
あのね日記 6 「青色帽子」






📝難しい言葉をpick up📝
・帽子 ぼうし
・大所帯 おおじょたい
・お揃い おそろい
・推定 すいてい
・端 はし
・張り切る はりきる
・記憶 きおく


A blue cap, one, two, three, four...
It was so cute that I couldn’t help but count them.

While waiting at the traffic light, I glanced to my right and saw a line of blue caps. Two large carts each had five children in blue caps and one teacher. In the hands of two teachers, there was one child each wearing a blue cap. There were 14 children in blue caps and 4 teachers, making a total of 18 people in a big group.

The two-year-olds (I guessed) and their teachers, all wearing matching blue caps, stood in a neat line at the edge of the sidewalk, watching a working excavator through a fence. They were probably on a walk from the daycare. It had been unusually warm lately, almost like spring.

I imagined for a moment: “What if I had to work while being watched by so many two-year-olds? I’d probably try extra hard, with a smile that’s 20% bigger than usual.” I wonder if the excavator operators felt the same way. It seemed kind of cute. To the kids, the workers must have looked like cool heroes.

This was probably just an ordinary moment that the blue-capped kids won’t remember when they grow up.
I smiled, wishing that these peaceful days, which they’ll likely forget, will continue forever. Just then, the light turned green. Take care! Little-Blue-Caps.
