
🥚#② 英語研究 | "しろくま商社"


今回は#② 英語研究 | "しろくま商社"を紹介していきたいと思います。

#11 英語研究:"A show of support for Ukraine"

本日はThe Economistの"A show of support for Ukraine"(1分間で読める記事)について訳していきましょう。



Amid worries of war fatigue, leaders of European and allied countries will gather at the Elysee palace in Paris on Monday for a summit on millitary aid for Ukraine. Among those due to attend are Germany's chancellor, Olaf Scholoz, and Britain's foreign minister, David Cameron. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, has argued for a "step change" in support for Ukraine. France wants better co-ordination of countries' different weapons deliveries and a discussion about how to raise more cash and produce more arms. France hopes the summit will show Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, that support for Ukraine is not flagging.

The Economist | Feb 26th 2024

【"A show of support for Ukraine"の訳】

ウクライナでの戦争による疲弊'fatigue'。左記を考慮し。ヨーロッパや同盟国ら'allied countries'のリーダーたち。彼らはパリのElysee palaceに集う(月曜日)。そして。ウクライナに対する軍事支援'military aid'について議論する。ドイツの首相'chancellor'であるOlaf Scholoz氏やブリテンの外務大臣'foreign minister'であるDacid Cameron氏が参加予定。

#12 英語研究:"How to flog the treasures of a Venetian palazzo"

本日は"How to flog the treasures of a Venetian palazzo"について。



Count Giovanni Volpi di Misurata is the son of Giuseppe Volpi, Italy's finance minister under Benito Mussolini and founder of the Venice Film Festival. On Wednesday he and his wife will be decluttering their family's 500-year-old palazzo in Venice with a big sale at Sotheby's in Paris. The family no longer resides in the grand pile. But in its heyday, in the second half of the 20th century, countless balls were attended there by luminaries including Winston Churchhill, Maria Callas, Paul Newman, Andy Warhol and the Rothschilds.

The Economist | Feb 28th 2024

【"How to flog the treasures of a Venetian palazzo"の訳】

Giovanni Volpi di Misurata伯爵。彼はGiuseppe Volpi氏(Benito Mussolini氏のもとで働くイタリアの財務大臣'finance minister'/Venice Film Festivalの創設者'founder')の息子である。彼と彼の妻。彼らは500年の歴史があるVeniceのpalazzoを片付ける為。パリのSothebyにて大売りに出す。彼らがgrand pileに居住'reside'することは無い。その全盛期(20世紀後半)において。幾多にも及ぶ舞踏会が開かれていた。その舞踏会には。何人もの指導的人物が参加していた。

#13 英語研究:"Russia's booming economy"

本日は"Russia's booming economy"について。



A slew of data released on Wednesday will probably show that Russia's economy is expanding rapidly. The unexployment rate is hovering around 3%, an all-time low. Wages are growing strongly, even after taking into account high inflation. Growth in corporate profits and industrial production is also expected to be high. Economists reckon that by the end of last year Russia's economy was growing by about 4% year on year, far faster than most of the rich world. What gives?

The Economist | Feb 28th 2024

【"Russia's booming economy"の訳】


【"Russia's booming economy"の感想】


#14 英語研究:"Hong Kong doubles down on suppression"

本日は"Hong Kong doubles down on suppression"について。


One draconian national-security law ought to be enough for any territory - particularly Hong Kong, which has already been comprehensively cowed by the version thrust upon it by the Chinese government in 2020. But Hong Kong is constitutionally required to introduce its own national-security legislation, called Article 23, under the terms of its handback to China in 1997. On January 30th John Lee, Hong Kong's leader, unvelled his proposal for the law.

The Economist | Feb 28th 2024

【"Hong Kong doubles down on suppression"の訳】

香港が縛られている(2020年の中国政府を基盤とした)厳しい'draconian'法律。それは香港という領域にとって充分のように見える。Article 23。香港の新しい法律である(cf. 1997年の中国)。1月30日。香港のリーダーであるJohn Lee氏。彼はその新たな法律に対する提案を行った。

【"Hong Kong douboes down on suppression"の感想】


#15 英語研究:"A doctors' strike in South Korea"

本日は"A doctors' strike in South Korea"について。

※第1 | 2段落

Around 9,000 trainee and Junior doctors in South Korea have been on strike since early last week. They are protesting against the government's plan to increase an annual quota for medical-student enrollment from 3,000 to 5,000.

Doctors argue that the large number of new students will harm medical education. Yet South Korea is in desperate need of more medical students. It has a shortage of doctors in areas such as paediatrics, and one of the lowest doctor-to-patient ratios in the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries. Some self-employed doctors have received bumper pay packets owing to the shortage.

The Economist | Feb 29th 2024

【"A doctors' strike in South Korea"の訳】


医師らは叫ぶ。多くの生徒が。その教育によって「被害を被る」。それでも。韓国は多くの医師を欲している。特に小児科部門は医師が不足している。またOECDという恵まれた国々の中において。韓国における医師と患者の比率は非常に低い。この状況下において。自営業の医師ら('self-employed doctors')は多くの報酬を手にしている。

#16 英語研究:"Mourning Navalny in Moscow"

本日は"Mourning Navalny in Moscow"について。



On Friday the funeral of Alexei Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition leader, takes place in Moscow. He died in a Siberian penal colony on February 16th. For days officials refused to return the activist's body to his mother unless she agreed to a private funeral. She refused, and the authorities eventually relented. But Mr Navalny's allies have claimed that their efforts to arrange the funeral and a memorial service have been hindered as officials try to avoid a large public gathering.

The Economist | Mar 1st 2024

【"Mourning Navalny in Moscow"の訳】

金曜日[Friday]。Moscowにて。Alexei Navalny氏('ロシアにおける'卓越した[prominent]野党[opposition]の代表者[leader])の葬式[funeral]が執り行われる。2月16日[February 16th]。彼の命日である(過酷なSiberianコロニー[colony]にて)。公務員ら[officials]は数日間に渡って[For days](活動家の遺体[activist's body]を'彼の母親[his mother]へ'引き渡すことを | 葬式[funeral]を秘密裡に行わない限り)拒絶した[refused]。彼女[She]は彼らの要求を却下した[refused]。結果。当局[authorities]は妥協することになった[relented]。


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