




  1. 新造コンテナ船の就航による供給増加

  2. 在庫水準の上昇に伴う荷動きの落ち着き

  3. 早めのピークシーズン到来


  1. 喜望峰での悪天候によるリスク

  2. アジア主要港湾の混雑継続

  3. 欧州やカナダでのストライキ懸念

  4. 北米東岸港湾の労使交渉停滞


Container Shipping Rates: Signs of Slowing Growth, Possibly Reaching Peak

The container shipping market is showing signs of a slowdown in the freight rate increases that have persisted since this spring. According to the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) released by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, the composite index as of July 12 decreased week-on-week for the first time since late March this year. Rates for routes from Shanghai to North America and the Mediterranean have begun to decline.

Drewry's World Container Index (WCI) also shows a slight decrease in rates from Shanghai to Rotterdam, with growth rates for other routes slowing as well. While some view this as a temporary phenomenon, others suggest that freight rates may have reached their peak.

Key factors contributing to this trend include:

  1. Increased supply due to the introduction of newly built container ships

  2. Stabilizing cargo movement as inventory levels rise

  3. An earlier start to the peak season

However, several concerns remain:

  1. Weather-related risks around the Cape of Good Hope

  2. Ongoing congestion at major Asian ports

  3. Strike concerns in Europe and Canada

  4. Stalled labor negotiations at North American East Coast ports

Although the rapid increase in freight rates has temporarily subsided, they may remain at elevated levels for some time. It is crucial to monitor future supply and demand balance and the impact of external factors on the market.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
