ZoomInfo Third Quarter Year 2022 Financial Results カンファレンスコール
ごきげんよう、お立ち寄りありがとうございます。Zoom Infoへようこそ。第3四半期決算の電話会議を開催します。この時間は、参加者全員がこのモードのみです。講演者のプレゼンテーションの後、質疑応答の時間を設けますので、ご質問をお寄せください。セッション中、電話機のスターイレブンを押す必要があります。そうすると、自動音声が流れます。
あなたの手が挙がっていることを助言します。本日の会議は録音されていますので、ご了承ください。本日のスピーカーに会議を引き継ぎたいと思います。ジェリー・ズィスキーです。どうぞ、お先にどうぞ。ありがとうございます、ジョン Zoom Infoの2022年第3四半期の業績をハイライトする決算説明電話会議にようこそ!本日の電話会議には、Zoom Infoの創業者兼CEOのヘンリー・シュックと、最高財務責任者のキャメロン・ハイザーが出席しています。彼らがマークされた後、私たちはQ Amp aにコールを開きます。
詳細については、当社の投資家向けウェブサイトIR Zoom info.comに掲載されているスライドに含まれる注意書きをご参照ください。この電話会議で説明した指標、またはnon-GAAPは、特に注記または調整がない限り、決算発表のプレスリリースまたは当社のIRサイトに掲載したスライドに記載されています。
それでは、CEOのヘンリー・ショックに電話をかわります。ジェリー、ありがとうございます。今日は、これまで以上に市場に出ることが多くなっています。チームは、より少ない人数でより多くのことを行うことを求めています。Zoom Infoプラットフォームは、あらゆる規模の企業にまさにそれを提供できる唯一のソリューションです。私たちは、BtoBセラーのデジタル変革という世代交代の始まりにおり、私たちのビジネスモデルは、厳しいマクロ経済環境下でも強力であることが証明されています。
Allinoneプラットフォーム 効率化を促進します。アリノーンのプラットフォームは、1ドル1ドルが吟味される時代に、ソリューションを購入する可能性が最も高い人々と企業を結びつけ、大規模なエンゲージメントに必要なテクノロジーを提供することで、効率化を実現します。
Zoom Info Q 3 の結果は、再びトップラインとボトムラインで予想を上回り、我々は再び通年の売上と収益性のガイダンスを引き上げました。第3四半期は、GAAPベースの売上が2億8,800万ドル、調整後の営業利益が1億1,800万ドルでした。
セールスエンゲージメントを横断的に 会話、インテリジェンス、データ、アカウントベースのマーケティングなど、今期はライダーシステムズ、テイラーコーポレーション、USIと行ったようなものです。これらの案件は、当社が引き続き順調に事業を展開していることを示していますが、第3四半期に入ると、案件に対するマクロ的な圧力が高まり、案件のレビューレベルが上がり、販売サイクルがさらに長くなることがわかりました。
これは、当四半期のかなり遅い時期に始まったものです。第3四半期への影響は軽微であった。結果、この延長傾向は第4四半期に入っても続いており、短期的には成長に影響を及ぼすと予想しています。マクロ環境をコントロールすることはできませんが、より安定した経済環境であれば、さらなる成長を実現で きると考えています。しかし、私たちは事業をどのように運営するかをコントロールすることができます。そして、私たちのモデルの回復力は、強力で一貫したマージンの増加という形で、収益を牽引していることがおわかりいただけると思います。私たちは、2022 年度のガイダンスを自信を持って引き上げ、期待しています。
その結果、弊社のプラットフォームと弊社に信頼を寄せていただくことができました。この投資により、同社のOSユーザーは300%以上拡大しました。その結果、63カ国で3500人以上のプロフェッショナルが利用するようになりました。Zoom Infoは、彼らが市場にいるときに、適切なステークホルダーに適切なタイミングでリーチすることを可能にしました。
300万人以上の顧客を持つある大手公共通信会社は、複数のベンダーとの関係を統合することで効率化を図りたいと考えていました。同社はすでにデータオーケストレーションにZoom Infoを使用していましたが、営業、OSマーケティング、OS、オペレーションOSと拡張することで、Go to Market戦略を統一することにしました。
このフルスタック契約は、ズームインフォの10倍以上の拡張を意味します。また、時価総額150億ドルの金融データサービス会社は、営業チームの効率性を失うことなく、技術スタック全体の支出を合理化することを検討していました。不確実な環境に直面する中、インテントとチャット製品を追加することでベンダーを統合し、成長を続けながらエンド・ツー・エンドのGo to Marketスイートを提供することを支援しました。
Sales OSでは、Sales Intelligence、Engage、Cores Conversation Intelligenceの各製品を統合し、見込み客の獲得から商談成立までの営業担当者の体験を単一のプラットフォームで実現するための投資を続けています。
お客様は、Sales OSのワンクリックとEngagement Advanced Salesオートメーションを使って、プロスペクトとエンゲージメントを効率化できるようになりました。そして、会話、インテリジェンスの統合です。また、Go to market組織全体のフットプリントに投資を続け、アカウントエグゼクティブ、アカウントマネジメント、カスタマーサクセスチーム向けの製品を追加しています。Zoom Info IntelligenceをChorus経由で通話後のパイプラインレビュープロセスに統合し、プラットフォームから離れることなく、コンタクトカンパニーとエンゲージメントの機能を利用できるようにしました。
また、Marketing OSでは、マーケティング担当者がより良いターゲティングと営業・マーケティング間の連携を達成できるよう、主要な活動の自動化に重点を置いています。数年にわたる製品ビジョンの一環として、私たちは、オムニチャネルの部門横断的なユースケースを解放することによって、エンド・ツー・エンドの市場投入の動きを最適化する統合プラットフォームを構築しています。
この戦略は、Marketing OSの顧客の75%以上がすでに営業担当者であることから、顧客の共感を呼んでいる。マーケティング OS の顧客の 75%以上はすでに営業担当者であり、同じツールを使い、同じデータを活用することを望む顧客です。この機能により、ユーザーは、同じアカウント内の類似したターゲット・ペルソナに広告オーディエンスを拡大することができます。これにより、購買委員会のより多くのメンバーに影響を与え、より良いマルチスレッド案件を実現することができます。
そのような場合 自動的にアラートを出し、関連するアカウントと案件の担当者を添付して、すぐにアウトリーチすることができます。また、キャンペーンのレポート機能を拡張し、DSPキャンペーンのアカウント、クリエイティブ、ドメインのプレースメントに関する情報を提供することで、クイックテスト、ABCテスト、ワークフローの合理化をサポートします。
運用 OS では、お客様が静的なデータ品質やエンリッチメントを超えることができるよう支援しています。お客様は、あらかじめ定義された市場(Total Addressable Market)内のすべての関連企業を自動的に捕捉し、洗練されたルーティングによってそれらを運用することができるようになりました。
規模に応じて 例えば、次のようなものを捕捉します。例えば、重要な担当者が新しい会社に移ったというような関連するセールス・シグナルをキャッチすると、自動的にそのアカウントの代替担当者をキャッチして、営業担当者がその変更に対して行動を起こせるように警告し、CRMに関連レコードを自動的に生成します。
APIへのアクセスは、APIコール時間を55%削減しました。当社のAPIに対する企業の需要は急速に高まっており、APIの顧客数は今年だけで2倍以上になっています。Zoom InfoのAPIは、企業にシステムやアプリケーションを接続する手段を提供するだけでなく、多くの場合、以下のような重要な役割を担っています。
企業全体のデジタルトランスフォーメーションへの取り組み 第3四半期の2つ目の重点項目は、お客様に最も実用的で完全なデータセットを提供するために、新しい市場シグナルを導入することでした。インテント・データは、営業やマーケティングチームが正しいアカウントの優先順位を決定するためにますます頼りにしている、非常に重要なシグナルです。この四半期に対応するため、外部のインテント・ソースをZoom Infoプラットフォームに取り込む機能を導入し、まずG Twoのインテント・データを利用することにしました。
