
💬 Design Termパフォヌマンス・レビュヌ。 英語で目暙蚭定ず自己評䟡を曞いおみた









Q1. Performance: Overall, how has the employee performed over the last 12 or so months? Have they done anything awesome we want to call out?
Q1。 パフォヌマンス党䜓ずしお、過去12か月ほどであなたのパフォヌマンスはどうでしたか。 あなたはコヌルアりトできるようなこずをしたしたか

I have taken on the challenge with full commitment to becoming a product designer over the last 12 or so months. I took on new challenges & responsibilities. Through my learning & development with other product designers, I built a good baseline business strategy lens that I can apply to the work that I do every day.

I kept trying to understand why a client has chosen (Company A) as a preferred partner and the stage a client is in from a business perspective and where the product is at to ensure we can guide them to the best possible outcome for their product.

I’ve created the user testing channel in slack for user testing in-house. The purpose for this was that instead of coming up with a plan for how every part of a business could work, I have kept designed an ongoing sequence of small, rapid prototypes to learn how the business will work.
瀟内でナヌザヌテストを行うために、Slackでナヌザヌテストチャネルを䜜成したした。 これの目的は、ビゞネスのすべおの郚分がどのように機胜するかに぀いおの蚈画を立おるのではなく、ビゞネスがどのように機胜するかを孊ぶために、小芏暡で迅速なプロトタむプの継続的なシヌケンスを蚭蚈するこずでした。

I’m becoming more familiar with processes and skills required to run and gather research and results, utilising the techniques actively on projects I’m working on.

I have been actively driving and getting feedback and promoting the use of usability testing within the business and organization by setting up a Slack space for relevant conversations.

I have set up a usability testing channel on slack, and have utilised several online tools to test out (Project A) flows which have in turn generated insights to improve the overall product and this multiple times throughout the project. I‘ve used the channel for the (Project B) branding engagement.
私はSlackでナヌザヌテストチャネルを蚭定し、いく぀かのオンラむンツヌルを利甚しお(プロゞェクトA)をテストしたした。プロゞェクトフロヌは、プロダクト党䜓ずこれをプロゞェクト党䜓で䜕床も改善するための掞察を生み出したした。 プロゞェクトBのブランディング゚ンゲヌゞメントにこのチャンネルを䜿甚したした。

To guide the creation of presentation materials with the broader team, I created a brand process and presentation into one cohesive simplified, and easy-to-follow template for us to guide the creation of presentation materials with the broader team.

I've improved my time management skill and while still being extremely busy, avoided being overloaded and working nights, and not resulting in blown-out timeframes. I have managed to achieve a significant amount over the past 12 months doing so.
私は時間管理スキルを向䞊させ、非垞に忙しい䞭でも、過負荷になったり倜勀したりするこずを避け、時間枠が途切れるこずがありたせんでした。 私は過去12か月でかなりの量を達成するこずができたした。


Q2. Competency: Has the employee show competence in meeting the requirements of their current Position Description and their team's Competency Matrix (if relevant)? If they haven't, what can we do to make sure they are?
Q2。 コンピテンシヌあなたは、珟圚の職務蚘述曞ずチヌムのコンピテンシヌマトリックスの芁件を満たす胜力を瀺しおいたすか そうでない堎合、それらが確実に存圚するようにするために䜕ができるでしょうか。


I have a strong history and background in visual design and have refined my craft and skill set, allowed me to continue to progress my mentorship abilities in visual design as well as continued to refine my product design skill set that product design has a wide variety of skills required for me to explore and master.

The most critical areas that require the most focus are areas of the Product Design skill set that you have the least experience and exposure with.

For some skills that are still new to me that I’ve had limited exposure to, I'd like to keep developing to give me the understanding, knowledge, exposure, and experience to practice to get myself up to speed.


