イノベーションという言葉について       About Innovation



私の好きな言葉で、Connecting The Dots(点を繋ぐ)というのがあります。スティーブ・ジョブスがスタンフォード大学で行った卒業式の講演で披露した言葉です。何に役立つかは当面解らないことに面白いなと思ったら勉強してみる。深掘りしてみる。広げてみる。飽きたら別の面白いことに打ち込み同じことをやってみる。これがDotsです。このDots(点)を多く作る。これが数年後数十年後か解りませんが、繋がる。これとこれを繋げてみると面白いことが起こりそうとひらめく。そして本人も予想しないような変化が社会に起こる。これが私はイノベーションだと思っています。




The word "innovation" is said to have been first used by the economist Joseph Schumpeter in his book "The Theory of Economic Development." In essence, it's his coinage. After World War II, in 1968, it was introduced in Japan as a very important concept for promoting economic development, translated as "technological innovation" in a white paper by what was then the Economic Planning Agency, now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. As translated, it was primarily understood in relation to industrial technology. Nowadays, it's understood in a broader sense, not only in terms of industrial technology but in a wider context.

According to Wikipedia, it means "a new approach," "new combination," "new perception," "new utilization method," in other words, creating new value with social significance from new ideas and bringing about wide-ranging changes in individuals, organizations, and society.

One of my favorite phrases is "Connecting The Dots," which Steve Jobs shared in his commencement speech at Stanford University. It means to delve into things that interest you, study them, delve deeper, explore wider, and when you get bored, move on to other interesting things. These are the dots. Create many of these dots. Eventually, they connect after several years or even decades. When you connect this and that, you get flashes of interesting things happening. And changes occur in society that even the person didn't anticipate. This, to me, is innovation.

In the latter part of my teaching career, I often heard about the importance of the PDCA cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act. You go round and round this cycle. Innovation doesn't come from here. In the planning stage, you confine your ideas within your narrow self or within the societal norms. Jobs that involve setting goals and planning in this manner will be replaced by AI within the next five or ten years.

For now, just dive into what interests you and work on it. Delve deeper. Move on when you get bored. Just keep repeating this process. Young people must make a living. In a capitalist society, there are limited activities that bring in money. It's all about balance. In the current system, our hearts are drawn towards making money without us even realizing it. Before you know it, everyone aims for big corporations and high-income jobs. High school students aim for schools with high entrance exam scores and higher chances of getting into high-paying careers, often without considering if that's what they truly want.

Returning to the topic of innovation, in some of my blog posts, I wrote about how agriculture has been neglected since the Meiji era under the policy of "enriching the country and strengthening the military." It has been sacrificed for industrial development in urban areas. Small-scale agriculture has been deemed to have no future. But now, new shoots are emerging. I wrote about how I support "Terabora Farm" in my blog. It's a small-scale farm. They grow new varieties of rice through thorough organic farming and sell them through e-commerce along with other agricultural products. They manage their business by combining several side jobs. Many local governments support newcomers to farming by offering incentives such as an annual subsidy of 2 million yen and housing. However, most of them leave farming after two years. They are people who were somewhat attracted to farming, dreaming of living in nature while touching the soil. They lack the mindset to enjoy life while coming up with innovative ideas. I apologize for being too conclusive! The lifestyle of the couple running Terabora Farm, including raising children, seems challenging but enjoyable, as depicted in the "newsletter" enclosed with the annual rice delivery. They enjoy farming while studying and trying new cultivation methods, using ChatGPT, contacting university professors, and so on. Their success in farming can be attributed in part to the fact that the father runs a company called Global Ham, which also emphasizes additive-free products and has established a certain brand. The customers thought it wouldn't be wrong to follow what those people were doing. Including me. With the widespread use of the Internet, combined with the logistics network of Yamato Transport and the world-class road network, businesses like this have become possible. I think this is unquestionably innovation, don't you? It's also connecting the dots. This is why I support them.