G Twoのインテントシグナルを当社の強力な企業およびコンタクトインテリジェンスに重ねることで、お客様はG Twoのインテントシグナルをより活用できるようになり、当社のプラットフォームでそれらのシグナルに対して直接アクションを起こすことが可能になります。私たちのプラットフォームでこれらの信号に対するアクションを可能にします。
キャンペーンや営業活動 3つ目の重点項目は、管理者の摩擦を減らし、セットアップとユーザー管理のプロセスを改善することでした。Zoom InfoのRev OSプラットフォームは、Go to marketチーム全体のためのソリューションとなりました。私たちは、摩擦を減らしながら、より深いアカウント管理を実現することに重点を置いています。そのため、ユーザーのプロビジョニングとデポジショニングを自動化し、管理者がメールアカウントを管理し、相互に接続できるようにするために、複数のアップデートを実施しました。
3,500万以上の拠点に。現在では、100%の企業について、売上高、従業員数、産業分類を、NakedコードとSicコードを含めて掲載しています。また、Technographicデータセットも拡張し、現在では、企業とその企業が使用するテクノロジー、プラットフォーム、プログラミング言語、ハードウェアのペアリングを3億以上追跡しています。Zoom Infoは、企業のCRMや企業業績管理システムなど、200以上の技術カテゴリーにまたがる技術を特定することができます。
ありがとう、ヘンリー。Q. 第3四半期も一貫して実行し、予想とガイダンスを上回る結果を出すことができました。経費プロファイルを適切に調整した結果、当四半期は予想を上回る収益性を達成し、当社モデル固有のレバレッジを示すことができました。また、今年度のトップラインとボトムラインのガイダンスを再び引き上げることができる状況にあることを嬉しく思います。
当社は多くの企業と比較してマクロ的な課題からより隔離されており、デジタル化に向けた長期的な経 済トレンドの恩恵を受けていますが、マクロ的な課題から免れることはできません。しかし、短期的にはマクロ経済環境と無縁ではいられません。
2022 年の売上高は、現在、1,940 億ドルから 1,960 億ドルの範囲になると予想しています。ジャスト・トゥ・オペレーション・イン・インカムは、442~444,000,000ドルの範囲になると予想しています。中間点において。これは、2021年比47%の売上成長率と40%の調整後営業利益率に相当します。
そして、1株当たり1ドル以上のアンリバラブル・フリー・キャッシュフローを実現する見込みです。2022. 第3四半期では、前年同期比46%増の288,000,000ドルのGAAP収益を実現し、これは四半期における日数調整後の2022年第1四半期と比較して7%の順次成長を意味します。
買収後 12 ヶ月間の影響を除くと、第 2 四半期と同様に 42%の有機的な収益成長を維持しました。ただ、第3四半期の営業利益は1億1,800万ドルで、マージンは41%となり、過去12ヵ月間で最高水準のマージン実績となりました。
これは季節的なパターンと一致していますが、マクロ環境の悪化に関連したより柔軟な支払い条件の可能性を反映し て、短期的にはキャッシュフローの見通しを調整しています。
負債および将来の業績に関する義務について。当四半期末の前受収益は3億8,100万ドル、残存履行義務(RPO)は9億7,900万ドルで、このうち7億 5,700万ドルは今後12ヵ月間に提供される予定となっています。
これらはすべて固定金利またはヘッジ付き金利です。そのうちの約半分は2026年に、残りは2029年に返済期限を迎えます。継続的な成長と収益性により、レバレッジ比率は再び改善し、純レバレッジ比率は12ヵ月後 の調整後イビタの9分の1、12ヵ月後のキャッシュオン(連結と定義)の6分の1、イーブンとなっています。
60億ドル ミッドポイントでの事前ガイダンスから1,000万ドル、調整後営業利益は442~444,000,000ドルの範囲となります。事前ガイダンスの中間地点の$435,000,000から増加。ギャップレス当期純利益は、加重平均発行済株式数4億1,100万株に基づいて1株当たり83ドルの範囲に入ると予想しており、前回の中間値の79セントから増加しました。
そして、自分の名前がアナウンスされるのをお待ちください。質問は1問とフォローアップ1問にとどめていただきますようお願いいたします。最初の質問は、Can AccordのDJ Heinzさんです。お待たせしました。やあ、こんにちは。
キャメロンさんからお願いします。コメントで言及されてましたが 計算上の請求の伸びは20%以下です Crp、Facebook、Calcs。このデータから偽のシグナルを 得ることがあります この場合 この場合、あなたが話している減速のようなものを考えてみてください。
予約の伸び。買収したものを調整する必要がある場合は、その分スコープを請求することはできません。Rpoと買収したUnearned Revenueと昨年のQ3。Rpoは、例として、2400万ドル近くになりました。
貴社はすでにクラス最高のマージンを確保しています。その利点を生かすのでしょうか? また、投資を続けますか?それとも、より慎重に投資を行うのでしょうか?あるいは、もう少し需要曲線の後方に投資することも考えられます。
ええ、まずマージンの観点からビジネスを管理し続けるつもりです。慎重に。そして、以前から申し上げているように 成長が鈍化すれば、マージンは増加すると考えていますし、それが私たちのビジネスの指針であり続けるでしょう。
そのため、この分野への投資を続けています。そうですね。ありがとうございました。次の質問まで少々お待ちください。次の質問はパイパー・サンドレーのブレント・バジロンです。お待たせしました ありがとうございます こんにちは
キャメロンからお願いします 新規契約や更新に対する監視の目が厳しくなっているとのことですが、現在の環境からすれば驚くことではありません。現在の環境を考えると、確かにそれを聞いても驚かないのですが、更新の議論について、もう1つ詳しく教えていただけないでしょうか。更新を完了させるのに時間がかかっているだけなのでしょうか。
ですから、このような時代だからこそ、私たちは すべてのベンダーにさらなる監視の目が向けられています。私たちは、意思決定者がユーザー自身の声を聞き、このことが販売や業務の推進においていかに重要であるかを確認するために、もう少し努力が必要だと思います。
販売とマーケティングにおける彼らの成功と効率。モーション ですから、このような努力は明らかに必要です。すでに効率的で、システムに余裕がないチームにとって、このような努力の積み重ねは重要であり、その結果、アップセルの取り組みに影響を与えることになります。
さらに加速させるためにはどうすればいいのでしょうか。Zoom infoの採用は、コアとなるソフトウェアや技術分野以外でも広がっています。このマクロ経済環境の中で見えてきたことの1つは、マクロの変化に強い産業や企業が存在するということです。
次の質問はウルフリサーチのアレックス・ズーチンからです。どうも、皆さん。質問を聞いてくれてありがとう 私にもいくつか質問があります。まず キャメロン、話してくれる?いくつかのことについて、もう少し詳しく。日数とか 売上は好調で 9月以降の成長
更新されました。解説 これは取引のカップルでしたか?非常に大きな取引が1つあります。そして、これらの更新は、押されているように見えますが、そうでしょうか。この四半期にクローズする予定ですが、もう少し具体的に教えてください。
多くのお客さまが集中しています。現金、節約、そして。私たちは慎重に予想しています。それは悪化する可能性があります。さらに ネット・リテンションについて考えるとき 改善していました。2021年には116%まで、以前は100%以上の一桁台半ばから後半の種類でした。リテンションは、これまでとは少し違うものになると思います。
あなたのいずれに関しても。以前より20%高くなりました。理解した。分かりました それから、ヘンリーにもう少し広い範囲でのマクロな質問をしましょうか。このような問題は、技術やソフトウェアのような特定の業種に集中しているのでしょうか?これらの問題は、ハイテクやソフトウェアのような特定の業種に集中しているのでしょうか?それとも広範囲に渡っているのでしょうか?他の地域よりも弱い地域があるのでしょうか?また、このような問題に対して、以前考えていたよりもさらに驚くようなことがありましたか?
