
Attention, distraction and the war in our brain: Jean-Philippe Lachaux at TEDxEMLYON _12/09_


Attention, distraction and the war in our brain: Jean-Philippe Lachaux at TEDxEMLYON  Ajoutée le 7 déc. 2013

J-P. Lachaux has been working for more than 20 years at solving the mysteries of the brain. His research focuses mainly on the dynamic interactions between distributed neural processes and complex cognitive tasks, especially visual cognition, attention, reading and memory. Dr Lachaux works in Lyon Neuroscience Research Center and Labex CORTEX. He is the author of a book "my attentive brain : a cartoon guide to the hidden secrets of attention" and a book published in January 2013: "Le Cerveau Attentive: Contrôle, Maîtrise et Lâcher-prise", which gives the lay reader an opportunity to grasp the scientific concepts of consciousness and perception. Emphasizing the importance of the attention in one's day-to-day existence, J-P.Lachaux explains with boldness that learning how to reach the state of full attention will save half of the time in an individual's life. To know more about Dr Lacharx, please click: www.myattentivebrain.com.

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