



7/25(火)日記-My English-

I found 臨時収入! Today, I cleaned up my working desk for a year. I found cash from the 引き出し! 12,000yen. 慶弔費として支払うつもりが忘れてしまい、そのままになってたようだ。I was happy.

ChatGPT-Right English-

I discovered unexpected extra income! Today, I cleaned up my desk at work for the first time in a year and found cash inside one of the drawers! 12,000 yen. It seems I had forgotten to use it for condolence expenses and left it there. I'm happy about it.


I discovered unexpected extra income! today, I cleaned up my desk at work for the first time in a year and find the cash inside one without the drawers! 12 thousand yen. It seems I had forgotten to use it for Contreras expenses and left it there. I’m happy about to it.

unexpected extra income!

Thank you for reading. See you later!