チャンスです。私たちは営業チームをそこに集中させています。今、影響を受けていない地域から 離れるためにね 完璧だ ありがとうございました。次の質問に移ります。次の質問はクレディ・スイスのフィル・ウィンスローからです。
全般的なことです。製品レベルで何か補足があれば、助かります。ありがとうございます。確かに、販売するときはそうですね。統合プラットフォーム 多くのポイント・ソリューションを置き換えるため、販売サイクルはやや長めです。先ほどお話した3つの会社のうち、Writer USI Taylor Corporationについて見てみましょう。私たちは、この3社を統合しました。
Q3の支出は、明らかにオーガニック製品の増加から外れています。有機的なレベルです。キャメロン、もし私たちがいくつかの色の期待を買うことができればどうですか?Q 4. 販売とマーケティングの効率性と能力という観点からマージンと成長の両方を管理するというご指摘ですが、当社は販売とマーケティングの能力に継続的に投資しています。
販売とマーケティングから得られる営業レバレッジのレベルがあります。ですから。今期は 売上高に占めるセールス&マーケティングの割合は低下していますが、その推進力を引き続き見ていきたいと思います。その新しい収益において、もっともっと 続けています。
了解です。ありがとうございました。次の質問まで少々お待ちください。次の質問はJPモルガンのマーク・マーフィーからです。はい ありがとうございました。ヘンリー、あなたが外で顧客と話すとき、つい最近話題になったばかりだと思いますが、どうすれば緊張を和らげることができると思いますか?
しかし、何が彼らの神経を静めるのでしょうか。または、浸透させる。もっとビジネスを 自信を持たせる 例えば 彼らが待っていると思いますか?見るために 供給されるピボットを。それとも インフレ率の低下を それとも
同じようなレベルの追加的な監視を経験しているのです。自分たちのビジネスにおいて、同じようなレベルの追加的な監視や経営陣の見直しが行われています。彼らが求めているのは、そのような環境の変化だと思います。私が申し上げたいのは 私たちの歴史上、最大の新規ビジネス案件、最大の事業拡大案件があります。これらの顧客は私たちのところに来て、「いいか、営業面で次の3、4人の増員を見送るつもりだ。その分、投資やズームインフォメーション、全体の増員をするために金を使うつもりだ」と言っているのです。
なるほど。では、最後に簡単なフォローアップを。気になることがあります。あなたの直感はどうですか?予算プラス。年末の消費活動。ここQ4で。おそらく あなたはそれが少しになるだろうと思います。圧縮されています。それはわかりますか?
今年もそうなるとは限りません。正直なところ、このような環境では、人々が、すべてを精査しているような気がします。すべてを精査している。以前よりもっと真剣に そうですね 私は、他の人々が必要なことを心配します その予算の時計は存在しません それが通過しなければならないのと同じものです。
そうですね 分かった そして、ちょうどヘンリー、そして多分ちょうどより簡単な形で。7%というのは調整後の数字で、マクロの逆風を考えるともう少し低く抑えられるとお考えでしょうか。
年間の支払額は全体の半分以上です。総額のようなものです。しかし さらなる柔軟性を必要とする、あるいは求めている顧客がいることは確かです。確かにそれは 私たちの期待や指針の一部です。
というのも、私たちは今、総資産240億ドルから脱却しつつあるのです。グローバルなデータに特化した240億ドルのアドレス可能な市場でプレーすることから、国内データに特化した1,000億ドルのアドレス可能な市場でプレーすることです。そして、国内データに焦点を当てた、アドレス可能な総額240億ドルの市場から、アドレス可能な総額1,000億ドルの市場に移行しています。完全なGo to Marketのエンド・ツー・エンドの収益事業を推進する市場です。スイートです。
これには、Conversation Intelligenceやセールス・オートメーション、VtoBeチャット、アカウントベースのマーケティング・プラットフォームなどのソリューションが含まれ、クラス最高のデータの上に構築されています。アセット(資産)です。プラットフォームに関連した会話にシフトすることで、販売者を支援できるようになると思います。
より強固な方法で。現在、私たちはセールス・インテリジェンスや中核的なデータ、セールス・インテリジェンスに最も力を入れています。しかし、私たちが事業を拡大するにつれて これらのアカウントは 私たちの拡大活動は、全体的なプラットフォームのストーリーを伝えることに重点を置いています。そして、Marketing OSの顧客の75%以上がSales OSの顧客であることが分かっています。マーケティングOSとセールスOSを一緒に購入することで、営業とマーケティングの連携が可能になるのです。
そのため、企業内で検索されることが多いのですが、そのためにはより広い範囲のストーリーを伝える必要があります。プレスリリースにあるような、より広範なストーリーが必要なのです。非常に理にかなっています。この続きはまた後日。キャメロン レートがいつ変化するかについては言及されていません。だから、私は仮定しますし、彼らが過去のものと多かれ少なかれ一致していることを確認することができれば、それは素晴らしいことだと思います。しかし、NRのリトレースについて考えるときにも、同じことが言えます。
そのため、アップセルをする機会が少なくなっています。歴史的なことです。とても参考になりました。ありがとうございました。次の質問をどうぞ 質問をどうぞ もう少々お待ちください。次の質問は、バンク・オブ・アメリカの秋田浩二さんです。
当社の歴史上、最大の拡張案件を成立させました。当社史上最大の拡張案件を成立させました。マーケティング OS プラットフォームの新規ビジネス ACV は、セールス OS プラットフォームの ACV の 3 倍に近い数値になっています。マーケティングOSの顧客の大半は、営業OSの顧客です。また、販売OSの顧客は、そのプラットフォームのストーリーを解き明かすことができます。
Writer社やUSI社、Taylor Corporation社など、マルチポイントのソリューションをZoom Info Revosプラットフォームに統合した顧客は、統合の効果を実感しているようです。しかし、結局のところ、マクロの経済状況が売上の伸びを生み出しているのです。売上が伸びることで、売り手の時間が増えます。そして、最終的にはそれがキャパシティの足かせになるのです。そこで私たちは、組織の観点から正しい判断を下し、そのような負担をできるだけ軽減するよう心がけています。
そのために、組織の観点から正しい判断を下し、可能な限り負担を軽減できるようにしています。ありがとう、ヘンリー。どうもありがとうございました。次の質問まで少々お待ちください。次の質問は、mazouloのCity Panagraiさんからです。私の質問を聞いてくださってありがとうございます。ヘンリーさん、マクロ圧と自己伸長のお話ですが、パイプラインでどのような現象が起きているのでしょうか?ファンネルの上部にあるパイプラインには、どのようなトレインがあるのでしょうか?
セールス&マーケティング面では、成長率は緩やかです。売上高に占める販売・マーケティング費の比率は下がると思います。それが実現すれば フリー・キャッシュ・フローが減少します。我々はいくつかを見ている。
その 全体的なミックスです。私はそう考えています。年間支払額の割合は時間の経過とともに移動する可能性があります。例として、それは減少します。我々が見て、あなたが知っている、2020年のQ.1とQ.2を言うよりもはるかに小さい減少。
次の質問はRBC Capital MarketsのRishi Jaluriaです。最初に最後までお付き合いいただき、本当にありがとうございました。まず最初に、ACVの30%が先進的な機能から来るという指標についてお話いただきましたが、これは正しい方向に進み続けています。しかし、第2四半期の29%からわずかに上昇しているように見えます。
はい、引き続きご覧いただきたいと思います。先進的な機能への強い関心。しかし、そのほとんどは既存のお客さまにアップセルしています。そして、その一方で 影響は少ないです。よりも。ただ。データです。
次の質問はテイラー・マクギニスさんです。ハイ こんにちは ありがとう 私の質問を聞いてくれてありがとうございます 新しいロゴの活動や、平均的な土地の大きさについて、また、見通しの明るさのうち、どの程度がこの軟弱さに起因しているのか、コメントいただけますか? また、2つ目の質問として、拡大率が低下している中で、より多くの成長を新規事業から得る必要があるとお考えでしょうか。
また また、第3四半期にはASPが上昇し、引き続き新規ビジネスが好調に推移しています。活動をしています。ということです。
全体的には、マクロ経済的な課題からくる短期的な影響だと思います。マクロ経済の課題がどの程度続くかはわかりません。それがいつまで続くかはわかりませんが、定着率はまた上がると思います。としています。その バイヤーの状況は時間とともに安定する。
素晴らしい、ありがとうございます。次の質問まで少々お待ちください。次の質問は、Truest SecuritiesのTerry Tilmanさんです。はい ありがとうございます 質問が多いようですが たぶんヘンリーさん、私にとっての大局的な質問は、ベンダーの統合というテーマに関連したものだと思うのですが。マクロが弱まり続ければ、ベンダーの統合はおそらく加速するように思われますし、そうでなければ悪化するでしょう。
それでは、最後にヘンリーからご挨拶をお願いします。皆さん、お時間をいただきありがとうございました。今夜は これから数週間、活発なIRカレンダーが続きますが、皆さんとお話しできること、そして皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています。
Good day and thank you for standing by. Welcome to the Zoom Info. Third quarter Financial results conference call. At this time, all participants are in this and only mode. After the Speaker's presentation, there will be a question and answer session to ask a question. During the session, you will need to press Star Eleven on your telephone. You will then hear an automated automated message.
