高知で紙漉きの修行をされて、12年前から七山に#紙漉思考室 を構える職人の前田さん(黒髪イケメン)と、柔らかい雰囲気がとても素敵な美人の奥様(とても兄弟を育てているようには見えない!)が出迎えてくれました。
名刺の紙サンプルを見せていただきながら、七山で#地域おこし協力隊 として私たちがやっていきたいことのヒントやアイディアをたくさん伺うことができました♡
1枚目の写真は、大好きな#ラベンダー の精油を垂らしたサンプルの名刺紙。
#手漉き和紙 の独特の質感が香りを華やかにひらいてくれるのかも✨
これからのプロジェクトの動向は逐一インスタとYouTube#sayurichannel で発信していきます♡
【Business card wearing fragrance projecjt @紙漉思考室】
This unique project called 'Business card wearing fragrance project' has started with my wild idea of mixing my love for #nanayama & #dottera #essentialoils .
I called Mr. Maeda who owns a #japanesepaper factory in Nanayama last Friday ,and today we could finally meet.
Mr. Maeda learned and trained how to make #washi in Kouchi and he started his factory 12 years ago.
He is good looking with his black hair ,and his wife is also very beautiful (can't blieve she raises 2 boys).
Their office was really cozy with paper aroma diffuser and full of natural sun light.
He's shown us paper samples and told about his history, future vision of nanayama
and some new ideas that we can take with us.
When I told him about my new project, he said "Let's do this together!" .
It made me so happy.
So now officially, my #businesscard wearing fragrance project has started!
The first photo is sample paper with #lavender oil dropped.
When I take out the card from my holder, the lavender fragrance spreaded all over the car!
It is so different from tissue!
Maybe because of the #washipaper 's texture helps fragrance spread so well.
I'm going to update my project on isntagram and YouTube #sayurichannel !