
このノートは、The Psychology of Totalitarianism(Mattias Desmet著)を読み、重要と思われた部分を抜き出して記録したものです。ノートは、章単位の構成となっています。他章のノートを参照する場合、各ノート末の「全体校正」のリンクを参照してください。
Part I: Science and its Psychological Effects /
Chapter 5: The Desire for a Master
In previous chapters, we discuss how science tipped from open- mindedness to dogma and blind conviction (chapter 1), how its practical applications isolate people from one another and from nature (chapter 2), how its utopian pursuit of an artificial and rationally controllable universe equates to the destruction of the essence of life (chapter 3), and how its belief in objectivity and measurability of the world leads to absurd arbitrariness and subjectivity (chapter 4). In this chapter, we will discuss the fate of another great ambition of science: to liberate man from his anxiety and insecurity and his moral commandments and prohibitions.
Religious discourse for centuries darkened the human soul with irrational fear of hell and damnation. Suffering and disease were God’s punishment, aging and infirmity were something to be accepted, carnal pleasures were tarnished with the stigma of sin, society was suffocated with sullen commandments and prohibitions.
Sometime during the seventeenth century, the star of the human intellect appeared in the sky. Man started to look outward; neither God nor devil appeared before his rational eye. The fear instilled by the religious discourse was declared unfounded; there was no longer any reason to accept the social contract imposed on society by the clergy. Man started to explore the world that surrounded him, studied the human body and the causes of disease and suffering. The human condition was not to be accepted—it had to be improved. For three centuries, an energetic optimism prevailed. The human condition could be made enjoyable. Disease and suffering would be cured by the power of the human intellect.
The commandments and prohibitions of the past were declared superfluous, unnecessary to steer society in the right direction. An increasingly loose morality would eventually reconcile man with carnal desires, formerly perceived as threatening. The crippling censorship of anything contrary to the religious discourse disappeared. Freedom of speech became a basic right, education became universally available, legal assistance became a right for all, love was stripped of its duty to marry and have children, sexuality was restored and its coupling with sin and corruption was undone.
Somehow, however, this process turned in the opposite direction. The idealization of the human intellect eventually led to an intensification of fear of disease and suffering, while interhuman relationships were marked by uncertainty and confusion. The old commandments and prohibitions were eventually replaced by a jungle of rules and regulations and a new, hyper-strict morality. How can we understand this from a psychological perspective?
しかし、どういうわけか、この過程は逆の方向を向いてしまいました。人間の知性の理想化は、病気と苦しみの恐怖を強めてしまいました。同時に、人間同士の関係は、不確実性と混乱として特徴づけられました。いつのまにか、古い戒律と禁忌は、規則と規制のジャングルと新しい超厳格な道徳(new hyper-strict morality)に置き換わりました。この状況を、心理学的にどう解釈したら良いのでしょうか?
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No matter how much the knowledge of the mechanistic aspects of the human body increased and how much money was spent on health care (which, in Western European countries, easily exceeds 10 percent of the gross national product), the fear of disease and suffering did not disappear at all. Headlines in recent years have left no doubt about it: It is irresponsible to send teenagers to school on a moped, swimming in rivers or ponds in hot weather is not recommended due to the risk of bacterial contamination, oral sex may cause throat cancer, shaking hands is too dangerous because of virus transmission, yes, even sitting next to a smoker who is not smoking may cause harm to your health. These are just a few of the endless stream of media reports that illustrate how much twenty-firstcentury people’s lives are dominated by fear of physical adversity.
Suffering is by definition unpleasant, but there have been times when people were more resilient to it. In the seventeenth century, when Jesuits tried to convert Native Americans to Christianity by burning them at the stake, the missionaries discovered, to their great frustration, that the Indigenous people were unimpressed. Over time, the Native Americans themselves suggested other, much more painful forms of torture. “Why always at the stake?” they asked the missionaries.
Not only has the thought of physical suffering become more unbearable, people have increasingly become less risk tolerant. The insurance mania that spread over the last few centuries is perhaps the best illustration. It started meritoriously during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries when accident and fire insurances gradually became established and institutionalized. Then it expanded to life, hospital, travel, and cancellation insurances, and ultimately to insurance for just about everything. Today, not only trees, plants, dogs and cats, but also Christiano Ronaldo’s legs, Jennifer Lopez’s bum, Taylor Swift’s breasts, Julia Roberts’s smile, and David Lee Roth’s sperm have been insured against damage for up to millions of dollars. Not to mention the insurance against heartbreak, meteorite impacts, and damage caused by spirits and ghosts and alien abduction. It should come as no surprise that nowadays, you can also insure your insurance (with Lloyd’s of London, for example).
Desperate attempts to avoid any risk take their toll, however, and not only in terms of insurance premiums. Medical interventions, which should eliminate suffering, are increasingly a source of despair themselves. The widespread consumption of psychotropic drugs, painkillers, and other pharmaceutical products has led to tens of millions of addicts and countless deaths. Screening for cancer and other diseases is not only harmful in and of itself but also leads to ever more unnecessary, harmful interventions, such as unnecessary breast amputations and side effects of chemotherapy. In addition, preventive medicine threatens to render life sterile and inhumane. The COVID-19 response is a good example: Maniacal avoidance of infections led to an incalculable increase in suffering due to delayed treatments, domestic violence, psychological despair, and food insecurity in the developing world. In other words, frantically trying to avoid any danger has, paradoxically, become very dangerous.
The effects of this desperate attempt to control life go beyond a detrimental impact on our physical health. It also severely affects our freedom and rights, as individuals. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the War on Terror, for example, led to a serious violation of privacy. In fact, it was part of an ongoing and growing endeavor to attempt to control and isolate “dangerous elements” in society. The tradition of the Enlightenment led unintentionally to what Foucault called le grand renfermement: More and more “dangerous” groups were imprisoned. In the nineteenth century, it affected “only” psychiatric patients, prostitutes, and criminals; in the twenty-first century, it affects just about everything and everyone. Animals are caged because of the bird flu, the global population is placed under house arrest because of the coronavirus. Humans and animals—potential spreaders of disease—are too dangerous to each other to be let loose.