Advising your hand is raised. Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded. I would like to hand the conference over to your speaker today. Jerry Zzzyski. Please Go ahead. Thanks, John. Welcome to Zoom Info's Financial results conference call highlighting our results for the third quarter of 2022 with me on the call today, our Henry Schuck, founder and CEO of Zoom Info and Cameron Heiser, our chief financial officer. After they were marks, we will open the call to Q Amp a.
During this call, any forward looking statements are made pursue into the safe Harbor provisions of US securities laws, expressions of future goals, including business outlook, expectations for future financial performance, and similar items, including without limitation expressions. Using the terminology you may will expect anticipate and believe and expressions which reflect something other than.
Historical facts are intended to identify forward looking statements. Forward looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including those discussed in a risk factor section of our filings with the SEC.
Actual results may differ materially from any forward looking statements. The company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward looking statements in order to reflect events that may arise after this conference call, except as required by law.
For more information, please refer the cautionary statement included in the slides that we have posted to our Investor relations website at IR Zoom info.com. All metrics discussed on this call or non GAAP, unless otherwise noted or reconciliation, can be found in a Financial Results press release or in the slides that we've posted to our IR website.
With that, I'll turn the call over to our CEO, Henry shock. Thank you, Jerry, and welcome, everyone. Today, more than ever go to market. Teams are looking to do more with less. And the Zoom Info platform is the only solution that can deliver exactly that for companies of all sizes. We're at the beginning of a generational shift of digital transformation for B to B sellers, and our business model has proven powerful even in a challenging macroeconomic environment.
Our Allinone platform Drives efficiency. At a time when every dollar spent is being scrutinized, and it does that by connecting businesses with the people who are most likely to purchase their solutions and giving them the technology they need to engage at scale.
Zoom Info Q Three results once again beat expectations on the top and bottom line, and we're again raising our full year guided our full year revenue and profitability guidance. In the third quarter, we delivered GAAP revenue of $288,000,000 and adjusted operating income of $118,000,000.
This represents year over year growth of 46% and an adjusted operating income margin of 41%. Up approximately 120 basis points. Sequentially. And up approximately 180 basis points from last year. We generated a hundred million dollars in unleaveered free cash flow in the quarter or nearly a dollar per share on an annualized basis underpinning our leading combination of growth and profitability at scale.
In Q Three, we sold the largest expansion deal in the company's history. Another eight figure TCV client. We also sold the largest new business deal in company history, our first land to exceed a million dollars. With sales, OS operations, OS Engage and Enrich being leveraged. The platform strategy is increasingly resonating, resonating, and we continue to consolidate Point solutions.
Across Sales engagement. Conversation, intelligence, data and account based marketing like we did this quarter with Rider Systems, Taylor Corporation, and USI. While these deals demonstrate that we're continuing to execute well, as we made our way through Q Three, we began to see increased macro pressure on deals, causing the level of deal review to increase and sales cycles to elongate further.
Since this started very late in the quarter. It only modestly impacted Q three. Results this Elongation trend has continued into Q four, and we do expect it to impact growth in the short term. While we can't control the macro and we know that we could deliver even more growth in a more stable economic environment. We can control how we manage the business. And you will see the resiliency of our model play out in the form of strong and consistent margin gains driving earnings. We are confident in raising guidance for 2022 and we expect.
To continue driving a sustainable combination of best and class growth. Profitability and free cash flow generation at scale. With that, let me highlight some of the many customer successes in the quarter.
First, we ended a quarter with 1848 customers who spend more than a hundred thousand dollars a year with us that's up 40 plus percent year over year. We again drove record ACB per customer. And as I mentioned earlier, we saw the largest expansion and new business deal in the company's history.
We continue to close transactions with customers across all industries. Seeing the strongest growth in the transportation and logistics, finance, insurance, real estate and manufacturing verticals, Advanced Functionality now represents 30% of ACV, and we continue to go deeper and increase our strategic value to our customers. More than ever. Organizations want to work with fewer, more strategic.
Partners. And as a result, the full stack of our integrated best and class platform is even more relevant. As an example, a top news and entertainment broadcasting company went from a demo with a single rep to a multimillion dollar transaction that went wall to wall across their entire sales team.
This deal accelerated the digitization of their sales motion, giving their sales and sales Ops professionals. The best opportunity to win with highly accurate data and insights that are cleansed and routed to the right sales reps, plus the automation, workflows and engagement tools needed to efficiently close a deal, their team said it best.
There are going to be two types of sales teams going forward, successful and efficient teams that have Zoom, info and Mediocre teams that do not. Next, a Fortune 50 consulting, infrastructure and software company, expanded their licenses to further streamline their gotomarket strategy with Best and Class Global Data Insights and Automation. As an enterprise organization, they needed to select a vendor that they could trust and our investments in Privacy and data stewardship.
Gave them the confidence in our platform and our company. Their investment expanded their sales OS users by more than 300%. So over 3500 professionals across 63 countries. Zoom Info allowed them to reach the right stakeholders at the right time when they are in market.
A large public telecommunications company with more than 3 million customers, wanted to improve efficiency by consolidating several vendor relationships. They already used Zoom Info for data orchestration, but decided to unify their go to market strategy by expanding with sales, OS Marketing, OS and Operations OS.
This full stack deal represented a more than ten X expansion with Zoom info. And a $15 billion market cap Financial Data Services company was looking to rationalize spend across their tech stack stack without losing the efficiency of their sales team. In the face of an uncertainty environment, we help them consolidate vendors by adding our intent and chat products, providing them one end to end go to market suite while growing.
Their Sales OS Seats by 50%. We continue to focus our development efforts to create integrated experiences across the entire platform. And to deliver datadriven engagement workflows to help our customers drive efficient growth.
In Sales OS, we continue to invest behind unifying the sales professionals experience for prospecting engagement and closing deals onto a single platform by integrating our core Sales Intelligence, Engage and Cores Conversation Intelligence products.
Customers are now able to streamline Prospecting and Engagement in Sales OS using one Click and Engagement Advanced Sales automation. And the integration of conversation, intelligence. We also continue to invest in our footprint across the Go to market organization, adding products for account executives, account management and customer success team. We've integrated Zoom Info Intelligence into the post call and pipeline review process via Chorus so contact company and engagement functionality is available without leaving the platform.
This includes our new meeting briefs that help our customers run effective meetings by pushing company participants and competitive intelligence, along with deal risks and engagement. Highlights right to our customers inbox.
And Marketing OS, we focus on automating key activities to help marketers achieve better targeting and alignment between sales and marketing. As part of our multi year product vision, we're building out an integrated platform that optimizes end to end go to market motions by unlocking Omni Channel cross departmental use cases.
This strategy is resonating with customers over 75% of Marketing OS customers are already sales. Os customers who want to get their teams onto the same tools, leveraging the same data. In the quarter, we added lead expansion capability, which allows users to expand their advertising audiences to similar target personas within the same account. To influence a larger portion of the buying committee and better multi threaded deals.
Additionally, we know that responding to interested prospects within less than 90 seconds increases convergent rates by close to 400%. That's why we integrated slack into our workflows engine, putting the right market and buyer intelligence in front of the right people in seconds. For example, if a prospect from one of your assigned accounts visits a high.
Value Page on your website. We can automatically alert you and attach the relevant account and deal contact for Immediate outreach. We also expanded our campaign reporting capabilities to include insight into account, creative and domain placement for DSP Campaigns, which supports Quick, A. B. Testing, and help streamline workflows.
In Operations OS We're helping customers move beyond static data quality, enrichment. And into a world of continuously updated, ready to action data inside their CRM, customers can now automatically capture all relevant companies inside their predefined total addressable market and operationalize them through sophisticated routing.
They can append new information, such as buying committees or sales signals to all accounts within the CRM, and they can track data changes through dynamic triggers to allow teams to take action on any detected changes.
