






私の所属する大学では、4月30日から春夏学期(前期)がスタート。6月より一部の研究室や少人数講義などでは対面でのやり取りが可能になるみたいですが、当面はこのままオンライン対応になりそうです。前期の講義をどうするかは講義を担当する教授によって実に様々な対応になっています。私は現在、所属するゼミの企画・運営 (主にSlack, Zoomを使用) 、またティーチングアシスタント(TA)として3つの講義 (主にSlack, Google Drive, G-mailを使用) の課題チェックと質問・相談対応を務めています。そこで、オンライン授業初期に学習者が抱えていた不安について聞いてみました。


















On February 28th, all schools nationwide were recommended by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to be temporarily closed from March 2nd. Since then, many schools have completely closed or have set up one school day a week. On May 4th, Abe justified extending the declaration of the state of emergency nationwide from May 6th to the end of May. It is expected that this situation will continue for a while. Nevertheless, for those children who are left alone at home, schools have opened their classrooms to provide them with an environment for self-study. Teachers have printed and handed out lots of homework to prevent class delays in gaining knowledge and hope that all schools will be back to normal as soon as possible. Instead of public schools, state online learning services provided by educational institutions such as NPOs and cram schools are expanding with the demand. On the other hand, many universities are switching to online classes. At University which I belong to, the spring-summer semester began on April 30th. Professors are responsible for opening and managing online lectures. I am actually working as a teaching assistant and as a manager in one seminar and several learning projects.
The first challenge is the qualitative difference in the online learning environment. This is a challenge that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. In the process of distance teaching learners need a good quality Wi-Fi connection, PC or tablet devices and audio equipment. Unfortunately, differences in the students’ access to this equipment can be observed. In addition, the gaps in the educational environment between children who are in public schools and children who are in private schools is getting quite serious. This is an issue that needs to be resolved quickly. The government is working on it with financial support. It’s so important that the schools and school boards in each municipality work together to be flexible in making decisions.
The second challenge is a level of the teachers’ preparation for online teaching. When the way of teaching changes, the skills required of teachers change as well, and new ones develop. We are trying to provide the same or more educational value as face-to-face classes by not only using emails but also useful technology such as Zoom, Slack and Google Drive. However, it turns out that the usual lecture-style classes are often too heavy a burden on learners and educators, and in many cases, ignore the characteristics of online learning. In order to solve this challenge, we decided on the role of each professor and assistant and tried to make a visualization of each work. It is extremely important to review the prescribed educational content and extract only the essential material to improve and minimize the teaching content efficiently. Many educators are still thinking about the method of evaluation. Personally, I think that it should be measured by the degree of achievement, because students need to understand their current learning stage in personalized learning. The purpose of evaluation is mainly to keep or increase the learners’ motivation. The present situation is a good opportunity to reconsider the questions "what is the nature of education?" and "what is the role of teacher?". Then we can set a new mind for a “new normal” world.
Since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, my laboratory has been involved in the development and dissemination of educational materials for disaster prevention. Every time a major earthquake or typhoon strikes in Japan and there are casualties, people are reminded that we are living in times of a constant threat of natural disasters. It is similar with the coronavirus. Instead of thinking of a world without COVID-19, I really recommend you to discuss how we can be coexisting with it. In other words, it brought up the importance of education in regards to the ability to respond flexibly to unpredictable situations. Now is the time for our wisdom to be called upon. Let's think about what we should pass onto our future generations. Finally, I am so proud of my friend, Bogumila for suggesting this great project. Thank you so much. I wish you good health and world peace. Greetings from Japan.
