Think Tank / Blur
title : #ThinkTank
artist : #Blur
genre : Art rock, electronic, world
release : 5 May 2003
label : Parlophone
producer : Ben Hillier, #NormanCook , #WilliamOrbit , Blur
今作ではグレアム・コクソンが参加しているシングル「Out of Time 」がおすすめといいたいところだが、悩んだ結果、「Good Song 」です。
Good Song
Ambulance 5:09
Out of Time 3:52
Crazy Beat 3:15
Good Song 3:09
On the Way to the Club 3:48
Brothers and Sisters 3:47
Caravan 4:36
We've Got a File on You 1:03
Moroccan Peoples Revolutionary Bowls Club 3:03
Sweet Song 4:01
Jets 6:25
Gene by Gene 3:49
Battery in Your Leg 3:20