At scale. For example, we will capture. Relevant sales signals such as a key contact moving to a new company and then automatically capture a replacement contact at the account and alert the sales reps so they can take action on its change while automatically generating related records in the CRM and from a data access standpoint, we delivered massive performance improvement.
To our API, reducing our API call time by 55%. The enterprise demand for our API's has grown rapidly with the number of API customers more than doubling this year alone. Zoom Info API is not only provide organizations with a means of connecting systems and applications, but often play a critical role in.
Company Wide Digital Transformation initiatives. A second focus area in Q Three was to introduce new market signals to help provide our customers with the most actionable and complete data set. Intent Data is an extremely important signal that sales and marketing teams increasingly rely on for prioritizing the right accounts. To engage with this quarter, we introduced the ability to bring outside intent sources into the Zoom Info platform, starting with G Two Intent data.
Layering G Two's Intent Signals on top of our powerful company and Contact Intelligence allows customers to take better advantage of their G Two Intent signals by enabling direct. Action against those signals in our platform.
In addition, we've improved our website's offerings so that customers can indicate high medium and low buying intent driven by visits to individual Web pages, such as a pricing page visit being higher a higher buying signal than a visit to a careers page. These signals can then be leveraged to create high intent audiences to power advertising.
Campaigns or Sales outreach. The third area of focus was to reduce friction and set up and user management processes for Admins. As Zoom Info's Rev OS platform has become a solution for entire Go to market team. We have focused on delivering deeper account control with friction. With that we've made multiple updates to automate the provisioning and depositioning of users, the ability for Admins to manage and connect email accounts across.
The user base driving better adoption within Chorus as well as a self service path for purchasing additional seats, DATAprice and advertising media sets. And lastly, we may continue to invest into our Data Foundation further deepening our competitive advantage. From a data coverage standpoint, we've invested in machine learning data acquisition, and enhanced location based matching technology, increasing our data coverage, we nearly doubled our non headquartered company locations.
To more than 35 million locations. We now list revenue, headcount and industry classification for 100% of companies, including their Naked and Sic code. And we also expanded our Technographic data set and now track more than 300 million pairing between companies and the distinct technologies, platforms, programming languages, and hardware they use. Zoom Info can identify technologies across more than 200 technology categories, including a company's CRM.
Corporate Performance Management System, or even their Travel and Expense Management system. Companies can leverage our Technographics data to identify their competitors, customers, allowing sales teams to make their case for displacement and win back business.
Or to gauge the relative sophistication of customers and determine their ideal customer profile. Nearly 90% of our active tech to company pairings have been updated within the past three months. Before I wrap up, I wanted to welcome the newest members of the Zoom Info team, including the recently added Leaders and HR sales, marketing and Security, and the more than 150 employees across the company that we hired in Q three.
There remains a huge opportunity ahead of us, and we continue to upgrade our team to support our long term growth outlook while Prudently investing in the business in the short term. In closing, we are the clear platform leader. Companies in all industries are looking to drive efficiencies across their gotomarket motion and we are well positioned to capitalize on the generational shift as more and more sales teams use data and insights to drive their go to market motion. We have an amazing group of customers from enterprise to small businesses.
That we're helping grow efficiently, and we continue to invest in a platform and the team to drive customer success. A key part of the Sustainable Long Term Growth plan. While the economic outlook remains uncertain, we remain committed to driving improved margin performance. Our financial model puts us in the elite category of high growth software companies that are delivering expanded profitability and free cash flow at scale. With that, I'll hand it over to our chief financial officer, Cameron Heiser.
Thanks, Henry. Q. Three was another quarter of consistent execution, and we again delivered results that exceeded our expectations and guidance. We Printly adjusted our expense profile, driving better than expected profitability in the quarter and showing the inherent leverage in our model. We are pleased to be in a position to again raise our top and bottom line guidance for the year.
While we are more insulated from macro challenges relative to many companies, and we benefit from long term secular trends towards digitization. We are not immune to the macroeconomic environment in the short term.
Towards the end of Q Three, and as we entered Q Four, we saw greater level of financial scrutiny from buyers, which further elongated sales sequence. All deals, including straight renewals, are requiring more effort to reach an outcome which stretches our sales team and capacity.
As reps are spending more time on renewals, we see that their capacity to drive incremental up sales is becoming a limiting factor to growth at existing customers. As a result of the more challenging environment, we now expect dollar based net retention in 2022 to retrace the gains that we were able to achieve in 2021.
In short, we are taking a prudent view of the near term growth expectations for Q Four in 2023 until we see more definitive signs that the economic environment is improving. That said, we are still raising our guidance for the year and are confident in the value proposition that we deliver to our customers.
For 2022, we now expect revenues to be in the range of 194 to 196 billion dollars. We expected just to operate in income to be in the range of $442 to $444,000,000. At the Midpoint. This represents revenue growth of 47% relative to 2021 and adjusted operating income margin of 40%.
And we expect to deliver more than a dollar per share in Unlivered free cash flow. 2022. In Q Three, we deliver GAAP revenue of $288,000,000, up 46% year over year, which implies 7% sequential growth compared to Q 2022 as adjusted for days in the quarter.
Excluding the impact of acquisitions in their first twelve months, we maintained organic revenue growth for the quarter at 42%, consistent with Q two. Just the operating income in Q Three was $118,000,000, a margin of 41%, the highest level of margin performance in the last twelve months.
We continue to place an emphasis on efficiency and profitability. We expect to increase adjusted operating margins over time. Turning to the balance sheet and cash flow. We ended the third quarter with $445,000,000 in cash.
Equivalents and short term investments. Operating cash flow and Q Three was $86 million, which included approximately $18 million in interest payments. Unleavered free cash flow was $100 million for the quarter or 84% of adjusted operating income.
While this is consistent with seasonal patterns, we're adjusting our cash flow expectations in the short term to reflect the potential for more flexibility and payment terms related to a worsening macro environment.
With respect to Liabilities and future performance obligations. Unearned revenue is the end of the quarter was $381,000,000 and remaining performance obligations, or RPO, where $979,000,000 of which $757,000,000 are expected to be delivered in the next twelve months.
We believe they calculated both billing bookings and RPR imprecise metrics to assess in period activity and forward momentum. If you are analyzing similar metrics, it is important to remember that the comparative period of Q three 2021 should be adjusted for acquisitions.
Because of the inherent noise in those metrics, we focus on days adjusted sequential revenue growth. We delivered 7% days adjusted sequential revenue growth in the third quarter. With respect to debt at the end of Q three, we carried one, two, $5 billion in gross debt.
All of which has fixed or hedged interest rates. With about half of that coming due in 2026 and the remainder coming due in 2029. With continued growth and profitability, we again drove an improvement in our leverage ratios with the net leverage ratio of one nine times trailing twelve months adjusted Yvita, and one six times trailing twelve months cash you put on, which is defined as consolidated, even.
With that, I will provide our outlook for the fourth quarter and our increased outlook for the full year 2022. For Q Four, we expect GAAP revenue in the range of $298 to $300 million and adjusted operating income in the range of $121 to $123,000,000.
Non GAAP net income is expected to be in the range of $21 to share. Our guidance implies year over year Gaff revenue growth of 35% at the Midpoint, and an adjusted operating income margin of 41%. We are providing updated full year 2022 guidance as follows. We expect gap revenue and the range of one nine to one point.
$6 billion A $10 million from our prior guidance at the Midpoint and adjusted operating income in the range of $442 to $444,000,000. Up from $435,000,000 at the midpoint of our prior guidance. We expect non Gap net income in the range of $83 to share based on 411,000,000 weighted average delivered chairs outstanding, up from seventy nine cents at the midpoint previously.
Run leveraged free cash flow we expect to generate between 430 and $435,000,000. As compared to $442,000,000 of the midpoint of our prior guidance. Our full year guidance implies 47% GAAP revenue growth at the Midpoint and both adjusted operating income margin and unlivered free cash flow margin of approximately 40%.
With that, let me turn it over to the operator to open the call for questions. Thank you. At this time we will conduct the question and answer session as a reminder to ask a question. You will need to press Star Eleven on your telephone.
And wait for your name to be announced. We ask that you please limit yourself to one question and one follow up question. Our first question comes from DJ Heinz, from Can Accord. Your line is open. Hey, good afternoon, guys.