生命をコントロールしようとする絶望的な試みは、我々の身体的健康への悪影響だけにとどまりません。この試みは、我々個々人としての自由と権利に深刻な影響を与えます。例えば、21世紀初頭、テロとの戦いは、プライバシーの深刻な侵害を起こしました。実際、この戦争は、社会の「危険要素」を分離・コントロールするための試みでした。それは、今でも続いていますし、拡大しています。啓蒙主義の伝統は、意図せずしてフーコーの言う「大監禁」(le grand renfermement)を起こしてしまいまいました。すなわち、多くの「危険とみなされた」集団が投獄されました。19世紀の対象は、精神科の患者、売春婦、犯罪者だけでした。21世紀は、あらゆる人・あらゆる物が対象です。鳥インフルエンザのため動物は檻に入れられ、コロナ・ウィルスのために人は家に軟禁されています。人も動物も、病気を広げる可能性があるので、野放しにするのは危険過ぎる、ということです。
17世紀になってはじめて、フーコーが「大監禁時代」と表現したことで 知られる潮流が起る。「理解不能な」人間たちが、システマティックに監禁され、収容されていった。18世紀には、狂気は、理性そのものを観察するかのよう に扱われるようになった。つまり、狂人は彼らを人間足らしめていたはずの何かを失い、動物じみた存在になってしまったと考えられ、そしてまた実際彼らは動 物のように扱われた。19世紀にはいると、たとえばピネルやフロイトが登場することで、はじめて狂気が精神の不調であり、治療することのできるものと考え られるようになる。大規模な監禁が行われたのは、17世紀ではなく、この19世紀だと主張する歴史家もわずかに存在するほどだ。
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The societal increase of fear and insecurity leads to two other psychological phenomena: narcissism and something I call regulation mania. In order to understand this connection, we need another piece of developmental psychology. We will start by explaining the connection between human insecurity and narcissism.
In chapter 3, when we discussed the difference between digital and “real” conversations, we described how an infant resonates symbiotically with its mother through the early exchange of body language and, in this way, realizes the primal desire for blending with the Other. There is a lack, however, in this early paradise. In a certain sense, the child hardly exists there as a separate psychological being. During the first months of life, before it can recognize itself in the mirror, a child cannot form a mental-visual image of its own body. As a result, it does not know where its body ends and where the surrounding world begins, and it situates its own sensations not only in its own body but also in the people and objects surrounding it (animism). A concrete example: When it gets a jab in its arm, it doesn’t look at its arm because it does not realize that the pain sensation is located there. And the reverse is also true: The child feels the sensations of others directly in its own body. For example, when it looks at someone being beaten, its face shows the same grimace and it cries as if it were being beaten itself (transitivism).
第3章で、デジタルな会話とリアルな会話の違いについて述べました。ここで、幼児はボディーランゲージを交換することで、母親と共生的に共鳴し(resonates symbiotically)、他者との交わりを実現します。しかし、この初期の楽園には欠けているものがあります。子供は、その楽園で独立した心理的存在としてあり続けることが難しいのです。生後数カ月間(まだ、自分の姿を鏡で認識する前)、子供は自分の身体の心理的視覚イメージ(a mental-visual image) を持つことができません。この結果、自分の身体がどこで終わり、周囲の世界がどこから始まるかがわからず、自分の感覚を自分の身体だけではなく、周囲の人や物にも置きます(アニミズム)。具体的な例として、幼児の腕を突っついても、幼児は腕を見ません。なぜなら、痛みの感覚がそこにあると認識していないからです。そして、当然、その逆も起きます。幼児は、他人の感覚を、自分の身体で感じます。例えば、誰かが殴られているのを見ると、幼児は自分が殴られている様な表情をして泣きます(トランシティビズム)。
ピアジェは『児童の世界観』(Piaget, J.1926)のなかで,生命のないものに生命を認めたり,意識や意志などの心の働きを認めたりする幼児の心理的特徴をアニミズムとよび,これが子どもの心の特徴の一つと考えている。そして,その説明を子どもが自分の心のなかの出来事と外界の出来事とが区別できないという自他の混同や未分化性に求めている。文化人類学者のミード(Mead, M.1930)は,ニューギニアのマヌス族の子どもはアニミズムを示さないことから,これが精神発達の過程で必然的にみられるものではないという。その後,ピアジェの研究法の批判から,子どもの実際の出来事に関する記述や子どものよく知っている対象についてはアニミズム反応が少ないことから,アニミズムはたんに生き物でないものが生きているとする信念ではなく,対象の特性についてのより進んではいるが不完全な知識の指標であると考えられている。アニミズムの問題は,認知の領域固有性の検証の場として意味をもつ。
In this symbiotic but also chaotic amalgamate of experience, the child has to mentally grasp what is at the core of its existence: It has to find out, through interactions with the mother figure, what it needs to do to ensure her care and closeness. At this point, it is interesting to make the comparison with a young animal. Young animals and mammals are also dependent on their mothers, and they also try to ensure themselves of her care. However, there is a crucial psychological difference with the human child, situated at the level of the communication system.
An animal establishes the bond with another animal through the exchange of signs. The signs—typical cries, postures, movements—have a well-established connection to their point of reference. One sign refers to danger, another sign indicates that food is on its way, yet other signs indicate sexual availability, submission, or dominance. Whether an animal sign system is simple or complex, whether its mastery is innate or passed on from generation to generation through learning, the signs are generally experienced by the animal as unambiguous and self-evident. Their exchange can lead to a fierce battle under certain circumstances—for example, the battle between male sticklebacks when their red bellies indicate that they want to reproduce—but it will not usually lead to persistent doubt or uncertainty.
In humans, this is different. Human communication is full of ambiguities, misunderstandings, and doubts. This has all to do with the following: The signs—or more correctly, the symbols—of human language can refer to an infinite number of things, depending on context. For example: The sound image sun refers to something completely different in the sound sequence sunshine than in the sound sequence sundering. Therefore, each word only acquires meaning through another word (or series of words). Furthermore, that other word, in its turn, also needs another word to acquire meaning. And so on to infinity. There is always a word missing to definitively capture the meaning of words. For this reason, language as a rational system—as a system in which words acquire meaning axiomatically —has an intrinsic, irreparable lack. This immediately makes clear that even the insurance-of-the-insurance cannot free man from his linguistic uncertainty.
