20071024 エンパイアステートビルからの夜景
こちらに来てからは頭の中で、マイルス・デイビスのFreddie Freeloaderがずっと鳴り響いている、かと思えばドナルド・フェイゲンのMorph The Catとか、また或いはラプソディ・イン・ブルーとか・・・やっぱガーシュウィンでしょう!
というのは真っ赤な嘘で、着いた時からずっと「♪パープルタウン、パープルタウン、素晴らしい朝に、フッフッフ〜」が頭から離れない・・・・。そして遂に買ってしまった・・・iTunes Music Storeで八神純子の「パープルタウン」を!メチャメチャ意外な展開!そして無茶無茶日本人。僕らの世代はジャストミートなんですが、知らない世代に説明するとサビの部分でニューヨークが出てくるんです。何で思い出してしまったのか。よく解らないのですが、一種の刷り込み現象ですねきっと。この歌のヒットをきっかけにニューヨークという街を意識する様になったんだと思います。そういえば、鹿児島のタワレコはなくなってしまいましたが、アメリカは全土からなくなったんですよね。今回、CDの物色もしたかったのですが、日本の方が品数はあるかも知れません。
八神さんは今でも実力派のアーティストで、マイケル・ホワイトと組んだりして活躍していらっしゃいますね。何年か前にSweet Basilでの公演をテレビでやっていたので録画した記憶があります。
Since arriving here, I've had Miles Davis' Freddie Freeloader playing in my head all the time, Donald Fagen's Morph The Cat, or Rhapsody in Blue... Gershwin, of course!
That was a complete lie. Ever since I arrived at ・・・・, I couldn't get the song "Purple Town, Purple Town, on a beautiful morning, phew phew" out of my head. And finally, I bought... Junko Yagami's "Purple Town" from the iTunes Music Store! It's so unexpected! And recklessly Japanese. It's just right for our generation, but to explain it to the generation that doesn't know, New York comes up in the chorus. I don't know why I remembered it. I don't know, but I guess it's a kind of imprinting phenomenon. I think this song became a hit for them and they became aware of the city of New York. By the way, the Tawareko in Kagoshima has disappeared, but it has disappeared from all over the United States. This time, I wanted to stock up on CDs, but they might have more items in Japan.
You are still a very talented artist, working with Michael White and other artists. I remember recording his performance at Sweet Basil some years ago, as it was on TV.
20210111 Postscript
You seem to have a buoyant style of writing. He must have been very happy. After this, Tower Records is back in Kagoshima. It's in Amu Plaza (the station building of Kagoshima Chuo station), but the shelf of jazz music is only about one meter wide, and it's lonely. It seems to be overwhelmed by Korean pop music. I guess it's the times. The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building are icons of skyscrapers in my mind, and I still think of them when I draw illustrations.