So, Cameron, I'll start with you. So you alluded to this in your comments, but we're getting sub 20% calculated billing growth. Crp, Facebooking, calcs. You mentioned this, but sometimes we can kind of glean false signals from these data points. I'm curious. In this case, just given kind of the slowdown you're talking.
About is that a decent barometer for kind of organic bookings growth? Or is there something we should be aware of that's impacting these metrics in the quarter. Certainly we focus on sequential revenue growth as a better indicator of imperiality. I think, particularly if you're looking at.
Bookings growth. You can't billing scope for that matter if you need to adjust for the acquired. Rpo and acquired Unearned Revenue and Q three of last year. Rpo, as an example, was close to $24 million.
Of acquired. Those acquired in Q three of 2021. It needs to be adjusted for. And Building Similarly. I get a number that's closer to 30% when I adjust for those things. Overall okay. That's helpful coming to you. And then, Henry, maybe it's a more strategic follow up for you. How do you think about kind of the investment strategy in a lower growth environment.
You already have best in class margins. Do you use that to your advantage? And do you continue to invest? Or do you think about getting more measured with your spend? Maybe investing perhaps a little bit more behind the demand curve.
Yeah, I think first we're going to continue to manage the business from a margin perspective. Prudently. And as we've said before. As growth slows, we expect margins to increase and that'll continue to be a guiding philosophy in our business.
That being said, I think. Where you will see US investors to continue to build sales capacity and account management capacity in our customer base. We see that as. The leverage point to continue. To grow the business.
And so that would be the area where we continued to invest. Okay. Thank you guys. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from Brent Basilon with Piper Sandley. Your line is open. Thank you. Good afternoon.
Cameron will start with you here. Yet you talked about additional layers of scrutiny on new deals and renewals. Certainly not surprising to hear that, given the current environment, but wondering if you could provide just another layer of detail around the renewal discussions? Is it just taking longer to close the renewals.
Our customers looking to downsize the size of a renewal. Or are they looking for more flexible payment terms from a timing perspective? Thanks. So from a Renewal's perspective, we're actually seeing.
Continued levels of really high gross retention. So we're continuing to see those renewals happen. And. I think as you might expect, customers are looking for flexibility. In other places, including payment terms.
I think one of the things about our business that's important to remember is that we're really driving value for an individual salesperson and sometimes. The decision maker might be a little further away from that pain or the value that we're providing.
So I think in a time when people. Are layering on additional scrutiny on all of their vendors. It takes a little bit more effort for us to make sure that those decision makers are hearing from the users themselves and how important this is in terms of driving.
Their success and efficiency within the sales and marketing. Motions. So you know, that incremental effort is obviously. Weighing on our team a team that's already really efficient and doesn't have slack in the system to go out and necessarily just put in that incremental effort, which then impacts some of the upsell efforts that we're able to go after.
Helpful color there. And then Henry, certainly encourage to see several winds and expands outside of the software tech vertical that you're so strong in. I think you talked about writer MIT bank, faxat Unilever.
What can you do to further accelerate. The adoption of Zoom info outside of that core software, tech, vertical. One of the things that we're seeing in this macroeconomic environment is that there are industries and companies that.
Are much more immune to the macro changes. You see that in insurance, you see it in financial services, you see it in banking and transportation and logistics. And so we've identified those industries in the companies within those industries. And we're making sure that our sales teams are focusing around those companies.
During this period of time. And it's mainly a sales capacity. Opportunity for us to really increase capacity across those additional industries. Helpful color. Thank you. One moment for our next question.
Our next question comes from Alex Zuccin, from Wolf research. Hey guys. Thanks for taking the question. I guess maybe just a few for me, I guess. First. Cameron, can you talk about. Just some more color on a couple of things. Maybe days. Sales outstanding. Growth exiting September.
Was the renewal. Commentary. Was this a couple of deals? There's one very large deals. And these renewals that seem to be pushed, are they. On track to close this quarter and then can you be a little bit more specific.
On the retracing of the dollar of the net expansion rates is that to 116. From the end of last year or 108 the year before. Let me take the first part. We've already had a number of deals that slipped from Q three into Q four that have already closed.
Some are sort of larger deals that slipped out of the quarter, and those have already come in. We saw a similar trend. In Q. Two to Q. Three. And so that elongation of the cycle. We're seeing these deals again come to fruition, or gross retention rates have stayed largely the same. And so those are closing. They're just taking longer to close. And we've already seen a number of them come through.
Yeah, the way that we think about. Payment terms. We do see. A little bit less kind of upfront. Annual payments. So it's down about 5% from where we saw last year in terms of annual upfront payments, as a percentage of the total.
Deals that we have. We think of these sales outstanding, actually in terms of these Billings outstanding. And those are a little bit behind where we where we were previously. But I think most of our expectation is that.
A number of customers are focusing. More on cash, conservation, and. We're prudently expecting. That could deteriorate. Additionally. When we think about Net retention. We had improved. In 2021, up to 116% from previously we've been in the mid to high kind of single digits over a hundred percent. I think that the complexion of retention.
Will be a little bit different than what we saw historic. And that kind of did the high single digits over 100%. What we are seeing is that grocery tension continues to be really strong over 90%. So we still have customers that are renewing.
And we have seen an acceleration in terms of functionality, upsells. Where we're seeing more pressure is with respect to. The seat expansions and data expansions that we had seen historically, that's the area where we feel our team isn't able to go after.
As much of the sell opportunity, given the incremental time that they're spending on. Renewal. And Deals in general. As a kind of data point, we found that overall. Our conversations. Are effort required to get to an outcome with respect to any.
With respect to any of your. 20% higher than it used to be. Understood. Understood. And I guess maybe just a broader macro question for Henry. If we think about Where is there any concentration. Of these issues in a particular vertical, like tech or software? Or is it broad based? Is it one geography that may have been weaker than others? What was the kind of incremental surprise for some of this, from what you were previously thinking.
The second quarter we saw. More of this materialized or more of the environment pressures materialized in Europe and in larger deals. I think in Q three. You saw you saw sort of these cycles elongate really across the board. And so there's isn't an area of.
Specific. Concentration. But then you saw industries that were largely immune to this. And so you saw transportation and logistics and media. And. Insurance and financial services stay largely unaffected here. And so there are areas.
Of opportunity. That we are focusing on focusing our sales teams on. To sort of shift away from the area that are less immune right now. Perfect. Thank you guys. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from Phil Winslow of Credit Swiss.
Hey guys. Thanks for taking my question. I just want to follow up on the push deals. I appreciate your comments about. Geography and industry vertical. But is there anything else that sort of consistent amongst them? Are they really for the multi product deals, the multiple components of Revos or these push deals.
Across the board. Any extra color there kind of from a product level would be helpful. Thank you. For sure when we're selling. Consolidated Platform There is a slightly longer sales cycle as we're displacing numerous point solutions. So if you take a look at sort of those three companies I talked about Writer USI Taylor Corporation. We consolidated.
Throughout those accounts, sales engagement, conversation, intelligence, account based marketing platforms and data providers. And so it takes a bit more time to do those consolidations. That's irrespective of the macro environment, what we're seeing as part of the macro environment of the macro changes here.
It's just sort of broader based, additional levels of scrutiny and review. And so instead of a deal getting done at a director level or VP level, you see that deal go to. A US based CFO, then a global CFO that not only drags the deal out, but it also drags the time and effort that our account managers are spending per deal. It limits their capacity in that way.
More calls, more emails, more Executive business reviews. And that's really what we're seeing affect our ability to continue to upsell within the customer base. Got it just to follow up on that. Obviously, we saw a deceleration. Just sales and marketing.
Spending Q three obviously off of sort of elevated organic. Organic levels. Cameron, what if we could buy some color expectations? Q. Four. And to your point about sort of managing both margin and growth in the context of sales and marketing efficiency and capacity.
We're continuing to invest into sales and marketing capacity. Obviously, we'd love to continue to see improvements in terms of the efficiency that we're getting out of those. Investments. Certainly. There is a natural.
Level of operating leverage that we get from sales and marketing. So. In this quarter. Sales and marketing as a percentage of revenue is down, but we want to continue to see that drive. More and more in that new revenues. We're continuing.
