
OHAO PROJECT 学びのフェア:リトアニアへの旅行手段紹介とジーカス大使のツイッター


OHAO PROJECT 学びのフェアへのご参加、お待ちしております。今回のフェアでは、リトアニア共和国に向けて、その魅力とイメージを深める機会を提供いたします。









OHAO PROJECT Education Fair: Introduction to Travel Options to Lithuania and Ambassador Aurelijus Zykas' Twitter"

Good evening, everyone!

We look forward to your participation in the OHAO PROJECT Education Fair. This fair aims to provide you with an opportunity to explore the charm and image of the Republic of Lithuania.

First, we would like to introduce you to the travel options from Tokyo to Lithuania today. Traveling to Lithuania is bound to be an amazing experience.

The most convenient means of transportation is by taking a flight to Helsinki. After arriving in Helsinki, you can transfer to a flight heading to Lithuania at Helsinki International Airport. This route is frequently used and offers a smooth transition.

Additionally, you can consider traveling via Turkey to reach Lithuania. By choosing this route, you have the flexibility to utilize different airlines and flight options, which can also provide various price ranges. Comparing different routes will help you find the most suitable travel plan for your needs.

We have shared updates and information from the Embassy of Lithuania on our blog to keep you informed.

Furthermore, one of our valued customers has recommended Ambassador Žičkus' Twitter account, which is known for its interesting content. The Ambassador has even shared details about the menu for the day of our event on his Twitter feed. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to Ambassador Aurelijus Zykas' Twitter account:

(Ambassador Aurelijus Zykas' Twitter Account)
[Twitter URL]

Ambassador Aurelijus Zykas, serving as Lithuania's Ambassador, regularly shares intriguing information about his daily activities and Lithuania's culture. Following his tweets will allow you to gain deeper insights into Lithuania's charm.

No matter which travel option you choose, the OHAO PROJECT Education Fair and your journey to Lithuania promise to be unforgettable experiences. We hope you enjoy your upcoming trip!