人間のコミュニケーションは動物のそれと異なり、曖昧さ・誤解・疑心暗鬼に満ちています。この曖昧さなどは、以下と関係があります。(より正確に言うとサインではなく)人間の言語におけるシンボルは、文脈に依存しているため、無限の意味を持ちます。例えば「sun」という音のイメージは、「sunshine」という音列「sundering」という音列では、異なるものを指します。従って、個々の単語は、他の単語(または単語の並び)によって意味を持ちます。そして、その他の単語も、他の単語によってい意味が決まります。これが、無限に繰り返されます。言葉(words)の意味を確実に把握するためには、常に言葉(a word)が欠けています。故に、原理に基づいてその意味を獲得する言語システムとして、人間の言語は、本質的にリカバリーできない欠陥を持っています。だから、たとえ「保険の保険」があっても、人は「言葉の不安」(linguistic uncertainty)から開放されません。
This has direct consequences for interpersonal interactions. We, as human beings, can never convey our message unambiguously, and the other can never determine its definitive meaning. It goes even further: We don’t even really know our own message. We never know exactly what we want to say, simply because our thoughts also work with words and so there is always a word lacking on that level, too. That’s the reason why we so often have to search for words, so often struggle with saying what we really want to say, so often feels like we’re saying something we didn’t really want to say or that we meant something slightly different. There is no trace of this in the animal world: Their communicative behavior does not show these hesitations and stammerings.
We tend to think that humans distinguish themselves from animals by greater knowledge and awareness, but the most typical difference is that, unlike animals, we are almost constantly tormented by a lack of knowledge. Therefore, the central questions in a human’s life, those that relate to his position in the desire of the Other, never receive a definitive answer. What does the Other think about me? Does he love me? Does he find me attractive? Do I mean something to her? What does the Other expect from me? What does he want from me? It is around these questions that every human encounter and, by extension, the whole of human existence, gravitates. There is no indication whatsoever of this in the animal world: You will never see an animal sitting on a couch worrying about the meaning of its life or about what it means to another animal.
This indefiniteness of the human world of symbols has, a bit surprisingly, been going on from the very beginning of a human life, at a time when language is still rudimentary and does not yet refer to objects. The great French developmental psychologist Henri Wallon noted that from the very beginning, you see something on the faces of children who interact with their caregivers that you do not see in any other living being. When a newborn child fixates and imitates the facial expressions of the mother, its face already expresses a subtle sentiment of question, as if, even at this very early stage of its existence, it is confronted with something that is missing in the form language of the Other.
Therefore, a human child is, in contrast to a young animal, in a state of deep uncertainty about its mother’s messaging. And that makes it difficult to gain mental control over her. What does she want from me? What should I do to ensure her presence? However undifferentiated the mental system may be at that moment, these questions do arise even in these earliest months of life. This explains one of the most curious phenomena that occur in a child’s development. Around six to nine months old, a child recognizes itself in the mirror for the first time, usually while the mother points enthusiastically at the mirror image. That in itself is not unique to humans; dolphins and higher monkey species are also able to do this without problems. However, as Charles Darwin noted, the recognition in a human child is accompanied by something that does not occur in any other animal: The child cheers with joy.
従って、動物の子供と違い、人間の子供は母親のメッセージに対して深い不安を持っている状態です。それが、母親を精神的にコントロールすることを難しくしています。母親は、私に何をもとめているのか?母親が側にいてもらうために、私は何をしたら良いのか? その時点での子供のメンタル・システムがどうあれ、これらの疑問は生後数ヶ月の時点でも生じます。このことは、子供の発達過程における最も不思議な現象の説明となります。生後6〜9ヵ月頃、母親が鏡に映る像を熱心に指差すると、子供は鏡に映った姿を自分だと認識します。それ自体は人間に限ったことではありません。イルカや高等なサル類も鏡の像を自分だと認識します。しかし、ダーウィンが指摘したように、人間の子供の認識には、他の動物には無い何かを伴っている。子供は喜びの歓声を上げるのです。
What makes that recognition in the mirror so pleasing, while it leaves other animals completely indifferent? Unlike an animal, the human child suffers from a constant tension due to the eternal elusiveness of the world of symbols, in which it is immersed from the first moments of its existence. And this applies in particular with regard to the most central question: What does my mother want from me? That tension is instantly removed when he sees there, before his very eyes, a mirror image with which it coincides and at which the mother is pointing with great enthusiasm. This reflection instantaneously tells the child who it is and needs to be in order to be the object of the mother’s desire. That image in the mirror seems, all at once and in all its concreteness, to offer an answer that language never can: I am it for the Other. This experience is the archetype of the narcissistic experience. It is so overwhelming that some people obsessively look for such experience later in life in an effort to avoid the feeling of lack and insecurity in human relationships.
However, this experience also takes a toll, both for the relationship and the individual. In order to avoid the reemergence of the underlying insecurity, the child has to engage in an aggressive rivalry with everyone else that also draws the mother’s (later, a love object’s) attention: Only one person can be the mother’s object. The more one chooses to master insecurity through identification with the mirror image, the more he has to outperform, belittle, and even destroy others—basically the more he loses his humanity.
Additionally, this dehumanization is reinforced by the fact that identification with one’s own mirror image reduces the capacity for empathy. This identification provides the child, for the first time, with a global visual picture (or a substitute for that in blind children) of its own body. This global image enables the child, for the first time, to draw a boundary—literally, a mental line—around its body. To a certain extent, this is necessary to build a stable Ego structure. Without such an image, the child cannot mentally experience itself as a unit. However, in excessive narcissism, the mental-visual boundary between the subject and the Other becomes so thick and pronounced that the subject becomes mentally locked up in this self-image. The visual self-image then attracts the mental energy and attention to such an extent that the image of the Other no longer “lights up” in the mental experience. As a result, one can no longer feel affinity or empathize with the other person or the world. In other words: Excessive narcissism comes at the expense of empathy. To the extent that it diminishes a person’s ability to resonate with others and with the world, it renders that person lonely and isolated.
From this line of reasoning, we conclude that excessive investment in the mirror image is an overcompensation for the uncertainty that human language generates in interpersonal relationships. But in the extreme, this overcompensation is always a fallacious solution. One tries to assure oneself of symbiosis with the Other, but ends up in psychological isolation from and destruction of the Other. And also in self destruction. It’s best to imagine this in a concrete-visual way: All energy that is inside the psychological system is sucked away and invested in the surface of the body, meaning in the visual image of the body. It is no coincidence that people who focus heavily on appearances often say that they feel “empty” during psychotherapy sessions.
In recent decades, we have seen that, along with an increase in fear and insecurity, narcissism is also on the rise. It has become a cliché to say that our society focuses more and more on external ideals, but there is unmistakably something true about it. The number of surgical procedures that “fix” the body in order to resemble a social ideal is rapidly increasing, the sale of steroid and protein cocktails to force the body machine into a visual ideal has grown spectacularly, taking selfies forms part of the established repertoire of (a)social behavior, houses and gardens resemble staged photos from home decor magazines, commercials and billboards present stylized ideals of cars, haircuts, and clothing. In essence, this trend boils down to a growing obsession with fallacious visual “solutions” in an attempt to eliminate the irresolvable uncertainties in human relationships. At the same time, we naturally also see a sharp increase in the psychological phenomena associated with excessive investment in the outer ideal image: experiences of loneliness and inner emptiness, and of feeling consumed by an exhausting competition with others (the so-called rat race).