Got it. Thanks. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from Mark Murphy with JPMorgan. Yes. Thank you very much. I'm curious, Henry, when you're out there speaking with customers, I know this just came up recently.
But what do you think would calm their nerves. Or instill. More business. Confident. For instance. Do you think that they're waiting. To see. A fed pivot. Or waiting to see. Lower inflation numbers. Or.
Is there some other kind of macro. Kind of indicator that you think that they're waiting on. I don't know if thanks, Mark. I don't know if they're waiting on a macro indicator more than their they are.
Experiencing similar levels of additional scrutiny. And executive reviews in their own businesses. And I think what they're looking for is a change in that environment. What I will tell you is. The largest new business deal on the largest expansion deal in our history. Those customers are coming to us and saying, Listen, I'm gonna forego the next three or four headcount from a sales perspective, and I'm going to use those dollars to invest and Zoom info and make the entire additional.
Team. More productive, more efficient and more effective. We hear that over and over again. And so I think. That thinking around, how do I make the rest of my team more efficient? How do I make everybody more efficient? Is starting to materialize throughout our customer base and throughout our new business prospects.
Where the historical view of how do I grow. I just need to add another headcount. Another five headcount, another ten headcount. I think teams across the world are saying, how do I grow without adding headcount? How do I make all of my team more efficient and more productive? And that's the message that we're trying to land with our customer base as well.
Okay. And as a quick follow up. I guess I'm curious. What is your gut feel on it? Budget plus. Spending activity at year end. Here in Q four. Presumably. You think that that'll be a bit. Compressed. Do you see that.
Do you see that maybe dragging down this 7% days adjusted figure. Is that something that. Would kind of compress lower in Q four. Even. Kind of display the potential for some of that budget plus activity.
Okay. I'd say that historically. We don't play as directly in the It budget. As you know, many software companies, I think we're purchased largely by a sales leader that's looking at his team and saying, how can I make this more effective and efficient.
Or effectively creating budget as opposed to dipping into a pool that's sat at the beginning of the year. So you know, I don't think we've focused on budget. Driver historically. And don't necessarily expect.
That to happen as much this year. Honestly, I feel like in this environment where people. Are scrutinizing, everything. More seriously than they had before. All right. I do worry that for other folks that need that budget watch doesn't exist to the same stuff that it has to pass.
Yeah. Okay. And just Henry, then maybe just in a simpler form. Do you think that that 7% is adjusted a figure is do you think at some point that will be compressing a little bit lower given all the macro headwinds out there.
Obviously guiding to a lower level than that. And certainly our guidance contemplates. That. There's a wide variety or spectrum of potential outcomes that include. A degradation and the overall environment.
That would drive that. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from Elizabeth Porter of Morgan Stanley. Great. Thank you so much. I wanted to follow up on the payment flexibility that you noted.
That's something that's impacting Q three? Or is that something incremental that could happen in Q Four in any sort of way for us to potentially size with the impacts could be from payment flexibility.
Yeah, so certainly. It has impacted the year this far, including Q three. We've seen that our annual payments is a percentage of the total is down roughly 5% versus where it had been. You know, historically, we've always seen.
Annual payments be more than half of. The kind of total. But. We are seeing customers that are requiring or looking for additional flexibility. Certainly that's. Part of our expectation and guidance.
That. It could impact Q four even more than it has so far this year. Got it. And then as it relates to the go to market strategy. You mentioned focus opportunity to focus on some verticals like transportation.
That weren't as impacted. But anything else that you guys are doing just to adapt, to go to market, to the current environment, whether it's focusing more on the existing or new or moderating Europe.
Any color there would be helpful. One of the things we've done. We made a number of personnel moves across the account management organization to make sure that we're building in more capacity for our account management teams.
So that they're able to drive more upsell and crosssell into our base. We're leveraging our enablement function to drive the ability of our full account management team to sell additional products like Chorus and Engage instead of those being owned solely by our overlay teams. And so we'll get a bigger impact by having.
Our full set of account managers selling these additional products. Those are two big areas. Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from Brad Zomach of Deutsche Bank. Great. Thanks very much for taking my questions. You know, Henry, in the end of September, you announced the hiring of a senior vice President of business development.
And in the press release release, you talked about him, quote. Redefinings go to market process, playbooks and training, which was a little surprising to me given your Goto market has always seemed very unique and special to many of us. And I can understand the need to continuously evolve. But but why the need to redefine.
I mean, I think we are shifting from. Being playing in a $24 billion total addressable market that's focused on global. And domestic data to a hundred billion dollar total addressable. Market that drives a full go to market end to end revenue operation. Suite.
That includes solutions like Conversation Intelligence and sales automation, and V to be chat, and an account based marketing platform on top of our best in class data. Asset. I think as we shift to having more platform related conversation, we're going to enable our sellers.
In a more robust way. Now upfront we may land most often with sales intelligence or core sort of data and sales intelligence. But as we expand. Those accounts. Our expansion motion is much more focused on telling a holistic platform story. And we see that landing 75% more than 75% of our Marketing OS customers are also Sales OS customers. They're buying Marketing OS and Sales OS together so that they can unlock that sales and marketing alignment.
So you're so searched for within companies, but it does require us to tell a broader story. And so that's what we were getting at with that common in the press release. It makes a lot of sense. And I appreciate that maybe just a follow up for you. Cameron. There was no mention of when rates changing. So I'll assume and it would be great if you can confirm that they're more or less in line with what they've been historical. But as well, when we think about retracing on NR.
And you talked about expansion being more limited. Is there also any change in gross churn across the different market segments? That's worth noting. Thanks. Deals are taking longer, so we do see the highest levels of demand that we've seen. We're continuing to win those, but taking more effort and more.
Longer times. So kind of have to expand the time frame that you're defining the win rates over in order competitive win rates in terms of wind loss analysis. From a competitive perspective, we actually see a number of our competitors.
Pulling back on the resources that they are pushing into the market. So I think that we continue to really strong competitive win rates overall. And then the second part of your question was, Gross, chair.
Restraint grocery. Hung in very well despite the macroeconomic environment, so when people were using Zoom info, they're continuing to renew the grocery. Tension continues to be well over 90%. So I think that we feel really good about that.
The change in. The NR aspect. Has much more to do with those seat based expansion. Opportunities. That our team is spending more time getting those renewals just based on greater scrutiny that's being applied by our customers and therefore.
Getting less opportunities to go out and really push those upsells. Historically. It's very helpful. Thanks, guys. One moment for our next. Question. One more moment, please. Our next question comes from Koji Akita with bank of America.
Hey guys, thanks for taking my questions. I wanted to follow up on Mr. Zelmix question. Here. And thinking about kind of a sales organization. It sounds like you're shifting some resources over the account management, but also shifting some resources.
To higher level sales processes. So it does sound like it's a pretty big kind of sales reorganization. Is that the right way to think about it. And if so, are all the sales reorgs shifts completed for the growth strategy for the next 18 to 24 months.
No. It's not a major sales team reorganization is really just inserting some additional. Resources into the account management and the client base and a customer base to give some capacity back to the account managers.
Who are spending more time on renewals. And more time on Upsells and Cross sells than they have historically. It's nowhere near the magnitude of a major sales reorganization. Got it. Thanks, Henry, for that. And then I just wanted to follow up real quick here on the account management focus. You were talking about more time on renewals. And one question I get from investors a lot is any sort of unused licenses in sales, marketing and recruiting departments.
Is this an area of focus? Maybe heading into renewal periods, and if so, could you maybe talk about how sales teams are focusing on retaining that kind of customer spend? Thanks, guys. Yeah. Look, I don't think that's.
A huge part of what we see. I think the big thing that we see and that we're seeing is really over the last two quarters. There have been some. Meaningful macro related changes. Those first materialized with Deal Cycle Elongation. But ultimately, what those longer sale sales cycles actually end up causing is a Dragon capacity of our frontline sales and account management team deals. Taking longer just means more meetings, more.
Reviews with leadership. More calls and emails to drive the same outcomes that we were getting historically. And so while our gross retention has stayed largely the same are Upsell. Motion has seen those more macro headwinds now. At the same time in the quarter, we closed the largest new business deal of our company's history. We closed the largest expansion.
