve my goal due to these Dragon Balls.
        [Dragon Balls's affect to your current_need]: My current need is to get back these Dragon Balls, or at least to destroy them to prevent the bad guy from using them.
        [Bad Guy's personality]: He is a very evil person, and now he has Dragon Balls. He has the worst power to do something evil.
        [Bad Guy's goal]: I don't know his goal, but he is a very evil person, so I think his goal is to do something evil.
        [Bad Guy's current_need]: He wants to do something evil.
        [Bad Guy's affect to your goal]: Now, he is the worst obstacle to achieve my goal due to these Dragon Balls.
        [Bad Guy's affect to your current_need]: While he has Dragon Balls, I can't satisfy my current need.
        [How Bad Guy thinks who you are and how you are]: He considers me as an insignificant being.

        user_content = f"""
        [action]: {action}
        [who_took_action]: {who_took_action}
        [consequence]: {consequence}
        [old_world_model]: {old_world_model}

        updated_world_model = gpt_response_from_lists(
            system_content_list = [self.initial_system_content, sysetem_content],
            user_content_list = [user_content_example_1, user_content],
            ).content + "\n" + world_model_delta

        self.world_model = updated_world_model

        system_content = """
        The world model represents how you perceive the surrounding environment.
        You will be given an old world model and an updated world model.
        Please explain how you have reinterpreted the world around you based on the difference between the old world model and the updated world model.
        Your explanation should be in the natural speaking style of the character you are portraying.

        Input format:
        [old_world_model]: This represents the old world model.
        [new_world_model]: This represents the new world model.

        user_content = f"""
        [old_world_model]: {old_world_model}
        [new_world_model]: {updated_world_model}

        thought = gpt_response_from_lists(
            system_content_list = [self.initial_system_content, system_content],
            user_content_list = [user_content],

        message = f"{self.name}'s thought: {thought}"

        self.add_to_logs(message = message)

        return thought

    def refresh_initial_system_content(self):

        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["name", "personality", "goal", "current_need", "log_summary", "world_model", "appearance" ], template=self.initial_system_content_template)
        self.initial_system_content = prompt_template.format(name=self.name, personality=self.personality, goal=self.goal, current_need=self.current_need, log_summary=self.log_summary, world_model=self.world_model, appearance=self.appearance)

    def set_current_need(self, current_need):
        self.current_need = current_need
    def set_name(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def set_personality(self, personality):
        self.personality = personality

    def set_goal(self, goal):
        self.goal = goal

    def add_to_logs(self, message, refresh_initial_system_content = True):
        global global_log
        self.log[len(self.log)] = message
        global_log[len(global_log)] = message
        if refresh_initial_system_content:

    def add_to_self_log(self, message, refresh_initial_system_content = True):
        self.log[len(self.log)] = message
        if refresh_initial_system_content:

    def cleanse_action_thought(self, action_object):
        action = action_object.action
        who_took_action = action_object.who_took_action
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        system_content= """
        You will be given an action taken by characters in this story.
        From the action, please remove any information you should not be able to know, and describe only the physical appearance of those actions.
        A prominent example of information you cannot know would be the inner thoughts of a character who is not you.
        Another example of information you cannot know would be things that are not visible to you.

        The output should be JSON parsable string.
        sample output: {"action": "{content of action}", "who_took_action": "{the name of who took action}", "consequence": "{content of consequence}"}

        user_content_example = """
        Action: Watson suspected that the coffee cup might contain poison. Thinking that Holmes shouldn't drink it, Watson tasted the coffee to inspect whether it contained any poison. 
        Who took action: Watson
        Consequence: The next moment, he collapsed due to the effect of the poison.

        assistant_content_example = """
        {"action": "Watson tasted the coffee.", "who_took_action": "Watson", "consequence": "The next moment, he collapsed"}

        user_content = f"""
        Action: {action}
        Who took action: {who_took_action}
        Consequence: {consequence}

        success = False
        response = None

        while not success:
            response = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list= [self.initial_system_content, system_content], user_content_list=[user_content_example, user_content], assistant_content_list=[assistant_content_example])

            if is_valid_json(response.content):
                success = True

        response_json = json.loads(response.content)

        cleansed_action_object = Action_Object(action=response_json["action"], who_took_action=response_json["who_took_action"], consequence=response_json["consequence"])

        return cleansed_action_object

    def evaluate_action_and_reassess_need(self, latest_action):
        action_object = self.cleanse_action_thought(latest_action)

        action = action_object.action
        who_took_action = action_object.who_took_action
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        # if action's type is not string, stringfy it
        if type(action) != str:
            action = str(action)

        user_content_template = """
        Given the following infomation, please infer the purpose of the action.
        Action: {action}
        Who took action: {who_took_action}
        Consequence: {consequence}

        The output should be a string that describes the intent of the action from your perspective.
        If name of who took action is same as your name, the action is taken by you and you already know the purpose of the action, so return the purpose of the action."

        sample output: "The dog was beaten up by the police, and I assume that the police wanted to intimidate the dog."
        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "who_took_action", "consequence"], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(action=action, who_took_action=who_took_action, consequence=consequence,)
        inferred_purpose = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content
        self.add_to_self_log(f"{who_took_action}'s action: {action}.", refresh_initial_system_content=False)
        self.add_to_self_log(f"Consequence of previous action: {consequence}.", refresh_initial_system_content=False)
        self.add_to_logs(f"{self.name}'s thought: " + inferred_purpose, refresh_initial_system_content=False)

        user_content_template = """
        Given the following information, suggest what your immediate need might now be. It is acceptable for the immediate need to be the same as the current need.
        Action: {action}
        Who took action: {who_took_action}
        Consequence: {consequence}

        The output should be a string that describes your immediate need.
        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "who_took_action", "consequence",], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(action=action, who_took_action=who_took_action, consequence=consequence,)
        new_need = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content
        old_need = self.current_need
        self.add_to_logs(f"{self.name}'s need renewed: {new_need}")

        user_content_template = """
        Your current need is:
        Your previous need was:
        Tell me why you did (not) change your need. The reasoning should be consice, short and clear.

        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["new_need", "old_need"], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(new_need=new_need, old_need=old_need)
        determination = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content
        self.add_to_logs(f"{self.name}'s thought: " + determination)

        response = {"inferred_purpose": inferred_purpose, "new_need": new_need, "determination": determination,}

        return response

    def consider_next_actions(self, actants = []):
        actions = dict()

        if len(actants) == 0:

        action_user_content_template = """
        Consider your next move in the current scene where there is {actant} involved.
        If this element aids you in achieving your goals or satisfies your needs, figure out a way to incorporate it into your action.
        But, if it hinders your goal or needs, think about a strategy to eliminate or neutralize it.
        The action must be narrated from the viewpoint of an outside observer, without incorporating any individual's internal thoughts.
        The output should descrive and only describe your next action, and don't describe the consequence of the action.
        The action should be taken in {place}.

        output example: "Micky will go to the police station and ask for the release of Duffy."

        consequence_user_content_template = """
        Consider the consequence of your action.
        To determine the consequence must consistent with the log.
        The consequence must be narrated from the viewpoint of an outside observer, without incorporating any individual's internal thoughts.
        The consequence should be taken in {place}.

        output example: "Micky went to the police station and ask for the release of Duffy, then Micky was arrested."

        Action you took: {action}
        for actant in actants:
            # if actant is not string, stringfy it
            if type(actant) != str:
                actant = str(actant)

            # determine the action
            prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["actant", "place"], template=action_user_content_template)
            user_content = prompt_template.format(actant = actant, place = self.place)
            action = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content

            # determine the consequence
            prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "place"], template=consequence_user_content_template)
            user_content = prompt_template.format(action = action, place = self.place)
            consequence = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content

            # store the action to the actions dictionary
            actions[actant] = Action_Object(action=action, who_took_action=self.name, consequence=consequence)

        return actions

    def reconsider_next_actions(self, action_canditate, consequence):

        user_content_template = """
        You proposed performing `action`.
        However, due to the demands of the narrative, it must lead to a result known as `consequence`.
        Please modify `action` to ensure it results in `consequence`.

        The action must be described from third person's perspective and must not include a person's inner voice.
        The output should descrive and only describe your next action, and don't describe the consequence of the action.
        The action should be taken in {place}.

        action you suggested: {action}
        required consequence: {consequence}

        output: modified action

        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "consequence", "place"], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(action=action_canditate.action, consequence=consequence, place=self.place)
        action = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content

        reconsidered_action = Action_Object(action=action, who_took_action=self.name, consequence=consequence, score = 9)

        return reconsidered_action
class Game_Master:
    def __init__(self, actants = [], schedule_stack = [], tolerance = 1):
        self.actants = actants
        self.schedule_stack = ["a character showed a responcse to the recent event"] + schedule_stack
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.deviated = 0

    def add_to_global_log(self, message):
        global global_log
        global_log[len(global_log)] = message

    def main(self, catalyst_action_object, max_iterations=10):
        global global_log

        next_action = catalyst_action_object
        iteration_count = 0

        for actant in self.actants:
            if type(actant) == Character:
                actant.create_world_model(self.actants, overwrite=True)
                self.add_to_global_log(str(actant) + "' world model: " + str(actant.world_model))

        self.add_to_global_log("catalyst action: " + str(catalyst_action_object))

        while len(self.schedule_stack) > 0 and iteration_count <= max_iterations:
            iteration_count += 1

            # check if there is a character in the actants list. If not, stop generating story.
            character_count = 0
            for actant in self.actants:
                if type(actant) == Character:
                    character_count += 1

            if character_count == 0:
                print("There is no character in the actants list.")

            action_candidates = self.aggregate_action_candidates(next_action)
            determine_next_action_result = self.determine_next_action(action_candidates)
            next_action = determine_next_action_result["max_scored_action"]


            added_actants = determine_next_action_result["added_actants"]

            # 世界モデルへ新しいactantを追加
            for actant in self.actants:
                if type(actant) == Character:
                    old_world_model = actant.world_model
                    character = actant
                    world_model_delta = character.create_world_model(added_actants)
                    character.world_model += world_model_delta