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In addition to narcissism, there is a second social phenomenon that is directly linked to the increase in fear and insecurity: the enormous increase in the number of rules, sometimes referred to as regulitis. We We can situate this regulation mania very simply within the same developmental psychology that I described above.
Recognition of its own mirror image ensures that the child is able to psychologically demarcate its own being (body) from the surrounding world. It is only at this point that external objects mentally begin to exist for the child. This causes the function of language to change. The words now begin to refer to those external objects (they take on a referential function) and thus also acquire meaning. Previously, this was hardly the case. Prior to the “mirror moment,” the child’s expressions were mainly physical, instinctive “acts” that expressed bodily sensations to realize a symbiotic resonance with the Other.
The moment that words acquire meaning, the relationship with the Other will also be raised to another level. The child now obsessively tries to understand the words that the other person uses to express his desires. What exactly does it mean to be “good”? What do I have to do to be “a brave girl”? Simply put, it wants to know the rules it must follow in order to be loved. At certain moments, this takes the form of a demand for rules; no matter how well a rule is defined, it is still too unclear and requires additional definition. And since the words in which the rules are formulated acquire meaning only by means of other words, the child starts to wonder about the meaning of every possible word.
Around the age of three and a half, this obsession with the meaning of words culminates in the so-called “why” phase. In this phase, a child endlessly poses “why” questions.” “Why is this a donkey?” “Because he is braying.” “Why is he braying?” “Because he is angry.” “Why is he angry?” And so on. In this stage, the child sees the parent as an omniscient master, and despite the fact that he sometimes resists submission with extreme stubbornness, he also demands that the parent takes that position. He has to know everything. If the parent cannot determine what she wants, the child doesn’t know how to comply with her desire. That’s the point at which the child is confronted with the human primal insecurity and is overtaken by the human primal fear: being left behind by the Other (primarily by the mother) because it is unloved.
The child’s attempts to make the rules unambiguous and conclusive are doomed to failure because, again, human language can never acquire definitive meaning. The more persistently the child tries to make the rules unambiguous by questioning the parents, the more he inevitably loses himself in complex and contradictory interpretations. In children with a compulsive disposition, this happens clearly, and they end up in almost complete inhibition, entangled in an endless pursuit of mental perfection that gets more and more bogged down. We will see later that children are eventually liberated from their demand for rules by accepting that a definitive answer to the question with respect to the desire does not exist. This, at the same time, will require that they give up the narcissistic striving to be the object of the Other (which usually is, at that stage, the mother).
子供の「規則を明確かつ自明にする試み」は失敗する運命にあります。なぜなら、人間の言語は決定的な意味を獲得できないからです。子供は、規則を明確にしようと、執拗に質問を繰り返すほどに、必然的に矛盾した解釈の中で、更に混乱します。強迫観念(compulsive disposition)を持つ子供の場合、これが確実に起きます。精神的な完全さを果てしなく追い求めた結果、行き詰まってしまいます。後ほど述べますが、子供たちは、望むような決定的な答えが無いことを受け容れることで、規則を要求することを諦めます。同時に、このことは、他者(通常、この歳だと母親)の対象となろうとする、ナルシスト的な努力を諦めることを、子供たちに求めます。
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This developmental psychology can also be applied at a social level. Society is—it’s hard to ignore—increasingly bogged down in an endless proliferation of rules. On the one hand, such rules are imposed by the government, but on the other hand, there is also a call for more rules—a hyper-strict morality—from the population itself. Like narcissism, this is a frantic attempt to contain the surge of fear and insecurity in human relationships.
It is indeed a striking phenomenon: Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, a new morality has arisen from the belly of Enlightenment thinking, which in a number of respects is stricter, more vagarious, more irrational, and more hypocritical than the prior religious morality, which the Enlightenment sought to obliterate in order to set people free. With the rise of the woke culture, society fell prey to implicit and explicit rules that made every detail of human interaction more precarious. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, students were taught how to flirt legally and compliantly, freshmen initiations were subjected to increasingly strict regulations, Sweden introduced a law stating that sex is only legal if the parties involved give their consent in advance via a signed contract, nude figures of the paintings by Flemish masters were no longer allowed to be posted on social media, and Netflix introduced a rule stipulating that eye contact between employees should not last longer than five seconds and that employees are not allowed to ask for each other’s phone numbers without asking permission for asking first (!). The new norm has become so stringent that even suggesting that there is a physical difference between a man and a woman can be considered a violation of sexual integrity.
これは、実に印象的な現象です。21世紀初頭、啓蒙思想から新しい道徳が生まれました。この新しい道徳は、以前の宗教的な道徳よりも厳格で、より一貫性が無く、より不合理で、より偽善的です。そもそも、啓蒙主義は、人々を自由にするために、古い道徳を廃止しようとしていたのだけれど。「目覚めた文化」(woke culture)の台頭により、社会は暗黙的・明示的な規則(implicit and explicit rules)の犠牲となり、人間関係の全ての細部が、より不安定になりました。#MeeToo運動の覚醒後、学生は合法的かつ遵守的な「イチャツキ方」を教えられるようになりました。新入生の歓迎儀式は、益々厳しい規制の対象となりました。スウェーデンは、当事者が署名付き契約書で合意したときにのみセックスが合法、という法律を導入しました。フランドルの巨匠の描いたヌード画は、SNSに投稿できなくなりました。ネットフリックスは、従業員同士のアイコンタクトは5秒以内という規則を導入しました。また、従業員同士が勝手に(事前の承認なしに)電話番号を交換することを禁止しました。ニューノーマルはとても厳しく、男女の身体的な違いを示唆するだけでさえ、「性的な節操」(sexual integrity)違反と見なされます。
The Black Lives Matter movement is captured in this trend as well. The tendency toward increasingly exhaustive standards with respect to racism intensified to little productive end: The chances that such rules truly contribute to the overcoming of the narcissistic superiority feelings that are involved in racism is, in fact, rather small.
