



8/12(土)日記-My English-

There is a coin landory from my house taking 15 minutes by bycicle. Today, I washed my favorite sniker in there. It was confortable that it could wash also shoes in coin landory. While I was wating, I did window shopping in 雑貨屋. My shoes became clean so I 満足した。

ChatGPT-Right English-

There is a coin laundry 15 minutes away by bicycle from my house. Today, I washed my favorite sneakers there. It’s convenient that the coin laundry can wash shoes. While waiting, I was window shopping at a miscellaneous goods store. The shoes became quite clean, so I'm satisfied.


there is a coin laundry 15 minutes away by bicycle from my house. Today, I washed my favorite sneakers there. it’s convenient that the coin laundry can wash shoes. while waiting, I was window shopping at Mr. Aeneas goods store. The shoes became quite green, so I’m satisfied.

Newly opened coin laundry
Before washing
After washing

Thank you for reading. See you later!
