Request for Your Donation for the Ascension Conference in Kyoto 2025
As Cobra has already announced, the Ascension Conference in Kyoto will be held at the beginning of the year 2025.
The purpose of this conference is to send the cosmic energy pulse to the Galactic Central Sun, as the year 2025 is the very important year when many important astrological alignments will occur, so called the Portal 2025.
One of these configurations is the entry of Pluto into Aquarius. Pluto will reorganise everything and lead the planet Earth into a cosmic reset. Every time Pluto has entered Aquarius in recent years, a lot of darkness has been exposed, bringing purifications to the surface of the planet. After 19 November 2024, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years. The entry of Pluto into Aquarius will bring the energy of planetary liberation to the Earth. This will lead to the disclosure process of the Event, First Contact, and the advanced technology of New Atlantis.
Secondly, around 2025, a super-powerful dynamic will be at work between the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Every 500 years or so, these three outer planets form a harmonious celestial interference pattern (triple sextile) that gives the New Renaissance period. The exact same configuration is occurring with Neptune positioned at the midpoint between Uranus and Pluto, indicating that the real New Renaissance will be triggered in 2025.
This configuration in 2025 is much more powerful than the one in 1504, because both Uranus and Pluto form a sextile (60 degrees) with Neptune at the apex. This is a very special moment in planetary history, as it is also the time when Pluto enters Aquarius, Neptune enters Aries, and Uranus enters Gemini, and it will create a very special resonance in human history. (And in January 2025, when this conference in Kyoto is taking place, there will be a time when Pluto and Neptune conjunct, thus we can create a new breakthrough.)
Thirdly, the distance between Sirius B and Sirius A will be at its maximum, and a new 50-year orbital cycle will begin. During this 50-year cycle, powerful evolutional pulses are sent to planet Earth. This Sirius portal was open to the planet Earth to create Ascension process from 1975, and this portal will close in 2025, after 50 years.
Furthermore, this evolutional pulse from Sirius in 2025 will be supported by the sextile of Neptune and Pluto, which will pour in much spiritual energy with ultra-high frequencies. And when the distance between Sirius A and Sirius B is at its maximum, the power of the Cintamani stones buried in the surface of the planet will also be at its maximum.
In order to achieve the Victory of Light in 2025, or planetary liberation, we must make sure that this the Ascension Conference in Kyoto is a huge success.
And in order to make the conference victorious, smooth and efficient management by staff members in Japan is essential.
In order to deliver the conference smoothly, a lot of fund is needed. This includes the cost of renting the venue and utilities, the official website, interpretation equipment, and the lunch service for the organizers who need to stay at the venue during the breaks.
All the conference staff are volunteers, and at the moment, they have to bear all these costs themselves. These costs already exceeds our estimations, and it is getting difficult for us to manage application process. There is a possibility that this will interfere with the running of the conference and our ability to welcome you.
Since the fall of Atlantis, after our planet was falling under the control of darkness, we have been always waiting for the moment of liberation.
For this very reason, we have continued to take collective actions. We have held many successful mass meditations and have made continuous progress towards the planetary liberation. We have built many Cintamani Grids in Japan and around the world. We expect to face various interferences from sub-quantum anomaly against our unity, but we have united and overcome such difficulties so many times.
For this reason, we would like to ask for your financial support to make this Ascension Conference in Kyoto in 2025 a success. The target amount is 1.1 million yen(About 7,000USD). It is fine if you can afford the small amount. You know that makes a huge difference. Your support will lead to a historic moment that will liberate this planet forever. After 26,000 years of isolation from the galactic society, we will finally make a Victory of the Light.
All darkness disappear from the universe, and only the Light will remain.
Let's create the best Ascension Conference ever, together. Let's pull the trigger on the Event from Japan!
Victory of Light!