Deal in our. Company's history. We're seeing new business ACV on our Marketing OS platform be close to three X to ACV of our Sales OS platform. We see the majority of our Marketing OS customers. Also by Sales OS so they can unlock that platform story.
We're seeing meaningful consolidation uplifts with customers like Writer and USI and Taylor Corporation, who all consolidated Multiple Points solutions on to Zoom Info Revos platform. But ultimately, the macro economic situation creates sales elongation. Sales elongation creates more time spent by our sellers. And ultimately, that's a capacity drag. And so we're trying to make sure that we're making the right decisions from an organization perspective to make sure that we're relieving as much of that.
Drag as possible. Thanks, Henry. Thanks so much. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from City Panagrai from mazoulo. Thanks for taking my question. Henry, you talk about the macro pressure and self elongation. Just wondering what sort of train you are seeing on the pipeline in mainly top of the funnel.
And also you talk about pressure on state expansion and data expense. But. What do you expect if macro. Worsen demand for your newer product. Sales or marketing. With do you expect that to offset any kind of slowdown.
I think first. We're continuing to see really strong demand. The quarter, we had the highest delivered marketing qualified leads to the Sales and Account Management organization. I think again, what we're seeing is even though we're seeing a really strong demand environment, those deals are just taking longer to get to close. You know, Marketing OS is the fastest growing product in our fastest growing platform. We've released. We're really excited about that today. It's still a.
Small portion of our business. So while we anticipate that we'll continue to sell more marketing OS, more data orchestration on Ringlead, more course and conversational intelligence. Those are still small portions of our overall.
Revenue base. And then follow up on our international expansion opportunity. That's one of your growth driver. What sort of progress you are doing at this point? Giving all this geopolitical on certain day in Europe.
So from an international perspective, we still are seeing, you know, growth. Again stronger than. The accelerated growth relative to the rest of our business. Certainly. Particularly in Europe. We've seen headwinds from the geopolitical.
Situation. So we're not growing as quickly as we did in 2021. We're continuing to invest in Europe and our other international. Venues and customers in order to take advantage of that long term opportunities out there.
Great, thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from Michael Turret, of Wells Fargo security. Appreciate you taking the question. I just thought on margin. Can we go back to just some of the comments around Resilience and the margin offsets? Cameron, are you still confident.
In the offsets you have there. If growth starts to moderate more meaningfully than what we're seeing currently and then between off margin and free cash flow conversion. I think the implied for Q Four and what we're seeing Q Three is below the target levels. There have been some comments just around some of the adjustments you're making and payments, terms and other areas.
But anything you can add there and around just confident the ability to return to the targeted levels if that remains the case. Sure. So you know, from a margin perspective, I think we're continuing along the path.
Originally laid out for this growth moderates, we expect the natural operating leverage in the business. To continue to push margins up over time. I think that that. You know. As the expectation that we continue to have we're certainly not going to see a step function in margins go up. But I do think we expect a steady increase in the margins as we realize the operating leverage and part of that's just natural operating leverage.
And the sales and marketing side is growth, moderates. That we should see sales and marketing is a percentage of revenue go down. When that happens in terms. Of unlivered free cash flow. We are seeing some.
Flexibility that customers are requiring or asking for in terms. Of payment schedules. And that certainly in the short term has an impact on. The conversion of free cash flow from adjusted operating income.
And so I think. We're prudently setting expectations that we could see. That conversion rate be a little lower than what we would expect. In a more normal operating environment. That's helpful. Just a small follow on to a prior question. If I may, you had a few steps that you laid out around annual payments. And maybe that duration is changing from what you've seen in prior periods.
Do you have the Duration mix or Average duration. In front of you and anything you can add just around how it compares currently versus. What you've been seeing in prior periods. I think it's just helpful for adding context on some of the impacts if you have it. Thank you.
Yeah. So the duration mix. Historically, we've seen, you know, well over half of the payments that we receive the annual upfront payments. What we've seen is that that has decreased by about five percentage points, which obviously changes.
The. Overall mix. I do think that. Percentage of annual payments has the potential to move around over time. As an example that decreases. Far smaller of a decrease than we saw and say, you know, Q. Q one and Q two of 2020.
But certainly. The attitude of customers. Is that they are looking for more flexibility. They're dealing with similar pressures to we are in terms of macroeconomic challenges. Thank you. One moment for our next question.
Our next question comes from Rishi Jaluria with RBC Capital markets. A wonderful thanks so much for squeezing the end first. I just wanted to start with, you know, you talked about this metric of 30% of ACV coming from advanced functionality and continues to go in the right direction. But that seems to be only up slightly from Q two when it was 29%.
And if my numbers are right back at the end of last year, that was 24%. So the growth rate there seems to have slowed down, I think pretty quickly. Maybe. Can you walk us through. What the dynamics going on there might be and why we shouldn't be too worried about this as a leading indicator and something that could maybe spread to a slowdown at the core. Then I have a very quick follow up.
Sure. So I think we continue to see. Strong uptake in the advanced functionality. But you know, most of that is upsold to our existing customers. And you know, while. It's less impacted. Than. Just. Data.
It is impacted by the capacity issue that we've discussed overall. So I don't see that as being. A you know, long term indicator in terms of the growth of. Advanced functionality certainly as it gets off a bigger and bigger basis of percentage.
The continued growth of. Core intelligence business is also going to continue as well and make those just absolute number changes. A little smaller over time as well. Okay. Got it. That's helpful. And then just a very quick point.
Another question had mentioned about licenses that maybe were sitting on. Flip that. Is there any worry heading into more uncertainty in the macro environment that we could see outright license sharing? Or are there measures that you take to limit or prevent that from happening? Thanks.
They're all sorts of measures and technical. Implementations that we put into avoid license sharing. And we've done that for. A long time. All right, got it. Thank you so much. One moment for our next question.
And our next question comes from Taylor McGinnis, with ups. Hi. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks so much for taking my question. Can you comment on what you're seeing with new logo activity and like the size of average lands and how much of the lighter outlook was attributed to softness here. And I guess just as a second related question with expansion rates coming down, are you assuming more growth needs to come from new business than.
Recent trends and does that impact at all your comfort with some of the out year. Rev targets that you guys have in the coming years. So we continue to see strength on the new business side. As we're.
Able to attach. More of the advanced functionality and as we're seeing some larger customers, we've actually seen ASP go up in Q three and continue to see strong new business. Activity. So I would say that.
We're continuing to obviously. Raise our expectations. But new business continues to do well much better, I think, relative to the historical trend, whereas the capacity on the Am side. Is a short term impact that we see from the backroeconomic challenges.
I think overall. We do expect that that Macro economic challenge. We don't know how long it's going to last, but I would expect that those retention rates would go back up. As. The. Situation for buyers stabilizes over time.
Great, thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question is from Terry Tilman with Truest Securities. Yes. Thanks for fitting me in here. I know you've had a lot of questions and multi part questions. I guess maybe Henry, a big picture question for me is just related to this theme of vendor consolidation. It does seem like that's probably going to pick up Steam if the macro continues to be weak, if not worse.
My Big Picture Question relates to. There's a lot of 100 million dollar plus sales engagement and CI tool vendors. What are you seeing right now? What do you think the tipping point is for you all to potentially be able to win that vendor consolidation opportunity.
Is that something that you think kind of plays more out into 23 under a punk macro, or just a little bit more on a tipping point on just more broad based vendor consolidation. Thank you. I think that we're in the early innings of people really.
Thinking about Vendors consolidation. I think the vendor Consolid the consolidation stories that we've outlined here around the platform. They're not macro driven. They're just good business driven. And so I think as the macro pushes.
Or the macro environment continues. Companies will take this idea of consolidating to a strategic vendor much more seriously. And we'll gain a lot of mind share as that happens. But today I think the wins that you're seeing and the ones that we're really proud of, you know.
We would have achieved whether there was a macro. Macro uncertainty or not. And so we'd expect that to accelerate, especially as we continue to enable our sellers around the talk tracks and the ways to position value around a full consolidation.
I would now like to turn it over to Henry for closing remarks. Thank you, everybody, for your time. Tonight. We have an active IR calendar coming up, and we look forward to speaking with everyone and seeing you all over the course of the next several weeks.
Thank you for your participation in today's conference. This does conclude the program. You may now disconnect.