私のGreeting Card         My Greeting Card


これから生きていく上での心構え。”Let it be" Beatles の歌の題名です。
”When I find myself in times of troubles. Mother Mary comes to me. Speaking words of  wisdom. Let it be."です。
Mother Mary ですが、マッカートニーの母親もMary ですが、彼自身、自身の母親でも聖母マリヤでもどちらで捉えてもいいといっています。私はこの歌をとても素晴らしい宗教歌だと捉えています。それ故 Let it be は”御旨のままに”と訳すべきだと思っています。神の意志に全面的に従います、お任せします。という意味だと思います。私はクリスチャン・ホームで育ちましたがクリスチャンではありません。既成の宗教は信じていませんが、無神論者でもありません。しかし、我々も何者かに生かされている感覚感覚を持っています。どのように生かされ、生きるのかということについては極めて曖昧です。クリスチャンはどうなのか?こう考えるみたいです。聖書を読みつつ祈る。そのなかで精霊 Holy Spiritが降りてきて神の意思を啓示するということみたいです。この考えはかなりプロテスタント的ですが。inspire、inspiration という英単語はspirit が外から入ってくるという語感があるとおりです。パウロがキリスト教徒迫害のためにギリシャ世界を旅行していたときに突然光に打たれ改心するなんてのもあります。なにか外から何かが注入されるような感じです。ちなみに精霊というのは三位一体すなわち父(神)と子(イエス)と精霊は一つであるというキリスト教の教義の一つに出てくるものです。非キリスト教徒である日本人の大半にとっては、中世のある時期のなんとか公会議で正統と認められた考えでなんかどうでもいい。正統があれば異端が生じるわけで、キリスト教の非寛容さの表れであるという感じさえします。
話を戻します。”Let it be”の話です。多くの場合”あるがままに”とか”心のままに”と訳されています。しかしこれでは下手をすると日本的な同調主義を強化しかねません。私の好きな歌に美空ひばりの”川の流れのように”という歌があります。”ああ川の流れのように、おだやかにこの身をまかせていたい”という歌です。よく考えてみるとかなりやばい。日本的同調主義そのものです。”あるがままに”なんて訳はこれにかなり近い訳です。”心のままに”という訳もこれにかなり近いところに引っ張られます。私たちの心は、心理的傾向はと言い換えてもいいでしょう。われわれの心理は何重にも、例えば、日本文化、家庭文化、学校文化、企業文化というようなぶんかに覆われています。ある文化が特に強烈すぎると、様々な精神疾患を引き起こすことがあります。例えば登校拒否、ちなみにいうと、これは疾患ではありません、正常な反応です。と私は思います。一日の大半をなんで何十人もいる教室の狭い机と椅子に拘束されなければいけないのか?今はわかりませんが、朝礼なんてのもあって、夏は炎天下に整列させられ、きおつけ、まえへならい、やすめ なんてことをやらされ、あげくのはて、昇降口に帰るときは隊列をくまされ”前へ進め””全隊止まれ”なんてのをやらされる。全体ではなく全隊です正しくは。軍事教練そのものです。19世紀のプロイセンから導入されたものです。学ランなんてのもプロイセンの軍服です。学校を卒業すると会社内では人権概念なんておよそ皆無の会社の中で終身雇用制のもとで30年、40年働く。我々の心なんてズタズタにされます。本来われわれが何を欲し、何に関心をもっているのかもわからなくなっています。これが現状だと思っています。日本語に”目からうろこ”とか”憑物がおちる”なんて言葉があります。本来あるべきものは心の奥底にあって何かがそれを覆っているため見えるべきものが見えなくなっている、あるいは何か変なものが取り憑いているため奇矯な行動に走ったりすると日本人は考えます。文化の中には我々の心を豊かにしてくれるよい文化もあれば逆に我々を不幸にする悪い文化もあります。いいも悪いもひっくるめてこの私を覆っている文化を引っ剥がす作業をしています。タマネギの皮を剥いでいくと残るものは何もありません。ゼロです。ゼロからの出発。これが今年からの目標です。デカルトの”我思う、故に我あり”とかマックス・ウェーバーの価値自由なんてのも似たような発想だと思います。ゼロでは暮らしていけませんが、少なくとも自分の内面をいかに相対化できるかというのがこれからの目標です。

