
Joining a "Kaidan" space on X

Recently, I’ve been occasionally joining a "Kaidan" (ghost story) space on X. It's a small gathering where we secretly share ghost stories late at night, creating a unique atmosphere that always quietly excites everyone. Last night, for the first time, I tried speaking as a speaker. To be honest, I don’t know many ghost stories, nor have I ever seen a ghost. But the host kindly reassured me, saying, "You don’t have to tell a ghost story if you don’t want to," which made me feel a little more at ease. That’s when I suddenly remembered a somewhat mysterious story about my father.
My father was 44 years old when he got into a traffic accident while on a business trip. He passed away after about a week in a coma. The doctors said that even if he had regained consciousness, he would have been in a "vegetative state" due to a brain injury.
A little before the accident, my father was watching a movie with my mother. The movie was an Italian comedy called "Seven Golden Men". Normally, my father would have laughed heartily along with my mother. For someone as cheerful and joking as him, not laughing at a comedy movie was unthinkable. However, during that time, my father simply watched the movie quietly, without laughing or saying a word.
On the morning of the accident, he left the house without even saying, "I'm off." Usually, our family would see him off, but that day no one noticed, and he quietly headed to the nearest bus stop alone. And then he came back as a silent figure.
Perhaps my father had already had one foot in the other world about a week before his death. That might explain why he didn’t laugh while watching the Italian comedy. But whether that was really the case, I’ll never know.
This isn’t quite a "ghost story," but to me, it’s a very mysterious and unforgettable experience.
