I'm sorry for failing you.
こんにちは、Off Topicの宮武です。
I've lived in the United States for over 11 years. I've grew up privileged, in both race, socio-economic status, and education. I have the most powerful passport in the world, and because I look Japanese, I'm often not regarded as a threat, and my race's image is often associated with politeness and reverence.
But I'm not just Japanese, nor am I American. I am a third culture kid. I grew up in both Kobe, Japan, and Boston, Massachusetts. At my previous job, I traveled back and forth between the Japan and the United States every month. I grew up with friends of all races from international school.
I knew that systemic racism existed in the United States. I've heard from friends, classmates, and entrepreneurs that I work with about what the hardships that they face everyday, things that I don't have to worry about.
Hearing Lin-Manuel Miranda today apologize about his moral failure of not denouncing white supremacy and systemic racism until now, I've realized that I have contributed to this issue. The fact that I have not said Black Lives Matter or anything about denouncing systemic racism is MY moral failure. I run a podcast and blog called Off Topic, where my colleague and I talk about US tech trends and US tech companies. Never have I once talked about this issue of systemic racism, and the pain hardships that black people endure on a daily basis.
I apologize for that. I have not done my part. I take blame and responsibility for my silence.
It is up to us to speak and take action, to push out into the front lines with those who are suffering. As Lin-Manuel Miranda said, it is up to us to be better allies and have each others' backs.
I will do better. Off Topic will do better. Let's all do better to stop the centuries of injustice.
Black Lives Matter.
でも、私は日本人でもアメリカ人でもありません。私は「Third Culture Kid」(サード・カルチャー・キッド)です。日本の神戸とマサチューセッツのボストンで育ち、前職では、毎月日米を往復していました。小学校、中学校はインターナショナルスクールに通っていたので、あらゆる人種の友達と一緒に育ちました。
今日、劇作家であり俳優のリン=マヌエル・ミランダさんがミュージカル「ハミルトン」のチャネルを活用してこの組織的人種差別を避難しなかったことについて、謝罪した。その話を聞いて、私は同じようにこの問題に貢献してきたことに気付きました。「Black Lives Matter」や、組織的人種差別を非難することについて何も言っていないという事実は、私の道徳的失敗です。同時に、このOff Topicではアメリカのテックトレンドやスタートアップの話はしているが、一度もこのプラットフォームを使って組織的人種差別や、日々黒人がけている辛さと痛みを発言しておりませんでした。
Off Topicでも、もっとやるべきことがあると思います。何世紀にもわたる不当な扱いを止めるために、力を合わせましょう。
Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matters
Minnesota Freedom Fund
Written by Tetsuro