My greeting card might have been difficult to understand because I tried to incorporate various things into a small space. Therefore, I have decided to rewrite the text with some additional explanations. For the past few years, I have been avoiding the cold and gloomy period around New Year's, instead spending the entire month reflecting on the past year and preparing myself for the new one. Do you think it's a good idea? Since retiring, I have begun to feel the constraints of adhering to Japanese customs despite no longer working. While working, there were times when it would be rude not to conform to the norms around me. But now that I'm not working and don't have a spouse or children, I should be free to do as I please as long as I don't break the law or inconvenience others. However, I find myself conforming to the expectations of others more than necessary, which sparks some rebelliousness within me. Against my own inner self!

So, instead of sending New Year's cards in January, I have decided to write replies during this time. This is a reflection on the mindset for living ahead.

"Let it Be" is the title of a song by the Beatles. "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me. Speaking words of wisdom. Let it be." The term "Mother Mary" refers to Paul McCartney's mother, but he has said that it could also refer to the Virgin Mary, and that either interpretation is acceptable. I see this song as a wonderful religious song. Therefore, I believe "Let it be" should be translated as "as God wills it." It means to fully obey the will of God, to entrust oneself. I was raised in a Christian home, but I am not a Christian. I do not believe in established religions, but I am not an atheist either. However, we also have a sense of being sustained by someone or something . How we are sustained and how we live is extremely vague. What about Christians? They seem to read the Bible and pray. Among them, the Holy Spirit comes down and reveals God's will. This idea is quite Protestant. The word "inspire" in English also implies that the spirit comes from outside. It's one of the doctrines of Christianity that the Father (God), the Son (Jesus), and the Spirit are one. For most Japanese who are not Christians, it doesn't matter, as it was an idea recognized as orthodox at some medieval council. It seems like a manifestation of Christianity's intolerance, as orthodoxy leads to heresy. Nevertheless, the sense of being sustained by something seems to be quite universal. I mentioned earlier that I do not believe in established religions, but I treat them with respect. This is because religions are a treasure trove of wisdom on how to cope and deal with difficulties when we face them. So, I read the Bible and various religious texts. Also, many revolutions often start from within the church. The collapse of the Berlin Wall began with prayers at a church in Leipzig, followed by Monday demonstrations across East Germany. Let's get back to "Let it be." It is often translated as "as it is" or "as one's heart desires." However, this can reinforce Japanese conformity. One of my favorite songs is "Kawa no Nagare no Yō ni" by Hibari Misora. It's a song that goes, "I want to calmly entrust myself like the flow of a river." When you think about it, it's quite dangerous. It's the epitome of Japanese conformity. Translations like "as it is" are quite close to this. Translations like "as one's heart desires" are also heavily influenced by this. Our hearts, or psychological tendencies, can be likened to layers of culture, such as Japanese culture, family culture, school culture, and corporate culture, covering them. If one culture is particularly strong, it can cause various mental illnesses. For example, school refusal. By the way, this is not a disorder, but a normal reaction, I think. Why should we be confined to narrow desks and chairs in overcrowded classrooms for most of the day? I don't know now, but there were morning assemblies, and in the summer, we were lined up in the scorching sun, forced to stand at attention, march forward, halt—all the way to the entrance/exit, where we were made to march in formation with commands like "Forward, march!" "Halt, all units!" It's military training itself. It was introduced from Prussia in the 19th century. Even the school uniform is based on Prussian military uniforms. After graduating from school, we work for 30 or 40 years under a lifetime employment system in companies where the concept of human rights is practically nonexistent. Our hearts are torn apart. We have lost sight of why we exist and what we are interested in. I believe this is the current situation.

In Japanese, there are expressions like "scales fall from one's eyes" or "a charm falls off." These mean that what should be there is hidden deep in one's heart, but something covers it up, preventing what should be seen from being seen, or causing strange things to take hold, according to Japanese thought. Within cultures, there are good cultures that enrich our hearts and bad cultures that make us unhappy. I am working to strip away the culture that envelops me, good and bad alike. When you peel an onion, there's nothing left. Zero. Starting from scratch. That's my goal for this year. Descartes' "I think, therefore I am" and Max Weber's idea of value freedom are similar, I think. You can't live with zero, but at least the goal from now on is to relativize one's inner self. I hope this year is a good year for everyone.