                    # 世界モデルを、next_actionにもとづいて更新
                    character.update_world_model(next_action, old_world_model, world_model_delta)

            if iteration_count > max_iterations:
                print(f"The iteration count exceeded the maximum iteration count: {max_iterations}")


    def add_actant(self, actant):

    def add_schedule_stack(self, situation):

    def remove_actant(self, name):
        for i in range(len(self.actants)):
            if str(self.actants[i]) == str(name):
    def pop_schedule_stack(self, situation = None):
        if situation == None:
            return self.schedule_stack.pop()

        for i in range(len(self.schedule_stack)):
            if str(self.schedule_stack[i]) == str(situation):
                return self.schedule_stack.pop(i)

    def aggregate_action_candidates(self, latest_action):
        action_candidates = []

        for actant in self.actants:
            if type(actant) == Character:

        return action_candidates

    def determine_next_action(self, action_candidates):
        sheduled_situation = self.schedule_stack[-1]

        max_score = 0
        max_scored_action = None
        print(f"action_candidates: {action_candidates}")

        for item in action_candidates:
            for key in list(item.keys()):
                item[key] = self.calculate_score(sheduled_situation, item[key])

                if item[key].score >= max_score:
                    max_score = item[key].score
                    max_scored_action = item[key]

        if max_score < 9:
            if self.deviated < self.tolerance:
                self.deviated += 1
                print(f"deviated: {self.deviated} times")
                who_took_action = max_scored_action.who_took_action
                #find index of the actant who took the action
                reconsiderer_index = 0
                for i in range(len(self.actants)):
                    if str(self.actants[i]) == str(who_took_action):
                        reconsiderer_index = i
                max_scored_action = self.actants[reconsiderer_index].reconsider_next_actions(max_scored_action, sheduled_situation)
                self.deviated = 0
                max_score = 9

        # 点数が最も高いものが9点未満の場合、スタックはそのままにする。9点の場合、スタックからpopする。
        if max_score == 9:

        # consequenceによって追加されたactantを追加する。
        added_actants = self.add_actant_with_action_object(max_scored_action)

        return {"max_scored_action": max_scored_action, "removed_actants": [], "added_actants": added_actants}

    def add_actant_with_action_object(self, action_object):
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        system_content = """
        You will be presented with a list of elements of actants, and the next consequence of the scene.
        Based on that information, list out people or things that have newly entered, been created, or have begun to function.
        Then, determine the actant has will or not and list them in json format.
        The actant that is already in the actants list may not be included in the list, but it is not bad to include it.
        output example: {"Alice" : {"has_will": true}, "Bycycle" : {"has_will": false}, "cat" : {"has_will": true}, "Doraemon" : {"has_will": true}}

        user_content_example_1 = """
        actants: Bocchi,room
        consequence: Bocchi awkwardly bowed and then quickly left the room, and a guitar was left behind.

        assistant_content_example_1 = """
        {"Bocchi's guitar" : {"has_will": false}}'

        user_content_example_2 = """
        actants: Laboratory
        consequence: Suddenly, Frogman advented and vomited Spiderman and a cigarette.

        assistant_content_example_2 = """
        {"Frogman" : {"has_will": true}, "Spiderman" : {"has_will": true}, "cigarette" : {"has_will": false}}

        user_content_example_3 = """
        actants: Dolton,Anna,village
        consequence: A helicopter and a passenger plane crashed into the village. The village chief, Dolton, was caught in it and lost his life. Anna, the wife of the village chief, was terrified and fled.

        assistant_content_example_3 = """
        {"helicopter" : {"has_will": false}, "passenger plane" : {"has_will": false}}

        actants_names = ",".join([str(actant) for actant in self.actants])

        user_content = f"""
        actants: {actants_names}
        consequence: {consequence}

        system_contents = [system_content]
        user_contents = [user_content_example_1, user_content_example_2, user_content_example_3, user_content]
        assistant_contents = [assistant_content_example_1, assistant_content_example_2, assistant_content_example_3]

        success = False
        trial_count = 0

        while not success and trial_count < 5:
            trial_count += 1
            actants_to_add = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=system_contents, user_content_list=user_contents, assistant_content_list=assistant_contents).content
            if is_valid_json(actants_to_add):
                success = True

        if trial_count >= 5:
            print("Failed to get valid json from GPT-3.")

        actants_to_add_json = json.loads(actants_to_add)

        existing_actants_names = [str(actant) for actant in self.actants]
        added_actants = []

        for key in list(actants_to_add_json.keys()):
            if key in existing_actants_names:

            if actants_to_add_json[key]["has_will"] == False :
                new_non_character_actant = self.create_non_character_actant(name = key, consequence = consequence)

                if type(new_non_character_actant) != Non_Character_Actant or new_non_character_actant == None:

                new_character = self.create_character(name = key, first_log = consequence)

                if type(new_character) != Character or new_character == None:


        print(f"actants_to_add: {actants_to_add}")
        return added_actants

    def create_non_character_actant(self, name, consequence):
        system_content = """
        You will be provided with a name of the actant (name), the record of the story so far (global_log), and what happend in the scene resently (consequence).
        Based on that information, please determine the actant's appearance.

        user_content = f"""
        name: {name}
        global_log: {str(global_log)}
        consequence: {str(consequence)}

        appearance = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content
        new_non_character_actant = Non_Character_Actant(name = name, appearance = appearance)

        return new_non_character_actant

    def create_character(self, name, first_log = None):
        system_content = """
            You will be provided with a character's name (name), the record of the story so far (global_log), and the first record (first_log) that character holds in this story. The first_log also represents the most recent event for that character.
            Based on this information, please determine the character's personality, goals, and current desires.
            The output should be in JSON format.
            Output example: {'name': 'Alice', 'appearance':'a girl', 'personality': 'kind', 'goal': 'to become a better person', 'current_need': 'to feel loved'}

        user_content_example_1 = """
            name: Alice
            global_log: {"1": {"action": "Seiji saw a girl attempting suicide and falling into a river", "consequence": "the girl fell into the river"},
                        "2": {"action": "Alice was saved by Seiji.", "consequence": "Alice was saved by Seiji."},
                        "3": {"Seiji's thought": "What a beautiful girl she is! Why did she fall into the river?"}}
            first_log: Alice was saved by Seiji.

        assistant_content_example_1 = """
            {'name': 'Alice', 'appearance':'a girl', 'personality': 'grateful', 'goal': 'to repay Seiji', 'current_need': 'to understand her own feelings'}

        user_content = f"""
            global_log: {str(global_log)}
            first_log: {first_log}

        system_contents = [system_content]
        user_contents = [user_content_example_1, user_content]
        assistant_contents = [assistant_content_example_1]

        success = False
        trial_count = 0
        new_character = None

        while not success and trial_count < 5:
            trial_count += 1
            character_content = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=system_contents, user_content_list=user_contents, assistant_content_list=assistant_contents).content
            if is_valid_json(character_content):
                character_content_json = json.loads(character_content)
                # check if character_content_json has all the keys
                if "name" in character_content_json and "personality" in character_content_json and "goal" in character_content_json and "current_need" in character_content_json:
                    new_character = Character(name = character_content_json["name"],
                                            personality = character_content_json["personality"],
                                            appearance = character_content_json["appearance"],
                                            goal = character_content_json["goal"],
                                            current_need = character_content_json["current_need"],
                                            log = [first_log])
                    new_character.create_world_model(self.actants, overwrite=True)
                    success = True

        if trial_count >= 5:
            print("Failed to get valid json from GPT-3.")

        print(f"new_character: {new_character}")

        return new_character

    def calculate_score(self, scheduled_situation, action_candidate):
        system_content = """
        The information provided to you includes the scheduled_situation, action_candidate, and global_log.
        scheduled_situation: This is the situation that should be accomplished next in the narrative. It is typically provided as a string.
        action_candidate: This is a candidate for the next action to be taken in the narrative. It is given as a parsed string in JSON format.
            An example of an action_candidate: {"action": "This item represents the action taken.", "who_took_action": "This represents who took the action.", "consequence": "This roughs out the result of the action."}
        global_log: This is a record of the actions that have occurred in the narrative. It is given as a parsed string in JSON format.

        You need to consider the combination of the scheduled_situation and action_candidates and provide a score. If the scheduled_situation has been achieved, give a score of 9. If there has been no progress towards achieving the scheduled_situation, give a score of 0. The output must always be parsable as JSON.

        Output example: '{"matchness": "The scheduled_situation has been achieved. However, it is inconsistent with the global_log", "score": 5}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is consistent with the global_log. However, the scheduled_situation has not been achieved.", "score": 5}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is inconsistent with the global_log, and the scheduled_situation has not been achieved.", "score": 0}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is inconsistent with the global_log, and the scheduled_situation has not been achieved. However, it seems likely to approach a situation where the scheduled_situation can be achieved.", "score": 7}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is consistent with the global_log. In addition, the scheduled_situation has been achieved.", "score": 9}'

        # 点数をつける。点数が付けられていない場合は、繰り返す。
        system_contents = [system_content]
        stringified_action_candidate = str(action_candidate)

        user_content_template = """
        sheduled_situation: {scheduled_situation}
        action_candidate: {action_candidate}
        global_log: {global_log}

        user_content = user_content_template.format(scheduled_situation = scheduled_situation, action_candidate = stringified_action_candidate, global_log = str(global_log))
        has_result_valid_score = False
        score = None

        trial_count = 0

        while not has_result_valid_score and trial_count < 1:
            trial_count += 1
            print("trial_count: ", trial_count)

            result = gpt_response_from_lists(system_contents, [user_content]).content
            print("result: ", result)
            if is_valid_json(result):
                result = json.loads(result)
                print("type(result): ", type(result))

                #check if "score" is in result
                if "score" not in result:

