アファンタジアに「無意識(自覚なし)のイメージ的な何か」は存在するか? (その2)
Breaking: Scientists Decode Imageless Imagery in Aphantasia
(Prof Joel Pearson)
Have you ever tried to picture something in your mind's eye but nothing happened? You didn't experience anything? Maybe it was just black on black? Or perhaps you have something called aphantasia, the inability to create visual images in your mind's eye. Aphantasia seems to affect about 5% of the population and we call it a condition, not a disease or anything negative like that. It seems to be part of the normal distribution of cognitive. and neural diversity. Hello my friends, welcome to the channel. Joel Pearson here, I'm a professor of cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience and psychology here at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Today I want to tell you about a brand new paper that's just come out where we show that those with aphantasia actually do seem to have images or images of a sort in their visual cortex when they try and attempt to imagine something. Now I say images of a sort which we'll get to in a second because those images don't seem to be in the normal format of those that do have mental imagery or the typical range of imagery using functional brain imaging so that's the brain scan of people lie down we had people first look at perceptual patterns so just pictures on the screen then we had people try and imagine those same patterns we had people with good imagery typical range of imagery and we had a group with aphantasia And importantly for this study, we validated that they had aphantasia. When I say validated, what do I mean? I mean we measured their aphantasia or lack of imagery using a bunch of different techniques. First we used a questionnaire, then we used the binocular rivalry technique. If you don't know what that is, check out one of my other videos. It's an objective method to test the sensory strength of mental imagery. So we use that to make sure Those with aphantasia or those in our aphantasia group didn't have any sensory imagery, neither did they have any imagery subjectively using a questionnaire. Also, while they were in the scanner attempting imagery, after each attempt, we got them to rate any imagery that came up and they pretty much flatlined, giving it the lowest score on all their imagery attempts in the scanner. Okay, so what do we find in this study? We found a few interesting things. First up, we found that simply when people were lying in the scanner and we showed them perceptual patterns, the response in visual cortex in those with aphantasia was weaker, right? It was significantly lower response in visual cortex, in the primary visual cortex, which is really the lowest part of visual processing in the cortex, which is really interesting itself. And it suggests some kind of differential visual processing machinery in visual cortex for those that have aphantasia. The other interesting thing we found is that when we had people in the scanner try and imagine whether they had imagery or not, we saw that fMRI, that functional magnetic resonance score, go up in both groups. Now we found something very curious though in those with aphantasia. The way the visual cortex, the way our brains are wired up, is something called contralateral. which simply means if my brain is processing this visual scene here on my left, it's actually the right hand side of my brain that processes that. The information crosses over in the wiring and vice versa, the parts of my brain that are processing the visual things over here, any stimuli, let's say I had an apple in my hand here, it'd be the left hand side. So it crosses over. So that's called contralateral. So typically when you're doing brain scans and things like that, If you put a stimulus over here, you look and see the activity over here in the other side of the brain, so to speak. In those with typical imagery, as we might expect, when people tried to, or when they imagined, we saw that contralateral activity, and that was higher than the ipsilateral in the same side, which is what we expect, what other studies had shown, the same pattern we see with perception or mental imagery. Now, when it came to those with aphantasia, we saw the opposite pattern. We saw that when people with aphantasia were attempting to imagine, the ipsilateral response was actually higher than the contralateral response, which is suggestive of a different kind of wiring, different brain architecture. Perhaps those top-down signals telling the visual cortex to create a mental image are wired differently somehow in those with aphantasia. So just to restate that, When those with aphantasia try and imagine, rather than seeing the usual parts of the brain being active, we saw the other hemisphere was actually more active. We don't know why that is at this stage, but it was a significant effect and it does seem to be reliable. So that's interesting. Both the perceptual difference and the contra ipsilateral difference suggest different wiring in those with aphantasia, particularly these top-down wiring connections perhaps. So what I've been talking about so far is the traditional functional brain imaging techniques where we look at the amount of blood flow and oxygen in the brain in different areas. and when someone's seeing something or doing something that goes up and then it goes back down after they're finished we also used a more sophisticated technique based on machine learning where we train an algorithm to figure out what people are looking at or what they're imagining or trying to imagine now the way this works is simply that the algorithm the machine learning algorithm trains on all the different perceptual trials or imagery trials And then it will take one out and try and decode, we tend to call it, what was happening or what people were seeing in that particular trial. And this is a really interesting technique because it uses a different or taps into a different measure than your standard or more traditional fMRI data analysis. So