クラウドファンディング達成しました!(We've achieved the crowdfunding project!!)
Hi everyone. Thank you for coming to our event always.
Thank you for your warm support, we could achieve 2,057,000 yen.
今回クラウドファンディングの途中で、all in(目標額を達成しなくてもいただいた寄付を全額受け取れる仕組み)であることがわかりましたが、Eメール以外で直接説明する機会を持てなかったこと、また、all or nothing(目標額に達成しなければ資金を受け取れない仕組み) だと思い追加で支援してくださった方にも、イベントでの直接のご報告が遅れてしま
During our crowdfunding project, we became aware that the system we've used was "All in " which means we can receive all the funding even if we couldn't achieve our target figure. However, other than the Email we sent you, we couldn't have any opportunities in the event to explain what happened. We're profoundly sorry for the lack of responsible explanation for you. Also, for all of the supporters who funded us thought the system we had was "All or Nothing" which in that case, we couldn't receive any funding unless we achieve 100% of our target figure by funding from supporters, we apologize that our announcement didn't take place any sooner.
いただいた資金は皆様がこれからも、安心して、そして安全にOhanasi Kagawaに参加していただける場所を提供するために活用させていただきます。
All the funding from you will be used to provide safety and high-quality contents for you here in Ohanasi Kagawa.
We'll talk about how we use the funding from supporters.
・資金は主に新しいOhanasi KagawaのWebsiteを制作する費用に充てさせて頂きます。実際にどのようなWebsiteを作成するかの詳しい内容はブログに記入しておりますので、そちらを参照してください。全体チャットにブログのリンクを貼っております。
・The funding will be mainly applied to build our brand new Website. If you need further information about the website, we have every detail in our blog. I'll send the link to our blog in a chat box.
・We'll continue to let you know how the funding has been used in our activity report within the crowdfunding page and also all the social media we have. 20% of the funding is going to be deducted as margin.
・We'll start sending you our return gift. We'll have information for the procedure of delivering gifts in the activity report within the crowdfunding page.
Ohanasi Kagawaをもっと良いコミュニティにするために、アドバイスをいただける方がいらっしゃいましたら英語学習者受付テーブルにお越しください。またイベント後、メールに添付されているアンケートに、ご意見をご記入いただいても構いません。
If you have any idea for us to improve Ohanasi Kagawa, please feel free to visit the reception for Japanese learners. You can also leave your opinions in the questionnaire attached in the email we'll send you right after this event is over.
Ohanasi Kagawaは、参加者、スタッフを含め、全て善意とボランティアで成り立っている団体です。これからもOhanasi Kagawaは続いてきますので、引き続き一緒によりよいイベントにしていくために、力を貸してください。
Ohanasi Kagawa is an organization supported by participants and volunteer staff. Please keep supporting us as we continue Ohanasi Kagawa and improve our event.
We're truly thankful for your cooperation.