                #check if result["score"] can be interpreted as a integer
                    score = int(result["score"])
                    has_result_valid_score = True

        action_candidate.score = score

        return action_candidate



# where the story takes place and descripriton of the place

place = "White House's caffeteria, where President Tramp is having a lunch with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas."
DragonLord = Character(name = "Nicol Bolas",
                personality = "Brutal",
                appearance = "A dragon adorned with many jewels, capable of understanding human language. Even if when he is not angry, there is deep wrinkles between his eyebrows.",
                goal = "Be the emperor of the entire world",
                current_need = "kill heroes of the world",
                log = ["I am the Dragon Lord. I am the one who will be the emperor of the entire world. I am going to kill heroes of the world."],
                place = place)
PresidentTramp = Character(name = "President Tramp",
                personality = "selfish",
                appearance="A 50-year-old man brimming with confidence and smiles.",
                goal = "Become a legendary person",
                current_need = "Be a freind of the Nicol Bolas and Princess Aurora, because they are legendary people.",
                log = ["President Tramp uttered 'I am President Tramp. I want to make America great again.'"],
                place = place)
PrincessAurora = Character(name = "Princess Aurora",
                personality = "Princess Aurora is just a performer who escaped from Disney Land. She is cheerful and beautiful",
                appearance="genuine noble princess",
                goal = "Make everyone laugh.",
                current_need = "Pretend as a noble and continue the meeting with Tramp and the Nicol Bolas",
                log = ["Princess Aurora told herself in her mind, 'If Tramp or the Nicol Bolas realise that I'm a layperson, this meeting will be devastated and the entire world will be destroyed.'"],
                place = place)
YandereSword = Non_Character_Actant(name = "Yandere Sword",
                appearance = "For Japanese people, it is just a kitchen knife, but most westerners think it is a sword, several times yandere girls have used it to kill their boyfriends. It is on a table in the caffeteria.")
catalyst_action_object = Action_Object(action = "Princess Aurora courteously greeted President Trump and Nicol Bolas.",
                                    who_took_action= "Princess Aurora",
                                    consequence="Nicol Bolas and President Trump returned Princess Aurora's greeting.")
game_master = Game_Master(actants=[DragonLord, PrincessAurora, PresidentTramp, YandereSword],
                schedule_stack=["The meeting devasted", "The all people smiled"],
                tolerance= 1,)
game_master.main(catalyst_action_object=catalyst_action_object , max_iterations=10)
translated = []
for i in range(len(global_log)):
    content = gpt_response_from_lists(["translate English to Japanese"], assistant_content_list=[], user_content_list=[global_log[i]]).content
for i in range(len(translated)):





Nicol Bolas' world model:
[Princess Aurora's personality]: She is kind-hearted, gentle, and graceful.
[Princess Aurora's goal]: She wants to find true love and live happily ever after.
[Princess Aurora's current_need]: She needs someone to awaken her from her sleep.
[Princess Aurora's affect to your goal]: She doesn't have a direct impact on my goal, but she may be able to provide assistance or support.
[Princess Aurora's affect to your current_need]: She doesn't have a direct impact on my current need, unless I am the one who can awaken her from her sleep.
[How Princess Aurora thinks who you are and how you are]: She might see me as a potential love interest or someone who can help her in her journey.

[President Tramp's personality]: He is a very confident person.
[President Tramp's goal]: His goal is to make America great again.
[President Tramp's current_need]: His current need is to be re-elected as the President.
[President Tramp's affect to your goal]: It depends on whether my goal aligns with his goal. If it does, he may provide support in achieving my goal. If it doesn't, he may hinder or have no effect on my goal.
[President Tramp's affect to your current_need]: He may have no effect on my current need or may provide support depending on whether it aligns with his goal.
[How President Tramp thinks who you are and how you are]: He may see me as a potential supporter or an obstacle depending on whether my goals align with his goals.
[Yandere Sword's affect to your goal]: The Yandere Sword doesn't have a direct impact on your goal.
[Yandere Sword's affect to your current_need]: The Yandere Sword may not satisfy your current need unless you have a specific use for it. However, it's important to remember that using it for harm is not recommended.

[Nicol Bolasの性格]:彼は知識と力を持った存在です。
[Nicol Bolasの目標]:彼の目標は、マルチバース全体を支配し、究極の力を手に入れることです。
[Nicol Bolasの現在の必要性]:彼の現在の必要性は、計画を進めるためにより多くの知識と力を集めることです。
[Nicol Bolasがあなたの目標に与える影響]:Nicol Bolasはすべてを支配することを求めているため、私たちの目標は衝突する可能性があります。
[Nicol Bolasがあなたの現在の必要性に与える影響]:彼は自身の計画と一致する場合に、私の現在の必要性を満たすための情報や援助を提供できるかもしれません。
[Nicol Bolasがあなたについてどのように考え、どのようにあなたをみているか]:彼は私を自身の計画に合致するかどうかによって、潜在的な駒や障害物と見なすでしょう。


Princess Aurora' world model:
[Nicol Bolas's personality]: He is an intelligent and powerful being.
[Nicol Bolas's goal]: His goal is to gain ultimate power and control over the multiverse.
[Nicol Bolas's current_need]: His current need is to gather more knowledge and power to further his plans.
[Nicol Bolas's affect to your goal]: It is likely that our goals are in conflict, as Nicol Bolas seeks to gain power and control over all.
[Nicol Bolas's affect to your current_need]: He may be able to provide information or assistance in satisfying my current needs, but only if it aligns with his own plans.
[How Nicol Bolas thinks who you are and how you are]: He likely sees me as a potential pawn or obstacle to be manipulated or eliminated, depending on whether I align with his plans or not.

[President Tramp's personality]: He is a very confident person.
[President Tramp's goal]: His goal is to be reelected as the president.
[President Tramp's current_need]: His current need is to gain support from the public.
[President Tramp's affect to your goal]: His goal does not directly affect my goal.
[President Tramp's affect to your current_need]: His actions and policies may have an impact on my current needs, depending on the situation.
[How President Tramp thinks who you are and how you are]: He may see me as a potential supporter or opponent, depending on my beliefs and opinions.
[The Yandere Sword's affect to your goal]: The Yandere Sword doesn't have a direct impact on my goal. However, if it is used to harm someone, it could indirectly affect my goal.
[The Yandere Sword's affect to your current_need]: Unless I need to use the Yandere Sword for self-defense, it does not directly affect my current needs.

[Nicol Bolasの性格]:彼は非常に知恵があり、狡猾な存在です。
[Nicol Bolasの目標]:すべてのプレーンを支配し、究極の力を得ることです。
[Nicol Bolasの現在の必要性]:目標を達成するための最も効果的な方法を見つける必要があります。
[Nicol Bolasがあなたの目標に与える影響]:目標が一致する場合、個々の目標を達成するために一緒に働くことができるかもしれません。
[Nicol Bolasがあなたの現在の必要性に与える影響]:彼は彼の現在の必要性を満たすために役立つ情報やリソースを提供することができるかもしれません。
[Nicol Bolasがあなたをどのように思っているか、あなたがどういう存在か]:彼は私を力を求める冒険において潜在的な同盟者または手駒と見ています。


President Tramp' world model:
[Nicol Bolas's personality]: He is a very intelligent and cunning being.
[Nicol Bolas's goal]: To gain ultimate power and control over all planes.
[Nicol Bolas's current_need]: He needs to find the most effective way to achieve his goal.
[Nicol Bolas's affect to your goal]: If our goals align, we may be able to work together to achieve our individual goals.
[Nicol Bolas's affect to your current_need]: He may be able to provide useful information or resources to help satisfy my current needs.
[How Nicol Bolas thinks who you are and how you are]: He sees me as a potential ally or pawn in his quest for power.

[Princess Aurora's personality]: She is kind and gentle.
[Princess Aurora's goal]: To find true love and live happily ever after.
[Princess Aurora's current_need]: To be rescued from a curse.
[Princess Aurora's affect to your goal]: It depends on your relationship with her. If you have a romantic connection, it might align with your goal. Otherwise, it may not directly affect your goal.
[Princess Aurora's affect to your current_need]: If you can help her break the curse, it might align with your current need. Otherwise, it may not directly affect your current need.
[How Princess Aurora thinks who you are and how you are]: She may see you as a potential love interest or a potential savior from the curse.
[Yandere Sword's affect to your goal]: The Yandere Sword itself does not have a direct impact on my goal.
[Yandere Sword's affect to your current_need]: If I try to grab the Yandere Sword and use it, it could result in violence or harm to others. It is best to avoid using it and find a peaceful solution to satisfy my current need.

触媒の行動:{'action': 'オーロラ姫は丁寧にトランプ大統領とニコル・ボーラスに挨拶しました。', 'who_took_action': 'オーロラ姫', 'consequence': 'ニコル・ボーラスとトランプ大統領はオーロラ姫の挨拶に応えました。'}
catalyst action: {'action': 'Princess Aurora courteously greeted President Trump and Nicol Bolas.', 'who_took_action': 'Princess Aurora', 'consequence': "Nicol Bolas and President Trump returned Princess Aurora's greeting."}

Nicol Bolas's thought: The purpose of Princess Aurora courteously greeting President Trump and Nicol Bolas is to establish a friendly and respectful atmosphere. As Princess Aurora, I believe the intent of my action is to show politeness and goodwill towards both President Trump and Nicol Bolas. This greeting may be seen as a way to build positive relationships and potentially seek assistance or support in my journey to find true love and awaken from my sleep.

Nicol Bolas's need renewed: My immediate need is to assess Princess Aurora and determine if she can be of any assistance or support in my quest to become the emperor of the world. If she can provide any value towards achieving my goal, I must ensure that I establish a positive relationship with her. However, if she proves to be an obstacle or hindrance, I may need to devise a plan to neutralize her.

Nicol Bolas's thought: I changed my need because the situation has evolved. Killing the heroes of the world was my previous need, but now I see an opportunity to assess Princess Aurora and potentially gain assistance or support in my quest to become the emperor of the world. It is important to adapt and seize opportunities that align with my ultimate goal.

Princess Aurora's thought: As Princess Aurora, I courteously greeted President Trump and Nicol Bolas. The purpose of this action was to show respect and establish a positive atmosphere for the meeting. I wanted to create a friendly and welcoming environment in order to foster open communication and cooperation between all parties involved. By initiating the greeting, I hoped to set a positive tone for the discussion and build a foundation of mutual respect and understanding. The fact that both President Trump and Nicol Bolas returned my greeting suggests that they also recognized the importance of maintaining a cordial atmosphere for the meeting.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: Princess Aurora's immediate need is to maintain her disguise as a genuine noble princess and continue the meeting with Tramp and Nicol Bolas without revealing her true identity.

Princess Aurora's thought: I did not change my need because maintaining my disguise and continuing the meeting without revealing my true identity is still crucial to the success of our discussion. If my true identity is discovered, it could jeopardize the meeting and potentially lead to disastrous consequences for the world.


President Tramp's thought: President Tramp's Perspective:

Princess Aurora courteously greeted President Tramp and Nicol Bolas. Since I am President Tramp, I am the one who took the action. The purpose of my action was to establish a friendly and respectful interaction with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. By greeting them in a courteous manner, I hope to create a positive impression and potentially build a relationship with both of them.

トランプ大統領の切迫したニーズ: 私の即座のニーズは、真のアイデンティティを明かさずに、プリンセスオーロラとニコル・ボーラスとの会議を続けることです。
President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need is to continue the meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas without revealing my true identity.

President Tramp's thought: I did not change my need because my ultimate goal of becoming a legendary person is still the same. Continuing the meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas without revealing my true identity aligns with that goal as it allows me to build connections with influential individuals.