BLM(Black Lives Matter)運動も、この流れの中に取り込まれています。人種差別に関する「しらみ潰し」的な(=あらゆる可能性を全て列挙するような消耗的な努力)な基準は、ほとんど生産的な結果をもたらしません。この様な「しらみ潰し」的なルールが、人種偏見の一部である「ナルシスト的な優越感」を克服するために役に立つ可能性はとても小さいです。
The climate movement has also given rise to a new category of crimes: environmental. To the point that using a wood-burning stove, eating meat, or living off-grid in the countryside are considered environmental violations, environmental ideology has been taken to such an extreme that it has become opposed to that which it originally aspired to: getting back to nature. Environmental violations are also rather selective and inconsistent in their strictness. For example, reducing one’s carbon footprint is taken to extremes, while there is remarkable leniency regarding energy consumption through internet use (which is as high as the energy consumption from all air traffic combined) and the “mining” of Bitcoins (which is as high as the energy consumption of an average Western European country). And also the environmental damage caused by mining ores for batteries for electric cars is rarely discussed. The environmental movement was once a dissident voice, but with its turn toward “ecomodernism,” it has clearly merged into the dominant mechanistic ideology.
気候変動運動の勃興は、 環境保護(environmental)という新しい犯罪のカテゴリーを生み出しました。薪ストーブを使ったり、肉を食べたり、田舎で非電化生活をすることが環境保護違反とされるほど、環境主義は過激化し、本来の目的である「自然に帰る」と対立しています。さらに、環境違反の厳しさは、選択的であり一貫性に欠けてます。例えば、二酸化炭素の削減は過激だが、インターネット(世界中の全ての航空機のエネルギー消費と同等以上)やビットコイン(西欧諸国の平均エネルギー消費量と同等)のようなエネルギー消費側へは寛容です。また、EVの電池に必要な鉱石の採掘による環境破壊に関して、ほとんど議論がされません。環境保護運動は、かつては反体制的な声でしたが、「エコモダニズム」(ecomodernism)へ転換し、主流的な機械論的イデオロギーと融合しました。
This regulation mania is also directly visible in the public space. My office at Ghent University looks out over a major intersection. Over the past twenty years, I have watched this intersection change from a large asphalt plain with a few sparse white lines to a mosaic of lines and colored areas, indicating where cyclists, pedestrians, and cars are and are not allowed to go, with ever more traffic signs and traffic lights mounted thereon. And it isn’t only the intersections. In train stations, you have to buy a ticket to have access to the toilets, yellow squares indicate where smokers can indulge in their dangerous addiction, and you’re allowed to park only in certain delineated—paidparking spaces for a certain period of time. During the coronavirus crisis, this phenomenon reached its temporary peak with an endless number of arrows indicated on floors and stairs, showing where to walk and in which direction, signs reminding you that you are required to wear a face mask, confined spaces demarcated by crash barriers preventing one bubble from coming into contact with another one at festivals and cultural events, red and green dots on chairs indicating where you are and are not allowed to take a seat in the theatre. The moment at which the rules will be abolished is postponed endlessly and will actually never arrive, if it depends on the proponents of the current coronavirus approach. Indeed, the possibility of a few hundred thousand deaths from a “normal” flu virus would surely justify the introduction of similar measures in the future.
Furthermore, the jungle of rules that are activated in response to all kinds of threats varies from location to location. During the coronavirus crisis, mayors are able to adjust rules in their own jurisdictions at their. And the rules also change over time. During thunderstorms, terrorism, and viruses, they can easily switch between green, yellow, orange, or red codes. In the long run, the rules also become so detailed that one either gets angry or has to laugh: In the summer of 2020, it was ruled that an opening dance would be allowed at weddings, however, not the polonaise. The coronavirus apparently knows something about dancing. Keeping up with the rules proves an impossible task, which puts the competent authorities themselves in a state of hopeless confusion. At a certain point during the second lockdown in 2020, the website for the Belgian Ministry of Health stated that noncohabiting partners were allowed to visit one another, yet the police could still fine people for doing so.
The problems exposed by the New Morality are legitimate. Sexism and racism are symptoms of cultural decline; people have to take care of nature (or the climate) or we will irreparably destroy it, and solidarity with victims of the coronavirus (and victims of the public health response) is evidence of our humanity. This doesn’t mean however that the suggested solutions are legitimate. They are excessive, inconsistent, and counterproductive in many respects. In the #MeToo discourse, the lines between clumsy flirtation and rape are blurred; in the Black Lives Matter discourse, to make any reference to skin color is like walking on eggshells; the climate movement alienates man even more from nature; and with the coronavirus crisis, health care has become an attack on life and liberty. Moreover, as Freud pointed out, the repressive nature of the new morality is fueling an exacerbated “return of the repressed”: Between 2015 and 2020, the use of sexist language doubled and the use of racist and menacing language tripled on social media. This counterproductivity must be acknowledged, albeit with the reservations we always have with regard to numbers and statistics.
「新しい道徳」(New Morality)が暴いた問題は、指摘されるべき問題ばかりです。文化における性差別と人種差別は衰退の兆候があります。人々は、自然を大切にせねば、自然は回復不可能なまでに破壊してしまう。コロナ・ウィルスの犠牲者の連帯は、我々の人間性を証明です。しかし、このことは、「提案された課題解決の方法が妥当」という意味ではありません。実際に提案された解決策は、多くの点で、過剰であり、一貫性が無く、逆の効果を招いています。#MeTooの議論では、下手な浮気とレイプの境界線が曖昧です。BLMの議論では、肌の色に言及すること自体が危険となっています。気候変動運動は、人を自然から遠ざけています。コロナ・ウィルス危機下でのヘルスケアは、生活と自由に対する侵害しています。更に、「新しい道徳」の抑圧的な性質は、フロイトが指摘した「抑圧の回帰」(Return of the Repressed)を悪化させます。2015年から2020年にかけて、SNS上の性差別的な言葉は2倍に、人種差別・脅迫的な言葉は3倍に増えました。我々は、数字や統計の正しさを常に留意すべきだが、この逆効果を認めねばなりません。
Return of the Repressed
抑圧の回帰(Return of the Repressed)とは、無意識に保存されている抑圧された要素が、意識や行動の中で、多かれ少なかれ認識できない二次的な「無意識の派生物」という形で再び現れる傾向のことである。パラプラックス、失敗した行動、症状的な行動などは、そのような派生物の例である。(機械翻訳による)
The new morality is also more and more aggressively enforced, both by the government and by the population itself. Support for free speech, freedom of the press, artistic freedom, and basic self-determination is decreasing at an alarming rate: J. K. Rowling was fiercely attacked (to the point of her house being molested) when she scorned a full-woke reference to “people who menstruate” instead of “women”; German insurers want an alcohol lock in every new car; the New York Times editorial page editor was fired for publishing an op-ed by a right-wing politician about the death of George Floyd; in Australia, a man was declared a public enemy of the worst sort and hunted by the police and army for not complying with the mandatory quarantine after a positive COVID-19 test (which actually may well have been a false positive test).