it's looking at the pattern of the activity in the brain, let's say, or the pattern of the flow of blood and oxygen in the brain, rather than just looking at a whole area. is there more or less activity or blood flow in that area? In this second type of analysis, using this machine learning decoding, which I'll call it from now on, we found that in both groups, we could decode perceptual stimuli when people are looking at pictures on a screen, the same. Now, when it came to imagery and imagery attempts in those with aphantasia, we found we could decode, we get the algorithm to decode the imagery signal in both groups equally. there was no significant difference between those with typical imagery and those with aphantasia, suggesting that there is a reliable signal in early visual cortex. So all the data I'm talking about today is primary visual cortex, this very low level perceptual processing part of the brain that really just processes visual information and how much that's modulated. So we could decode imagery significantly in that part of the brain, both perception and imagery. There's a trick we can use in neuroscience to look at how similar the representations are between different things, in this case between imagery and perception. So using that same algorithm, we can train the algorithm say on imagery or imagery attempts, and then see if we can get the algorithm to decode the perceptual response in the brain. Why do we do this? We do this because if it can decode across imagery to perception or vice versa, it tells us that the representation in the brain must be very similar, similar enough for this decoding to work. If there were completely different representations, you could not get cross-decoding. And this imagery perceptual cross-decoding is not a new thing. Other papers have shown that before. We've shown that in other papers from the lab. So first up, in the group with imagery, we did successful cross-decoding. As before, replicating lots of other results. No surprises there. Now, when it came to those with aphantasia, the cross-decoding failed. The algorithm could not cross-decode. What does this mean? It means that the representations that were there, we know the activities there in visual cortex, when people are attempting and trying to imagine, were dissimilar to those during perception. There's something there, but it's too different to the representation. or the image during perception. So the cross-decoding just didn't work. I think the most useful way to think about these data at the moment is that if you don't have imagery, something's still happening in visual cortex, in primary visual cortex, because we know that area is what we call a retinotopic. It's depictive. It actually represents pictures. It seems likely that it is a form of picture or mental image. Now, for some reason, people with aphantasia are not conscious of that image. That image that's forming is not enough to affect or prime or bias that binocular ivory illusion, because that's the method we use to measure mental imagery or aphantasia. It's not enough to affect the pupil response, which is another objective method we have to assess aphantasia and mental imagery. It's also not enough to drive skin conductance responses when people are... reading scary stories. That's just talking about another paper we have. So in other words, the objective ways we have to typically measure mental imagery and not driven by this representation in primary visual cortex. So there's something there and the big question is what is it? What's there? Now I think it's probably something that is warped or somehow different to perceptual images or warped or different to images in people that have conscious imagery, let's call it. Imagine shining a flashlight or a torch through a magnifying glass or a prism. when you shine that light through there the image and the light gets warped or flipped or changed in different ways and so that's what i mean by warped changed representations in early visual cortex so maybe it's something like that at this stage from the data we have we don't know how things are being changed or warped we do know that the seems to be a different representation in visual cortex we know from that earlier perceptual data that there is less response in visual cortex and that contra ipsilateral thing i talked about is also different in aphantasia so it's likely that somehow the wiring the top down wiring to primary visual cortex is different in those with aphantasia and this results in some kind of different representation or representation that's simply not strong enough to reach the threshold for conscious awareness right so there's no vividness of imagery and also it's too weak or it's warped to tap into these objective measures we have of imagery. So in sum, this work is the first to really shed light and show that, yes, there seems to be some kind of representation in early visual cortex, but it seems to be diminished, not strong enough, or just warped and changed in some interesting manner. On a side note, it's also interesting, we typically think that activity in primary visual cortex is related to conscious visual experience. And in this case, it doesn't seem to be. We know that there are reliable representations in early visual cortex, but those with aphantasia are simply not conscious of their mental imagery. So that's another interesting way. I think this is an exciting way to study consciousness. It's telling us something about aphantasia. It changes the way we think about aphantasia. There do seem to be images there in early visual cortex, but for some reason, we don't know yet, they're not conscious, they're not strong enough, or they're warped. We are going to continue doing more research into this and figure out how these representations are warped and changed. So if you want to find out more about aphantasia and these perhaps unconscious images in the brain, subscribe to any of my channels to hear more about this. Until then, my friends, stay curious.