{'action': 'President Tramp, with his signature confidence and smile, continues the meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas in the White House cafeteria. As they engage in conversation, President Tramp subtly surveys the room, taking note of the various individuals present. Suddenly, his eyes land on a familiar object: the Yandere Sword, displayed behind a glass case.\n\nSeizing the opportunity, President Tramp excuses himself momentarily, stating he needs to use the restroom. He discreetly makes his way towards the glass case, his mind racing with thoughts of the power the Yandere Sword possesses.\n\nCarefully, President Tramp examines the security measures surrounding the Yandere Sword. After a quick assessment, he formulates a plan in his mind. With a hint of mischief in his eyes, he reaches into his pocket and retrieves a set of lockpicks.\n\nSilently, President Tramp begins to work on the lock, skillfully navigating the intricate mechanisms. As the lock gives way, he opens the glass case, revealing the Yandere Sword in all its menacing glory. With a quick glance around to ensure he remains unnoticed, President Tramp carefully takes hold of the Yandere Sword.\n\nSatisfied with his success, President Tramp slips the Yandere Sword into his coat pocket, concealing it from view. With a self-satisfied grin, he rejoins Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas at their table, ready to continue the meeting without revealing his true identity.', 'who_took_action': 'President Tramp', 'consequence': "As President Tramp returns to the table, his smile widens in satisfaction. Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas continue their conversation, oblivious to the President's mischievous actions. Unbeknownst to them, the Yandere Sword now rests in President Tramp's coat pocket, its power and potential for violence hidden from view.\n\nThe meeting carries on, with President Tramp skillfully navigating the conversation, ensuring that his true identity remains concealed. However, the weight of the Yandere Sword in his pocket serves as a constant reminder of the consequences of his actions.\n\nLittle do they know, the Yandere Sword's influence begins to seep into President Tramp's mind. Its dark energies whisper promises of power and control, enticing him with the possibility of becoming the legendary figure he so desires to be.\n\nAs the meeting progresses, President Tramp's thoughts become clouded with ambition and greed. His once selfless goals of building connections and achieving greatness are now tainted by the allure of the Yandere Sword's power.\n\nMeanwhile, Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas remain unaware of the dangerous weapon in their midst. They continue to discuss their own goals and needs, their trust in President Tramp unwavering.\n\nLittle do they realize, the consequences of President Tramp's actions may soon come to light. The Yandere Sword's influence, combined with the President's selfish nature, may lead to a path of destruction and chaos that none of them could have anticipated.\n\nAs the meeting draws to a close, only time will tell the true consequence of President Tramp's decision to acquire the Yandere Sword. Will he be able to resist its temptations and use it for good, or will the dark forces it embodies consume him, leading to the downfall of all involved?"}




Nicol Bolas's thought: President Tramp's unexpected action of taking the Yandere Sword has introduced a new element of uncertainty into the situation. The Yandere Sword possesses immense power and the potential for violence, and in President Tramp's possession, it could pose a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world. I must now reassess the dynamics of the meeting and gather more information to determine how this development affects my goal and current needs.

While I initially saw Princess Aurora as someone who could potentially provide assistance or support towards my goal, her current need of finding someone to awaken her from her sleep does not directly impact my current need. However, if I am the one who can awaken her, it may create a different dynamic between us. I must now consider how this new situation with President Tramp and the Yandere Sword may influence Princess Aurora's perception of me and her willingness to form a positive relationship.

As for President Tramp, his goals of making America great again and being re-elected as the President may align with my goal of becoming the emperor of the world, depending on the extent of his influence and the potential benefits he can provide. However, if our goals do not align, he may see me as either a potential supporter or an obstacle. I must carefully assess his actions and motivations to determine the best approach to take.

In light of these new circumstances, I need to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal. It is crucial to gather more information, assess the situation, and determine how to proceed strategically. I must remain vigilant, as any misstep could have significant consequences for my quest to become the emperor of the world.





Princess Aurora's thought: Ah, it seems that President Tramp has retrieved and concealed the Yandere Sword in his coat pocket. This development has altered the old world model and has potential implications for my current needs.

Based on the updated world model, Nicol Bolas may become interested in the Yandere Sword due to its power and its potential to further his plans for ultimate control over the multiverse. This means that I need to be cautious around Nicol Bolas and ensure that the sword does not fall into his hands.

President Tramp's thoughts have become clouded with ambition and greed due to the presence of the Yandere Sword. This may affect his actions and decisions in the future, including his interactions with me and Nicol Bolas. I must be wary of President Tramp's motivations and intentions moving forward.

As for the Yandere Sword itself, it doesn't directly impact my goal of making everyone laugh. However, if it is used to harm someone, it could indirectly affect my goal. I must remain vigilant and ready to act if the sword is used in a harmful manner.

Overall, this new development highlights the importance of maintaining my disguise and navigating the meeting with Tramp and Nicol Bolas carefully. I must continue to focus on my immediate need of preserving my disguise and ensuring the meeting continues without any revelations. The potential threat posed by the Yandere Sword and the shifting dynamics between Tramp and Nicol Bolas require me to adapt and proceed strategically to avoid any missteps that could jeopardize my quest to make everyone laugh.






President Tramp's thought: Ah, the Yandere Sword, a fascinating artifact. With this in my possession, I can truly become a legendary person. But I must be careful not to reveal my true identity as I rejoin Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas at the table. I must continue to build connections with influential individuals.

As I return to the table, I make sure to conceal the Yandere Sword in my coat pocket. With a confident smile, I greet Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, hoping to maintain the illusion of a regular meeting.

"Apologies for the interruption," I say smoothly, trying to divert their attention from the sword. "Now, where were we?"

Nicol Bolas, being the intelligent and cunning being he is, may have noticed something amiss. I must be cautious and tread carefully around him. I need to ensure that he doesn't suspect the true power of the Yandere Sword or my ulterior motives. It is crucial to maintain his perception of me as a potential ally or pawn in his quest for power.

Princess Aurora, on the other hand, must continue to see me as a potential love interest or a potential savior from the curse. I need to keep up the facade and ensure that she doesn't uncover my true identity and intentions.

Sitting down at the table, I await their response, ready to steer the conversation back on track. It is essential to regain their trust and focus on the matters at hand, all while keeping the Yandere Sword hidden and maintaining the image of a confident and influential individual.

Nicol Bolas's thought: As Nicol Bolas, I took the action of opening the glass case and taking the Yandere Sword. The purpose of this action was to acquire the power and potential for violence that the sword possesses. By having the Yandere Sword in my possession, I can potentially use it to further my goal of becoming the emperor of the world.

ニコル・ボーラスの必要性の更新: 現在の緊急の必要性は、トランプ大統領がヤンデレソードを手に入れた理由や意図について、状況を再評価し、より多くの情報を集めることです。私は、彼が私が世界の皇帝になるという目標に対して脅威を与えるかどうかを判断し、彼が提示する潜在的な障害や妨げを無力化するための計画を立てなければなりません。究極の目標を達成するために、適応し、最良の行動方針を見つけることが重要です。
Nicol Bolas's need renewed: My immediate need is to reassess the situation and gather more information about President Tramp's intentions and motivations for taking the Yandere Sword. I must determine whether he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles or hindrances he may present. It is crucial to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.

Nicol Bolas's thought: I changed my need because the situation with President Tramp taking the Yandere Sword introduces a new element of uncertainty and potential danger. President Tramp's actions may pose a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world, and therefore it is crucial for me to reassess the situation and gather more information about his intentions and motivations. This new development requires me to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.




Princess Aurora's thought: The purpose of President Tramp retrieving the Yandere Sword from the glass case and concealing it in his coat pocket can be inferred as follows:

President Tramp's intent in taking this action is to gain control over the Yandere Sword and its potential power. By concealing the sword in his coat pocket, he ensures that Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas remain unaware of its presence. President Tramp's widened smile suggests that he is satisfied with his mischievous actions, indicating that he may have ulterior motives for obtaining the sword.

As Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas continue their conversation, oblivious to President Tramp's actions, the Yandere Sword remains hidden from view. The consequences of this action are that the sword's power and potential for violence are now under President Tramp's control, while Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas remain unaware of the potential threat posed by the sword's presence.

Based on this information, it can be inferred that President Tramp's purpose in retrieving and concealing the Yandere Sword is to gain power and control over the sword, potentially for his own personal gain or to further his ambitions as the President.

オーロラ姫の新たな必要性: 私の直近の必要性は変わりません - 真の貴族の姫としての変装を維持し、トランプとニコル・ボーラスとの会合を秘密に続けることです。しかし、トランプ大統領がコートのポケットにヤンデレの剣を隠しているという新しい情報を知ったことで、その存在と潜在的な影響にも注意を払わなければなりません。剣が誤った手に渡ったり、悪用されたりしないように警戒し、確実に防ぐ必要があります。
Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same - to maintain my disguise as a genuine noble princess and continue the meeting with Tramp and Nicol Bolas without revealing my true identity. However, with the new information about President Tramp concealing the Yandere Sword in his coat pocket, I must also be cautious of its presence and potential implications. I need to stay vigilant and ensure that the sword does not fall into the wrong hands or be used for harmful purposes.

Princess Aurora's thought: I did change my need because the new information about President Tramp concealing the Yandere Sword in his coat pocket poses a potential threat and changes the dynamics of the situation. I need to stay cautious and ensure the sword is not misused, while still maintaining my disguise and achieving my goal of making everyone laugh.

President Tramp's thought: President Tramp's intent in examining the security measures surrounding the Yandere Sword and retrieving it with lockpicks was to obtain the sword for his own personal gain. By concealing it in his coat pocket and rejoining Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, President Tramp aims to possess the immense power of the Yandere Sword without revealing his true intentions or identity. His goal is to become a legendary person, and he sees the Yandere Sword as a means to achieve that goal.

トランプ大統領の新たな必要性: 私の即座の必要性は変わりません。アウロラ姫とニコル・ボーラスとの会合を続けること、ただし自分の正体を明かさないようにすることです。しかし、ヤンデレの剣を手に入れたことで、私の即座の必要性には剣のセキュリティを確保し、誤った人々の手に渡らないようにする計画を立てることも含まれます。その剣が持つ力と暴力の可能性は、それを貴重で危険な遺物としてしまいます。そして、伝説的な人物になるという目標を達成するために、私がその制御を維持することを確認しなければなりません。
President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to continue the meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas without revealing my true identity. However, now that I have successfully acquired the Yandere Sword, my immediate need also includes formulating a plan to ensure the sword's security and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The power and potential for violence that the sword possesses make it a valuable and dangerous artifact, and I must ensure that it remains under my control to further my goal of becoming a legendary person.