「新しい道徳」は、政府と国民によって、積極的に強制されつつあります。言論の自由・報道の自由・芸術の自由・自己決定の原則は、警鐘を鳴らす程の速度で減少しています。例えば、J・K・ローリングは、「女性」の代わりに「生理のある人」という表現を使ったために攻撃的な非難を受けました。ドイツの保険会社は、全ての新車にアルコール・ロックを望んでいます。ニューヨーク・タイムズの編集者は、ジョージ・フロイドの死に関して、右翼政治家の意見を載せたために解雇されました。オーストラリアでは、COVID-19検査が陽性だった(実際には偽陽性だったかもしれない)男性が強制的な検疫に従わなかったため、「最悪の公共の敵」(public enemy of the worst sort)と宣言され、警察や軍に追われました。
* * *
You could still doubt whether these excessive, absurd, and inconsistent regulations are typical of contemporary society. Were there really fewer rules in the past? And were the rules less absurd in the past? The 613 commandments and prohibitions of Jewish religious regulations (the halacha) have been around for thousands of years. They subject the lives of Orthodox Jews to rules down to the smallest detail. And Jews themselves are often the first to admit they are not always logically understandable. In addition to the rules that have a logical basis (the mishpatim), there are also those that perpetuate the bond between man and the Eternal and which cannot be logically understood (the chukim, which include the dietary laws and circumcision).
Rules were also rampant among Indigenous peoples. Totemic tribal societies often maintain a complex system of rules of conduct, precepts, and taboos that substantially strip everyday life of its spontaneity. Specific objects, such as weapons and clothing, cannot be touched in specific situations, certain foods are prohibited (including the flesh of a totem animal), and even certain footprints cannot be followed (among the natives of Leper Island, for example, brother and sister avoid each other’s tracks). And contrary to what a romantic revisionist portrayals of tribal societies might suggest, there is no free love and sexuality in the wilderness. Among certain Australian Aborigines, for example, a given tribe might have historically been divided into twelve clans. Both casual sexual relations and long-term sexual relations were allowed only with members of three specific other clans. Therefore, for a man, three out of four women were already taboo beforehand. Violations of both men and women are punished by no less than death. The Ta-Ta-thi tribe in New South Wales has a somewhat milder history. They killed the man, and the woman was “merely” beaten and impaled on a pole until she was almost dead.
The comparison between religious, indigenous, and modern systems of law is far beyond the scope of this book, but there’s no doubt that differences exists. For example, both religious and indigenous systems of law were, in general, categorical and as such rather clear. And another important difference: They were also stable. The current modern legal systems are not. They change quickly and unpredictably. If you buy a car in Ghent today, it is possible you will not be allowed to visit a different city next year because your new car will have the wrong Euro standard. Moreover, the rules are constantly increasing in volume. For instance, data show that, proportionally, more and more time and energy is being spent on the formulation, observance, and implementation of all kinds of rules. On a political level, we see how the regulation mania historically advanced through increasingly bureaucratic forms of government, first in the imperialism of the late nineteenth century (as a logical sequel to colonialism, the nature of which, in itself, was not yet bureaucratic), then in the rogue gang-totalitarianism of the first half of the twentieth century (Nazism and Stalinism-style regimes) and subsequently in the rising technocratic totalitarianism of the early twenty-first century. All these state systems were characterized by increasingly complex and absurd regulations.
This change in regulation is also reflected in the spectacular increase of administrative jobs throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Between 1840 and 2010, jobs in administration, management, and services increased from 20 percent to 80 percent of the total number of jobs. Administrative staff at American universities more than doubled in thirty years. It is not only the number of administrative jobs, the number of administrative tasks is also increasing, even in professions that by nature have little or nothing to do with administration. Whether shopkeepers, farmers, or teachers, they all have to deal with a growing number of regulations and are forced to spend more and more time on administrative tasks.
* * *
The regulation mania, in all its extravagance and absurdity, undoubtedly contributes to the psychological troubles of our time. The contradiction and ambiguity of so many rules creates a neurotic dog-of-Pavlov effect and its excessive nature takes away the satisfaction, spontaneity, and joy of life. There is less and less space for autonomy and freedom. For example, at first glance, there are only advantages to the so-called “zipper rule” that requires late merging on European roads. However, it constitutes a subtle psychological disadvantage. Enforced late merging removes the personal choice, as well as the possibility of a small but powerful human encounter—a situation in which one person chooses to give priority to another. A driver no longer has the option of acting with spontaneous generosity, because he is obligated to do so. This may seem inconsequential but it isn’t. It is precisely those moments of human-to-human encounters that nourish the social bond from within. Without those moments, the social fabric shrivels, and it is only a matter of time until society disintegrates into a loose collection of atomized individuals.
間違いなく、規制マニアは、現代の心理的な問題の原因の一つです。多くの規則の矛盾と曖昧さは、神経症的な「パブロフの犬」効果を生み、その過激さは満足感や自発性や人生の喜びを奪います。自律性と自由の余地が、どんどん小さくなっています。例えば、EUの道路で必要な「ジッパー・ルール」は、一見利点しか無いように見えます。しかし、これは、微妙な心理的不利益を含んでいます。これは義務なので、もはや運転手が、自発的に寛容に振る舞う選択肢を持てません。これは重要ではないと思うかもしれませんが、そうではありません。人と人の出会う瞬間が、社会の絆を育むのです。もし、この瞬間がなければ、社会における人間関係の編みは縮み、社会が「孤立化した個人」(atomized individuals)の緩い集合体までに崩壊するのは時間の問題です。
The over-regulation has mostly advanced without us realizing it. It also exerts its suffocating influence mostly without us realizing it. But every time the regulation machine is tuned up higher, we lose some space for our existence as living, human beings. It creates a kind of vicious circle: In order to reduce unease and frustration in social spaces, we make more rules, protocols, and procedures. Those rules subsequently lead to more discomfort and frustration. We respond to that with even more rules. And each time the regulatory fabric is woven a little more tightly, the human being receives less oxygen. If the trend toward a hyper- regulated society continues, an increase in suicide attempts will be a logical consequence. The euthanasia machine—a box in which you can relieve yourself of life painlessly with helium gas—will be the ultimate consequence of mechanistic thinking.