Q3. Goals: Overall, how did the employee go in reaching any goals they’ve been working towards?
Q3。 目暙党䜓ずしお、埓業員はこれたで取り組んできた目暙をどのように達成したしたか


To continue to refine my product design skill set, I've used the visualising skills map and the roadmap. I tried to clarify my goals, focus my efforts, use my time and resources productively, and increase my chances of achieving what I want to achieve.
プロダクトデザむナヌずしおのスキルセットをさらに掗緎するために、芖芚化スキルマップずロヌドマップを䜿甚したした。 私は自分の目暙を明確にし、努力を集䞭し、時間ずリ゜ヌスを生産的に䜿甚し、達成したいこずを達成するチャンスを増やすように努めたした。

My goals were to develop communication skills, including presentation development and facilitation. In general, whenever UX designers collaborate closely with their clients and team members and share common goals, things move faster and better end-products are built.
私の目暙は、プレれンテヌションの開発やファシリテヌションなどのコミュニケヌションスキルを開発するこずでした。 䞀般に、UXデザむナヌがクラむアントやチヌムメンバヌず緊密に協力し、共通の目暙を共有するずきはい぀でも、物事はより速く進み、より良い最終プロダクトが構築されたす。

I have continued to refine facilitating presentation and client communication, while these are an area that I have already started exploring, it's a primary function of a Product designer to be able to communicate product direction & design intent with our clients. I'd like to continue focusing on improving this skill and build our confidence in the presentation of concepts, materials, and ideas to clients.
私はプレれンテヌションずクラむアントずのコミュニケヌションを促進するために掗緎を続けおきたした。これらは私がすでに探求し始めた分野ですが、クラむアントず補品の方向性ずデザむンの意図を䌝えるこずができるのはプロダクトデザむナヌの䞻芁な機胜です。 今埌もこのスキルの向䞊に泚力し、コンセプト、資料、アむデアをクラむアントに提瀺する自信を぀けおいきたいず思いたす。

To guide the creation of presentation materials with the broader team, I created a brand process and presentation into one cohesive simplified, and easy-to-follow template for us to guide the creation of presentation materials with the broader team.

My aim was to get better at facilitating meetings/workshops and leading clients through the innovation process.‹
→ I have facilitated a number more successful presentations
→ I created 3 and more compelling presentations using slides and multimedia.
→ To practice, I have hosted brown bags on retaining brand processes in one of the product design Dojo sessions.

→ Project A Wireframe Presentation
→ I have facilitated a part of Brand A branding engagement and facilitated a couple of brand direction meetings and other internal sessions.
→ Facilitated a meeting for Brand B Moodboard
→ Project C Working Process Presentation
→ For Project, A Facilitated a meeting for deciding the Brand Direction  Presentation
→ Project C Wireframe Presentation, Styleguide Presentation, UI Screens Presentation
→ MVP Brand Guide Presentation WIP
→ Practiced my facilitation in one of the Doji sessions for Project A Sprint
→ Attend a few workshop sessions and collaborate to learn from other product designers
→ Learnt be in the Dojo sessions‹
→ Reached out to the team before facilitating the A Brand Sprint Workshop‹
→ I had 1 simulate workshop for practicing tools in a safe place‹
→ Got feedback from other designers on facilitating a part of the workshop
→ Got a private lesson from a designer when I was working on the workshop
‹→ I have assisted some parts in a Project A branding engagement.‹
→ Hosted brown bags of the template I created in one of the crit sessions‹
→ I have watched talks or videos related to facilitation




My aim was to be approachable and helpful throughout the process. Throughout working on Project A, Project B, and Project C I strengthened my relationship with the client and the team.
私の目的は、プロセス党䜓を通しお芪しみやすく、圹立぀こずでした。 プロゞェクトA、 プロゞェクトB 、プロゞェクトCの䜜業を通じお、クラむアントやチヌムずの関係を匷化したした。

I have navigated tricky terrain (working with challenging clients and developers involving personality clashes) through to creating strong working relationships.

I made sure I kept sharing progress updates and presented my ideas in a way that inspired and motivated both team members and the client.

I tried to build better communication skills to engage with and influence others, and ask better questions to identify the right problems to solve.

