As Japanese, we must not forgive Tsuji, Kamikawa, and Kishida.
Netaniev's current slaughter is so barbaric that it cannot be compared to Hussein, Assad, Putin, or Kim Jong-un.
He targets and slaughters hospitals, the sick, the elderly, babies, UN personnel, and journalists.
They block the flow of humanitarian supplies, drive people into starvation, and then attack, shoot, and slaughter those waiting in line for food rations.
The question is for each of us to take a stand against this barbarism in the world of our time.
It is an unforgivable act of barbarism that Kiyoto Tsuji, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, has published a photo of himself being forced to eat a watermelon, a symbol of resistance, in the face of stale Israeli propaganda.
As Japanese, we must not forgive Tsuji, Kamikawa, and Kishida.
https://youtu. be/tgKdF8vwUco?si=7hh9BpAxqn6aIHOn