Regulation mania, as manifested in government bureaucracy, attempts to render social interactions rational and logical by squeezing them into preformed templates. In this respect, the ideal bureaucrat is identical to a computer: They strictly adhere to the logic of their system without being “distracted” by the individuality of the people they “assist.” For this reason, a bureaucratic system generates exactly the same frustration as a computer: We are confronted with a mechanical Other who is in no way sensitive to our individuality as human beings. A computer is not so much an unfair or unjust Other; it is an Other who imposes a relentless logic. It doesn’t matter if we have to go to a meeting in five minutes and urgently need to print another report—the computer won’t be more understanding or lenient (“computer says no”). In this respect, the computer resembles the ideal totalitarian leader: He strictly and ruthlessly imposes his logic on the population. We’ll talk about this more in part 2.
* * *
This is why narcissism and regulation mania are fallacious solutions for the uncertainty and fear that language introduces into human relationships. They lead to social isolation and are ultimately self-destructive. But there are also real solutions. We return one last time to developmental psychology.
We arrived at the “why” phase, in which a child keeps asking his parents (and sometimes all the adults around him) “why.” The result of that persistent questioning is that the child eventually starts to sense something crucial: If it continues to ask “why,” the parent eventually has to admit the limitation of his knowledge. It is at this stage, for most children, that the belief that his parents are omniscient and omnipotent comes to an end. After recognizing himself in the mirror, this is the second revolution in psychological development.
From then on, the child intuitively understands that even his authorities do not fully understand the meaning of the words and that the uncertainty can never recede. At that point, there are two possible responses: fear or creativity. To the degree that fear predominates, the child may cling to narcissism and the craving for rules. But the realization of the inevitable also opens up another possibility: Since no one definitively knows the meaning of words —What is “being good,” What does it mean to be a “brave girl” and so on—a child can emancipate himself from the discourse of its parents and give its own creative answers to these questions and hence start to realize its own, unique way to live its life.
On the one hand, the child has to seize his opportunity and realize himself creatively in the space that has arisen. On the other hand, the parents play an important role in this process as well. They can confirm and support the child’s efforts to, little by little, give meaning to life and make his own choices. Or they may, in overt or more covert ways, try to maintain the status of their omniscience and continue to make choices on behalf of the child. In the first case, the path to individuality will probably be smooth. In the second case, there is a good chance it will encounter crises and storms. It is difficult to predict which of these two scenarios in the end will yield the most original results.
With the realization that the discourse of the parental gods is not entirely accurate, we see a fledgling sensitivity to a discourse that does not intend to be completely accurate: fiction and poetry. During this period, the child mainly hungers for stories about parents and grandparents, stories that, in their Dichtung und wahrheit (facts and fiction), provide the child with a basis for its identity and principles about how to behave (“a member of our family is polite, works a lot, likes to eat and drink”). Psychologically, these principles differ radically from the rigid rules it relied on before: They are loose guidelines that are followed faithfully but flexibly in every new situation the child is confronted with. It is these principles that free the child from the rampant craving for rules.
両親(という神)の言説が完全に正確では無いことを認識すると、子供は、正確さを意図していない物語(フィクションや詩)への感受性を持ち始めます。この時期、子供は、両親や祖父母の物語に飢えています。それらの物語(事実とフィクション)は、子供へアイデンティティの根拠と行動原理(家族は礼儀正しく、よく働き、飲食が好き)を与えます。(ちなみに、「Dichtung und wahrheit」は、ゲーテの自叙伝です)。心理学的に、これらの原則は、今まで依存していた厳格な規則とは根本的に異なります。これらの原則は、子供が直面する新しい状況に誠実かつ柔軟に対応するための緩いガイドラインです。この原則により、子供は規則への激しい渇望から解放されます。
The looser use of language and words, not aimed at definitively assigning meaning, allows the child to rediscover something in the unique context in which he finds himself. After the long detour of acquiring a selfimage in the mirror stage and the period of nascent rationality, the child finds, in stories and poetry, echoes and scents of the lost maternal paradise of its earliest months of life.
Therefore, the creation of individuality, through the transition from a logical-rational to a evocative-creative use of language, is a third possible response to the fundamental uncertainty of the human condition. That does not equal a fall into irrationality (we will come to this in detail in chapter 9). However, this creative act, in contrast to narcissism and regulation mania, is indeed a real solution to the uncertainty inherent in human relationships and human existence in general. It connects man with the Other and leads to resonance with (love) objects instead of psychological isolation and (self-) destructiveness. At the same time, it also creatively realizes individuality and psychological sovereignty.
* * *
Let us return for a moment to the questions we asked ourselves at the beginning of the chapter. How is it that the Enlightenment tradition led to more fear and insecurity and, eventually, hyper-strict morality? Didn’t it explicitly aim at the opposite? The developmental psychological scheme, as outlined above, makes the answer quite simple. The Enlightenment tradition, the ideology of Reason, was a persistent attempt to squeeze life into logic and theories. It placed all symbolism, mysticism, fiction, and poetry secondary. But this is exactly the kind of discourse that allows us the ability to respond to the uncertainty of life with creation and individuality and to find words that resonate with the Other.
That’s how uncertainty turned into fear, and the only psychological means available to combat that fear were narcissism and an endlessly rampant regulatory discourse. It is especially this second attempt to “solve” the fear that is especially important here. The more we attempt to eliminate the fear and uncertainty through rationality and rules, the more we collide with failure. Remember what we said about the structure of language: The last word, which should remove uncertainty and bring final resolution, does not exist. Both logically (from the developmental perspective, as we discussed in this chapter) and historically (as we’ll see in subsequent chapters), it is precisely at this point that man turns to the opposite of what he pursued in his desire for freedom: the absolute master—the totalitarian leader—who claims to have the last word.