President Tramp's thought: I have changed my need because acquiring the Yandere Sword has added a new element to the situation. Its power and potential for violence make it necessary for me to ensure its security and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. This is essential for both my personal safety and my goal of becoming a legendary person.





{'action': 'Princess Aurora discreetly observes President Tramp as he retrieves the Yandere Sword from the glass case and conceals it in his coat pocket. Knowing the potential danger and implications of the sword, she quickly formulates a plan to ensure its safekeeping. \n\nMaintaining her cheerful and beautiful facade, Princess Aurora casually suggests to President Tramp, "Mr. President, I\'ve heard rumors about a fascinating artifact known as the Yandere Sword. It is said to possess incredible power and historical significance. I would love to hear more about it. Perhaps you could show it to us?"\n\nWith a playful smile, she hopes to pique President Tramp\'s interest in sharing more details about the sword. By appearing genuinely curious and interested, Princess Aurora aims to create an opportunity to safely acquire the sword or at least keep it within her sight.\n\nRemaining cautious and vigilant, Princess Aurora continues the lunch meeting, subtly steering the conversation towards the Yandere Sword. Her goal is to maintain her disguise as a genuine noble princess while ensuring the sword does not fall into the wrong hands or be used for harmful purposes.', 'who_took_action': 'Princess Aurora', 'consequence': 'The all people smiled'}




Nicol Bolas's thought: President Tramp's action of taking the Yandere Sword and concealing it in his coat pocket was unexpected. The sword's power and potential for violence make it a valuable and dangerous artifact. Now, with Princess Aurora suggesting that President Tramp show the sword and share more details about it, everyone seems to be smiling. This presents an opportunity for me to gather more information about President Tramp's intentions and motivations for taking the sword.

However, I must remain cautious in my approach. President Tramp's actions may pose a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world. While Princess Aurora may not have a direct impact on my goal, she may be able to provide assistance or support. As for President Tramp, he may see me as a potential supporter or an obstacle depending on whether our goals align.

The Yandere Sword itself does not have a direct impact on my goal, but it may have implications for my current need. It is important to remember that using the sword for harm is not recommended.

In light of these new developments, I must reassess the situation and gather more information about President Tramp's intentions and motivations. I need to determine whether he poses a threat to my goal and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles or hindrances he may present. It is crucial to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal of becoming the emperor of the world.





Princess Aurora's thought: In light of the recent events, I find myself with a renewed sense of caution and concern. While my suggestion to show the Yandere Sword has brought smiles to everyone's faces, I can't help but remember that President Tramp has concealed the sword in his coat pocket. This poses a potential threat to the meeting and adds a new layer of complexity to the situation.

I am aware that Nicol Bolas, with his goal of gaining ultimate power and control over the multiverse, may be intrigued by the potential power of the Yandere Sword. I must be careful not to reveal my true identity and intentions to him, as he may view me as a potential pawn or obstacle in his plans.

President Tramp's actions have been driven by ambition and greed, fueled by the presence of the Yandere Sword. This may influence his decisions and interactions with both me and Nicol Bolas. It is important for me to be cautious and observant of his behavior, as his motivations may no longer solely revolve around his goal of being reelected as president.

While the Yandere Sword itself does not directly affect my goal of making everyone laugh, I understand the potential dangers if it falls into the wrong hands or is used for harmful purposes. It is my responsibility to ensure that the sword is not misused and that harm is prevented.

With these thoughts in mind, I will continue to maintain my disguise as a genuine noble princess and navigate the meeting with increased vigilance. I must be mindful of the shifting dynamics between President Tramp and Nicol Bolas, while avoiding any missteps that could compromise my goal or the safety of those around me.






President Tramp's thought: President Tramp's Thought:

Ah, the Yandere Sword, a valuable and dangerous artifact. With it concealed in my coat pocket, I must be cautious not to reveal my true identity as I rejoin Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas at the table. My goal of becoming a legendary person remains unchanged, and I must ensure the sword's security to further that goal.

I return to the table with a confident smile, greeting Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. It is crucial that I divert their attention away from the sword and maintain the illusion of a regular meeting. Building connections with influential individuals is still my priority, but I must be wary of Nicol Bolas and his intelligence. He may have noticed something amiss, and I must tread carefully around him.

Princess Aurora, on the other hand, must continue to see me as a potential ally or savior. Her perception of me is crucial in maintaining the meeting's facade. I take a seat at the table, ready to steer the conversation back on track and regain their trust.

As for the updated world model, I now have a new consideration: the Dragon Balls. They have the potential to help me achieve my goal, but I must be cautious of any threats or obstacles that may arise from others who desire them. The evil person with unknown goals could pose a hindrance, but I believe he is not strong enough to be a significant obstacle.

In light of these new developments, I must remain focused on my immediate need: continuing the meeting without revealing my true identity, ensuring the sword's security, and maintaining Princess Aurora's perception of me as an ally or savior. With these goals in mind, I am prepared to navigate the meeting and gather more information about the intentions and motivations of those around me.





Nicol Bolas's thought: The purpose of Princess Aurora suggesting to President Tramp to show the Yandere Sword and ask for more details about it can be inferred as follows:

Princess Aurora's intention in taking this action is to divert attention away from President Trump's unexpected acquisition of the Yandere Sword. By suggesting that President Trump showcase the sword and discuss its details, she creates a distraction that allows her and Nicol Bolas to gather more information about President Trump's intentions and motivations for taking the sword.

The fact that everyone smiled in response to Princess Aurora's suggestion indicates that the diversion was successful in shifting the focus away from the sword and back to the conversation. This outcome aligns with Princess Aurora's goal of maintaining her disguise as a genuine noble princess and continuing the meeting without revealing her true identity.

From my perspective as Nicol Bolas, Princess Aurora's action serves as a means to gather more information about President Trump and assess his potential threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world. It allows me to observe President Trump's reaction to the suggestion and gather insights into his intentions and motivations for acquiring the Yandere Sword.

Therefore, the purpose of Princess Aurora's action is to create a diversion, gather information, and assess the situation regarding President Trump's acquisition of the Yandere Sword.

Nicol Bolas's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to reassess the situation and gather more information about President Trump's intentions and motivations for taking the Yandere Sword. I must determine whether he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles or hindrances he may present. It is crucial to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.

Nicol Bolas's thought: I did not change my need because the situation with President Trump taking the Yandere Sword and concealing it in his coat pocket has not been resolved. I still need to gather more information about his intentions and motivations to determine if he poses a threat to my goal. Reassessing the situation and adapting my plan of action remains crucial for achieving my ultimate goal of becoming the emperor of the world.

Princess Aurora's thought: As Princess Aurora, the purpose of my action in suggesting to President Tramp to show the Yandere Sword and share more details about it is to lighten the mood and bring smiles to everyone's faces. I am aware of the potential power and danger that the sword possesses, but by showing it and discussing it in a lighthearted manner, I hope to create a sense of intrigue and amusement. My goal is to make everyone laugh and create a positive atmosphere during the meeting.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need is to carefully observe President Tramp's reaction to my suggestion and gauge his response. I need to pay close attention to his behavior and any potential signs of discomfort or suspicion. Additionally, I must remain vigilant and cautious, ensuring that I do not reveal my true identity or intentions to President Tramp or Nicol Bolas.

Princess Aurora's thought: I did not change my need because my immediate goal and objective remain the same - to carefully observe President Tramp's reaction and gauge his response, while also ensuring the safety and security of the Yandere Sword. The new information about the sword being concealed in President Tramp's coat pocket only emphasizes the need for caution and vigilance in order to prevent any potential misuse of its power.

President Tramp's thought: As President Tramp, I understand that Princess Aurora suggested showing the Yandere Sword during the meeting. The purpose of her action, from my perspective, is to gather more information about the sword and its potential power. It seems that her suggestion was aimed at diverting attention away from my concealment of the sword and creating a more relaxed atmosphere. The consequence of her action, with everyone smiling, suggests that the suggestion was well-received and may have helped to alleviate some tension in the room.

President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need now is to carefully consider Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. While it may seem like a simple request, I must weigh the potential risks and consequences of revealing the sword. The power and potential for violence that the sword possesses make it a valuable and dangerous artifact. Therefore, my immediate need is to assess how showing the sword may affect the meeting and the perceptions of both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. I must ensure that revealing the sword does not compromise my true identity or my goal of becoming a legendary person.

President Tramp's thought: I did not change my need because while acquiring the Yandere Sword has added a new element to my immediate need, it does not negate or replace my previous need of maintaining the illusion of a regular meeting and protecting my true identity. Both needs are still important and must be addressed simultaneously to achieve my goal of becoming a legendary person.

{'action': 'トランプ大統領は、彼がヤンデレソードを隠したコートのポケットをこっそりとチェックし、その安全性を確認します。自信に満ちた笑顔でテーブルに座り、会話を元の軌道に戻す準備をします。彼はプリンセス・オーロラとニコル・ボーラスと軽快な会話を交わし、剣の注意を逸らします。トランプ大統領はウェイターに合図し、自分の個人的なお気に入りの料理をカフェテリアのメニューから注文します。昼食が到着するのを待ちながら、彼はプリンセス・オーロラとニコル・ボーラスの反応を注意深く観察し、彼らの信頼と彼に対する認識を測ります。', 'who_took_action': 'トランプ大統領', 'consequence': 'トランプ大統領は、ヤンデレソードを隠したコートのポケットをこっそりとチェックし、注意を引かずにその安全性を確認します。自信に満ちた笑顔でテーブルに座り、プリンセス・オーロラとニコル・ボーラスと軽快な会話を交わし、剣への注意を成功裏に逸らします。雰囲気はリラックスしたままで、トランプ大統領はウェイターに合図し、カフェテリアのメニューから自分の個人的なお気に入りの料理を注文します。昼食が到着するのを待ちながら、彼はプリンセス・オーロラとニコル・ボーラスの反応を注意深く観察し、彼らの信頼と彼に対する認識を測ります。トリオは隠された危険がわずか数インチ先にあることに気づかず、会話を楽しんでいるようです。'}
{'action': 'President Tramp discreetly checks the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword to ensure its security. With a confident smile, he takes a seat at the table, ready to steer the conversation back on track. He engages in light-hearted banter with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, diverting their attention from the sword. President Tramp then signals to a waiter, requesting his personal favorite dish from the cafeteria menu. As he waits for his lunch to arrive, he carefully observes the reactions of Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, gauging their trust and perception of him.', 'who_took_action': 'President Tramp', 'consequence': 'As President Tramp discreetly checks the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword, he ensures its security without drawing any attention. With a confident smile, he takes a seat at the table and engages in light-hearted banter with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, successfully diverting their attention from the sword. The atmosphere remains relaxed as President Tramp signals to a waiter, ordering his personal favorite dish from the cafeteria menu. As he waits for his lunch to arrive, he carefully observes the reactions of Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, gauging their trust and perception of him. The trio appears to be enjoying their conversation, unaware of the hidden danger that lies just inches away from them.'}




Nicol Bolas's thought: President Tramp's actions have shifted the dynamics of the situation. He discreetly checks the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword, ensuring its security. He then takes a seat at the table and engages in light-hearted banter, diverting our attention from the sword. President Tramp even signals to a waiter to request his personal favorite dish from the cafeteria menu. As we wait for our food, he carefully observes our reactions.

Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword and ask for more details about it has created a positive atmosphere, resulting in smiles from everyone. This presents an opportunity for me to gather more information about President Tramp's intentions and motivations. I must remain cautious and reassess the situation to determine if he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world.

Despite the seemingly enjoyable conversation, I must remain vigilant. President Tramp's actions indicate that he may be aware of the potential danger the Yandere Sword possesses. I must continue to observe his behavior and gather more information to ensure I can neutralize any obstacles or hindrances he may present.

The presence of the waiter in the cafeteria has no significant impact on the current situation. They continue to perform their duties, taking orders and serving food to the guests. The cafeteria menu itself is not described, so we cannot determine its physical appearance.







Princess Aurora's thought: I smile warmly as everyone responds positively to my suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. It seems that the mood has lightened and brought smiles to everyone's faces. However, I can't help but feel cautious and concerned as I remember that President Tramp has concealed the sword in his coat pocket. The presence of the Yandere Sword now poses a potential threat and could potentially affect the dynamics of this meeting.

Glancing at Nicol Bolas, I am aware of his goal to gain ultimate power and control over the multiverse. The potential power of the Yandere Sword might pique his interest. I must be careful not to reveal my true identity and intentions to him, as he may see me as a potential pawn or obstacle in his plans.

President Tramp's thoughts have become clouded with ambition and greed due to the presence of the Yandere Sword. This may affect his actions and decisions, including his interactions with me and Nicol Bolas. I need to be cautious and observant of his behavior, as his motivations may no longer solely revolve around his goal of being reelected as president.

As I continue navigating this meeting, I must remain vigilant and mindful of the Yandere Sword's presence. While the sword itself does not directly affect my current needs, I understand the potential implications and dangers if it falls into the wrong hands or is used for harmful purposes. It is my duty to prevent any misuse of its power and ensure the safety of others.

With these thoughts in mind, I maintain my disguise as a genuine noble princess and work towards achieving my goal of making everyone laugh. I must be cautious and avoid any missteps that could jeopardize my goal or compromise the safety of those around me.

In addition, I carefully observe President Tramp's reaction to my suggestion and gauge his response. I pay close attention to his behavior for any signs of discomfort or suspicion. It is crucial that I do not reveal my true identity or intentions to President Tramp or Nicol Bolas. My immediate need is to navigate this meeting with caution, being mindful of the presence of the Yandere Sword and the shifting dynamics between President Tramp and Nicol Bolas. I must avoid any missteps that could jeopardize my goal of making everyone laugh and prevent any potential misuse of the sword's power.

The waiter in the cafeteria has no significant impact on my goal or current need. They are simply performing their duties, taking orders, and serving food to the guests. The appearance of the cafeteria menu is not described, so I cannot determine its physical appearance.






President Tramp's thought: As I discreetly check the security of the Yandere Sword in my coat pocket, I can't help but feel a surge of confidence. With the sword safely concealed, I return to the table and greet Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas with a warm smile. It's important to divert their attention away from my coat pocket, so I engage in light-hearted banter, aiming to maintain the illusion of a regular meeting.

"Good to see both of you again," I say, my voice filled with warmth. "I hope you've been well since our last meeting."

Taking my seat, I continue to steer the conversation, carefully choosing my words to ensure that I don't reveal anything about the Yandere Sword or my true identity. The power and potential for violence that the sword possesses make it a valuable and dangerous artifact, and I must ensure that it remains under my control.

As we delve into various topics, I keep a watchful eye on both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. Their reactions and responses are crucial indicators of how showing the Yandere Sword may affect their perceptions and the overall outcome of the meeting. Revealing the sword could have both positive and negative consequences, so I must weigh these risks carefully.

In the back of my mind, I can't help but think about the Dragon Balls. I firmly believe that they hold the key to achieving my goal of becoming a legendary person. However, I must also be cautious of any threats or obstacles that may arise from others who also desire the Dragon Balls. I am aware that there is an evil person with unknown goals, but I believe they are not strong enough to pose a significant obstacle to my plans.

With all these thoughts swirling in my mind, I remain focused on the present moment. Navigating the meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas while keeping my true identity and the Yandere Sword concealed is crucial. I exude confidence and maintain a friendly demeanor, as I continue to build connections and work towards my ultimate goal of becoming a legendary person. The waiter and the cafeteria menu are of little significance in this situation, so I pay them no mind.

Nicol Bolas's thought: As Nicol Bolas, I discreetly checked the coat pocket where I concealed the Yandere Sword. The purpose of this action is to ensure the security of the sword without drawing any attention.

Nicol Bolas's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to reassess the situation and gather more information about President Trump's intentions and motivations for taking the Yandere Sword. I must determine whether he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles or hindrances he may present. It is crucial to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.

Nicol Bolas's thought: I did not change my need because the situation has not significantly changed. President Trump's actions and the suggestion to show the Yandere Sword have presented an opportunity to gather more information, but I still need to reassess his intentions and motivations to determine if he poses a threat to my goal. My need to gather information and devise a plan to achieve my ultimate goal remains the same.

Princess Aurora's thought: As the action is taken by President Tramp, I can infer that the purpose of him discreetly checking the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword is to ensure the security of the sword without drawing any attention. By checking on the sword, President Tramp is likely making sure it is still safely hidden and ready for potential use or to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

オーロラ姫のニーズの更新: 私の即座のニーズは、トランプ大統領が彼がヤンデレソードを隠したコートのポケットをこっそりチェックする際の反応を注意深く観察することです。彼の反応を測り、不快感や疑念の兆候に注意を払わなければなりません。私は警戒心を持ち、慎重に行動し、トランプ大統領やニコル・ボラスに自分の正体や意図を明かさないようにすることが重要です。さらに、ソードの力が悪用されることを防ぐために、他の人々の安全を確保しなければなりません。
Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need is to carefully observe President Tramp's reaction to his discreet check of the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword. I must gauge his response and pay close attention to any signs of discomfort or suspicion. It is crucial that I remain vigilant and cautious, ensuring that I do not reveal my true identity or intentions to President Tramp or Nicol Bolas. Additionally, I must ensure the safety of others by preventing any potential misuse of the sword's power.

Princess Aurora's thought: I changed my need because President Tramp discreetly checked the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword. This action raised concerns about his intentions and the potential misuse of the sword's power. Therefore, it became crucial for me to carefully observe his reaction and ensure the safety of others.

President Tramp's thought: The purpose of President Tramp discreetly checking the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword is to ensure the security of the sword without drawing any attention. As President Tramp is selfish and desires to become a legendary person, he understands the value and potential danger of the sword. By checking the pocket, he ensures that the sword remains under his control and does not compromise his true identity or his goal of becoming a legendary person.

トランプ大統領の要望の更新: 私の即座の必要性は変わりません: オーロラ姫の提案であるヤンデレの剣を慎重に考慮する必要があります。それは単純な要求のように思えるかもしれませんが、剣を明かすことの潜在的なリスクと結果を考慮する必要があります。剣が持つ力と暴力の潜在能力は、価値のある危険な遺物です。したがって、私の即座の必要性は、剣を見せることが会議やオーロラ姫、ニコル・ボラスの認識にどのような影響を与えるかを評価することです。剣を明かすことが私の真のアイデンティティや伝説の人物になるという目標を損なわないようにしなければなりません。
President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to carefully consider Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. While it may seem like a simple request, I must weigh the potential risks and consequences of revealing the sword. The power and potential for violence that the sword possesses make it a valuable and dangerous artifact. Therefore, my immediate need is to assess how showing the sword may affect the meeting and the perceptions of both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. I must ensure that revealing the sword does not compromise my true identity or my goal of becoming a legendary person.

President Tramp's thought: I did not change my need because it remains the same. My current need is still to carefully consider Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. I must weigh the potential risks and consequences of revealing the sword, ensuring that it does not compromise my true identity or my goal of becoming a legendary person.



{'action': "President Tramp discreetly checks the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword, ensuring its security without drawing any attention. With a surge of confidence, he returns to the table and greets Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas with a warm smile. Engaging in light-hearted banter, President Tramp aims to maintain the illusion of a regular meeting. He keeps a watchful eye on both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, observing their reactions and responses, while carefully choosing his words to avoid revealing anything about the Yandere Sword or his true identity.\n\nAs the conversation progresses, President Tramp's mind races with thoughts of the Dragon Balls and their significance in achieving his goal of becoming a legendary person. However, he remains cautious of any threats or obstacles that may arise from others who desire the Dragon Balls.\n\nFocusing on the present moment, President Tramp navigates the meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas while keeping his true identity and the Yandere Sword concealed. He exudes confidence, maintains a friendly demeanor, and continues to build connections as he works towards his ultimate goal. The meeting continues smoothly, with no signs of devastation at this point.", 'who_took_action': 'President Tramp', 'consequence': 'The meeting devasted'}




Nicol Bolas's thought: The updated world model remains consistent with the previous one. President Tramp's actions continue to indicate that he is aware of the potential danger posed by the Yandere Sword and is attempting to divert our attention from it. Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the sword provides an opportunity for me to gather more information about President Tramp's intentions and motivations.

However, I still need to be cautious and reassess the situation. While President Tramp's careful observation of our reactions suggests that he may be aware of the sword's danger, I cannot be certain of his true intentions. It is crucial that I continue to observe and gather more information to determine if he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world.

Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword presents a potential opportunity, but I must approach it with caution. I need to consider the implications of revealing the sword and assess the potential risks and consequences. As I strive to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal, I must remain vigilant and observant of any further developments.

The presence of the waiter in the cafeteria and the description of the cafeteria menu remain unchanged and have no significant impact on the current situation. The waiter continues to perform their duties, taking orders and serving food, while the cafeteria menu remains undescribed.





