1/ On Why The Metaverse Needs Crypto
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
And, specifically, why the metaverse needs NFTs.
The tl;dr is that it is critically important that the ownership layer of the metaverse ends up on public blockchains not in private databases.
Read on for why.
3/ The first distinction is that the visualization layer of the internet will get progressively better.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Today we have free global video conferencing and 4K movies on the internet. We did not have that before.
In a decade, we will have functional extended and mixed reality.
4/ What is 'functional extended/mixed reality?'
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Imagine something like a pair of sunglasses in size/weight/style.
These glasses will be able to switch between normal reality, augmented reality (digital objects overlaid on your field of vision) and virtual reality.
5/ We will spend most time in augmented reality, not virtual reality.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Imagine augmented reality as breaking the tyranny of your laptop and phone screen.
Imagine walking down the beach, not picking up your phone to see a notification, just seeing it in the corner of your eye
6/ Imagine a colleague teleporting into your office for a chat or brainstorming session and they more or less look like they are right there.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Man, if Zoom/COVID put a dent in business travel, can you imagine what teleporting will do?
7/ You will on occasion pop into virtual reality.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Maybe with your colleague you want to walk around a room with data and documents, a virtual work space.
Maybe you want to see a hotel you plan to visit and walk through it, see the beach, see the pool.
8/ But most of your time you will be in augmented reality.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
For the type of knowledge worker (me) who anyway spends all day looking at screens, this should be an improvement to quality of life, not a reduction.
Less time on a screen, more time in a more natural UX.
9/ And it is going to start to make physical location close to irrelevant for business purposes.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Basically except for the social part of eating / drinking, everything will be close to real-life, without the travel.
9/ And it is going to start to make physical location close to irrelevant for business purposes.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Basically except for the social part of eating / drinking, everything will be close to real-life, without the travel.
11/ You can of course go into @OM100m with virtual reality goggles as well, but in practice, today, VR goggles are still quite annoying - heavy, bulky, short battery life, dorky.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
I spend 99.9999% of my time in OM on a laptop.
12/ But it will be a progression, an incremental progression where browser based worlds will get better, augmented reality devices will get better.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Bit by bit, the visualization layer of the internet will get better until it is unrecognizably better (+/- 10 years)
13/ As the visualization layer of the internet gets better, digital objects will become more useful and more important.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Avatars (2D and 3D), art, schoolwork, work work, 3D virtual spaces and hundreds of other things.
14/ Not only will the objects themselves become more important, they will lead to different emergent behaviors.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
We see this already with avatars and mixed eponymous/pseudonymous/anonymous communities.
Yes, it is the internet plumbing underneath, but...
15/ ...just like social media changed human behavior on the internet, metaverse type experiences will further change it.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
NFT Twitter + Discord + various virtual worlds is a form of early metaverse.
I feel like I am entering a different world here, not just some websites.
16/ The most important question for the health of the internet/metaverse/human society in the 2030s will be decided now.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
And that question is: "who stores the definitive ownership records of those digital objects"
There are two answers: a company's database OR a blockchain.
17/ If we end up with "a company's database" we will end up with all the web2 dysfunctions, but worse.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
SMTP is an open protocol that anyone can use so we don't have societal level fights on "who is allowed to use email"
Short messaging online ended up becoming Twitter
18/ So we end up having the most absurd, surreal discussions on the topic of "who is allowed to use short-messaging" being dependant on "who is the CEO of Twitter"
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
There is no way this is the correct architecture for our progressively more digital economy.
19/ It is a no-win situation for everyone, including Twitter.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Twitter cannot rank-order all 8 billion people in the world daily and decide each day who has been sufficiently naughty or nice to be allowed to have short messaging.
20/ But if the metaverse ends up becoming something like today's social networks, with all your (important) digital assets behind an API key and a terms of service agreement, it will be much worse on multiple dimensions.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
21/ The first reason is rent-seeking.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Facebook is proposing taking as much as 47.5% of the revenue from each metaverse object
Why should anyone, especially any non-USA economy, want to give 50% of its digital GDP to Facebook?
That is higher than the most socialist tax rate!
22/ The second reason is 'fear' -> the metaverse will be your persistent, ambient, digital reality.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
If you can be banned, cast into the darkness, based on an algorithm flag or a random customer service rep, this is terrifying.
You could lose everything for no good reason
23/ The third is political security.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
It is bizarre enough that Twitter and Facebook are in the strange position of having to decide who won the election, if there is a coup in progress and so on.
This is 100x worse for other countries, who have no say at all in this.
24/ The 4th is global national security. Augmented reality works by pointing a camera into your field of vision.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Imagine if I sent a camera to web2 executives: "wear this please, on your and your family's heads, stream to 6529 servers. don't worry, I have a privacy policy"
25/ I would obviously be laughed out of the room. But this is what will happen in the coming years from tech giants.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
And this security honeypot - live streaming views of everyone in the world, will be compromised by hackers and security services.
26/ What are NFTs?
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
A standardized, interoperable, portable, decentralized, self-sovereign, user-controlled, cross-application method to store ANY digital object.