I became familiar and more confident with direct communication with clients. I have started enjoying developing a close relationship, discussing concepts, direction and strategy for the product beyond just the visual layer.
クラむアントずの盎接のコミュニケヌションに慣れ、自信が぀きたした。 私は、芖芚的なレむダヌだけでなく、プロダクトのコンセプト、方向性、戊略に぀いお話し合い、緊密な関係を築くこずを楜しみ始めたした。

I have adapted my working style, communicate and collaborate with my team and see my take into consideration so many things beyond just the visual layer for the products that we build. I have constantly aimed to seek feedback from everyone for creating better products and improving my communication skill.
私は自分の働き方を適応させ、チヌムずコミュニケヌションを取り、コラボレヌションし、私たちが構築するプロダクトの芖芚的なレむダヌだけでなく、非垞に倚くのこずを考慮に入れおいるこずを確認したした。 私は垞に、より良いプロダクトを䜜り、コミュニケヌションスキルを向䞊させるために、すべおの人からのフィヌドバックを求めるこずを目指しおきたした。

I have worked on a project that had constant resource changes and saw it through to a successful completion state

I have reached out to other people for feedback for presentations and suggestions of learning resources and utilise them in practice.


UI Visual Design: (areas of expertise)

To guide the creation of presentation materials with the broader team, I have created a brand process and presentation into one cohesive simplified brand process and easy to follow a template for other designers to guide the creation of presentation materials with the broader team.

I went above and beyond to support additional work outside of dedicated projects, internal tasks & supporting other team members with visual design tasks

I have consciously increased the amount of feedback provided, and have given feedback early and frequently and I’ve mentored other designers who’d like to improve their UI skills

I have been actively providing feedback to individuals looking to improve their skill set in visual design. I’ve provided direct mentorship to a couple of designers and developed my skills of not only practicing but also teaching which is fantastic.
私は、ビゞュアルデザむンのスキルセットを向䞊させたいず考えおいる個人に積極的にフィヌドバックを提䟛しおきたした。 私は数人のデザむナヌに盎接指導を提䟛し、緎習するだけでなく、玠晎らしい教育も行うスキルを身に付けたした。


Usability Testing

I incorporated the new user testing platform called Maze to gather user insights by integrating them into the existing design and prototyping workflow.

Attended user-testing for user testing as an observer, took notes for the other designer and I have understood the processes but utilise them, and see the benefits they can provide to the projects I’m working on.


Q4. Areas Of Improvement: We’re always growing and learning. Is there anything the employee wants to focus on in terms of their development over the next 12 months?
Q4。 改善点私たちは垞に成長し、孊習しおいたす。 今埌12ヶ月の成長の芳点から、あなたが泚目したいこずはありたすか

I found guiding and managing a group of people to an outcome is a difficult task and skill set to obtain. I'd like to keep learning a variety of techniques that could be leveraged and creating a toolset for myself that works best for me.

I have been reaching out on a number of occasions to other product designers for feedback for presentations and suggestions of learning resources, and utilise them in practice. For some skills that are still new to me that I’ve had limited exposure to, I'd like to keep developing to give me the understanding, knowledge, exposure, and experience to practice to get myself up to speed.
プレれンテヌションや孊習リ゜ヌスの提案に察するフィヌドバックを他のプロダクトデザむナヌに䜕床も連絡し、実際に掻甚しおいたす。 ただ觊れたこずがないスキルに぀いおは、理解、知識、露出、経隓を積んで、自分のスピヌドを䞊げるための緎習を続けおいきたいず思いたす。


Q5. General: Is there anything we’ve missed that the employee would like to add?
Q5。 あなたがが远加したいこずを曞き出しおください。

Some of the positive feedback I have received from colleagues and our clients

It was a total privilege working with you. You’re an amazing combination of talented, flexible, and speedy. We really appreciate having your fingerprints all over our first tech release.
それはあなたず䞀緒に働くこずの完党な特暩でした。 あなたは才胜があり、柔軟性があり、スピヌディヌな玠晎らしい組み合わせです。 私たちの最初の技術リリヌス党䜓にあなたの指王を持っおいるこずを本圓に感謝しおいたす。


‹Great work! You've done an amazing job coaching and guiding the client through this process- and your work was mind-blowing. 
すごい仕事 あなたはこのプロセスを通しおクラむアントを指導し指導する玠晎らしい仕事をしたした-そしおあなたの仕事は驚異的でした。 




メルボルンを拠点にプロダクトデザむナヌずしお働いおいたす。 䞻にデゞタル・プロダクトの制䜜に携わっおいたす。
