Free numerology report analysis of the full name allows you to determine the basis of the human essence and express it in terms of the number of the name formed from several components: the Number of the Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the Appearance.

Behind these numbers lies the real potential of your intellect and physical condition, a list of spiritual and material values, without which you can never feel like a truly happy person; as well as what others see in your every action, word, gesture.

It makes it possible to obtain information of interest, which is hidden in the date of birth of a person. Now you can predict fate, reveal a person's talents, look at his character, knowing just a couple of numbers. Numerology is able to predict the development of relationships that in one way or another will affect the future life.

Personal date of birth

Each person has his own date of birth, which has the greatest impact on his destiny. In life, you can change absolutely everything, but not the date when a person was born. Some people are not happy with their birth number and indicate other data In their passport, but they do not understand that it is their true date of birth, and not the changed one, that will influence their life. The numbers store information about inherited traits, which make it possible to manage different life circumstances.

Numerology is gaining popularity and interest. This science has existed for about 4000 years. Pythagoras is considered its founder, since it was he who revealed the secret of numbers and his table is considered one of the most accurate. All numbers are brought together in one row, which has a certain occult meaning.

Pythagoras system

This system is based on the theory of soul reincarnation. This method makes it possible to find out the already inherent talents, the strength of a person from birth. Each life has its own mission, which can be determined by adding the numbers of the date The whole system is represented by nine squares, in each of which the numbers of the date of birth are distributed.

Numerological analysis

Determines the level of human bioenergy. He reveals the approaches given to us from birth, talents, fears, weaknesses, strengths. Numerology can be used independently. It is enough to enter your data in the search form and find their decryption. You can use the automatic calculation on the Internet, where you only need to write down the entire date of birth, and all the rest of the information will be displayed automatically.