こうして、不安は恐怖に変わり、この恐怖への対抗手段は、ナルシズムと際限なくエスカレートする規制言説(regulatory discourse)になってしまいました。ここで重要なのは、恐怖を解決するための二番目の試み、つまり規制言説(regulatory discorse)です。合理性と規則で恐怖と不安を取り除こうとすればするほどに、さらに失敗に突き当たります。言語構造について述べたことを思い出してください。不確実性を取り除き、最終的な答えを得るための、最後の言葉は存在しません。論理的(本章で説明した発達心理学の観点)にも歴史的(次の章で説明する)にも、人は、自由のために追求しているものと反対へ向かいます。
This sheds a different light on social phenomena such as #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, the climate movements, and the coronavirus crisis. They are related to real problems, but those problems are not the real reason for the existence for these phenomena. They arise mainly from the pressing need among the population for an authoritarian institution that provides direction to take the burden of freedom and the associated insecurity off their shoulders. And the government is eager to fill that vacancy. Little by little, it limits the individual’s freedom of choice and makes choices for him: It imposes tobacco, sugar, and fat taxes; it determines how health and immunity should be pursued (no access to public spaces or the workplace without a vaccine); it determines how much alcohol you can consume when you are in COVID-19 quarantine (six beers a day in Australia); it bans religious symbols from public spaces, and makes the signs of its own ideology mandatory (without a QR code, the doors will remain shut). The individual will eventually lose even the right to make decisions about his own life. When patients report suicidal thoughts, therapists are under pressure to proceed to collocation; suicide is not allowed under any circumstances. However, if the government approves, you can get permission for euthanasia for reason of mental suffering. In other words, from now on, the government determines when you are allowed to die. The educating and disciplining function of the government is becoming more complex every day and, for this reason, an efficient system becomes necessary. At first, a social credit system seemed like something that would only be possible in communisttotalitarian China, but Australia is preparing to introduce a similar system and some municipalities in Belgium are already using their own virtual currency, which you can earn with “exemplary conduct.” (I suppose an unelected technocrat will define what that means.) Should we fear that here, too, like in China, people will be placed in reeducation camps, based on an Orwellian computer algorithm, if they have collected too many bad points? The government apparatus, impersonal but crafty, has already anticipated that naughty children will demand some space for individuality: It has disarmed the population beforehand and secures a monopoly on violence.
このことは、社会現象(#MeToo、BLM、気候変動、コロナ・ウィルス危機)に別の光を当てます。これらの社会現象は、実際の問題と関係しています。しかし、これらの問題は、これらの社会現象が存在する本当の理由ではありません。これらの社会現象は、国民から権威主義的機関への差し迫った要求(自由の主にと、それに伴う不安を取り除くという要求)から生じています。そして、政府は、熱心にその要求に応じようとしています。政府は徐々に人の選択の自由を制限し、政府が国民の代わりに意思決定をしています。例えば、以下の様に。政府は、タバコや砂糖や脂肪に税を課します。政府は、健康と免疫をどう実現するかを決めます(ワクチン無しで公共の場や職場へのアクセスは禁止されている)。政府は、COVID-19検疫中に消費できるアルコール量を決定します(オーストラリアではピールは1日6杯まで)。政府は、公共の場で宗教的なシンボルを禁止し、独自のイデオロギーの象徴を義務付けます(QRコード無しにドアは開かない)。最終的に、人は、自分の人生について決定を下す権利を失うでしょう。患者が自殺願望を打ち明けると、セラピストはコロケーション(?)(collocation)に進むように圧力をかけられます。いかなる状況でも、自殺は許されません。しかし、政府が承認すれば、精神的な苦痛を理由に安楽死の許可を得られます。つまり、政府は、あなたがいつ死ねるか、を決めます。政府機能(educating and disciplining function)は日々複雑になり、効率の良いシステムが必要となっています。当初、社会信用システム(a social credit system)は、共産主義かつ全体主義の中国だけで実現可能だと思われていましたが、オーストラリアが同様のシステムを準備中であり、ベルギーの地方自治体は、既に仮想通貨を導入済みです(選挙で選ばれていないテクノクラートが、その意味を定義するのでしょう)。もし、社会信用システムによって悪い点数が集まると、アルゴリズムに従って、我々は再教育キャンプ送りになることを心配すべきでしょうか?政府機関は、やんちゃな子供たちが個性のための空間を要求するだろうことを、既に予測しています。政府は、事前に国民を武装解除したので、暴力を独占しています。
Ultimately, the position of the totalitarian leader is impossible, simply because, despite his megalomaniac faith and ideological fanaticism, he too is subject to the structure of language. He can only pretend to have the last word. This last word floats elusively in the resounding spaces of poetry, fiction, and symbolism—that is, in the space of the type of discourse that admits that it is incomplete. The person who still wants to be in the position of the absolute master falls into errors and inconsistencies, and eventually into outright lies and deceit. We have already discussed this phenomenon in chapters 1 and 4 where we talked about the crisis in the sciences, but we see it just as well at the level of public discourse.
The excessive pursuit of transparency and hypercorrectness also tilts in the opposite direction, namely in pretense and deceit. Just look at the media coverage: Government labels of quality products are often unreliable; the government bans pesticides but then sends officials out to explain to farmers how to bypass the tests that can detect these pesticides (as aptly described in Isabelle Saporta’s Vino Business); the encryption companies from which you buy the software to protect your privacy turn out to be owned by secret services of the government. Even making health care more transparent and correct—one of the main twenty-first century government’s priorities —turns out to be the opposite. Electronic patient records are shared en masse without the patient’s consent, they are hackable (as happened to tens of thousands of records in Finland), and insurance agents have access to these records.
透明性と正確さを過度に追求することも、本来の意図と反対の方向へ傾きます。つまり、見せかけと欺瞞です。メディア報道を見てください。政府による「高品質」のラベルは、しばしば信用でません。例えば、政府は殺虫剤を禁止するしますが、役人を派遣して殺虫剤検査をバイパスする方法を農家に説明したり(Isabelle SaportaのVino Businessを参照)、個人プライバシーを保護するためのソフトウェアを提供する会社が、政府の秘密部門に所有されていたり。ヘルスケアの透明性と正確性を向上させる試みも、結果は逆でした。患者の電子記録は、患者の同意なしに共有化されたが、ハッキング可能なので(フィンランドでは数万件が流出)、保険代理店はこの情報にアクセスできます。
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That’s how the rationalistic approach to life led to an inability to manage fear and uncertainty in a productive way: Narcissism and regulation mania intensified the problem they seemed to solve, resulting in a psychologically exhausted population that craves an absolute master. It paradoxically looks for that master, in accordance with the dominant view of man and the world, in the mechanistic ideology—that is, the ideology that caused the problem to begin with. This is also the ideology that tempts the minds with its immense manipulations of matter and that seems to have the facts on its side with numbers and statistics. It is that condition of the population—fearful, socially atomized, and yearning for direction and authority—that is the perfect breeding ground for the emergence of a specific social group, which increasingly manifested itself through the Enlightenment and beyond and which formed the psychological-social basis of the totalitarian state: the masses.
Part I: Science and its Psychological Effects
Part II: Mass Formation and Totalitarianism
Part III: Beyond the Mechanistic Worldview