
NYC PreK自主隔離用オンライン授業2021・6/23 2021・6・23

What can we expect in Kindergarten?


Materials:Recycled materials, glue or tape
Sculpture: Invite your child to use recycled materials such as boxes and containers to create sculptures. Supply tape or glue to secure the materials together. As your child works, talk about how the individual items are transformed into something new by your child.

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Field trip to a kindergarten class

Hi Friends! Today we talked about if you were excited about going to kindergarten. Take a trip with me below and see what kindergarten will be like. Draw a picture of what you saw and don't forget to label your pictures with dictation. Upload and share with us on google classroom!

Thank you teachers song

Congratulations to all my friends! Last week you all had your stepping up ceremony and now you're ready to move on up to kindergarten next school year :) Here is a nice song we can sing to our teachers. Let's see who can sing the loudest? :)

Graduation edition

Hey friends! Let's stand on our feet and follow along to these cool dance moves :)

1. Grab a partner
2. Sing along and dance your silly's out
3. Post and share your dance moves with us on our google classroom :)

How tall are you?

Invite your child to measure themselves with blocks. Provide tools for recording such as paper and writing utensils. After your child measures invite them to predict how tall they think they will be when they are grown up. Observe how your child measures themselves.(e.g. standing or lying down). They can also measure other family members to compare the height difference.

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I'm a little graduate

Hi friends! Let's go on a scavenger hunt to find something that starts with the letter "G" like "Graduate" or "Grapes."

1. Using your looking eyes
2. Take a picture or video of what you found that starts with the letter "G"
3. Share and post it on our google classroom :-)

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Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten

Author: Joseph Slate
Listen and read the story below!

Task: How will you get ready for kindergarten? Draw a picture. Remember to write your name, label and add dictation to your picture.

