20071109 インスペクテッド
JFK空港で監査を受けて、大切なスーツケースの鍵が壊されてしまった!勿論、成田に着いてから判明したんです。本当は鍵をかけてはいけないらしいのですが、ついうっかり・・・。ご覧の通り「INSPECTED INSPECTED INSPECTED・・・」と書かれたテープがぐるぐる巻きになって、手元に戻ってきました。幸い、中身は全てあったと思うのですが・・・最近、アメリカから届く郵便物も必要以上に遅いし、「マークされているのか!?」と過敏に反応してしまいます。こういう事を書いていると更にマークされるのか!?
20210124 追記
I was audited at JFK airport and my precious suitcase key was broken! Of course, I found out after I arrived at Narita. I heard that I'm not really supposed to lock the door, but I accidentally did.... As you can see, the tape with "INSPECTED INSPECTED INSPECTED..." written on it was wrapped around and returned to me. Fortunately, I think all the contents were there, but... Lately, mail from the U.S. has been coming in slower than it should, and I've been hypersensitive to the fact that it might have been marked! I'm very sensitive to this. Will I be marked even more if I write this?
When I looked at the information on the insurance policy I had taken out for this trip, I found a company linked to the insurance policy that said, "If you need help repairing your bag..."! Maybe we can use this insurance to pay for the repairs. They said they would come tomorrow to pick it up. Judging from the way the lady answered the phone, it seems to be an everyday occurrence.
Please don't lock your suitcase when you go to the US.
20210124 Postscript
After this, I was actually able to get it repaired with the insurance money. Fourteen years have passed since then, and this suitcase is still going strong, but I haven't traveled abroad for a very long time. Since last year, we have entered an age where people are encouraged to refrain from going out unnecessarily, and micro-tourism has become the norm, so I don't think this suitcase will be around for a while. I wonder if we are returning to the days when everything is completed within the village, like in the past.