In the simplest terms, any application that integrates ERC-721, can integrate punk6529.
27/ This is a vastly superior way to support innovation and interoperability.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Your web2 digital objects are trapped.
Getting an API key, seeing if your service is allowable and integrating with programmers every service with every other one is basically 'impossible", fake.
28/ Whereas with an open protocol all these issues go away.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
It is like hyperlinking or HTML.
Anyone who integrates the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standard can integrate digital objects.
Today we have dozens of applications. One day we will have hundreds of thousands
29/ It is in the end quite simple.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Anyone who says "no, I think NFTs are not the right place to store digital objects" should be asked "OK ser, in which company's database do you believe they should be stored and why is that better?"
30/ [I think somewhere soon you will need to hit 'read replies' to keep reading.]
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
It is funny/sad/frustrating to watch politicians in USA/EU more or less vaguely identify the problems with web 2 and at the same time harass the solution, hit it on the head with a hammer
31/ The answer to all these forced 'interoperability' rules and so on is staring everyone in the face.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
You can have user-owned assets and identity today on public blockchains.
BTC is this for money. NFTs are this for "any digital object"
32/ My view is that the USA should be promoting user-owned data for innovation reasons and every other country should be doing so both for innovation and for national/economic digital sovereignty reasons.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
The digital economy will be massive in the coming decades
33/ It will absorb most of the white collar economy and even take some market share from physical economy.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Of course we will have houses and restaurants and hotels and power plants, but progressively a larger and larger % of work/social/education will be digital
34/ So if I were setting policy, I would do two things in this arena:
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
✅Encourage development of public blockchain based systems for digital assets/economies (easy to do)
✅Pour money into open-source visualization hardware (harder to do but a decent bet imho)
35/ If this is your first time around here, we are fighting for an open metaverse.
— 6529 (@punk6529) June 12, 2022
Lots and lots of threads about it here 🫡https://t.co/8HPXaRL1CF
tl; drは、メタバースの所有権レイヤーがプライベートデータベースではなくパブリックブロックチェーンに配置されることが非常に重要であるということです。
2 /最初のトピック:メタバースとは何ですか?
3 /最初の違いは、インターネットの視覚化レイヤーが徐々に良くなることです。
4 /「機能拡張/複合現実」とは何ですか?
5 /私たちは、仮想現実ではなく、拡張現実にほとんどの時間を費やします。
8 /しかし、ほとんどの場合、拡張現実になります。
9 /そして、それはビジネス目的のために無関係に近い物理的な場所を作り始めようとしています。
10 /それまでの間、コンピューターの3Dスペースは徐々に改善されていきます。
@ OM100m
@ OM100m
12 /しかし、それは進歩であり、ブラウザベースの世界がより良くなり、拡張現実デバイスがより良くなる漸進的な進歩になるでしょう。
少しずつ、インターネットの視覚化レイヤーは、認識できないほど良くなるまで(+/- 10年)良くなります。
13 /インターネットの視覚化レイヤーが良くなるにつれて、デジタルオブジェクトはより有用でより重要になります。
14 /オブジェクト自体がより重要になるだけでなく、それらはさまざまな創発的行動につながります。
15 / ...ソーシャルメディアがインターネット上の人間の行動を変えたように、メタバースタイプの経験はそれをさらに変えるでしょう。
NFT Twitter + Discord +さまざまな仮想世界は、初期のメタバースの一形態です。
17 /「会社のデータベース」になってしまうと、すべてのweb2が機能しなくなりますが、さらに悪いことになります。
18 /だから、「誰がショートメッセージを使用できるか」というトピックについて、「TwitterのCEOは誰なのか」に依存して、最もばかげた、シュールな議論をすることになります。
20 /しかし、メタバースが今日のソーシャルネットワークのようになり、すべての(重要な)デジタル資産がAPIキーと利用規約の背後にある場合、多面的にはさらに悪化します。
26 / NFTとは何ですか?
27 /これは、イノベーションと相互運用性をサポートするための非常に優れた方法です。
28 /オープンプロトコルを使用すると、これらの問題はすべて解消されます。
「いいえ、NFTはデジタルオブジェクトを保存するのに適切な場所ではないと思います」と言う人は、「OK ser、どの会社のデータベースに保存する必要があると思いますか。なぜそれが優れているのですか」と尋ねる必要があります。
30 / [読み続けるには、すぐに「返信を読む」を押す必要があると思います。]
31 /これらすべての強制的な「相互運用性」ルールなどに対する答えは、すべての人を正面から見つめています。
BTCはお金のためにこれです。 NFTは「あらゆるデジタルオブジェクト」のためのものです
32 /私の見解では、米国はイノベーションの理由でユーザー所有のデータを宣伝する必要があり、他のすべての国はイノベーションと国/経済のデジタル主権の理由の両方で宣伝する必要があります。
33 /それはホワイトカラー経済の大部分を吸収し、物理的経済からいくらかの市場シェアを奪うでしょう。
34 /したがって、ポリシーを設定する場合、この分野で2つのことを行います。
35 /これがこのあたりで初めての場合、私たちはオープンメタバースのために戦っています。