What is the meaning of SAYONARA
There are many greetings. When I was young, I was taught that greetings are important. But I don’t understand so much why it is important. So I choose “SAYONARA” among them.
Nowadays, most Japanese people say Bye-Bye instead of
SAYONARA. It maybe because SAYONARA has a negative connotation so they don’t want to use it. That’s too bad.
Let’s discuss the importance of the greeting “SAYONARA”.
Well, It is a quiz. When do you use(say) SAYONARA?
Yes, when you want to say goodbye.
Its origin is from the word SAYOUNARABA (左様ならば). It means “In that case”. Everyone accepts to part sorrowfully from each other because one of them is leaving. They have no choice but to say goodbye since one of them has to go.
Bye-bye is a shortened version of GoodBye. Goodbye originated from the expression “Good be with ye”. It means “May God be with you”. This is praying for the other’s safety.
SAYONARA has emotion that I want to talk more with you.
Japanese had good communication skills, right?