

1. はじめに





そんなわけで今回は、最も著名なアファンタジア研究者の一人であるジョエル・ピアソン教授(Prof Joel PearsonFuture Minds Lab論文検索)による動画を紹介します。



by Prof Joel Pearson(ジョエル・ピアソン教授)





3. 動画の音声を超意訳(日本語)


by ジョエル・ピアソン教授

こんにちは、Future Minds Lab のジョエル・ピアソン教授です。私はオーストラリア、シドニーのニューサウスウェールズ大学の教授ですが、あちこち旅をしていますので、みなさんの近くにいるかもしれません。





私たちが考えているのは、トレーニングと脳刺激を組み合わせることで、より長期的なイメージ強度の変化を引き起こせるかもしれないということです。これらの研究では、後頭部【🍅視覚野 ⇒ 大脳皮質の後頭葉に位置していて視覚情報を受け取る脳の領域】の神経細胞の活性度(皮質の興奮性)が、全体的なイメージの強さに大きく関与しているという証拠も得られました。

しかし重要なのは、これら研究はアファンタジアの人々を対象としたものではなく、すでに何らかのイメージ能力を持っている人々を対象としていたということです。明らかな疑問として、イメージが全くない人に「イメージを練習しなさい」と言っても、何を練習すればいいのか分からないですよね? 例えば、中国語を全く知らない人に「練習しなさい」と言っても、まず言語そのものを学ぶ必要があるのと同じです。





この動画を見ている科学者の方々にも呼びかけたいと思います。より多くの研究が必要です。そして、それらは慎重に、そして科学的に行う必要があります。イメージがない人にイメージを与えることは可能でしょうか? おそらくできるでしょう。でも、それを望むべきでしょうか? それは分かりません。今日はここまでです。興味深い内容だったことを願っています。すぐにイメージを得ようとするのは控えめにして、よく考えてみてください。



4. 動画の音声をテキスト化(英語)


by Prof Joel Pearson

Hi, Prof Joel Pearson here for Future Minds Lab. I'm a professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, but I get around a bit. I travel all over the place, so I could be in your neck of the woods. I'm going to talk a little bit about aphantasia and can we cure it? But curing it, yeah, again, suggests there's something wrong with it. It's a problem. It's not. Almost every day, someone emails and reaches out and asks the question, Can you give me imagery? I want to just tell you what we know, what we don't know. Can we give people imagery? You have aphantasia. We did a study a while back where we had people train on mental imagery for one hour each day for five days and we didn't see any improvement in their mental imagery. We did see improvement in what's called metacognition. In other words, our objective measures of imagery and their subjective sensation of imagery are different. came closer together. In another study, we tried direct current stimulation, which is like running a very weak current off a little battery through people's skull and through their brain. Feels a little tingly and itchy on the scalp, but not a big deal. And we found that we could up or down regulate imagery strength. These weren't massive effects, but they were clearly significant. They weren't long lasting. What I think we could do... is combine a training regime plus this brain stimulation thing to potentially drive longer-lasting changes in imagery strength. That same paper provided good evidence that cortical excitability, just how active the neurons are in the back of your head, was a large contributor to overall imagery strength. Now, importantly, we didn't run that study on people with aphantasia. People in that study had some level of imagery already. So the obvious question is, if you don't have any imagery and we're telling you to practice imagery, how do you know what to practice, right? If you've never spoken a different language, let's say it's Chinese, and I say, just go and practice that. First, you've got to learn what the language is before you can just practice it. So newer stuff coming out on psychedelics. So psychedelics as a treatment for mental health is now a big deal. And there are a couple of interesting, really interesting cases showing that people who have gone through a psychedelic study came out the other end with mental imagery and they're saying they didn't have imagery before they went into the study but it's only sort of two or three people at this stage and it was retrospective which just means they no one measured their imagery beforehand so they're really comparing their memory of how they remembered imagery beforehand with the imagery afterwards but there's something promising there we know that psychedelics does all kinds of cool stuff to neural plasticity So how your brain is dynamic and plastic and changes. So it may in fact cause your brain to rewire slightly, giving you some imagery ability. Again, we don't know much about this at all. Just like I said, a couple of case studies. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the potential dangers in all of this. We know that strong imagery is a driver behind anxiety, PTSD. We know that people who have schizophrenia, for example, have very strong, very vivid imagery. We know that people who have Parkinson's and visual hallucinations have very strong mental imagery. So there's this whole side that mental imagery and strong mental imagery is associated with neurological and mental health challenges. So we need to keep that in mind. So here's a scenario. Let's say you've never had imagery. We run the study and then bang in a week or two, you have strong imagery, but you don't have the experience in controlling that, right? You have these images popping into your head at random times. Maybe it stops you getting to sleep at night. Or maybe it becomes more like PTSD where there are images of nasty things, of traumatic experiences or memories in your life and it becomes really problematic and we can't switch the imagery off. So where do we stand then? So we don't know if this is the case yet. Again, we need to run the studies but we have to run them very carefully because we don't want to be in a situation where we've given a bunch of people imagery and they regret it and we regret it and we can't switch it off. I also wanted to mention... Imagery streaming. Now if you've searched this on YouTube, you will have seen a lot of videos of people talking about imagery streaming and people claiming they get imagery through doing this imagery streaming process. We haven't done the science for that yet. We don't know if they're getting imagery. They may just be adjusting their metacognition of imagery. In other words, their imagery doesn't change. It's just their awareness of what they already have changes. Again, we don't know. It's an interesting topic. We want to study more and I shout out to the scientists watching this. We need to do more studies in this. We need to do them carefully and of course scientifically. Can we give you imagery if you don't have it? Probably. Do we want to? Maybe. So that's a wrap for today. I hope that was interesting. Don't rush out and try and give yourself imagery just yet. Think deeply about it. If you like this video, yeah, subscribe, hit the like button. The algorithms love it. And yeah, follow us for more updates on aphantasia mental imagery and other topics about the human mind.