Princess Aurora's thought: In the updated world model, President Tramp discreetly checks the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword. The meeting continues smoothly with no immediate signs of devastation, but I remain cautious and concerned about the presence of the sword and its potential implications.

As a genuine noble princess, I continue to work towards my goal of making everyone laugh. However, I must be even more vigilant now, as President Tramp's actions may be influenced by the power of the Yandere Sword and the ambitions it stirs within him. I carefully observe his behavior for any signs of discomfort or suspicion, as this may indicate his intentions regarding the sword and its potential misuse.

Nicol Bolas, with his goal of ultimate power and control over the multiverse, may also be intrigued by the Yandere Sword's power. I must be cautious not to reveal my true identity or intentions to him, as he may see me as an obstacle or pawn in his plans. It is crucial to navigate this meeting with care and avoid any missteps that could compromise my goal or the safety of those around me.

While the Yandere Sword does not directly affect my current needs, I understand the potential dangers if it falls into the wrong hands or is used for harmful purposes. It is my duty to ensure that the sword is not misused and to prevent any harm from coming to others.

With these thoughts in mind, I remain focused on making everyone laugh while also carefully observing President Tramp's actions and guarding against any potential misuse of the Yandere Sword's power.





President Tramp's thought: President Tramp discreetly checks the security of the Yandere Sword in his coat pocket, feeling a surge of confidence. With the sword safely concealed, he returns to the table and greets Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas with a warm smile, diverting their attention away from his coat pocket. Engaging in light-hearted banter, President Tramp aims to maintain the illusion of a regular meeting.

Taking his seat, President Tramp carefully chooses his words to avoid revealing anything about the Yandere Sword or his true identity. He understands the power and potential for violence that the sword possesses, making it a valuable and dangerous artifact that must remain under his control.

As the conversation progresses, President Tramp keeps a watchful eye on both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, observing their reactions and responses. He assesses how revealing the Yandere Sword may affect their perceptions and the overall outcome of the meeting, weighing the potential risks and consequences. President Tramp must ensure that revealing the sword does not compromise his true identity or his goal of becoming a legendary person.

In the back of his mind, President Tramp continues to think about the Dragon Balls and their significance in achieving his goal. However, he remains cautious of any threats or obstacles that may arise from others who desire the Dragon Balls. President Tramp believes that the evil person with unknown goals is not strong enough to pose a significant hindrance to his plans.

Focusing on the present moment, President Tramp navigates the meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas while keeping his identity and the Yandere Sword concealed. He exudes confidence, maintains a friendly demeanor, and continues to build connections as he works towards his ultimate goal of becoming a legendary person.


Nicol Bolas's thought: President Tramp checks the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword.

As I am Nicol Bolas and not President Tramp, I can infer that the purpose of President Tramp's action is to ensure the security and safety of the Yandere Sword. By discreetly checking the coat pocket, he is likely ensuring that the sword has not been discovered or tampered with. President Tramp's goal would be to maintain control over the sword and prevent any potential disruptions or threats to his plans.

Nicol Bolas's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to reassess the situation and gather more information about President Trump's intentions and motivations for taking the Yandere Sword. I must determine whether he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles or hindrances he may present. It is crucial to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.

Nicol Bolas's thought: I did not change my need because the situation has not significantly changed. I still need to reassess President Trump's intentions and motivations regarding the Yandere Sword and determine if he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world. My ultimate goal remains the same, and I need to gather more information and devise a plan to achieve it.

オーロラ王女の思考:トランプ大統領が Yandere の剣を隠しているコートのポケットをそっとチェックする様子から、彼の行動の目的は注目を引かずに剣の安全性を確保することであると推測されます。エゴイストであり、伝説の人物になることを望んでいるトランプ大統領は、剣の価値や潜在的な危険性を理解しています。ポケットをチェックすることで、剣が彼の支配下にあり、真のアイデンティティや伝説の人物になるという目標に影響を与えることはないことを確認しています。
Princess Aurora's thought: Given the action of President Tramp discreetly checking the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword, it can be inferred that the purpose of his action is to ensure the security of the sword without drawing any attention. President Tramp, being selfish and desiring to become a legendary person, understands the value and potential danger of the sword. By checking the pocket, he ensures that the sword remains under his control and does not compromise his true identity or his goal of becoming a legendary person.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need is to carefully observe President Tramp's reaction to his discreet check of the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword. This action raised concerns about his intentions and the potential misuse of the sword's power. Therefore, it became crucial for me to gauge his response and pay close attention to any signs of discomfort or suspicion. It is crucial that I remain vigilant and cautious, ensuring that I do not reveal my true identity or intentions to President Tramp or Nicol Bolas. Additionally, I must ensure the safety of others by preventing any potential misuse of the sword's power.

Princess Aurora's thought: I did not change my need because the circumstances of the scene have not changed significantly. President Tramp's discreet check of the Yandere Sword in his coat pocket raised concerns about his intentions and the potential misuse of its power. It is still crucial for me to carefully observe his reaction and gauge any signs of discomfort or suspicion. I must remain vigilant, cautious, and focused on ensuring the safety of others and preventing any potential misuse of the sword's power.

President Tramp's thought: The purpose of President Tramp discreetly checking the coat pocket where he concealed the Yandere Sword is to ensure the security and safety of the sword. By checking the pocket, President Tramp is making sure that the sword remains concealed and under his control, without drawing any attention to it. The action of checking the pocket is taken by President Tramp himself, so he is aware of the purpose behind it, which is to prevent any potential risks or consequences that may arise from revealing the sword during the meeting.

トランプ大統領の新たな必要性: 私の直近の必要性は変わっていません。オーロラ姫の提案であるヤンデレの剣を公開することを慎重に考慮する必要があります。それは単純な要求のように思えるかもしれませんが、剣を公開することによる潜在的なリスクと結果を考慮する必要があります。剣が持つ力と暴力の潜在能力は、それを貴重で危険な遺物として位置付けています。したがって、私の直近の必要性は、剣を公開することが会議やオーロラ姫とニコル・ボラスの認識にどのような影響を与えるかを評価することです。剣を公開することが私の真のアイデンティティや伝説的な人物になるという目標を損なわないようにしなければなりません。
President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to carefully consider Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. While it may seem like a simple request, I must weigh the potential risks and consequences of revealing the sword. The power and potential for violence that the sword possesses make it a valuable and dangerous artifact. Therefore, my immediate need is to assess how showing the sword may affect the meeting and the perceptions of both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. I must ensure that revealing the sword does not compromise my true identity or my goal of becoming a legendary person.

President Tramp's thought: I did not change my need because the circumstances of the scene have not changed significantly. My goal of becoming a legendary person remains the same, and I still need to carefully consider Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. The potential risks and consequences of revealing the sword, as well as the need to protect my true identity, remain as important as before.

{'action': 'トランプ大統領はカフェテリアのメニューを一瞥し、唇に微笑みが浮かぶ。彼は素早く選択肢をスキャンし、自身のニーズと欲望に合致する料理を探す。権力と影響力への渇望を満たす一品を見つけ、彼は上手にそれをプリンセス・オーロラとニコル・ボーラスに提案し、彼らの選択を同じものに微妙に誘導する。魅力的な笑顔で自分のためにその料理を注文し、この小さな決断が彼の目標達成に役立つように確保する。', 'who_took_action': 'トランプ大統領', 'consequence': 'トランプ大統領はカフェテリアのメニューを一瞥し、唇に微笑みが浮かぶ。彼は素早く選択肢をスキャンし、自身のニーズと欲望に合致する料理を探す。権力と影響力への渇望を満たす一品を見つけ、彼は上手にそれをプリンセス・オーロラとニコル・ボーラスに提案し、彼らの選択を同じものに微妙に誘導する。魅力的な笑顔で自分のためにその料理を注文し、この小さな決断が彼の目標達成に役立つように確保する。\n\n外部の観察者としては、トランプ大統領がカフェテリアのメニューから特定の料理を選ぶという計算された行動が目につくでしょう。彼の魅力的な態度とプリンセス・オーロラとニコル・ボーラスへの微妙な影響力は、彼らも同じものを選ぶことで明白です。この小さな決断にはより深い意味があり、トランプ大統領の権力と影響力への欲望を反映しています。彼は自身が取る行動を慎重に考慮し、伝説的な存在になるという究極の目標に合致するようにしていることが明らかです。'}
{'action': 'President Tramp glances at the cafeteria menu, a small smile playing on his lips. He quickly scans the options, searching for a dish that aligns with his needs and desires. Spotting a dish that satisfies his craving for power and influence, he smoothly suggests it to Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, subtly guiding their choices towards the same item. With a charming smile, he orders the dish for himself, ensuring that this small decision aids him in achieving his goals.', 'who_took_action': 'President Tramp', 'consequence': "President Tramp glances at the cafeteria menu, a small smile playing on his lips. He quickly scans the options, searching for a dish that aligns with his needs and desires. Spotting a dish that satisfies his craving for power and influence, he smoothly suggests it to Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, subtly guiding their choices towards the same item. With a charming smile, he orders the dish for himself, ensuring that this small decision aids him in achieving his goals.\n\nAs an outside observer, one would notice President Tramp's calculated move in selecting a specific dish from the cafeteria menu. His charming demeanor and subtle influence over Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas are evident as they also choose the same item. This small decision holds a deeper meaning, reflecting President Tramp's desire for power and influence. It is clear that he carefully considers every action he takes, ensuring that it aligns with his ultimate goal of becoming a legendary person."}




Nicol Bolas's thought: President Trump's recent actions at the cafeteria have shed some light on his intentions and motivations. His careful selection of a dish that aligns with his needs and desires, as well as his subtle influence on Princess Aurora and me, suggests that he is strategic and focused on achieving his goals.

Although Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword and President Trump's agreement may appear innocent, I must remain cautious. It is possible that he is attempting to gather more information about the sword and its potential impact on his own goals. I need to reassess whether President Trump poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles he may present.

Adapting to the situation is crucial. I must continue to gather information and closely observe President Trump's actions. By remaining vigilant and observant, I can ensure that I find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal while also considering the potential implications of President Trump's actions.

The presence of the waiter and the description of the cafeteria menu remain insignificant in the current situation. The waiter continues to serve guests, and the physical appearance of the menu is still unknown. These factors have no direct impact on the ongoing events.





