Ohanasi KagawaスタッフのAkiともうします。
English version is below
みなさん、こんにちは。Ohanasi KagawaのAkiです。
これから、もっとOhanasi Kagawaがこんなところだよーということをつたえたいのでスタッフがブログをかいていこうとおもってます!
トップバッターはぼくOhanasi KagawaだいひょうのAkiが、がんばってブログをかいてみようとおもいます。
さいきんはきめつのやいば(Daymon slyer)のえいがでなきました笑
こんなぼくですが、Ohanasi Kagawaへのあいはひといちばいつよいので、これからもみなさんがたのしめるようがんばります!
English version
Hello, everyone!! This is Aki from Ohanasi Kagawa.
We started writing blogs to tell you more about us and Ohanasi Kagawa!
I'm really excited that who is the best writing blog among our staff. haha
By the way, we won' use Kanji in the Japanese version of blogs because we want you to try to read our blogs in Japanese as well, so please try it!
This time, I'm going to write a blog and am going to write about my self-introduction first, but if I write about just normal self-introduction, it must be boring, so I'm going to tell you some of my secrets that I normally don't want to tell anyone as much as possible.
First!! I'm actually a typical introvert!!
I really love doing anything alone, so I often go to a theater, Karaoke, and a Yakiniku restaurant alone.
Second!! I can't watch horror movies!!
I hate a ghost!! I hate horror movies!! I hate
Haunted houses!! So, I definitely had rejected to watch horror movies when I was asked to watch them by my girlfriend.
Third!! I'm actually so sentimental.
Recently, I was cried when I watched the Demon slyer's movie. haha
I'm like someone who I have mentioned, but I'm very passionate about Ohanasi Kagawa, so I'll try hard to keep improving it.
Thank you for reading my blog!!
Ohanasi Kagawaホームページ (Website)