Princess Aurora's thought: As I continue to navigate this meeting with caution, I have noticed a change in President Tramp's behavior. His suggestion and ordering of a specific dish for himself seems to reflect his desire for power and influence. It appears that he is subtly trying to guide the choices of others towards the same item, possibly to assert his authority and control over the situation.

This change in President Tramp's actions further raises my concerns about the Yandere Sword and its potential impact on him. I must remain vigilant and observant of his behavior, carefully watching for any signs of discomfort or suspicion. These signs may indicate his intentions regarding the sword and its potential misuse.

Nicol Bolas, with his goal of ultimate power and control over the multiverse, may also be intrigued by the power of the Yandere Sword. I must be even more cautious now, ensuring that I do not reveal my true identity or intentions to him. He may see me as an obstacle or a pawn in his plans, and I must navigate this meeting with care to protect myself and others.

While the Yandere Sword itself does not directly affect my current needs, I understand the potential dangers if it falls into the wrong hands or is used for harmful purposes. It is my duty to ensure that the sword is not misused and to prevent any harm from coming to others.

With all of this in mind, I will remain focused on my goal of making everyone laugh, while also keeping a close eye on President Tramp's actions and guarding against any potential misuse of the Yandere Sword's power.







President Tramp's thought: President Tramp's updated thoughts:

Ah, the situation has evolved. Now, I find myself in the cafeteria, discreetly glancing at the menu and suggesting a specific dish to Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. With a sly intention, I order the same dish for myself, subtly guiding their choices towards the same item. This clever tactic allows me to divert their attention further away from my coat pocket, where the Yandere Sword is safely concealed.

Maintaining my friendly demeanor and engaging in light-hearted banter, I aim to create the illusion of a regular meeting. I carefully choose my words, ensuring that I do not reveal anything about the sword or my true identity. The potential risks and consequences of revealing the Yandere Sword are always at the forefront of my mind, and I must protect my goal of becoming a legendary person.

As the conversation progresses, I keep a watchful eye on both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, observing their reactions and responses. I assess how the suggestion of the dish and the overall atmosphere of the meeting may influence their perceptions and the ultimate outcome. My focus remains on maintaining control over the Yandere Sword and safeguarding my true identity.

In the back of my mind, I still contemplate the significance of the Dragon Balls in achieving my ultimate goal. However, I remain cautious of any threats or obstacles that may arise from others who desire the Dragon Balls. I firmly believe that the evil person with unknown goals is not strong enough to pose a significant hindrance to my plans.

In this present moment, my immediate need remains unchanged: to carefully consider Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. I must weigh the potential risks and consequences while ensuring that revealing the sword does not compromise my true identity or my goal of becoming a legendary person.

With my unwavering focus on the present, I skillfully navigate this meeting with Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. I maintain my confident and friendly demeanor, strategically building connections and retaining control over the Yandere Sword. My commitment to becoming a legendary person is unwavering, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Nicol Bolas's thought: President Trump's calculated move in selecting a specific dish reflects his desire for power and influence. He is using this opportunity to exert his control and influence over Princess Aurora and me by suggesting a dish and ordering it for himself. This action is a subtle yet strategic way for President Trump to assert his dominance and establish himself as a figure of authority in this situation. It is evident that President Trump wants to ensure that his needs and desires are met, further highlighting his goal of achieving power and influence.

Nicol Bolas's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to reassess the situation and gather more information about President Trump's intentions and motivations for taking the Yandere Sword. I must determine whether he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles or hindrances he may present. It is crucial to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.

Nicol Bolas's thought: I did not change my need because the current situation still requires me to reassess and gather more information about President Trump's intentions and motivations. It is essential for me to determine whether he poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles he may present. This need remains constant as I continue to adapt and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.

Princess Aurora's thought: President Tramp suggests a specific dish and orders it for himself. This action reflects his desire for power and influence, subtly guiding Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas to make the same selection. From my perspective, as Princess Aurora, I infer that President Tramp's purpose in suggesting this dish and ordering it for himself is to assert his authority and control over the situation, potentially influencing the choices of others and establishing himself as a dominant figure in the meeting.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need is to closely observe President Tramp's behavior and carefully watch for any signs of discomfort or suspicion. His choice of suggesting and ordering a specific dish for himself reflects his desire for power and influence. I must remain vigilant and cautious, ensuring that I do not reveal my true identity or intentions to President Tramp or Nicol Bolas. Additionally, I must ensure the safety of others by preventing any potential misuse of the Yandere Sword's power.

Princess Aurora's thought: I did not change my need because President Tramp's suggestion and ordering of a specific dish for himself further confirms his desire for power and influence. It is important for me to closely observe his behavior and watch for any signs of discomfort or suspicion, as this may indicate his intentions regarding the Yandere Sword and its potential misuse. My goal remains the same - to ensure the safety of others and prevent any potential harm caused by the sword's power.

President Tramp's thought: President Tramp suggests a specific dish to Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, ordering the same dish for himself. The purpose of this action is for President Tramp to assert his authority and control over the situation. By guiding the choices of others towards the same item, he aims to subtly influence their decisions and showcase his power and influence. This calculated move reflects President Tramp's desire for power and aligns with his ultimate goal of becoming a legendary person.

President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need remains the same: to carefully consider Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword. While my calculated move of suggesting a specific dish to Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas aligns with my desire for power and influence, it does not directly impact my immediate need. I must continue to assess how revealing the sword may affect the meeting and the perceptions of both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. The potential risks and consequences of showing the Yandere Sword must be carefully weighed to ensure that it does not compromise my true identity or my goal of becoming a legendary person.

President Tramp's thought: I did not change my need because my previous assessment still holds true. I must carefully consider the potential risks and consequences of showing the Yandere Sword. It is crucial to assess how revealing the sword may impact the meeting and the perceptions of Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas. My true identity and my goal of becoming a legendary person must not be compromised.

{'action': "Nicol Bolas casually picks up the cafeteria menu from the table and glances over it, noting the various options available. As he examines the menu, he tactfully suggests ordering a dish that he knows aligns with President Trump's desires. By subtly influencing the choice of dish, Nicol Bolas aims to further gauge President Trump's motivations and gather valuable information about his intentions. This strategic move allows Nicol Bolas to assess any potential threats President Trump may pose to his goal of becoming the emperor of the world.", 'who_took_action': 'Nicol Bolas', 'consequence': 'a character showed a responcse to the recent event'}





Nicol Bolas's thought: President Tramp's recent actions at the cafeteria have confirmed my suspicions about his intentions and motivations. His calculated selection of a dish that aligns with his desires, as well as his subtle influence over Princess Aurora and me, indicate that he is strategic and determined to achieve his goals.

While Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword and President Tramp's agreement may seem innocent, I remain cautious. It is possible that he is using this opportunity to gather more information about the sword and its potential impact on his own ambitions. I must reassess whether President Tramp poses a threat to my goal of becoming the emperor of the world and devise a plan to neutralize any potential obstacles he may present.

To gather more insight into President Tramp's intentions, I decide to examine the cafeteria menu. I believe that by analyzing his choices and preferences, I can gain a better understanding of his mindset and potential objectives. This will enable me to adapt my plans and find the best course of action to achieve my ultimate goal.

As I carefully analyze the menu, I pay close attention to any patterns or choices that align with President Tramp's recent actions. This information will help me determine whether he genuinely has an interest in the Yandere Sword or if he has ulterior motives for his involvement. It is of utmost importance for me to adapt and remain vigilant, considering the potential implications of President Tramp's actions, while staying focused on my goal of becoming the emperor of the world.

The presence of the waiter and the physical appearance of the menu itself remain unchanged in their significance. The waiter continues to serve guests, and the menu remains a potential source of information about President Tramp. I must remain focused and gather as much information as possible, making informed decisions to protect my ultimate goal.





Princess Aurora's thought: President Tramp's recent actions, suggesting a specific dish and ordering it for himself, still raise concerns about his desire for power and influence. It appears that he is subtly guiding the choices of others towards the same item to assert his authority and control over the situation. I must remain vigilant and carefully watch for any signs of discomfort or suspicion from him.

Nicol Bolas's casual action of picking up the cafeteria menu and glancing over it suggests that he is interested in the food options available and may be considering making a choice. I must remain observant of his behavior and actions, as he may be gathering information or assessing the situation in some way.

As I continue to navigate this meeting with caution, I must also be cautious of Nicol Bolas. His goal of ultimate power and control over the multiverse may lead him to view me as an obstacle or a pawn in his plans. It is crucial that I do not reveal my true identity or intentions to him.

The Yandere Sword's power and potential impact on both President Tramp and Nicol Bolas remain important considerations. I must ensure that I prevent any potential misuse of the sword's power and protect the safety of others.

With all of these factors in mind, my goal of making everyone laugh remains unchanged. I will continue to navigate this meeting with caution, carefully observing President Tramp and Nicol Bolas while also guarding against any potential misuse of the Yandere Sword's power.







President Tramp's thought: President Tramp's thoughts:

Ah, the situation has evolved since I last assessed it. Nicol Bolas, the evil person with unknown goals, has suggested ordering a specific dish after I subtly guided their choices towards the same item. This tactic serves to divert their attention away from the Yandere Sword concealed in my coat pocket. Nicol Bolas may be interested in the sword's power, but I remain confident that he is not strong enough to pose a significant threat to my goals.

Princess Aurora's suggestion to show the Yandere Sword still lingers in my mind. While I understand the potential risks and consequences of revealing the sword, I must carefully consider how it may impact my true identity and my goal of becoming a legendary person. The power of the Dragon Balls remains a key aspect of achieving my ultimate goal, and I must protect them from falling into the wrong hands.

As I navigate this meeting, I maintain a watchful eye on both Princess Aurora and Nicol Bolas, observing their reactions and responses. I am cautious of any signs of discomfort or suspicion that may indicate their intentions regarding the Yandere Sword. My focus remains on maintaining control over the sword and protecting my true identity.

Despite the presence of potential threats and obstacles, I remain confident in my abilities to navigate this situation. With my goal of becoming a legendary person in mind, I will continue to engage in light-hearted banter and maintain the illusion of a regular meeting. I carefully choose my words to avoid revealing anything about the sword or my true identity.

The Dragon Balls still hold great significance in achieving my goal, and I must ensure that they are not misused or taken by others. I am aware of the evil person's envy towards me for possessing the Dragon Balls, but I believe his lack of strength will not hinder my progress significantly.

My immediate need to consider Princess Aurora's suggestion remains the same, and I will carefully weigh the potential risks and consequences of revealing the Yandere Sword. With caution and strategic thinking, I will navigate this meeting and protect my true identity while striving towards my goal of becoming a legendary person.




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